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BBC News - UK economy in double-dip recession - 1 views

  • double-dip recession
    • Aili Saito
      can be represented by a AD/AS graph (shift left in AD) -> leads to recession
    • Aili Saito
      UK was once in recession and they returned back into recession soon after
  • construction output
    • Aili Saito
      the demand of construction decreased and the AD decreases (shifts to the left)
  • economic output was slightly smaller now
    • Aili Saito
      again, there was a decrease in AD
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • everything we can" to generate growth
    • Aili Saito
      this could be monetary/fiscal policies
  • production industries decreased by 0.4%, construction decreased by 3%
    • Aili Saito
      both examples of why AD has decreased that lead to recession
  • government spending
    • Aili Saito
      a fall in government spending = leads to a fall in AD (AD=C+I+G+(X-M))
  • 25% in public sector housing and 24% in public non-housing and with a further 10% cuts to both anticipated for 2013
    • Aili Saito
      the decrease in government spending has surpassed the anticipated increase in other factors of AD
  • guarded optimism
    • Aili Saito
      there seems to already be business/consumer confidence
  • little more aggressive in terms of recruitment and investment.
    • Aili Saito
      the government wants to increase business confidence 

Fed Survey Shows Economy Growing Modestly - - 0 views

    • Zhoushu Ziporyn
      consumer spending did not go up as much.... consumer confidence low
    • Zhoushu Ziporyn
      consumer spending did not go up as much.... consumer confidence low
    • Zhoushu Ziporyn
      AD wont increase as much as C would not increase so much... AD=C+I+G+(X-M)
    • Zhoushu Ziporyn
      hiring going up, demand for labor going up--- more people are hired, more income. More income, more consumption. All of these cause the AD curve to shift to the right, causing a growth in GDP.
    • Zhoushu Ziporyn
      so the things i mentioned earlier is not quite the case here, as the wages have not increased much either it seems and so that would explain why it is only growing modestly when firms are hiring more
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Zhoushu Ziporyn
      the drop in price will shift the equilibrium downward, and since it is the supply side, the quantity would increase since the supply curve would shift to the right according to the price increase.
    A Federal Reserve survey found that the economy grew moderately in most regions of the country this spring and companies kept hiring. It was a hopeful sign after a spate of gloomy data released last week. The Fed survey showed growth in each of its 12 bank districts from April 3 through May 25.

8 States to Raise Minimum Wage - - 1 views

    • Zhoushu Ziporyn
      wages go up, but supply of labor does not change. This causes an excess supply of labor-- unemployment.
    • Zhoushu Ziporyn
      wages go up, but supply of labor does not change. This causes an excess supply of labor-- unemployment.
    • Zhoushu Ziporyn
      although more money would be payed, it would not be enough to support the poor and total unemployment will increase since there is a gap between the equilibrium point with the higher wage price level and the equilibrium with the demand curve.
    "The minimum wage increases in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Montana, Ohio, Oregon, Vermont and Washington will be 28 cents to 37 cents an hour, according to the National Employment Law Project." minimum wage, the minimum price for labor, has gone up in 8 states

Unemployment tipped to rise in May | - 0 views

  • An AAP survey of 15 economists shows a median expectation for unemployment to rise to 5.1 per cent in May
  • The participation rate, the percentage of people in work or looking
  • for work, is
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • expected to remain unchanged at 65.2 per cent
  • 15,500 to 11.501 million
  • THE unemployment rate is likely to spike in May as wea
  • ing global and economic conditions take their toll
  • on the jobs market.
  • weaken
  • the domestic economy, as well as global market instability
  • we had the mining boom which has now morphed into an investment boom
  • two exceptionally strong months of jobs growth, which just doesn't gel with all the anecdotes we've been hearing about layoff
  • he expected the participation rate to have risen,
  • but this would not have a negative impact on unemployment.
  • "We still think the labor market is quite strong and an unemployment rate of 5.1 per cent is close to the definition of full employment.

China's farm subsidies soar but OECD states' at record low - 1 views

  • China's farm subsidies soar but OECD states' at record low

Europe's (olive) oil crisis (2) - 4 views

  • ompetition from cheaper varieties of vegetable oil
  • 10-year low as domestic consumption in the top producing southern European countries has fallen because of the economic crisis.
    • Yuuji Mitsuta
      Decrease in demand
  • coincided with a bumper olive crop in Spain,
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • The price of premium-quality extra virgin olive oil in the wholesale market fell this month to $2,900 a tonne, the lowest since 2002 and down more than half from nearly $6,000 a tonne in 2005, according to the International Monetary Fund.
  • The EU has tried to deal with the surplus by paying companies to stockpile oil

