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Vaccination & Vaccine Safety | - 0 views

  • The flu vaccine is available by shot or nasal spray.Get your flu shot or spray as soon as the vaccine is available in your area.It is especially important to get the vaccine if you, someone you live with, or someone you care for is at high risk of complications from the flu.Mild reactions such as soreness, headaches, and fever are common side effects of the flu vaccine.If you experience a severe reaction such as difficulty breathing, hives, or facial swelling, seek medical attention immediately.
  • There are two different types of flu vaccines, trivalent and quadrivalent.
  • Quadivalent vaccines protect against 4 strains of the flu, A/H3N2, A/H1N1, and 2 strains of influenza B. Quadrivalent vaccines are available in:Traditional flu shots, approved for anyone 6 months and olderNasal spray, approved for healthy people from 2-49, except pregnant women
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  • one flu season.
  • Seasonal flu vaccines have a very good safety track record.
  • If you are sick with a fever, you should wait until your fever is gone before getting a flu shot.
  • Soreness, redness, and swelling at the injection siteFainting, mainly in adolescentsHeadachesFeverNausea
  • Possible mild side effects
  • Runny noseWheezingHeadacheVomitingMuscle achesFever
  • Serious side effects
  • Difficulty breathingHoarsenessSwelling around the eyes or lipsHivesPalenessWeaknessRacing heartDizzinessBehavior changesHigh fever
  • No, you cannot get the flu from the flu shot or the nasal spray.
  • A severe allergy to chicken eggsA history of severe reaction to a flu vaccinationA moderate-to-severe illness with a fever (you should wait until you are better to get the vaccine)A history of Guillain–Barré Syndrome (a severe paralytic illness, also called GBS)

The silent epidemic: CA-MRSA and HA-MRSA - 0 views

  • Crowding frequent skin-to-skin Contact Compromised skin (cuts or abrasions) Contaminated items and surfaces lack of Cleanliness.
  • Crowding frequent skin-to-skin Contact Compromised skin (cuts or abrasions) Contaminated items and surfaces lack of Cleanliness.
  • Crowding frequent skin-to-skin Contact Compromised skin (cuts or abrasions) Contaminated items and surfaces lack of Cleanliness.
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  • CA-MRSA is clinically and biologically distinct from HA-MRSA. The epidemiology and incidence of each strain of MRSA is changing and has become a worldwide problem. Understanding differences of these two strains is required to effectively prevent, treat, and manage orthopaedic patients.
  • Medicare and Medicaid health insurance programs will halt reimbursements for treating hospital-acquired infections and other “preventable” conditions.
  • Data supporting preoperative decolonization in orthopaedic patients is also limited
  • The data clearly suggest that S aureus and MRSA should become a national priority for disease control. The more resistant vancomycin-intermediate-sensitive S aureus and vancomycin-resistant S aureus potentially loom as even greater problems. Only vigilant prevention and implementation of the most current treatment protocols will provide an increased margin of safety.
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