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IPS - Q&A: "Latin America Could Eradicate Hunger by 2025" | Inter Press Service - 0 views

    Talking about the role Latin America plays and the potential it has to rid the world of world hunger

World Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean: Day 14 | Conducive Chronicle - 0 views

    The source talks about the effects of hunger and malnutrition in Latin America 

Barack Obama budget calls for sweeping overhaul of US food aid | Global development | g... - 1 views

    Barack Obama's new plan for food aid stating that they will start sending some money rather food. 

Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative: Consultation Document - 0 views

  • competition for energy resources from industry and urbanization. Because of climate change, rice yields are projected to fall more than 25 percent in most of the world’s poorest countries. As a result, an additional 24 million children could suffer from under-nourishment.
  • ripple effect
  • for every one percent growth in agriculture, poverty declines by as much as two percent.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • Adopt a comprehensive approach to food security that focuses on advancing agriculture-led growth, reducing under-nutrition, and increasing the impact of humanitarian food assistance;Invest in country-led plans;Strengthen strategic coordination–globally, regionally, and locally;Leverage the benefits of multilateral institutions; andDeliver on a sustained and accountable commitment.
  • the U.S. strategy for reducing hunger and ensuring food security is being developed through a consultative process within the U.S. government and with the global community and other stakeholders, including foundations, universities, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector. It will support and advance joint action to reduce hunger and under-nutrition throughout the developing world. Global stakeholders are in the process of defining a new business model for coordinated action to address food security. The United States is an active participant in these on-going processes.
  • Goals and Strategic Choices
  • Embracing a community and country-led approach where partner countries decide on their own needs, solutions, and development strategies;
  • Building local capacity across central governments and communities and farm organizations;
  • market access of small-scale producers, particularly women
  • The use of science and technology to sustainably
  • increase agricultural productivity;
    • frannie villacrez
      i can see that this document is not saying anything about the united states that makes the government seems corrupt or wrong. because this is a governmental website, the document strictly only says things to make the reader feel like the government is fully concerned and cares about hunger and wants to do anything to help solve it
  • Committing to a whole-of-U.S.-government approach that improves efficiency and increases the coordination and accountability of our investments.
  • he United States will maintain its strong commitment to providing emergency and humanitarian food assistance to meet urgent needs and mitigate unexpected disasters.

