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nicolas graese

Does US Food Aid Cause Famine? | Penn Political Review - 3 views

    Roberts, Melissa. "Does US Food Aid Cause Famine? | Penn Political Review." Penn Political Review. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2013. .
nicolas graese

SIRS: Asia: Green Revolution Unable to Meet Rising Demand for Food - 1 views

  • "Of the 1.02 billion hungry people in the world, 642 million live in this region,"
  • the proportion of people in the grip of chronic hunger hit 17 to 18 percent in the Asia- Pacific region
  • 27 Asian countries showed a noticeable decline
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  • Green Revolution appears to have reached its limits, unable to meet new demands, to feed new mouths.
  • It was the first time that the number of the hungry had risen since the Green Revolution spurred a downward trend.
  • Children in Asia are not receiving the correct micronutrients; they lack sufficient vitamins and minerals in their food,"
  • Children die of chronic hunger in Asia because their immune systems are weak
  • Governments in Asia have mirrored similar neglect of a sector that is still home to a majority of the world's farmers
    Macan-Markar, Marwaan. "Asia: Green Revolution Unable to Meet Rising Demand for Food." Global Information Network. 07 Jun 2010: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 23 Apr 2013.
    This article is about how the green revolution in Asia failed to meet the demand of the growing Asian population. The huger percentage went up to 18% from 16% in 2010. At first many thought that te Green Revolution would continue to help Asia grow, but it can no longer support them. More people are starting to be hungry. People think that something needs to be done to fix the problem.
Andrew Cotter

Valley Courier What is hunger in the U.S.? - 1 views

  • 14.5 percent of U.S families struggle to put food on the table every day.
  • food insecurity: the state of, or risk of, being unable to provide food for oneself or one’s family.
  • lack of food access is not so much about a lack of calories as it is a lack of nutrition
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  • Folks who are living on a SNAP budget or living paycheck to paycheck are shopping for the most calories for the smallest dollar amount.
  • a nation with such high obesity could not possibly be hungry gets debunked
    FELICIANO, LARES. "Valley Courier What is hunger in the U.S.?." Breaking News from your Local News Source Leader in Alamosa, Colorado | Valley Courier . N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. .
    Even though the United States is the wealthiest country in the world, 14.5% of Americans struggle to provide food for their family. One in six Americans are food insecure, meaning they are unsure when their next meal may come. However studies show the problem is not the lack of food, but the lack of nutrition. People who are living off SNAP (food stamps) or living paycheck to paycheck are buying foods with the highest calorie count for the smallest dollar amount. These foods are coming in the form processed snacks, soda, and fast food, which all provide very little nutritional value. This is the reason why a nation with such high obesity could possibly be going hungry.
    This article was posted on April 10, 2013. Even though this article is very recent, I don't think it is the most reliable, because it is not stated who their information came from so it may have just been made up.
sara kielbasa

