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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Ignacio A


history - 0 views

shared by Ignacio A on 05 Apr 11 - No Cached
    this article is about the history of libya

Libyan delegate claims Libya ready for talks with rebels - 0 views

shared by Ignacio A on 25 Mar 11 - Cached
    The African Union hosts a meeting today in Ethiopia of representatives from Libya and the rebel groups, as well as the United States, France, the European Union and the United Nations in an effort to end the conflict. Libyan prime minister Abdul-Ati al-Obeidi, says his country is ready to talk with opposition rebels and accept political changes, possibly including elections.

Libya: Now we must arm the insurgents so that Gaddafi can be toppled - Telegraph - 1 views

  • The no-fly zone will last indefinitely unless Libya's people can fight effectively, argues Malcolm Rifkind.
  • Gaddafi can no longer use his air force because of the no-fly zone. His navy can no longer bombard towns because of the naval blockade imposed under UN authority. His army is losing tanks, artillery and other heavy weapons because of bombing and precision missiles. This is not just a no-fly zone. It is almost a no-combat zone, and all the better for it.
  • None of this will be enough to force Gaddafi from power
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  • While Gaddafi is too weak to retain any serious hopes of reconquering the east of Libya, the insurgents, at present, are too weak to drive him out of Tripoli and the west.
  • Liberation can only be achieved by a transformation of the status and powers of those who have risen against Gaddafi
    Malkom Rifking is suggesting that the only way to take gaddafi out of power is that the libyans learn how to fight. If this is'nt done then the no fly zone and everything done will be useless. Civilians need arms to be able to fight Gaddafi's forces.

Fear and defiance as forces battle for Ajdabiya - News - 1 views

  • Locals fleeing from the Libyan desert town of Ajdabiya described scenes of violence and devastation.
  • The town has been the stake-out for Colonel Gaddafi's forces since they retreated from coalition airstrikes last Saturday.
    • Ignacio A
      There is no water there, no food, nothing.
    People are leaving the town of Ajdabiya through the desert. The town has nothing people is starving. The town is almost completely destroy. Gaddafi's forces have kill sones that try to leave the town.

BBC News - Libya holding huge gold reserves IMF data shows - 1 views

  • Libya has declared gold reserves worth more than $6bn at current prices, thought to be held largely at home.
  • ranking in the global top 25, according to International Monetary Fund (IMF) data.
  • The gold could be used to generate millions of dollars in cash to pay foreign mercenaries
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  • used to finance Colonel Gaddafi's government at a time when it is subject to international financial sanctions.
    Libya reserves of gold are close to 144 tons, with a value of $6bn, the 25th country with the most gold. The gold could be use to pay foreing fighters. The gold could be sell in other African countries. The easier way to transported out is through the Sahara Desert.

Libya - 4 views


Tribes With Flags - - 2 views

    • Ignacio A
      A test
    The author is suggesting that it could be a tribal civil war. Libya is form by different sects or tribes like many other Arab countries. These countries are artificial states or "tribes with flags" with boundaries that trapped myriad tribes and sects that never wanted to live together. The tribes that make these artificial states have been held together by iron fist of colonial powers, kings or military dictarors. These countries are Libya, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Bahrain, Yemen, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

Libya News - Protests and Revolt (2011) - 2 views

  • March 23  Airstrikes continued to rock Tripoli
  • March 22 The military campaign to destroy air defenses and establish a no-fly zone over Libya has nearly accomplished its initial objectives
  • March 21 After a second night of American and European strikes by air and sea against Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s forces, European nations rejected Libyan claims that civilians had been killed.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • March 20 American and European militaries intensified their air and sea barrage against Colonel Qaddafi’s forces, as the mission moved beyond taking away his ability to use Libyan airspace,
  • March 19 The military campaign against Colonel Qaddafi was launched under British and French leadership
    This article on the NY Times has the main events that are happening in Libya every day. I highlighted an event for each of the last five days.
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