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Isabelle Desroches

Seulement 3% des jeunes actives prêtes à acheter depuis les réseaux sociaux, ... - 0 views

    Oui au cyber relation, cyber flanage, mais pas encore de cyber magasinage massive !

Une télé ouverte suffit à perturber - Pas de télé pour les moins de 3 ans - 2 views

    Activité-B : Pour un bébé, même pas besoin de regarder l'écran activement : un téléviseur allumé dans la pièce où il se trouve suffit à le perturber.
André St-Yves - [Internet Activism] - 0 views

    "Internet Blackout Against U.S. Law Fails to Enlist Big Sites " - Reuters
    Les sites majeurs n'ont pas participé au "Blackout" pour manifester contre la loi sur les droit d'auteurs aux USA.
Caro Mailloux

Activité-A, partage de lien 7: Ease Transition To Facebook Timeline With Thes... - 0 views

  • The news that Facebook’s timeline will become the official standard has many people feeling pressure
  • And with that comes great responsibility in how you want to be perceived online
  • Enjoy the opportunity to try the timeline features. Just don’t take too much time doing it. Take it from someone who knows.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • This is a valuable tool and another new feature that took up a lot of my time. But it didn’t have to.
  • Use the seven-day preview period before making your timeline active.
  • I always felt like Facebook only showed a portion of my life to my friends. The timeline provides a more fully rounded picture.
  • So use the seven day feature, especially if you’re an active Facebook user and want to review and adjust years worth of previous posts.
    • Caro Mailloux
      Le texte aborde l'importance de notre propre présentation sur le nouvel interface sur Facebook appelée Timeline. L'auteure donne des conseils de gestion pour la transition du profil actuel vers Timeline. Utile! L'auteure est Jennifer Moire et l'article a été publié le 1er février 2012 vers 12h32 pm.
    Le texte aborde l'importance de notre propre présentation sur le nouvel interface sur Facebook appelée Timeline. L'auteure donne des conseils de gestion pour la transition du profil actuel vers Timeline. Utile! L'auteure est Jennifer Moire et l'article a été publié le 1er février 2012 vers 12h32 pm.
Émilie St-Jacques

Secrets de mobile, épisode 9 : Emilie Ogez - 0 views

    Émilie Ogez est très reconnue dans les communautés sociales sur le web. Toujours à l'affût, elle tient un blog, elle est très active sur Twitter, elle fait de la consultation et dernièrement, elle a lancé une boutique en ligne de t-shirts sociaux.

Les dirigeants de Google utilisent peu Google+ - 0 views

    Les hauts dirigeants de Google font une utilisation (publique) peu active du réseau social que l'entreprise californienne a lancé en juin dernier. -Marie-Eve Morasse
Jean-Baptiste Coubès

10 Big Brand Lessons from the Corporate Social Media Summit | Social Media Today - 1 views

    Rohit Bhargava a assisté a un sommet sur les médias sociaux en entreprise durant lequel 10 grandes entreprises ont pésenté les leçons qu'ils ont rentenu en utilisant activement les médias sociaux pour générer une réelle valeur commerciale.
Caroline Arseneau

How Facebook Makes Us Unhappy - The New Yorker - 0 views

    Une étude de l'université du Michigan démontre qu'une utilisation passive de Facebook nous rend plus triste et malheureux. Une utilisation active a l'effet contraire. D'une façon générale, nous passons plus de temps à une utilisation passive de Facebook.

The Best Times and Days to Post on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter [Infographic] | Soci... - 0 views

    "Each social platform utilizes different algorithms - if you post too much or not enough, followers may not see your content.The team at Unmetric analyzed 100 U.S. brands and their social media activity, and based on their research, here's when you should post on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter."

Lutter contre la famine dans le monde - 6 views

    Aujourd'hui, 795 millions de personnes souffrent de faim chronique dans le monde. Cela représente une personne sur neuf qui ne mange pas à sa faim et ne reçoit pas la nourriture dont elle a besoin pour mener une vie saine et active. La faim et la malnutrition constituent le risque sanitaire mondial le plus important - plus que le SIDA, le paludisme et la tuberculose réunis. Source WFP.

WhatsApp Reaches 2 Billion Active Users | Social Media Today - 1 views

    Malgré la popularité de WeChat en Asie, Facebook domine outrageusement le marché mondial de la messagerie, et WhatsApp atteint 2 milliards d'utilisateurs. Quelle est votre application de messagerie préférée?
Eric Kandja

Utiliser des fils RSS pour effectuer une veille informationnelle active - 2 views

    • Eric Kandja
      Je trouve cette page interessante car elle nous renseigne sur les outils RSS et de la maniere de faire une veille informationnelle active.