SIRS: Myths of African Hunger - 0 views

  • Drought and other natural disasters in many parts of Africa have intensified hunger, but poverty is the real cause of famine
  •   As European countries colonized Africa, they disrupted farming and herding systems that for centuries Africans had adapted to changing environmental conditions
  • he best agricultural lands were taken for growing coffee, sugar cane, cocoa, and other export crops that were viewed as the means to economic development according to the neoclassical theory of comparative advantage.
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  • Export crops such as cotton, peanuts, and tobacco absorbed large amounts of nutrients from the soil.
  • hunger is not caused by extreme population density. If it were, we would expect to find widespread hunger in densely populated countries like Japan and the Netherlands and little or no hunger in sparsely populated countries like Senegal and Zaire where, in fact, malnutrition and hunger are widespread.(3)
  •      Africa is not densely populated. Compare Africa's 23.7 persons per square kilometer to Europe's 108.6 and Asia's 122.9.(4) But of all continents, Africa ranks last in the use of irrigation, fertilizers, and tractors.(5) The problem is not a shortage of land but a shortage of money, training, and appropriate technology to develop the land.
  •   Africans use a very small percentage of the globe's resources. For example, Africa's 600 million people (11.3 percent of the world's population) consume just 2.4 percent of the world's commercial energy, while the USA's 260 million people (4.9 percent of the world's population) consume 25.1 percent.(6)
  •  It is true that Africa's population growth rate (3.0% per year) is higher than that of any other continent.
  • Having large families is a logical response to the conditions of poverty under which most Africans live. On the small family farms that produce most of Africa's food, the most important input is family labor. The high birth rate is partly a response by parents to this need for farm labor.
  • With the world's highest rate of death for children aged 0- 4, Africa's high infant mortality rates lead to an even greater number of births as parents try to compensate.(7) For some mothers, however, the burden of raising another child under difficult circumstances is outweighed by the eventual benefits of another laborer in the family.
  • To lay all the blame on African governments is to imply that they alone control the destiny of their countries. The forces that have institutionalized hunger in Africa are made up of transnational corporations, Western governments, international agencies and African elites as well as the governments.
  •   The fact that policy making is dominated by men, while most food (80%) is produced by women, also helps explain the low priority given to food crops
    "Danaher, Kevin, and Abikok Riak. "Myths of African Hunger." Food First News & Views. Spring 1995: 1-4. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 23 Apr 2013."
    This article is also from SIRS. It talks about the major problem we are focusing on, hunger in Africa. It gives many facts about famine, droughts, and economical challenges in Africa. It also provides a lot of myths about African hunger and proposes a counter argument to those myths. This article also talks a little about foreign aid and a little about solutions to fix this problem. In conclusion, this is a nice article to use to get more information about hunger and more in Africa.
Victor Pinto

UN says funds for Syrian refugees running out - Middle East - Al Jazeera English - 0 views

    "UN Says Funds for Syrian Refugees Running out." Aljazeera. N.p., 06 Apr. 2013. Web. 23 Apr. 2013.
    This article focuses on the perils facing Syrian refugees and side effects hunger has on the country. The UN and UNICEF have been providing food aid to the refugees but they only have 29% of the funds they need to sustain their operations. As of now, there are 500,000 refugees in the camps but that number is projected to more than double to 1.2 million by December 2013. As the number of refugees fleeing into Jordan is increasing, the amount of funds are going the other way and things look bleak. Many camps rely on UNICEF for clean water and hygiene facilities and without these basic necessities, disease and starvation will become rampant. Also, the instability of the nation is of great concern to UN and UNICEF officials, as well as the Syrian people. I believe this source is credible because it was written in early April, focuses on the plight of the hungry refugees and cited credible sources such as UNICEF. They did seem to be in favor of helping the Syrians so there was certainly a bias, but I don't believe it had much bearing on the information given.
nicolas graese

Hunger rampant in North Korea, U.N. report says - National/World - 0 views

    "Hunger rampant in North Korea, U.N. report says - National/World." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. .
    This article tells of the hunger and strife facing north korea. Kim Jong Un has made it a priority to feed the hungry in North Korea. However, many believe that North Korea will struggle to fix the problem as long as a couple fundamental issues remain. First that people are not aloud to sell their surplus crop on the market and must instead give it to the government. And secondly, that the farmers of North Korea has very ineffective tools for farming.
    This was from the TH online, and it seems to be a reliable source, though because it is not from North Korea and other countries have very limited access to North Korean information it is likely that some of the information is missing or incorrect.
Avery Fossum

Article > "Cheap food cannot be the solution to world hunger" - 0 views

    Herren, Hans. " Article > "Cheap food cannot be the solution to world hunger" ." Europe's World - The only Europe-wide ideas Community . N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. .
    Farmers are not able to provide good healthy food because they don't have to resources to do so; on average a farmer produces around 2,000 calories per person based on the food they make. Because of their lack of ability to produce healthy food a lot of "cheap food" is being produced, which leads to wasting of the food from harvesting to consumption and less for the people who need the food. The lack of the famers producing quality products has created a new organization called the; International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD). This group is striving to help famers be more sustainable by saving more food and also produce healthier foods for their people. By them doing this it will cause less food to be wasted because it will be at a higher price and people will not want to waste expensive food, also because it will be better quality and people will want to eat it. Another point why sustainability works is; it saves the farmers money because they don't have to pay for fertilizers and other pesticides for their crops, which causes them to make more money because they are not paying as much to treat their crops. Overall, the farmers need to change the way they farm because they are currently not meeting the standards of how people live.
Andrew Cotter

