Film about women's rights in Morocco relating to the 475 rape laws which allowed rapists to marry their victims, In reality deals with equality issues in general.
A sushi sustainability guide from the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Mush of it is geared to US consumers. Also has a general fish guide for ordering. I use this with an activity that has students look at local sushi restaurants.
Great article about the trade off between enforcing environmental rules and economic activity. Also great example of what happens when the government does not enforce its own laws and why.
timelapse map of recession/unemployment in the US. 2009-2011. Very effective if coupled with Forbes map on migration
Shows how unemployment is not evenly distributed across US states
Very interactive map of migration in the US 2005-2009, Shows in and out migration. If you needed a better demonstration of the Gravity Model or Ravenstein....this is it.
Time lapse video shows Patagonian glacier rapidly shrinking
Scientists took 1,445 photos of Chile's Jorge Montt glacier between 2010 and 2011, creating a time lapse video of its dramatic thaw.