3 Ways to Make the Most of the Rise in eCommerce Activity via Your Social Media Presenc... - 2 views

    Article intéressant sur l'emploi des médias sociaux en soutien au commerce électronique local. Trois astuces simples sont partagées : - Permettez aux clients de fournir une évaluation et un avis en ligne de votre commerce - Fournissez des informations justes et précises sur vos produits sans exagérations. - Affichez des promotions locales. Prenez soin de votre communauté!
    Les réseaux sociaux attirent de plus en plus les clients vers l'organisation afin d'obtenir ce qu'ils recherchent. Ce lien permet l'utilisation de 3 astuces pour fidéliser la clientèle qui assure la promotion de ses produits et services auprès d'un vaste public à un moindre et permet un échange de communication avec leurs clients.
Anne INF6107

Analyzing the ROI of Social Media Marketing | Social Media Today - 1 views

    • Anne INF6107
      ROI = Return On Investment (Retour sur l'investissement)
  • more than four in ten Americans hear about or read tweets almost every day in media.
  • The “Social Habit” is defined as “the tendency to visit social media websites a few times per day.
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • 2. Twitter draws new active users
  • 3. Approximately 40% of American people hear about tweets through traditional mass media
    • Anne INF6107
      Ce sont des personnes de confiance et parfois des autorités cognitives.
  • 4. Brand following behavior in social sites doubled over the past two years
  • 5. Facebook is the dominant platform for brand following behavior
  • well known territory
  • 1. Almost 58 million Americans visit social media networks every day.
  • strongly inclined to trust the opinion of their friends
  • more convenient and visually interesting interface that other platforms have
  • You may also reward dedicated subscribers and attract the new ones providing significant discounts on goods and services you offer
  • increase your brand visibility on Facebook.
  • 6. Young Facebook users have lots of friends
  • to increase the number of your subscribers on Facebook, consider giveaways and providing entertaining content.
  • those who are “silent” or newcomers may not communicate via social media but still, they are able to hear you and can be useful to your business.
  • Groupon’s business model is pretty doubtful. But from the customers’ point of view, everybody likes special deals.
  • 8. One third of social networking users are “Silent”
  • 7. Nearly one-quarter of social networking users use “Daily deals” sites and services
  • 9. “Check-In” Behavior Stalls
  • if your marketing strategy is based on location, try to attract new customers with special deals and discounts.
Simon Rousseau

jQuery Lifestream - Create a stream of your online activity. - 0 views

    Un exemple concret permettant l'intégration d'un agrégateur de nouvelle à l'intérieur d'un site internet. Cet exemple utilise des technologies web 2.0 .
Cesar Villamizar

Social Awareness Tools For Science Research - 0 views

  • Abstract Tools for social networking and social awareness are developing rapidly and evolving continuously. They are gaining popularity in a growing number of professional as well as personal activities, including scholarly research. There are social awareness tools for science researchers that facilitate collaboration, help manage references, and offer options for presenting findings in new ways. This paper discusses those tools. Evaluating and understanding their functionalities requires effort, and scientists can be reluctant to invest the necessary time to learn to use and populate them on their own. This suggests that an important role for librarians is to evaluate the many social awareness tools available, to recommend the ones that are best suited to each researcher's needs, and to help researchers use those tools effectively.
Harry Sahyoun

Collective Knowledge Systems: Where the Social Web meets the Semantic Web - 1 views