Hunger in America study to provide insight into southeast Iowa food insecurity - 2 views

    Davis, Chelsea. " Hunger in America study to provide insight into southeast Iowa food insecurity » Local News » The Ottumwa Courier." Homepage » The Ottumwa Courier . N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2013. .
    The problem of food insecurity in Southeast Iowa is a big part of the hunger problem in the US. More and more people are struggling to buy enough food to feed their family a nutritious meal. In 2010 the Iowa food bank provided food for 76,100 people. 36% of which were under 18. To help those in need the food bank distributes meals to 13 counties in the region. Last year the food bank gave nearly 1.5 million pounds of food. However, with proper funding they could have distributed nearly three to four million pounds to the 13 counties.
    This article was posted on April 5, 2013. Most of the information in this article is coming from the Food Bank of South East Iowa, which I would consider a reliable source on hunger in the region. I believe the source is reliable because it is very recent so the data is not outdated, and the information cam from a reliable source.
Amanda Snyder

World Food Program USA Statement on President Obama's FY 2014 Budget | World Food Progr... - 0 views

    "World Food Program USA Statement on President Obama's FY 2014 Budget | World Food Program USA." World Food Program USA | Fighting Hunger Worldwide. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2013. .
    The Administration and Congress has improved the U.S. response to end world hunger through efforts to address malnutrition, promote investments in agricultural development, and more. The global need for food assistance remains high due to the conflict economic crises and natural disasters in many countries. Plus, over 870 million people around the world currently suffer from hunger, including 75 million people in need of emergency food aid. But, with the purposal in the Presidents budget plan is going to be an immense improvement step forward to improve the status of world hunger. The specific plan includes eliminating the need to monetize food aid, increasing the availability of cash for emergency food assistance operations. Additionaly, continuing U.S. commodity purchases, and enabling the U.S. government to employ a full range of supply to give the neccesary amount to hungry people. Overall, the purposal will be able to respond to cases of hunger needs more efficent, by ultimately moving more people out of hunger.
Amanda Snyder

Why hunger is occuring: Economic issues - 0 views

    "Why hunger is occuring: Economic issues." ThinkQuest : Library. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2013. <
    The economics of an area in a strong potential for the reason why hunger might be taking place in that certain spot of the world. Many people have a bias that the source of hunger problems in the lack of resources and agriculture, but in more spots the food is their, but the country is too poor to be able to buy the food. Additionaly, many countries are in terrible debt because they dug themselves in a hole when they got emergency aid from other parts of the world. A recent desscusion took place stating that the debts should be cancluded, but the developed countries rely on the poor countires to make their economic status stand high. According to this article, there isn't only one problem with the world's amount of hunger, but there is a correlation. If a undeveloped country wants to have a better economy, then they need to produce more, inorder to keep the income within the country. In conclusion, governments, companies, and individuals are all required to put an end to world hunger with the issue of economics.
Amanda Snyder

World Hunger Notes -- The world food crisis: what&#x27;s behind it and what we can do a... - 1 views

    "World Hunger Notes -- The world food crisis: what's behind it and what we can do about it by Eric Holt-Gimenez ." World Hunger Notes Homepage. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2013. .
    This article talked about how the food crisis is anything but silent, and as long as we are aware of its true causes, we are not helpless. This certain food crisis is affecting over three billion people, accounting for half the entire world's population. Additionaly, the World Bank reported that global food prices rose 83 percent over the last three years and the FAO cited a 45% increase in their world food price index over just nine months. This is where a serious problem comes in, there is enough food for the population, but the prices are too high for people to be able to afford food. The Economist's food price index stands at its highest point since it was originally formulated in 1845. Recent reserach said that the average world wheat prices were 130% above their level a year earlier, soy prices were 87% higher, rice had climbed 74%. In conclusion, the price of food is still at a high price, and poorer and less fortunate families are also seeing higher fuel and housing costs, and are sadly unable to buy sufficient food.
Kanu Shenoi

