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Collective Knowledge Systems: Where the Social Web meets the Semantic Web - 1 views

  • Collective Knowledge Systems: Where the Social Web meets the Semantic Web
  • What can happen if we combine the best ideas from the Social Web and Semantic Web?
  • The Vision of Collective Intelligence
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  • The Social Web is represented by a class of web sites and applications in which user participation is the primary driver of value.
  • Collective intelligence is a grand vision, one to which I subscribe.  However, I would call the current state of the Social Web something else: collected intelligence.   That is, the value of these user contributions is in their being collected together and aggregated into community- or domain-specific sites
  • The grand challenge is to boost the collective IQ of organizations and of society
  • With the rise of the Social Web, we now have millions of humans offering their knowledge online, which means that the information is stored, searchable, and easily shared.  The challenge for the next generation of the Social and Semantic Webs is to find the right match between what is put online and methods for doing useful reasoning with the data.  True collective intelligence can emerge if the data collected from all those people is aggregated and recombined to create new knowledge and new ways of learning that individual humans cannot do by themselves.
  • Technology can augment the discovery and creation of knowledge. For instance, some drug discovery approaches embody a system for learning from models and data that are extracted from published papers and associated datasets.  By assembling large databases of known entities relevant to human biology, researchers can run computations that generate and test hypotheses about possible new therapeutic agents.
  • The first approach is to expose the structured data that already underlies the unstructured web pages.  An obvious technique is for the site builder, who is generating unstructured web pages from a database, to expose the structured data in those pages using standard formats.
  • the second approach, to extract structured data from unstructured user contributions [2] [28] [39] .  It is possible to do a reasonable job at identifying people, companies, and other entities with proper names, products, instances of relations you are interested in (e.g., person joining a company) [1] [7] , or instances of questions being asked [24] . There also techniques for pulling out candidates to use as classes and relations, although these are a bit noisier than the directed pattern matching algorithms [8] [23]  [31] [32] [36] [38] [42]
  • Tomorrow, the web will be understood as an active human-computer system, and we will learn by telling it what we are interested in, asking it what we collectively know, and using it to apply our collective knowledge to address our collective needs.
  • The other major area where Semantic Web can help achieve the vision of collective intelligence is in the area of interoperability.  If the world's knowledge is to be found on the Web, then we should be able to use it to answer questions, retrieve facts, solve problems, and explore possibilities. 
  • In a sense, the TagCommons project is attempting to create a platform for interoperability of social web data on the Semantic Web that is akin to the "mash-up" ecology that is celebrated in Web 2.0.
  • An example of how a system might apply some of these ideas is RealTravel.  RealTravel is an example of "Web 2.0 for travel".  It attracts travelers to share their experiences: sharing their itineraries, stories, photographs, where they stayed, what they did, and their recommendations for fellow travelers.  Writers think of RealTravel as a great platform to share their experiences -- a blog site that caters to this domain.  People who are planning travel use the site as a source of information to research their trip,
  • The collection of tags for a site is called the folksonomy, which is useful data about collective interests.
  • like many Web 2.0 sites, combines these structured dimensions to order the unstructured content.  For example, one can find all the travel blogs about diving, sorted by rating.  In fact, the site combines all of the structured dimensions into a matrix, which offers the user a way to "pivot browse" along any dimension from any point in the matrix.
  • This paper argues that the Social Web and the Semantic Web should be combined, and that collective knowledge systems are the "killer applications" of this integration.  The keys to getting the most from collective knowledge systems, toward true collective intelligence, are tightly integrating user-contributed content and machine-gathered data, and harvesting the knowledge from this combination of unstructured and structured information.
  • Structured and unstructured, formal and informal -- these are not new dimensions.  They are typically considered poles of a continuum.
  • We are beginning to see companies launching services under the banner of Web 3.0 [25] that aim explicitly at collective intelligence.  For instance, MetaWeb [35] is collecting a commons of integrated, structured data in a social web manner, and Radar Networks [25] is applying semantic web technologies to enrich the applications and data of the social web.
  • The third approach is to capture structured data on the way into the system.  The straightforward technique is to give users tools for structuring their data, such as ways of adding structured fields and making class hierarchies.
    • Harry Sahyoun
      Folksonomies_Semantic_Collectivities Web2_To_Web3
    • Harry Sahyoun
    • Harry Sahyoun
    Technology can augment the discovery and creation of knowledge. For instance, some drug discovery approaches embody a system for learning from models and data that are extracted from published papers and associated datasets. By assembling large databases of known entities relevant to human biology, researchers can run computations that generate and test hypotheses about possible new therapeutic agents

