Contents contributed and discussions participated by Carlos J. Medina
EU Kids Online: National perspectives (pdf) - 2 views
How do children use the internet in different countries? What do they do online? Does this lead them into exposure to online risks? Is this harmful and if so for whom? What are their parents doing to empower them and ensure their safety? What else can be done to support children's online safety so that they can benefit from online opportunities?
EU Kids Online - EU Kids Online - Research - Department of Media and Communications - 1 views
Safety. Recomendable el informe que acaban de publicar:
La nueva privacidad - 1 views
El FBI advierte sobre el auge del grooming y de su traslado a los juegos onli... - 1 views
Protección de datos personales de los niños (UE) - 3 views
El blog de @JuancarIKT: Identidad Digital y Redes Sociales - 2 views
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