BBC News - Australia cuts interest rates in a bid to boost growth - 0 views

  • The bank cut its key rate to 3.5% from 3.75%.
    • Yihan Li
      Australia's central bank cut its interest rate, which is a monetary policy. This is intended to increase consumption and investment, thus the aggregate demand   
  • At the same time, domestic demand has also been stagnant despite efforts to spur consumption.
  • At the same time, domestic demand has also been stagnant despite efforts to spur consumption.
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • At the same time, domestic demand has also been stagnant despite efforts to spur consumption.
  • At the same time, domestic demand has also been stagnant despite efforts to spur consumption.
    • Yihan Li
      Both monetary and fiscal policies are used to stimulate the consumption, thus AD. However this has not worked. 
  • There have been concerns that Australia's resources-led boom may be hurt by falling demand due to a slowdown in global growth.
  • There have been concerns that Australia's resources-led boom may be hurt by falling demand due to a slowdown in global growth.
  • There have been concerns that Australia's resources-led boom may be hurt by falling demand due to a slowdown in global growth.
  • There have been concerns that Australia's resources-led boom may be hurt by falling demand due to a slowdown in global growth.
  • ere have been concerns that Australia's resources-led boom may be hurt by falling
  • ave been concerns that Australia's resources-led boom may be hurt by falling
  • There have been concerns that Australia's resources-led boom may be hurt by falling demand due to a slowdown in global growth.
    • Yihan Li
      Main component of Australia's GDP growth was export of natural resources. Due to unstable international economy, foreign companies manufacture less good, so less Australia's resources will be demanded. Thus GDP growth slows down.
    • Yihan Li
      AD-AS curves can be used 
  • In China, one of the biggest markets for Australian commodity exports, both the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors have seen the pace of growth slow in May, raising concerns about a slowdown in its economy.
    • Yihan Li
      Since China is Australia's biggest exporter, stagnation of Chinese economy will reduce the export, thus AD
  • Meanwhile there have been fears about the recovery in the US economy losing its pace after it reported weaker-than-expected jobs data for May.
    • Yihan Li
      Low consumer and business confidence, which may reduce consumption and investment 
  • However, there has been a slew of weak economic data that has come out since then.
  • accommodative stance
    • Yihan Li
      accommodative stance = looser monetary policies
  • The country's housing market has seen prices fall and continues to remain subdued despite earlier cuts to the cost of borrowing
    • Yihan Li
      House is most people's biggest asset. The decrease in its price will reduce people's disposable income, thus consumption and AD 
    Interest Rate and Macroeconomy  

Coca-Cola cuts prices, Pepsi may follow suit - Economic Times - 1 views

  • Coca-Cola cuts prices, Pepsi may follow suit
    • Joe Kanagawa
      gonna be doing this one

Why do economists describe climate change as a 'market failure'? | Environment | guardi... - 3 views

  • tax on emissions or an emissions trading scheme.
    this is my 1st IA!

Gas survey reports its first price drop of the year - - 1 views

  • "We may see another five to 10 cents decline in the next few weeks" if crude oil doesn't rise, she said.
  • Atlanta: $3.79 Boston: $3.95 Denver: $3.87 Houston: $3.85 Memphis, Tennessee: $3.72 Portland, Oregon: $4.02
  • their first dip since December, according to a nationwide survey published Sunday.
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • A gallon of regular now costs $3.91 on average,
  • down more than 5 cents from two weeks earlier, when the average was just a few cents below the $4 mark.
  • crude oil for allowing gasoline
  • Gasoline supplies are plentiful, but crude oil prices had been "propping up" gasoline costs, she said. As crude oil prices have stabilized, gasoline prices have fallen.
  • Even looking ahead to later in May, as the country enters peak driving season, prices might not jump if crude oil stays stable because gasoline supplies are flush
  • one year ago was $3.8
  • ust three cents under
  • tabulates prices every two weeks at thousands of gas stations nationwide.
  • The city with the lowest average gas price was Tulsa, Oklahoma, at $3.52
  • San Francisco: $4.21
    • Mo Settles
      Why did the price change? -crude oil  -lots of gasoline  -crude oil stable/gasoline has prices fallen -
    • Mo Settles
      By how much did quantity change? -quantity of crude / gasoline increased
    • Mo Settles
      Who was effected by price change? -American citizens -The Oil Companies -Government?  
    • Mo Settles
      How was price impacted? -average gas prices dropped by 5 cents (USA) -$3.91 for a gallon on average  -below $4 mark -if crude oil prices stay stable another 10 cent change is expected -prices in peak season might not change because of the steady gasoline prices -average last year $3.88 three cents under current  -
    • Mo Settles
      Lundberg Survey  -tabulates prices every two weeks at thousands of gas stations nationwide
    • Mo Settles
      Econ to talk about -PES

California cigarette tax vote too close to call - - 1 views

  • cigarettes
  • The money is going to be invested in cancer research here in California and on tobacco prevention
  • stop kids from smoking
    • Isabella Yamamoto
      Higher prices will be a disincentive to buying cigarettes 
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • it will heavily affect poorer Americans, who are more likely to smoke
    • Isabella Yamamoto
      Poorer Americans have more inelastic PED's
  • the state's ban on smoking in public places,
  • Some grant proposals that currently go unfunded would find a source of revenue, he said.

