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Opulentus Careers

Sweden dominates EU innovation ranking - 0 views

    Thrice the charm for Swedish brains as Sweden yet again tops the EU Commission's list of industrial innovators in the European Union.For the third year in a row, Sweden finished first pm the Innovation Union Scoreboard, again nudging Germany, Denmark, and Finland aside in the top tier of countries performing well above the EU average.
Opulentus Careers

Offshore outsourcers benefit the most from H1B visas: Computerworld - 0 views

    As per a recent report the Top 10 companies benefitting from H-1B visas are offshore outsourcers."The data shows: Top H-1B users are offshore outsourcers," "based on the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) data analysed, the major beneficiaries of the proposed increase in the cap would be pure offshore outsourcing firms".
Charles Kelly

UK - Can You Help Identify This Man Who Fell Off a Plane? - 0 views

    Shortly before midnight on Saturday, 8 September, an unknown man thought to be in his 20s prepared for a terrifying journey. Under cover of darkness, and dressed in a thin grey hooded top, jeans and a pair of white trainers, he clambered into a tiny space inside the wheel housing of a passenger jet bound for London.
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