Can Africa satisfy its hunger? | Africa | DW.DE | 28.03.2013 - 1 views

  • Africa frequently experiences food shortages, although its 900 million farmers could feed the continent, as well as supplying other parts of the world. But for this to happen they need the support of politicians.
  • The good news first: African governments, donors and the United Nations have rediscovered Africa's agricultural sector. For almost two decades they concentrated on urban industrialization. Agriculture was insignificant.
  • Politicians only woke up following fluctuations on raw materials markets, coupled with a severe food crisis that began in 2008 and subsequent famine-driven rebellions. As a result the German Development Aid Ministry drew up strategy papers outlining a development policy that put the spotlight on agriculture.
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  • In Africa some 900 million people, that's 90 percent of the total population, work in the agricultural sector.
  • Every year one in eight people of the world's population doesn't have enough to eat, most of those going hungry live in South Asia and in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • In many African countries, commitment to farming is no more than lip-service. Conditions are lacking for farmers which would make it possible for them not only to fulfil their own needs but also to produce a surplus.
  • Take Ethiopia for example: nearly 85 percent of the country's some 90 million people live from the land. But Ethiopia's authoritarian government, in a display of Marxist nostalgia, still bans private land ownership
  • There is little incentive for farmers to invest in small plots of land which they then have to protect from erosion. Instead they use expensive packets of seeds along with pesticides and herbicides, which cause the soil to deteriorate, trapping the farmers in a vicious cycle of poverty. When harvests are lost, debts increase.
  • Commercial African banks do not give loans to farmers who are then unable to replace old wooden ploughs with modern equipment that would increase their harvest many times over. Even in the 21st century many farmers are denied adequate access to markets, roads to the nearest marketplace are impassable in the rainy season. Studies show that up to 50 percent of African farmers' fresh produce rots on the way to market – a totally unacceptable figure.
  • Hunger has become a political tool of the masses. Europe's politicians have seen in refugee camps on Lampedusa and Malta the desperation that hunger in Africa can trigger. The time has come for a new deal for African agriculture.
    "Can Africa satisfy its hunger? | Africa | DW.DE | 28.03.2013 ." TOP STORIES | DW.DE. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2013. .
    Africa has long been known for its catastrophic famines that have resulted in more premature deaths than the top 3 other reasons combined. However, Africa's 900 million farmers do have the potential to feed the continent. Africa's politicians are finally recognizing this. In contrast, many africans , 90% in fact, have little or no incentive to farm seeing as they can barley produce a surplus which barley gets them any sort of profit for next year. If Africa wants to develop into an industrialized continent, then it needs to focus more on its agricultural sector for suppor. Or else they will be stuck right where they are.
Kanu Shenoi Africa: Is Africa About to Lose the Right to Her Seed? (Page 1 of 3) - 1 views

    Ashton, Glenn, and 23 April 2013. " Africa: Is Africa About to Lose the Right to Her Seed?." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2013. <
    The heart of agriculture has always been the seeds. Without seeds no one could continue planting and thus, our food supply would drop and we would all die. However, the system of local trading that has existed in africa since the beginning is at risk. Normally, african seeds are traded around the village where they are farmed. But large biotech companies are trying to push hybrid seeds into the area. This will cause the local seeds to go out of existence and make them dependent on the hybrid seeds. This in turn would completely destroy the african seed industry and loose many people their jobs.
Avery Fossum

World hunger best cured by small-scale agriculture: report | Environment | - 0 views

