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Rosanna Fong | create and connect - 1 views

    "Online community and social website where people communicate through visual symbols, logos, icons, or avatars. These images can tell a story, be a personal logo, or a new language. Users can purchase customizable t-shirts, stickers, writstbands, bracelets, hats, and mugs. Mikons supports charities, benevolence groups, and causes." --Another interesting way to promote your brand identity.

Logopond - 0 views

    Good source of identity inspiration. Might be useful for your moodboard!
Kelly K

Creating a Rockstar Brand, Logo & Styleguide in Illustrator | Vectortuts+ - 0 views

    Designing a strong, coherent graphic brand identity is one of the most rewarding tasks in graphic design. It is a unique opportunity to create something that will go on to be used in many different places, applications and designs.
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