The New Atlantis » Virtual Friendship and the New Narcissism - 0 views

  • or centuries, the rich and the powerful documented their existence and their status through painted portraits.
  • Self-portraits can be especially instructive. By showing the artist both as he sees his true self and as he wishes to be seen, self-portraits can at once expose and obscure, clarify and distort.
  • Today, our self-portraits are democratic and digital; they are crafted from pixels rather than paints. On social networking websites like MySpace and Facebook, our modern self-portraits feature background music, carefully manipulated photographs, stream-of-consciousness musings, and lists of our hobbies and friends.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • A new generation of social networking websites appeared in 2002 with the launch of Friendster, whose founder,
  • Friendster was an immediate success, with millions of registered users by mid-2003.
  • MySpace, launched in 2003, quickly to surpass it.
  • Besides MySpace and Friendster, the best-known social networking site is Facebook, launched in 2004.
  • Niche social networking sites are also flourishing:
  • Other niche social networking sites connect like-minded self-improvers;
  • Social networking sites are also fertile ground for those who make it their lives’ work to get your attention—namely, spammers, marketers, and politicians.
  • . On MySpace and Facebook, for example, the process of setting up one’s online identity is relatively simple:
  • By contrast, Facebook limits what its users can do to their profiles. Besides general personal information, Facebook users have a “Wall” where people can leave them brief notes, as well as a Messages feature that functions like an in-house Facebook e-mail account. You list your friends on Facebook as well, but in general, unlike MySpace friends, which are often complete strangers (or spammers) Facebook friends tend to be part of one’s offline social circle.
  • Social networking websites “connect” users with a network—literally, a computer network. But the verb to network has long been used to describe an act of intentional social connecting, especially for professionals seeking career-boosting contacts. When the word first came into circulation in the 1970s, computer networks were rare and mysterious. Back then, “network” usually referred to television. But social scientists were already using the notion of networks and nodes to map out human relations and calculate just how closely we are connected.
  • There is a Spanish proverb that warns, “Life without a friend is death without a witness.” In the world of online social networking, the warning might be simpler: “Life without hundreds of online ‘friends’ is virtual death.” On these sites, friendship is the stated raison d’être. “A place for friends,” is the slogan of MySpace. Facebook is a “social utility that connects people with friends.” Orkut describes itself as “an online community that connects people through a network of trusted friends.” Friendster’s name speaks for itself.
  • But “friendship” in these virtual spaces is thoroughly different from real-world friendship.
    or centuries, the rich and the powerful documented their existence and their status through painted portraits.

CSS Table Generator | CSS Table - 0 views

    CSS Table Generator helps in designing and building tables online in a simple manner and user-friendly interface without compromising on quality. CSS Generator create CSS for table, create and download for free.

Les codes QR: comment générer le votre ? (article en anglais) - 3 views

    Plusieurs générateurs de QR vous le permettent, parmi eux: QR Generator ZXing Project QR Generator QR Codes

Twitter : bientôt des publicités ciblées en fonction de l'historique de navig... - 0 views

  • Des algorithmes analyseront ainsi les historiques des navigateurs pour établir à quelles newsletters l’utilisateur s’abonne, quels sites sont le plus visités.
  • Mais puisque Twitter supporte Do Not Track, il sera possible aux utilisateurs de choisir de ne pas être importuné par ces publicités, ciblées ou pas.

Activité A : Crowdsourcing: 5 Reasons It's Not Just For Startups Any More - D... - 1 views

  • Frequently referred to as crowdsourcing, and a darling of the Web 2.0 industry, it has recently come of age as the tools and marketplaces for on-demand work capacity on the network have expanded far beyond the early volunteer communities that originally proved out the concepts. These pioneers, which include the world of open source software and online services such as YouTube and Threadless, get most of their value from a large group of people or community through the simple use of an open invitation.
  • The reasons that a business would use crowdsourcing is varied. They include ability to offload peak demand, access to cheaper business inputs, generating better results, and tackling problems that would have been too difficult to do otherwise.
    Un article qui décrit les bénéfices que peut tirer une entreprise du Crowdsourcing (externalisation distribuée à grande échelle),qui est un domaine émergent du management des connaissances. Le développement de cette nouvelle spécialité est supporté par de multiples services offerts par le WEB 2.0.

Why Facebook May Not Be Enough For The Next Generation - Forbes - 1 views

    Cybermarketing via Facebook

13 Free Web Tools Students and Teachers Should Know About | MindShift - 0 views

    Padlet, Ipiccy, Thinglink,, The Noun Project, Infogr.a, Poll Everywhere, InfuseLearning, BigHugeLabs, Sign Generator, Delivr, Aurasma, WeVideo

Feedity RSS Feed Generator - Create RSS Feed, Track Website Changes - 0 views

    Outil qui permet d'intégrer une fonctionnalité RSS dans une page Web Feedity

Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds - 2 views

    • lstruthers
      Visuellement amusant. Wordle me semble plus un passe-temps qu'un outil très pratique.
    Un site qui propose de créer des Nuages de mots de façon très graphique ! (Auteur gmcmurlen)
    Wordle is a toy for generating "word clouds" from text that you provide.
    Wordle is a toy for generating "word clouds" from text that you provide.

PointJupiter sur Twitter : "Card sorting is a #UXDesign technique used for generation o... - 1 views

    "Card sorting is a #UXDesign technique used for generation of a category tree or #folksonomy. We use it when designing #IA, hierarchies, workflows, menu structures, navigations and more."

