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0000 0000 Sébastien D.

How to Find the Path to Useful Content That Works - 0 views

    "This case study showed how one analytics company took Jay's "useful content" mantra to heart, and started to think about how to replace selling with helping. By offering what their customers wanted, they were able to increase open rates, click rates, and awareness."
Shany Carle

Is it time to retire the 5-star rating system? - Tech News and Analysis - 0 views

    L'auteur Colleen Taylor du site Gigaom remet en question l'utilisation des systèmes de pointage 5 étoiles. Il propose de plutôt utiliser un système de comparaison entre deux produits.

'Technical recession' will be short-lived: Economists | Money | Toronto Sun - 0 views

    "TD is forecasting economic growth in the two to 2.5% range in the third quarter, which Caranci says would make another rate cut from the Bank of Canada unlikely."

Reinventing Discovery | Michael Nielsen - 0 views

    Reinventing Discovery by Michael Nielsen on October 9, 2011 I'm very excited to say that my new book, "Reinventing Discovery: The New Era of Networked Science", has just been released! The book is about networked science: the use of online tools to transform the way science is done. In the book I make the case that networked science has the potential to dramatically speed up the rate of scientific discovery, not just in one field, but across all of science. Furthermore, it won't just speed up discovery, but will actually amplify our collective intelligence, expanding the range of scientific problems which can be attacked at all.
Harry Sahyoun

Collective Knowledge Systems: Where the Social Web meets the Semantic Web - 1 views

  • Collective Knowledge Systems: Where the Social Web meets the Semantic Web
  • What can happen if we combine the best ideas from the Social Web and Semantic Web?
  • The Vision of Collective Intelligence
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • The Social Web is represented by a class of web sites and applications in which user participation is the primary driver of value.
  • Collective intelligence is a grand vision, one to which I subscribe.  However, I would call the current state of the Social Web something else: collected intelligence.   That is, the value of these user contributions is in their being collected together and aggregated into community- or domain-specific sites
  • The grand challenge is to boost the collective IQ of organizations and of society
  • With the rise of the Social Web, we now have millions of humans offering their knowledge online, which means that the information is stored, searchable, and easily shared.  The challenge for the next generation of the Social and Semantic Webs is to find the right match between what is put online and methods for doing useful reasoning with the data.  True collective intelligence can emerge if the data collected from all those people is aggregated and recombined to create new knowledge and new ways of learning that individual humans cannot do by themselves.
  • Technology can augment the discovery and creation of knowledge. For instance, some drug discovery approaches embody a system for learning from models and data that are extracted from published papers and associated datasets.  By assembling large databases of known entities relevant to human biology, researchers can run computations that generate and test hypotheses about possible new therapeutic agents.
  • The first approach is to expose the structured data that already underlies the unstructured web pages.  An obvious technique is for the site builder, who is generating unstructured web pages from a database, to expose the structured data in those pages using standard formats.
  • the second approach, to extract structured data from unstructured user contributions [2] [28] [39] .  It is possible to do a reasonable job at identifying people, companies, and other entities with proper names, products, instances of relations you are interested in (e.g., person joining a company) [1] [7] , or instances of questions being asked [24] . There also techniques for pulling out candidates to use as classes and relations, although these are a bit noisier than the directed pattern matching algorithms [8] [23]  [31] [32] [36] [38] [42]
  • Tomorrow, the web will be understood as an active human-computer system, and we will learn by telling it what we are interested in, asking it what we collectively know, and using it to apply our collective knowledge to address our collective needs.
  • The other major area where Semantic Web can help achieve the vision of collective intelligence is in the area of interoperability.  If the world's knowledge is to be found on the Web, then we should be able to use it to answer questions, retrieve facts, solve problems, and explore possibilities. 
  • In a sense, the TagCommons project is attempting to create a platform for interoperability of social web data on the Semantic Web that is akin to the "mash-up" ecology that is celebrated in Web 2.0.
  • An example of how a system might apply some of these ideas is RealTravel.  RealTravel is an example of "Web 2.0 for travel".  It attracts travelers to share their experiences: sharing their itineraries, stories, photographs, where they stayed, what they did, and their recommendations for fellow travelers.  Writers think of RealTravel as a great platform to share their experiences -- a blog site that caters to this domain.  People who are planning travel use the site as a source of information to research their trip,
  • The collection of tags for a site is called the folksonomy, which is useful data about collective interests.
  • like many Web 2.0 sites, combines these structured dimensions to order the unstructured content.  For example, one can find all the travel blogs about diving, sorted by rating.  In fact, the site combines all of the structured dimensions into a matrix, which offers the user a way to "pivot browse" along any dimension from any point in the matrix.
  • This paper argues that the Social Web and the Semantic Web should be combined, and that collective knowledge systems are the "killer applications" of this integration.  The keys to getting the most from collective knowledge systems, toward true collective intelligence, are tightly integrating user-contributed content and machine-gathered data, and harvesting the knowledge from this combination of unstructured and structured information.
  • Structured and unstructured, formal and informal -- these are not new dimensions.  They are typically considered poles of a continuum.
  • We are beginning to see companies launching services under the banner of Web 3.0 [25] that aim explicitly at collective intelligence.  For instance, MetaWeb [35] is collecting a commons of integrated, structured data in a social web manner, and Radar Networks [25] is applying semantic web technologies to enrich the applications and data of the social web.
  • The third approach is to capture structured data on the way into the system.  The straightforward technique is to give users tools for structuring their data, such as ways of adding structured fields and making class hierarchies.
    • Harry Sahyoun
      Folksonomies_Semantic_Collectivities Web2_To_Web3
    • Harry Sahyoun
    • Harry Sahyoun
    Technology can augment the discovery and creation of knowledge. For instance, some drug discovery approaches embody a system for learning from models and data that are extracted from published papers and associated datasets. By assembling large databases of known entities relevant to human biology, researchers can run computations that generate and test hypotheses about possible new therapeutic agents

