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Helen Baxter

A DIY Web Design Education - Noupe Design Blog - 0 views

    A lot of designers and aspiring designers take formal design courses (or get design degrees), while many others wish they could take the time to get some formal design education. But not every designer has the time.
Helen Baxter

Web Design Basics - 0 views

    This section features tutorials on all the basic skills for web site design and designing good usable web pages, through insight into the core thinking that supports the design of effective and usable web sites. Using web sites should be easy and pleasant, just like a great experience in a shop, hotel, or library.
Helen Baxter

Applying Divine Proportion To Your Web Designs - Smashing Magazine - 2 views

    Effective web design doesn't have to be pretty and colorful - it has to be clear and intuitive; in fact, we have analyzed the principles of effective design in our previous posts. However, how can you achieve a clear and intuitive design solution?
Rachel Hockin

100+ Most Useful Free Photoshop Brushes for Web Designers | DJDESIGNERLAB - 1 views

    In this article I am going to share some useful free Photoshop brushes for the web designers. Click on the image and you will arrive on download page. I hope my viewers will enjoy this article. Are you looking to contribute to our design community?
Kelly K

a little bit of something - not shit web design. - 4 views

    Witty website for a web designer

Creating Web Design Wireframes: Tools, Resources, and Best Practices | Onextrapixel - S... - 3 views

    Wireframes can be one extra step in the beginning of any web design project that can save a significant amount of time later on. Besides improving productivity, it also improves the final result of each single webpage, and the website as a whole.
Francis Guerin

Web Design Portfolios - 1 views

    A directory for design portfolios and more, great for research.
Helen Baxter

Design a Beautifully Detailed Web Button | Webdesigntuts+ - 0 views

    Today we're going back to basics with a simple, elegant, and professional button tutorial from Liam McCabe. Liam creates all sorts of great web elements, so he's going to be a great guide through the process.
Rosanna Fong

17 Creative UI Wireframes and Sketches | Theme Today - 2 views

    A lot of great designers start simple…with a pencil and paper. No Macbook Pro, no Photoshop, just a #2 and Mead. Interface designers brianstorm their idea on paper only to apply it to Photoshop or a similar graphic application. I've compiled some great web design sketches for you to be inspired by.
Rosanna Fong

Dummy Text Generator - 4 views

    A great generator for placement text for web design.
Helen Baxter

HTML Cheat Sheet - Added Bytes by Dave Child - 0 views

    HTML is the language of the web. It is the semantic support on which websites depend. This A4 reference lists the various tags available to the web designer, as well as a selection of useful character entities, attributes and events. The HTML cheat sheet is a one-page A4 printable document, designed to provide a quick reference for HTML.
Rosanna Fong

Colour Scheme Designer - 1 views

    A really useful colour schemer that generates examples of web pages using specific colour schemes.
Helen Baxter

Google Web Fonts - 2 views

    Find free open source web fonts optimised for the web.
Helen Baxter

Fixed vs. Fluid vs. Elastic Layout: What's The Right One For You? - Smashing Magazine - 0 views

    The problem has boggled the minds of Web designers for years: fixed, fluid, elastic or a hybrid layout design? Each option has its benefits and disadvantages. But the final decision depends so much on usability that it is not one to be made lightly. So, with all the confusion, is there a right decision?
Helen Baxter

WordPress Developer's Toolbox - Smashing WordPress - 0 views

    Web designers and developers are getting an increasing number of requests from clients for custom theme development, and a growing number of designers are also building their own themes to distribute for free or to sell as premium themes.
Rosanna Fong

A List Apart: Articles: Fluid Grids - 4 views

    Some good tips for fluid web design.
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