2012 World Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics by World Hunger Education Service - 8 views

  • Region % in  $1.25 a day poverty Population (millions) Pop. in $1 a day poverty (millions)
    • Victor Pinto
      This is an example of bias by omission because every continent or region is on this table except for North America. 
  • What are the causes of hunger is a fundamental question, with varied answers.
    • Victor Pinto
      This is an example of bias by omission because the author isn't giving the whole story. The author is telling you the causes of hunger that they believe are the most important, but there is many more causes, such as a lack of emphasis on agriculture in the past decade.
  • According to the most recent estimate that Hunger Notes could find, malnutrition, as measured by stunting, affects 32.5 percent of children in developing countries--one of three (de Onis 2000).
    • Victor Pinto
      This is an example of bias by selection because the author is choosing which regions to give statistics on.
  • ...21 more annotations...
    • Lydia Swanson
      Bias by image shows the devastation of hunger in different areas of the world 
  • Undernutrition is a relatively new concept, but is increasingly used.  It should be taken as similar to malnutrition.  (It should be said as an aside, that the idea of undernourishment, its relationship to malnutrition, and the reasons for its emergence as a concept is not clear to Hunger Notes.)
  • Nearly all of the undernourished are in developing countries. 
  • Children are the most visible victims of undernutrition.  Children who are poorly nourished suffer up to 160 days of illness each year.
  • Extreme poverty remains an alarming problem in the world’s developing region
  • increase of food prices in the last several years which has been devastating to those with
    • Megan Wipperfurth
      Bias by word choice-- A big word like this makes the read think of the issue worse.
  • increase of food prices in the last several years which has been devastating to those with
  • malnourished.
    • Megan Wipperfurth
      Bias by image-- The image shows how much worse world huner has gotten thoughout the years, and that 2009 was the worst for hunger problems and 1995-1997, was the least.
  • increase of food prices in the last several years which has been devastating to those with
  • Number of hungry people, 1969-2010
  • increase of food prices in the last several years which has been devastating to those with
    • Megan Wipperfurth
      Bias by naming-- The name of a improtant company that works with world hunger.
  • The FAO
  • cessa
  • Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) is the most lethal form of malnutrition/hunger.
    • Marissa Charlson
      This seems to be a huge problem with World Hunger.
    • frannie villacrez
      because of wars and conflicts in third world countries, citizens are ran out of their homes and have no shelter or food supplies. because refugees are camps that support people with no homes, they can no longer help if there are becoming lass and less of them
  • At the end of 2005, the global number of refugees was at its lowest level in almost a quarter of a century. Despite some large-scale repatriation movements, the last three years have witnessed a significant increase in refugee numbers, due primarily to the violence taking place in Iraq and Somalia.
    • frannie villacrez
      hunger seems to cause a loop, hunger causes poverty, and poverty causes starvation. it seems to be hard for third world countries to get out of this cycle by themselves
    "2012 World Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics by World Hunger Education Service." World Hunger Notes Homepage. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Feb. 2013. <
  • ...4 more comments...
    Poverty and unequal economic distribution, especially in developing countries, are the main cause of worldwide malnutrition. The world produces enough food that everyone could have 2,720 kilocalories per day, but economic hardships make buying enough food a struggle. There are more than 1.3 billion people, roughly 20% of the world population, living on less than $1.25 per day. Also, poverty and hunger feed into a deadly cycle that is very difficult to break. Hunger causes low levels of energy, poor health and possibly mental impairment, which make it difficult to hold down a job, which causes loss of income and then hunger. These are a few reasons why poverty and unequal economic distribution are causes of world hunger.
    World Hunger has been a problem for ever. It didn't just start at one point in history and it's not about to end either. Hunger will always be a problem no matter where you live. World Hunger, or in other words, malnutrition, is a growing problem. Malnutrition is when you lack nutrians that your body needs to survive. In 2010 over 925 million people are suffering from hunger. Asia and The Pacific has 578 people out of the 925 in the world that have world hunger. In 2009, the world hunger rate went up the most that it has ever been. But, thankfully the numbers have been deistically been going down ever sense it went up so much. One in every seven people in this world into go hungry today. Yes,there are shelter homes where SOME of the people dealing with hunger can get help and get foot. But, that is a small amount that we can help.
    Andrew Cotter
    The article does not show when it was originally published, however it was updated on December 4, 2011. Most of the data is from the past couple years, except for a few graphs comparing multiple years of data, and a few older pieces of data. This article provides data about world hunger throughout a large data of time, but most of the key information is pretty recent. I was unable to find who is the author or authors, so this makes the source less credible. The majority of the article is facts and data, so I felt it had a very informative tone. The authors purpose for writing this article is most likely to inform or present facts about world hunger to the reader. The author does show bias though by only talking about the countries he chooses to talk about. There are aspects of the article that are credible, but overall there is a lot missing to make it a very reliable source.

What causes hunger? | WFP | United Nations World Food Programme - Fighting Hunger World... - 0 views

  • Nature&nbsp;
  • Drought is now the single most common cause of food shortages in the world. In 2011, recurrent drought caused crop failures and heavy livestock losses in parts of Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya.
  • From Asia to Africa to Latin America, fighting displaces millions of people from their homes, leading to some of the world's worst hunger emergencies.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Poverty Trap
  • In developing countries, farmers often cannot afford seed to plant the crops that would provide for their families.
  • Agricultural infrastructure
  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2004 Food Insecurity Report, all the countries that are on track to reach the first Millennium Development Goal have something in common -- significantly better than average agricultural growth.
  • exhausting the Earth's fertility and spreading the roots of hunger.

Welcome: Hidden Hunger Congress - 1 views

    "Solution to World Hunger." Food for Life Global. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 May 2013.

BBC NEWS | Europe | UN talks tackle hunger problems - 1 views

  • ound 200 senior staff from the UN World Food Programm
  • Last year the WFP provided food aid to more than 100 million people in 81 countries.
    Helm, James. BBC News. BBC, 06 Aug. 2004. Web. 30 Apr. 2013.

Social issues in Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • See also: Poverty in Germany
  • There is a discussion going on about hunger in Germany. Reverend Bernd Siggelkow, founder of the Berlin-based soup kitchen "Die Arche", claimed that a number of German children go hungry each day. He blamed the lack of jobs, low welfare payments, and parents who were drug-addicted or mentally ill.[3] Siggelkow has been criticized by a number of people who said there was no hunger in Germany. SPD politician and board member of the German central bank Thilo Sarrazin said it was possible to live on welfare without going hungry if one did not buy fast food, but was able to cook from scratch. He was criticized by The Left politician Heidi Knake-Werner, who said it was not right that "well-off people told poor people how to shop".
    Social Issues in Germany." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 30 Apr. 2013. Web. 30 Apr. 2013.

