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Kristin Gould

Teaching with Technology - 0 views

    Used wisely, technology empowers students to take responsibility for their own learning. In Leonardo's Laptop, Ben Shneiderman provides teachers with a powerful framework, Collect-Relate-Create-Donate (CRCD), for designing student-centered learning opportunities using computers. In particular, Shneiderman's CRCD framework emphasizes the importance of the social aspects of learning in generating creative work.
Kristin Gould

Synonyms & technology - 0 views

    Just gave this a quick look, looks interesting. I will check it out in more detail later. Might find other ideas here.
Kristin Gould

iPad As.... - 0 views

    EdTechTeacher provides professional development services to teachers, schools, districts, and administrators.
Kristin Gould

Preparing Your School for an iPad Implementation - iPads in Education - 0 views

    Planning is imperative for any technology initiative - iPad or otherwise. You need to ensure that you clearly understand and communicate how the technology int...
Kristin Gould

Educational Technology Guy: Evernote - my adventure this year using it with my students - 0 views

    Evernote is one of my favorite tools and resources. I use it for lesson plans, research, collecting resources, clipping things from the web, organizing materials and much more. Evernote and Google Apps get 90% of what I need to do done. I just won a very cool contest Evernote hosted for educators.
Kristin Gould

9 iPad Tutorials Teachers should not Miss ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 5 views

    This is the last post on iPad for this year. I have recently published several guides on the use of iPad in education starting with the best educational iPad apps for teachers and concluding with these tutorials and a soon to be released eBook that will be comprehensive enough to include everything we have covered about iPad so far.
Kristin Gould

Free Technology for Teachers: A Nice Guide to iPad App Evaluation - 1 views

    There are plenty of places to find reviews of iPad apps, but how do you decide which ones are right for you and your students? Silvia Tolisano has some suggestions for you. Silvia recently published a nice guide for evaluating iPad apps.
Kristin Gould

Free Technology for Teachers: Beyond the App - You Found an App, Now What? - 1 views

    This is a guest post from Sarah Emerling. With all of the technology integration and the plethora of academic apps flooding the market, the time is ripe for teachers to take advantage of these teaching tools. More and more, classrooms are incorporating iPods and iPads into everyday instruction.
Kristin Gould

50 resources for iPad use in the classroom | ZDNet - 0 views

    The transition to the more extensive use of technology in classrooms across the West has resulted in the integration of bring your own device (BYOD) schemes, equipping students with netbooks and tablet computers, and lessons that use social media & online services.
Kristin Gould

Free e-Book: 20 iPad Lesson ideas - HOME - Edgalaxy: Where Education and Technology Meet. - 0 views

    I came across this great e-book from RM education today that is full of realistic lesson ideas abo...
Kristin Gould

Apps in Education- apps for documenting learning - 0 views

    Some interesting apps to show how to do something.
Kristin Gould

iDevice in the Mountains: Guided Access - Keeping Students in an App - 0 views

    With the new iOS6 update there were lots of new features but by far one feature has been asked for numerous times by teachers and it's finally here.....Guided Access. You are now able to lock an app so that students are only able to access that one app.
Kristin Gould

iPaddling Home: Reflecting on the Journey " Third Graders, Dreaming Big - 3 views

    We are nearing the end of our BYOD pilot year. To say it was an amazing year would be a complete understatement. For me, it was a great opportunity to share what tech-savvy third graders are doing in our classroom.
Kristin Gould

iPad How To's - 2 views

    Download past episodes or subscribe to future episodes for free from iPad How To's by iPad in Business on the iTunes Store.
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