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Home/ HWDSB21CF/ Group items matching "free" in title, tags, annotations or url

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Jared Bennett

Weebly - Create a free website and a free blog - 0 views

    A free website builder for schools.
Wendy Melnick

Free Technology for Teachers - 0 views

    Free resources and lesson plans for teaching with technology
Jared Bennett

Aviary Creative Suite - 0 views

    A suite of multimedia editing tools similar to the more costly Adobe products. Free.
Aaron Puley

Your Free Online Video Editor | JayCut - 0 views

    Online version of Windows Movie Maker/iMovie software. Currently free
    Video editing software hosted online.
Jared Bennett

Animoto - For education - 0 views

    • Jared Bennett
      Once students sign up with a promo code they have 6 months of "all-access". Currently there does not seem to be a way to extend this in concurrent years without re-applying for a code and having the students sign up with a different email address.
    A direct link to the Application form to get a promo code to render costly features free for edu.
Wendy Melnick

Khan Academy - 0 views

    World's free classroom. Everything you ever wanted to learn - from videos. Students can practice at this site and search the tutorials effectively. Teachers can track the students' involvement in the site here also.
Aaron Puley

Create free online message boards for your interests and passions | - 0 views

    Great message board application - similar to Lino and Wallwisher. Has added functionality such as post by email, chatting with participants, and polling.
Thomas Ro

Lure of the Labyrinth - 0 views

    Lure of the Labyrinth is a digital game for middle-school pre-algebra students. It includes a wealth of intriguing math-based puzzles wrapped into an exciting narrative game in which students work to find their lost pet - and save the world from monsters! Linked to both national and state mathematics standards, the game gives students a chance to actually think like mathematicians.
Jared Bennett

CamStudio - Free Screen Recording Software - 1 views

    Capture instructions: voice and screen, to explain tasks and activities.
Lisa Neale

CK12.ORG - FlexBooks - 0 views

    Free digital textbooks for k-12
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