  • "If we shift just some of our attention away from production to consumption issues and reducing food waste, we might actually get quite a big bang for our buck, because that ground has been neglected
  • The majority of incentives that governments give to farmers are still tied to the production mindset. The farmers are rewarded for sheer production quantity, with very little guidance for the quality they produce and the impact of their farming practices on the environment and on human health and nutrition ... It is necessary to change these incentives,
  • We have really emphasised a set of policies over the past half a century that have prioritised an agricultural system that is incredibly fuel-intensive and emissions-based
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  • Organic farming systems benefit biodiversity, are resilient in the face of climate change, and have been shown to improve yields and the ability of poor communities in the global south to feed themselves,"
    " World hunger best cured by small-scale agriculture: report | Environment | ." Latest US news, world news, sport and comment from the Guardian | | The Guardian . N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2013. .
    This article talked about how agriculture and world hunger could come up with two things together, they are initiatives and incentives. By having initiatives people could set goals for them selves to help each other and themselves, and by having incentives people could work towards something, i.e. money, food or helping out of the kindness of their heart. One person said, "The majority of incentives that governments give to farmers are still tied to the production mindset. The farmers are rewarded for sheer production quantity, with very little guidance for the quality they produce". So the incentives that are give can also have problems, people need to not worry as much about how much they produce, but what they produce. For example, if you produce 1 million tons of corn but only 50% is healthy, it is no good. That leads into the last part of the article, the person wrote "If we shift just some of our attention away from production to consumption issues and reducing food waste, we might actually get quite a big bang for our buck, because that ground has been neglected." By working on the quality of the product much less will be wasted and more can go to people who don't have any food.
Andrew Cotter

Going to Bed Hungry - 1 views

    Riley, Theresa. "Going to Bed Hungry | Q&A |" Moyers & Company | N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. .
    The reason why the wealthiest nation has several families and children going hungry is due to food insecurity. Being food insecure means to not have enough money to regularly obtain the amount of food they need. This means that parents may be going hungry just so their children have enough food to eat on a daily basis. Because junk food is usually a lot cheaper than buying healthier food, obesity usually goes along with food insecurity. Thanks to programs like SNAP and the National School Lunch Program, Americans rarely starve to death. However, these programs are costing the nation $167.5 billion each year. To solve the problem, President Obama and congress must work together to create more living wage jobs across the nation.
    This article is in the form of a interview between the interviewer and Joel Berg, the author of NYC's Coalition Against Hunger. The article was poster on April 5 of this year so it is very recent. However I have never heard of the website or Author. Berg has also written other books on the same subject, and is the national spokesman on domestic hunger. I would consider this article reliable because it is a interview with an expert on the topic.
sara kielbasa

SIRS: Burden of Hope: Africa in the 1990s - 0 views

  • Incomes
  • had fallen for the last decade, hunger had increased, unemployment was rising and Africa's foreign debt of $230 billion was equal to its gross national product--a proportion almost twice that of Latin America's--making it the most heavily debt-burdened region of the world
  • ut the country got off to a promising start earlier this year, with a peaceful multiparty election that drew over 90 per cent of the population, and a constitution enshrining the best guarantees for human rights and democracy in Africa.
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  • Over the last 30 years food shortages have hit all but five sub-Saharan countries
  • More than two million Africans starved to death in 1985
  • Another four million currently face starvation in Ethiopia as a result of drought and war
  • At its heart lies insufficient food production
  • he only way to ensure that more food is grown is to pay farmers more for doing it and supply the back-up that they need. But raising food prices in the cities provokes dissatisfaction in the urban population with its greater political clout--so in practice it all-too-rarely happens
  • &nbsp;&nbsp;In the course of the 1980s Africa's debt burden increased faster than anywhere else in the Third World.
  • &nbsp;Like ordinary people all over Africa they are engaged in the painfully difficult task of moving their continent forward. It will take years
    "Shaw, Sue. "Burden of Hope: Africa in the 1990s." New Internationalist. June 1990: 4+. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 23 Apr 2013"
    This article is from the website SIRS. It is about the decrease in food, jobs, homes, and the foreign debt in Africa. It also touches base on Nelson Mandela and the struggles he went through, then compares that to African people. Also the author explains how things in Africa are changing, but still are not fully back to normal. A good fact from the article is, "Over the last 30 years food shortages have hit all but five sub-Saharan countries. More than two million Africans starved to death in 1985." It is a good fact because it shows the emotional side of this problem as well as the actual problem. In conclusion, this is a very good article because it helps you understand more of what is going on in Africa.
Victor Pinto

Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs - 0 views

    Asia Times. "Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs." Asia Times Online :: Asian news hub providing the latest news and analysis from Asia. N.p., 15 Apr. 2013. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. .
    This article was about how the Egyptian government has undermined their farmers. The country is in debt $5 billion to the oil companies so that is their first priority. Not only is it their first priority, it is practically their only priority, causing them to overlook their farmers and neglect agriculture. Instead of using agriculture and exports as a tool to alleviate their debt, their negligence has allowed the discrepancy between imports and exports to grow. In 2012, Egypt imported $60 billion of goods but only exported $28 billion, causing them to go $32 billion further in debt. This is a credible source because it was written less than two weeks ago, it was relevant to the topic and they received their information from sources in Egypt, not outsiders that are looking in.
Cassidy Hagen

Effects of Poverty, Hunger, and Homelessness on Children and Youth - 0 views

    "Effects of Poverty, Hunger, and Homelessness on Children and Youth." Effects of Poverty, Hunger, and Homelessness on Children and Youth. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. This article is all about the results of child hunger and how it affects the children who are directly impacted by not having enough food to get through the day. This article mainly focuses on America which is a good thing since many people dont think hunger is a problem here in the United States. If children are born into a family who is facing hunger the child can face academic problems, behavior problems and physical problems as well and as the child begins to grow up it will be harder for the child to learn properly and get along with people. All in all this article is focused on the effects of child hunger.
frannie villacrez

SIRS: Food Sovereignty: Ending World Hunger in Our Time - 0 views

  • &nbsp;So who then benefits the most from food aid? Specific crop lobbies, U.S. shipping companies, and NGO and relief organizations are some of the top winners. For example, Horizon Milling, a joint venture of Cargill Inc. and CHS Inc., has since 1995 sold to the U.S. government $1.09 billion of grain for food aid operations.
  • cost of food aid by over 100 percent compared to local purchases
  • Under the dictates of the international financial institutions, marketing boards, which stabilized prices and managed national food stocks, have been systematically dismantled in many developing countries.
    mousseau, Frederic, and Anuradha Mittal. "Food Sovereignty:Ending World Hunger in Our Time." Humanist Vol. 66, No. 2. March/April 2006: 24-26.SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 23 Apr 2013
    Even though the agriculture today is producing 17% more calories per person than 30 years ago, over 800 million people still suffer from starvation around the world. Why is this? even though food and crops are abundant in ratio to the human population, many families are still unable to afford it. Local farms are being ran over by large factory corporations and towns and villages are unable to support themselves. Food aid should look at other ways to solve this international crisis and help nations develop a good agricultural system so they dont need the aid in the first place. donors still should give food aid to counties who need it, but they should also increase the amount of tools, resources and irrigation funds so the farmers can produce crops themselves.
Cassidy Hagen

How Hunger Hurts | The 40-Hour Famine - 0 views

  • true hunger — or, malnutrition –&nbsp;is a dual body-mind experience that has the same deteriorating effects on every human.
  • one in every 3 humans in the world is suffering from malnutrition and half the child deaths in developing countries are caused by malnutrition and its effects
  • Childhood malnutrition can cause reduced intelligence, anxiety, psychiatric issues and cognitive impairment in the long term.
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  • Bleeding gums/decaying teeth
  • Hunger causes a decrease in heart rate and oxygen levels, making it that much more difficult to perform any kind of physical activity, let alone labor.
  • These important connection points will ache if not provided protein
  • Nerves in the hands and feet will begin to break down
    This article is about how true hunger and malnutrition truely affect the body. When a person doesn't get the right about of vitamins and minerals there body will become weaker and weaker. There bones will become frigid and there muscles will be come weak. These changes in the body can lead to many types of diseases that can often become deadly if not fixed. Becoming hunger affects everything in your body all the way from you brain to the immune system which help fight off infections, hunger affects every part of the body. "How Hunger Hurts." The 40Hour Famine. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2013.
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