Spain unemployment hits record high - Europe - Al Jazeera English - 0 views

  • unemployment
    • Arla Takala
      One of the 4 primary macroeconomic objective
  • jobless rate of 24.4 per cent in first quarter,
    • Arla Takala
      Governments set target for unemployment is about 5% each year
  • "BBB "
    • Arla Takala
      Bond credit rating--> BBB - has adequate capacity to meet its financial commitments
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • The figures are terrible for everyone and terrible for the government
    • Arla Takala
      Terrible for everyone: --> no job = no income --> less spending Terrible for government: --> decrease on government revenue --> government has to spend more money on unemployment benefits --> government is receiving less money and spending more money --> budget deficit
  • economy to shrink
    • Arla Takala
      Negative economic growth can cause recession
  • fiscal
    • Arla Takala
      Government policy that focuses on taxes and government spending to improve the economy
  • S&P predicts the Spanish economy will shrink by 1.5 per cent this year, having previously forecasted growth of 0.3 per cen
    • Arla Takala
      Decrease in GDP due to decrease in consumer spending
  • It added that Spain's commercial banks are increasingly leaning to official sources for funds as they struggle to deal with piles of bad loans, especially in real estate.
    • Arla Takala
      Decrease in government spending

Japan tax hikes can't wait - Chicago Tribune - 0 views

  • target of 1 percent
    • Sean Dolan
      most countries aim at around 3. Japan needs to get out of inflation so 1 is good enough
    • Sean Dolan
      most countries aim at around 3. Japan needs to get out of inflation so 1 is good enough
  • zero rate
    • Sean Dolan
      more investments because the interest rate or discount rate is zero. so increase in consumption. GDP increase if all goes well
  • budget deficits projected at about 10 percent
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • 10 percent
    • Sean Dolan
      ad valorem
  • deflation
    • Sean Dolan
      the deflation decreased consumption and investments because people will wait for the price to decrease then buy it at a higher price
  • exports
    • Sean Dolan
      x will increase because it decreased drastically last year
  • energy shortages
    • Sean Dolan
      decrease in supply of electricity. So electric companies are increasing the price of electricity

BBC News - Spain's jobless level falls for second month - 0 views

    Unemployment and Macroeconomics 

Inflation in Ukraine could speed up in late 2012, says IMF - Ukrainian news. Interfax-U... - 0 views

  • Inflation in Ukraine could accelerate
    • Tessa Jalink
      Increase in GPL
  • nflation
    • Tessa Jalink
      Related to Inflation
  • 0.6% from 1.9%
    • Tessa Jalink
      Disinflation Earlier this year
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • each 7.9%
    • Tessa Jalink
  • 3% from 5.2%
    • Tessa Jalink
      Decrease in GDP Growth rate,  But still an increase in GDP
  • exports is falling
    • Tessa Jalink
      Must be an increase in C, I, G or X since GDP is still increasing. 
    • Tessa Jalink
      Suggests Demand Pull Inflation because GPL and Real GDP are both increasing. 

Palladium: the next hot commodity? - Outside the Box - MarketWatch - 1 views

  • NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — With declining supply and rising demand,
    • Tessa Jalink
      Supply & Demand
  • 6.8 million ounces
    • Tessa Jalink
      Initial Supply Value
  • increase in palladium supply does not look likely.
    • Tessa Jalink
      Not an Increase in Supply Decrease? No Change?
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • declining palladium production
    • Tessa Jalink
      Suggests a Decrease in Supply
  • prices being able to rise since then,
    • Tessa Jalink
      Increase In Price
  • supply will likely stagnate
    • Tessa Jalink
      No Change in Supply
  • demand for the metal is only going to increas
    • Tessa Jalink
      Increase in Demand.
  • curtailing their production
    • Tessa Jalink
      Decrease in Supply
  • greater need for catalytic convertors, and therefore an increased demand for palladium.
    • Tessa Jalink
      Increase in Demand
  • investment demand
    • Tessa Jalink
      Even larger increase in demand
  • $1,000. Today, palladium is at around $615
    • Tessa Jalink
      Can be used for values on the price axis. 

BBC News - Qantas forecasts profit to slide by up to 90% - 2 views

  • highest ever fuel bill
    • Nofar Lapidot
      Increase in price of FoP
  • It has forecast a profit before tax of between A$50m ($48.6m; £31.6m) and A$100m for the year ending 30 June.
  • dropped as much as 18%
    • Nofar Lapidot
      decrease in demand 
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • double to A$450m
    • Nofar Lapidot
      double the losses demand shift in, supply shift in because of high price of FoP
  • competition has increased
    • Nofar Lapidot
      more alternatives
    Quantas profit decreases by 90%

BBC News - McDonald's profits boosted by store revamps - 2 views

  • 13 months rose 8.9%
    • Nofar Lapidot
      Shift outward in demand
  • solid sales growth of 5%
    • Nofar Lapidot
      shift out in demand even though economic downturn in europe. Possibly because McDonalds is cheap making it popular.
  • 1,300 new stores
    • Nofar Lapidot
      expansion in supply
    Increase in demand for McDonalds even though there is an economic downturn in Europe.
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