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Home/ INF 6107 Web social/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by rosemaliza5

Contents contributed and discussions participated by rosemaliza5


A Notre Grande Surprise (ANGS) - 2 views

    Les stats surprenantes sur les blogues.

Ethique TI & Médias sociaux - 0 views

    Pourquoi bloguer?

Ethique TI & Médias sociaux - 2 views

    Bonjour à tous! Ici mon blogue merci d'y jeter un coup d'œil et vos suggestions seront très appréciées. RMM

Apple and Google to Team Up on Data Sharing to Help Contain COVID-19 - The Pros and Con... - 0 views

    Health authorities will then be able to develop apps that can trace which users have been in close contact with others hum hum I don't know how I fell about this one

Facebook Adds New 'Quiet Mode' to Help Manage Time Spent in the App | Social Media Today - 0 views

  • setting boundaries for how you spend your time online can be helpful
  • if you try to open Facebook while in Quiet Mode, you’ll be reminded that you set this time aside to limit your time in the app
  • Facebook has also revamped its 'Your Time on Facebook' section, which provides an overview of how much time you're spending in the app.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • this new update provides more insight, including week-over-week comparisons and time of day changes
  • Given the increased reliance on Facebook, and other social platforms, as a means of social connection while separated, it makes sense to also set some boundaries around the time we spend in these apps, so we can also ensure we focus on our families and spending quality time with kids - who are also being significantly impacted by the lockdowns. They too miss out on social connection with their friends, which is normally a significant portion of their day - so while that engagement is not normally with us, they still need that interaction, as we do, which we can sometimes overlook.
    Excellente initiative Facebook!

WhatsApp Implements New Restrictions on Message Forwarding to Limit the Spread of Misin... - 0 views

    Nice initiative! however I don't see how this can limit the spread of misinformation at the very least this would slow the speed of the spread and not limit the spread itself.

What is SEO and What Does it Mean for eCommerce Businesses | Digitoly - 1 views

  • Every shop needs customers who buy from that shop. In traditional brick and mortar establishments, the numbers of customers were limited to a specific area.The competition was also very less because of the very few shops selling the same or similar products in the vicinity.
  • SEO helps increase the organic search traffic to your website. This way SEO connects your website to the prospective customers who are searching online for the products your website offers
  • SEO is the backbone of the entire online business. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it helps the websites rank better in the search engines.Top ranking websites gain the trust of the customers and also get much more sales than the website those don’t get those top ranks.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • SEO is not going to be finished ever.
  • SEO is a complex process and takes time to make a website rank on the top of the search engines.
  • SEO is a constant process and requires constant monitoring of the trends, numbers, algorithm updates, competitor’s activities, content demand in the market, new keywords or keyword updates and a lot more.
  • As you know SEO is a complex process and it takes time to give results. Let’s see what those challenges are.
  • Google and other search engines rank the websites based on algorithms that consider over 200 different factors to award top ranks.
  • Doing all of that takes time and sometimes it takes up to two or maybe three year
    Est-ce que ça vaut la peine d'investir dans la technologie SEO? Après la lecture de cette article, je suis confuse d'abord sur ce qu'est exactement SEO mais aussi sur la position de l'auteur qui semble dire que SEO est indispensable pour chaque ecommerce ...Certes les gros joueurs comme Amazon et Alibaba peuvent se permettre des investissements qui porterons fruit dans 3 ans mais les petits joueurs peuvent-ils s'offrir ce luxe?, de plus les paramètres de SEO changent indéfiniment et que dire si toutes les firmes faisant du ecommerce utilisent SEO? Quel résultat peut-on attendre d'une telle technologie?

Google Donates $6.5 Million in Funding to Assist Fact-Checking Organizations in Battlin... - 0 views

  • Google has pledged $6.5 million in funding to support fact-checkers and nonprofit organizations that are combating misinformation around the world, with an immediate focus on coronavirus
    • rosemaliza5
      Well done Google!
  • an overabundance of information can make it harder for people to obtain reliable guidance about the coronavirus pandemic
    • rosemaliza5
      This is a big issue in every single domain...
  • the mixed and confused messaging around the pandemic has the potential to cause major damage. If even one group of people thinks that they're immune, for example, they could be going out in public, ignoring social distancing rules, and spreading the virus unwittingly, essentially undoing the efforts of those who've correctly self-isolated and sacrificed to play their part.
    • rosemaliza5
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Labeling news organizations as 'fake news' if you don't agree with them is not helpful - we trust news organizations to provide us with research-backed, accurate reportage, in order to keep the world informed, and to help keep us safe. 
  • Maybe, the COVID-19 pandemic will reiterate our need to hold news organizations and digital platforms more accountable for the claims that they make and distribute respectively, which could eventually help to improve the flow of information overall. 
    Tous les domaines ont un besoin urgent du fact-checking et surtout de tenir responsable ceux qui publient des fausses informatins

Facebook Launches 'Community Help' Where Users Can Register to Help Neighbors or Reques... - 0 views

  • up to 14 images and relevant tags to help sort your post for searchers.
    • rosemaliza5
      Great tag usage would have expected result
    Great use of social media to help each other.. really hope users know the importance of using of accurate tags for their posts or reachs I do think covid-19 would be enough to fing plenty offers to help and recive help during the pandemic in the neighborhoog. GREAT IDEA FACEBOOK!