  • Collective Knowledge Systems: Where the Social Web meets the Semantic Web
  • What can happen if we combine the best ideas from the Social Web and Semantic Web?
  • The Vision of Collective Intelligence
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • The Social Web is represented by a class of web sites and applications in which user participation is the primary driver of value.
  • Collective intelligence is a grand vision, one to which I subscribe.  However, I would call the current state of the Social Web something else: collected intelligence.   That is, the value of these user contributions is in their being collected together and aggregated into community- or domain-specific sites
  • The grand challenge is to boost the collective IQ of organizations and of society
  • With the rise of the Social Web, we now have millions of humans offering their knowledge online, which means that the information is stored, searchable, and easily shared.  The challenge for the next generation of the Social and Semantic Webs is to find the right match between what is put online and methods for doing useful reasoning with the data.  True collective intelligence can emerge if the data collected from all those people is aggregated and recombined to create new knowledge and new ways of learning that individual humans cannot do by themselves.
  • Technology can augment the discovery and creation of knowledge. For instance, some drug discovery approaches embody a system for learning from models and data that are extracted from published papers and associated datasets.  By assembling large databases of known entities relevant to human biology, researchers can run computations that generate and test hypotheses about possible new therapeutic agents.
  • The first approach is to expose the structured data that already underlies the unstructured web pages.  An obvious technique is for the site builder, who is generating unstructured web pages from a database, to expose the structured data in those pages using standard formats.
  • the second approach, to extract structured data from unstructured user contributions [2] [28] [39] .  It is possible to do a reasonable job at identifying people, companies, and other entities with proper names, products, instances of relations you are interested in (e.g., person joining a company) [1] [7] , or instances of questions being asked [24] . There also techniques for pulling out candidates to use as classes and relations, although these are a bit noisier than the directed pattern matching algorithms [8] [23]  [31] [32] [36] [38] [42]
  • Tomorrow, the web will be understood as an active human-computer system, and we will learn by telling it what we are interested in, asking it what we collectively know, and using it to apply our collective knowledge to address our collective needs.
  • The other major area where Semantic Web can help achieve the vision of collective intelligence is in the area of interoperability.  If the world's knowledge is to be found on the Web, then we should be able to use it to answer questions, retrieve facts, solve problems, and explore possibilities. 
  • In a sense, the TagCommons project is attempting to create a platform for interoperability of social web data on the Semantic Web that is akin to the "mash-up" ecology that is celebrated in Web 2.0.
  • An example of how a system might apply some of these ideas is RealTravel.  RealTravel is an example of "Web 2.0 for travel".  It attracts travelers to share their experiences: sharing their itineraries, stories, photographs, where they stayed, what they did, and their recommendations for fellow travelers.  Writers think of RealTravel as a great platform to share their experiences -- a blog site that caters to this domain.  People who are planning travel use the site as a source of information to research their trip,
  • The collection of tags for a site is called the folksonomy, which is useful data about collective interests.
  • like many Web 2.0 sites, combines these structured dimensions to order the unstructured content.  For example, one can find all the travel blogs about diving, sorted by rating.  In fact, the site combines all of the structured dimensions into a matrix, which offers the user a way to "pivot browse" along any dimension from any point in the matrix.
  • This paper argues that the Social Web and the Semantic Web should be combined, and that collective knowledge systems are the "killer applications" of this integration.  The keys to getting the most from collective knowledge systems, toward true collective intelligence, are tightly integrating user-contributed content and machine-gathered data, and harvesting the knowledge from this combination of unstructured and structured information.
  • Structured and unstructured, formal and informal -- these are not new dimensions.  They are typically considered poles of a continuum.
  • We are beginning to see companies launching services under the banner of Web 3.0 [25] that aim explicitly at collective intelligence.  For instance, MetaWeb [35] is collecting a commons of integrated, structured data in a social web manner, and Radar Networks [25] is applying semantic web technologies to enrich the applications and data of the social web.
  • The third approach is to capture structured data on the way into the system.  The straightforward technique is to give users tools for structuring their data, such as ways of adding structured fields and making class hierarchies.
    • Harry Sahyoun
      Folksonomies_Semantic_Collectivities Web2_To_Web3
    • Harry Sahyoun
    • Harry Sahyoun
    Technology can augment the discovery and creation of knowledge. For instance, some drug discovery approaches embody a system for learning from models and data that are extracted from published papers and associated datasets. By assembling large databases of known entities relevant to human biology, researchers can run computations that generate and test hypotheses about possible new therapeutic agents
Harry Sahyoun

Gangs move between streets and social media - 0 views

  • For monitoring gang activity, police have a free intelligence-gathering tool at their disposal: social media. This is just one example from Newport Virginia.
  • “From the perspective of police investigators, this is an intelligence gold mine because this is open source information,” Knox said. “It’s due diligence for any police department to take that stuff seriously.”
  • But social media alone doesn’t finish the investigation, as police have to corroborate and confirm any information, Spencer said. To use Facebook information in court, police also need to file search warrants.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Division. “It just confirms what we already know.”
  • Police
  • “From the perspective of police investigators, this is an intelligence gold mine because this is open
    • Harry Sahyoun
    • Harry Sahyoun
    • Harry Sahyoun
    Web Social "From the perspective of police investigators, this is an intelligence gold mine because this is open source information," Knox said. "It's due diligence for any police department to take that stuff seriously."
Pierre Beaudoin

Comment aider vos clients à vous identifier ? - Identité visuelle - 0 views

  • Comment aider vos clients à vous identifier ? – Identité visuelle
    Très pratique pour quelqu'un qui veut se partir une petite entreprise.
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