World Hunger- Statistics and Facts - 0 views

    This article shows the past, current and possible future facts and statistics for world hunger. In the future section, it talks mostly about how world hunger can be solved. It gives examples like education, distribution, and government involvement. In the past section is talks about how the history of world hunger not being solved is what leaves us with it today. It then gives several other articles about past history's world hunger. And in the middle, it has the current tab. It starts off with a main sentence stating how every day around 24,000 people die directly from hunger or hunger related diseases.

Italy Has Europe's Highest Percentage of Children in Poverty, Says UNICEF - The Daily B... - 2 views

  • ly 2 million children are struggling to survive.
  • , hundreds of thousands of children in
  • Italy’s poorest regions wake up hungry
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • schools can’t
  • afford them in the classrooms.
  • hey drop out, hoping to fin
  • scarce jobs.
  • A growing
  • number of children work as laborers on farms.
  • Others
  • are pushed into the sex trade to help support the
  • families.
  • Thousands live without basic amenities like hot water, regular meals, or simple health care—all in picturesque Italy.
  • “In Italy, there are 1.8 million children living under the poverty line,” says Giacomo Guerrera,
  • This shouldn’t be happening in Italy, Europe’s third-largest economy.
    Nadeau, Barbie Latza. "Italy Has Europe's Highest Percentage of Children in Poverty, Says UNICEF." The Daily Beast. Newsweek/Daily Beast, 04 Mar. 2012. Web. 30 Apr. 2013.

GREEN REVOLUTION A FAILURE IN AFRICA | Food First/Institute for Food and Development Po... - 2 views

    "GREEN REVOLUTION A FAILURE IN AFRICA." Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2013.
    Other countries are at fault when it comes to hunger in Africa. According to Ben Burkett, the United States has very disastrous policies which take adequate food away from one billion people. Africa are up against multiple crisis: financial, climate, energy, and water. De Schutter said, "The right to food is not simply about more production, but about distribution and access. While high food prices are bad for consumers, so too are depressed prices for farmers who can't make a living." Statistics shows that 60% of hungry people are small famers and people who make a living off the land. 20% of hungry people are landless agriculture workers. The U.S should take the voices of the African farmers who has knowledge of the African soil and let them control what they grow.

SIRS: Food Aid Fattens up Lobbyists - 0 views

    stockman, Farah. "Food Aid Fattens up Lobbyists." Boston Globe. 11 Dec 2012: A.19. SIRS Issue Researcher. Web. 30 Apr 2013
    The United States spends more than 1.5 billion dollars on food aid, but the aid has to be shipped from United States ships and may be months before the countries actually get their aid, even in emergencies. In these conditions, however, most of the money is gone to the shipping industry in the United States and the four largest agricultural corporations. At the same time, the starving countries have to pay a lot of money to get food aid shipped all the way across the ocean. There are better, more efficient ways to transport aid to Africa and Asia, but the United states being the number one country on food aid, is the only country that still transports aid by this method

Childhood Hunger May Harm Long-Term Physical and Emotional Health - TIME - 1 views

  • In the new analysis, the scientists found that children who went hungry at least once in their lives were 2½ times more likely to have poor overall health 10 to 15 years later
  • Even one experience of hunger can have lasting effects on a child's health
  • missing key nutrients and calories can have on growth and development,
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • 2008: 15% of American families reported some compromise in the amount or quality of food they consumed, up from 11% the previous year.
  • The research really pushes us to look at the impact that various policy interventions on food insecurity can have on health
  • "It's unacceptable that in countries like the U.S. and Canada, we're talking about millions of children living in households with uncertain food access."
    This article is about how when children are born into a family who experiences hunger as a problem it will affect them there whole life. If children dont eat enough after they are born they can develop diseases and illness almost 10 years after they were born because of the lack of food they were feed when they were and infant. Hunger is a problem because it does lead to children getting put into hospitals later in life due to the lack of vitamins and minerals they didn't receive when they were younger. Park, Alice. "Study: Effects of Childhood Hunger Last Longer." Time. N.p., n.d. Web.

» Child Hunger Is Exploding In Greece - And 14 Signs That It Is Starting To H... - 2 views

    "Child Hunger Is Exploding In Greece – And 14 Signs That It Is Starting To Happen In America Too." Infowars Child Hunger Is Exploding In Greece And 14 Signs That It Is Starting To Happen In America Too Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2013.

Economy of Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    "Economy of Europe." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 29 Apr. 2013. Web. 29 Apr. 2013.
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