Can You Use That Image on Social Media? [Checklist] | Social Media Today - 2 views

    À l'heure où nous crevons d'avoir nos 5 minutes de gloire sur le web...J'ai trouvé très instructif l'étape ou Andrew Hutchinson dit 'Make sure your intended use is clear' ce n'est parce que nous avons créé une image que nous pouvons l'utiliser comme bon nous semble et aussi faire attention aux zones d'ombres de nos actions...

How to Work from Home and Be More Productive | Digitoly - 0 views

  • The current situation of the Corona Virus pandemic has forced many
    • rosemaliza5
      No choice
  • It is very easy to get distracted and get off task while working from home. Reasons could be many, for instance, you need to do laundry, cook, or do something
    • rosemaliza5
      Watch out
  • you should set up a dedicated work desk for yourself in a place that is airy and have ample natural light to work from
    • rosemaliza5
      If you have space for it
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • y easy to get distracted and get off task while working from home. Reasons could be many, for instance, you need to do laundry, cook, or do something
  • you can relax sitting on the sofa
    • rosemaliza5
      Bad for backbone and neck
  • Working from home doesn’t mean that you should be working in your pajamas with the television on in the background. It needs the self-discipline to maintain an environment that makes you focus on your work even while working from home. To set the tone you should get ready in the morning as you are going to the office and not working from home
  • create your own work schedule
  • Sitting in the right posture is utterly important for being productive
  • But sitting in dark even if you are using a backlit keyboard and anti-glaring screen would put a strain on your eyes and you won’t be able to work productively for a longer time.
  • Get Out and Socialize
    • rosemaliza5
      Not with corona virus around...
  • Working from home requires discipline
  • The key is to keep a good work-life balance and take good care of yourself and stay healthy

What you need to know about Apple's LiDAR Scanner in the iPad Pro - 0 views

  • Apple says it can measure the distance to surrounding objects up to 5 meters away and operates "at the photon level at nano-second speeds."
    • rosemaliza5
      10m in diameter? what about privacy?
  • Among Apple's existing features, LiDAR will have the biggest impact on augmented reality (AR) and Apple's own ARKit framework. Apple says the new LiDAR Scanner will allow for instant object placement, indicating that users wouldn't need to "scan" their environment before an AR app loads.
    • rosemaliza5
      Good insentive
  • Apple also published a research paper in 2017 detailing LiDAR-based 3D object recognition systems for self-driving cars. Essentially, the system leverages the depth mapping of LiDAR and combines it with neural networks to vastly improve the ability of a self-driving car to "see" its environment and potential hazards.
    • rosemaliza5
      Good insentive
    Les nouvelles technologies et la vie privée... LiDAR est une technologie très inintéressante et prometteuse; appliquée dans l'industrie du jeux vidéo, de la médecine, de l'armée, elle a toute sa raison d'être...Je suis interpellée par le fait que cette magnifique technologie soit disponible sur les appareils cellulaires...avec un diamètre de 10m cela fait une très grande circonférence couverte juste pour prendre une photo ou vidéo personnelle; qu'en est-il des individus dans la circonférence? demanderons-nous leur autorisation avant de les filmer? à quelle fin serviront ces images? il y a clairement un problème d'éthique avec LiDAR sur les cellulaires personnels...

Coder HTML - 3 views

  • what information do you want out there, how do you present it, what feeling do you want to create
  • technical point of view the task of converting the design into an SEO-friendly, multi-browser compatible code
    • rosemaliza5
      Technical challenges
  • ❌ Dependability; when you are working on your own personal matters, illness, self-motivation can be issued, there is no one else to step up to the plate.
    • rosemaliza5
      Nous sommes mieux servi par nous même
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • ❌ Price ❌ Time-consuming – good developers are busy people. ❌ Possible issues with Communication, especially with larger companies and multiple managers and Satisfaction.
    • rosemaliza5
      Will guide our deciosn
  • ❌ Quality; even if you are a talented learner and hard-working student it’s unlikely the quality will be up to that of professionals with years of experience under their belts.
    • rosemaliza5
      Très bonne question pour nous guider dans le choix
  • there is a market for each
    • rosemaliza5
      Well said
    From a technical point of view the task of converting the design into an SEO-friendly, multi-browser compatible code
    En tant que futurs gestionnaires, il se peut que nous ayons à décider à revamper le site web d'un service, d'un département ou de l'entreprise; quel approche prendre? Personnellement, profitant du fait qu'un site est composé de plusieurs mini sites, je choisirai les quatre options; engager du personnel qualifié en web design qui aurons le souci du travail bien fait; couplé à l'expertise des firmes et freelancers spécialisés dans le domaine pour les questions pointues; enfin en tirant profit des templates déjà disponibles que le personnel pourra adapter aux besoins de l'entreprise. RMM
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