Activité D - inf6107 - Outil Feedity RSS Feed Generator - 2 views

    Feedity est un outil en ligne qui permet la création de flux RSS à partir de pages web, afin que les personnes qui s'y abonnent, par le biais d'un agrégateur , soient tenues informées de ses mises à jour et de ses nouvelles publications.

Data centers generate the same amount of carbon emissions as global airlines - 0 views

    Il est temps de prendre en compte l'impact environnemental des données en ligne. La technologie peut-être une solution et peut être un problème, mais elle est entre nos mains, à nous de la gérer pour qu'elle soit bénéfique.

Folksonomies et communautés de partage de signets Vers de nouvelles st... - 1 views

  • Les folksonomies peuvent constituer une alternative aux moteurs de recherche en permettant la construction de parcours et la mise en réseau d'informations mais aussi de personnes.
  • Pour beaucoup d’usagers, la recherche d’information est devenue synonyme de moteur de recherche voire de  « googlisation ». Cependant il existe désormais des alternatives à ce quasi monopole via notamment les folksonomies, mot composé par Thomas Vander Wal à partir de folk et de taxonomy et qui définit la possibilité offerte à l’usager d’ajouter des mots-clés à des ressources. Leurs stratégies de recherche diffèrent de la traditionnelle médiation des moteurs. Nous nous sommes interrogés sur la pertinence des folksonomies et leur intérêt réel dans le cas de la recherche d’information. En effet, la démarche « folksonomique » diffère de la simple requête et suppose d’autres habiletés. Cette analyse s’inscrit dans nos recherches sur les habiletés informationnelles ( information literacy ) Nos travaux sur ces nouveaux modes de partage et recherche d’informations s’appuient sur de nombreux tests des différentes plateformes permettant l’intégration de mots-clés qualifiés de tags. Nous nous sommes tout particulièrement ici appuyés sur les systèmes de partages de signets parfois appelés « marque-pages sociaux », voire signets sociaux (social bookmarks). Nous avons pu d’ailleurs constater que les différents sites d’intégration de favoris ont veillé à l’interopérabilité de leur système le plus souvent en utilisant le format xml. Une possibilité qui n’était pas offerte sur tous les sites il y a encore un an
  • Faut-il pour autant voir dans ces systèmes un concurrent  potentiel des moteurs ? Nous songeons plutôt à les considérer comme des alternatives au sens de cheminements de recherche différents qui nécessitent une construction et non une logique de push
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Les moteurs de recherche manquent souvent de pertinence du fait qu’ils reposent sur un tri effectué par un robot. Les folksonomies reposent quant à elles sur une médiation humaine, il est vrai imparfaite.
  • Il est possible d’identifier des « folksonomistes » que l’usager perçoit comme référence ce qui permet facilement ainsi de réaliser de la veille collaborative.
  •  " Combien vous vous trompez, mortels, en voyant dans ce trompeur édifice une tromperie qui veut vous égarer (…) Même si les chemins sont parfois parsemés d’embûches et semblent constituer de mauvaises directions, les folksonomies sont plus fidèles au cheminement hypertextuel. Cependant elles nécessitent un apprentissage voire une tag literacy
  • Les communautés virtuelles pour ne pas les nommer « collèges invisibles » devenant ainsi le socle des folskonomies
  • Trailfire[8]qui permet à l’usager de créer des parcours de sites web avec annotations inclues sur la page. Chaque parcours recevant un tag. Les possibilités pédagogiques sont ici assez évidentes puisque cette technologie permet l’insertion de billets explicatifs ou de commentaires à n’importe quel endroit de la page.
  • Les folksonomies sont parfois critiquées du fait que tous les folksonomistes ne sont pas tous des « gentlemen »
  • la participation à des groupes thématiques de veille ou tout au moins à une volonté de mettre ses découvertes à disposition des autres.
    • Harry Sahyoun
    • Harry Sahyoun
    • Harry Sahyoun
    Technology can augment the discovery and creation of knowledge. For instance, some drug discovery approaches embody a system for learning from models and data that are extracted from published papers and associated datasets. By assembling large databases of known entities relevant to human biology, researchers can run computations that generate and test hypotheses about possible new therapeutic agents

Gartner a identifié les principales tendances technologiques stratégiques que... - 1 views

    Generative AI : tout savoir sur l'art de la création par l'IA

Petite Poucette, la génération mutante - Libération - 0 views

    • Marie-France Tardif
      Fascinant article sur les nouvelles générations qui se démarquent par l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies.

Sécurité : Intel vous indique en combien de temps votre mot de passe peut êtr... - 0 views

    • malambert
      Curieux de savoir si votre mot de passe est efficace ? Sachez qu'Intel a lancé un site sur lequel vous pouvez tester vos mots de passe et constater en combien de temps il serait possible de pénétrer dans votre ordinateur, boîte de courriel ou autre. Un outil intéressant qui peut nous aider à augmenter la sécurité de notre ordinateur et de nos données privées...
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