Paper by Clark University professor Jeffrey Arnett says technology use may be keeping k... - 0 views

  • His study also points out that while teens today are taking fewer risks than their counterparts from two decades ago, American youth are still engaging in unsafe behaviors at higher rates than kids in other developed countries
  • provide an alternative viewpoint to the criticism heaped on millennials and their attachment to technology
  • And there’s a lot less attention that’s been paid to that.”

Opinion | The Big Myth About Teenage Anxiety - The New York Times - 0 views

    • carinecroteau
      Article présentant une opinion différente de celle généralement adoptée stipulant que l'utilisation des technologies a des impacts négatifs sur les jeunes. Dans cet article, le psychiatre Richard A. Freidman présente une opinion contraire stipulant que les effets ne sont pas aussi néfastes et alarmants que le mouvement ne le laisse paraître. Note : Cet article ne présente pas mon opinion, mais vaut la peine d'être présenté et ébranle également mon opinion sur le sujet. Je trouve pertinent de le présenter.
  • there is little evidence of an epidemic of anxiety disorders in teenagers
  • There are a few surveys reporting increased anxiety in adolescents
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • self-reported measures
  • overestimate the rates of disorders
  • not clinically significant syndromes
  • But it’s more likely that the epidemic is simply a myth. The more interesting question is why it has been so widely accepted as fact.
    • carinecroteau
  • But, once again, these studies cannot tell us whether the brain abnormalities are the result of excessive internet use, or a pre-existing risk factor for it.
  • I believe, is that parents have bought into the idea that digital technology — smartphones, video games and the like — are neurobiologically and psychologically toxic
  • No surprise there. If I scan your brain while showing you whatever it is that turns you on — sex, chocolate or money, say — your reward pathway will light up like a Christmas tree. But that hardly means you are addicted to these things.
  • What I have noticed is that more of my young patients worry a lot about things that don’t seem so serious, and then worry about their worry.
    • carinecroteau
      Serions-nous, parents, trop facilement inquiets? Plus que les générations précédentes?
  • produce
  • real question
  • that addictive drugs do
    • carinecroteau
      Effets long terme sur le cerveau?
  • There is a difference between an anxiety disorder and everyday anxiety.
  • Teenagers — and people of all ages — will and should feel anxious occasionally.
  • enduring changes
  • Why, I wondered, didn’t they know this without me?
  • The myth of an epidemic of anxiety disorder rooted in a generation’s overexposure to digital technology reveals an exaggerated idea about just how open to influence our brains really are.
    • carinecroteau
  • Even when we are young and impressionable, our brains have molecular and structural brakes that control the degree to which they can be rewired by experience
  • So don’t assume that there’s something wrong with your kid every time he’s anxious or upset. Our teenagers — and their brains — are up to the challenges of modern life.

Why researchers want to build an AI that can predict a person's attractiveness - 0 views

  • what makes someone attractive?
  • Machine learning is a powerful tool that has already accomplished feats such as predicting biological sex with a 93 percent accuracy based on brain scans alone.
  • This resulting model would be able to tell us that, for example, John’s rating of “seven out of 10” by the public is primarily driven by his high intelligence, but held back a bit by his lack of muscle mass.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • such a model would also be able to predict the attractiveness of new cases –
    Des algorithmes pour prédire le pouvoir d'attraction grâce à l'intelligence artificielle

Do You Need Social Bookmarking for SEO? - 0 views

  • understand where my target audience lives
  • provide them with quality content
  • to lower my bounce rate
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • increase time on site
  • engages them
  • to click, comment, and share my content
  • how do you get your content seen by millions?
  • StumbleUpon became the #2 traffic driver for Cisco.
    "how do you get your content seen by millions?"
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