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Contents contributed and discussions participated by xwang083


3 Reasons Why you Need to Invest in Proximity Marketing Now | Beaconstac - 0 views

  • proximity marketing is the act of advertising to a customer based on their location.
  • 1. Your competitors are already getting smarter by embracing proximity marketing
  • According to the 2015 Store Operations Survey, 29% of retailers already have beacons in stores while 17% more plan to add beacons, which would bring the total number of retailers with beacons to 46%.
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  • (1) 71% were able to track and understand customer browsing and buying patterns
  • (2) 65% were able to target customers down to the aisle level (3) 59% of customers are more engaged in the store (4) 53% were able to create more relevant and compelling offers in the store (5) 24% saw an increase in sales
  • Big Data
  • (1) Optimize the layout of your store by tracking customer walking paths and dwell times. (2) Use saved data like favorited items, recipes, experiences or entrees to direct users to their desired object inside your store or on your menu. (3) Increase staff performance by utilizing data from a mobile survey pushed to customers as they exit your store.
  • 2. Your customers have already dedicated their attention to their phones
  • (1) The average clickthrough rate (CTR) for a Facebook ad is 0.119%, according to a recent Wordstream report (2) The average clickthrough rate (CTR) for an email is 1% to 3%, according to a recent report by Mailchimp (3) The average clickthrough rate (CTR) for beacon based push notifications can be as high as 80%, according to the data published by push notification technologist Kahuna
  • 3. The online world is fast coming offline
    Proximity marketing is the act of delivering advertisements to customers based on their location. However, as more and more proximity marketing activities begin to take place, marketers everywhere are now beginning to realize that proximity marketing is more than just providing vouchers and coupons.If used properly, proximity marketing can even help you increase customer retention. Wénzhāng tōngguò sān gè wéidù 1. Tōngguò cǎiyòng jiējìn yíngxiāo, nín de jìngzhēng duìshǒu yǐjīng biàn dé yuè lái yuè cōngmíng. 2. Nín de kèhù yǐjīng jiāng zhùyì lì jízhōng zài shǒujī shàng. 3. The online world is fast coming offline. 展开 99 / 5000 翻译结果 The article passes through three dimensions 1. By adopting proximity marketing, your competitors have become smarter and smarter. 2.Your customers have focused their attention on their mobile phones. 3. The online world is fast coming offline.

7 Ways to Use AR/VR to Improve Guest Engagement | Hospitality Technology - 0 views

  • reach 5.73 billion U.S. dollars by 2027
  • virtual reality technologies change the environment totally while augmented reality just enhances real-world surroundings.
  • survey the many different rooms your property offers
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  • virtual hotel tours.
  • Interactive elements within hotel rooms can also improve the guest experience.
  • This helps them to plan their daily itineraries and provides incentives for them to book at your hotel.  
  • AR and VR offer huge potential within the hospitality industry.
    This article gives us an overview and shows you how solutions such as AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality) will reshape the hotel industry and help you better attract your guests. The article mainly describes how AR and VR improve the guest experience from 7 dimensions, includingVirtual Booking Processes, Virtual Hotel Tours,Interactive Hotel Rooms, Virtual Travel Experiences,Beacon Technology, Gamification, Convenient Translation Capabilities.

What is Global Distribution System and how it works - PHPTRAVELS Blog - 0 views

  • The global distribution system can be defined as a network that helps with the connectivity of different travel agencies to multiple different organizations such as hotels.
  • Global distribution systems have not only made the lives of travel agencies easier, but it has also helped them to capture more business and reaching out even more to their potential clients.
  • here is also some drawback that should be taken into consideration by the organizations employing these systems.
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  • There are three main types of global distributions systems
  • it enjoys a good 40 percent of its market shares
  • Amadues GDS
  • Sabre GDS
  • his type of system is the closest competitor of Amadues GDS.
  • Travelport GDS
    This article mainly outlines the working principle of the global distribution system machine. First, briefly summarize the development history of GDS. Then the global distribution system is defined as a kind of network that helps different travel agencies and hotels and other organizations to connect. This is a system useful for hotels and travel agencies. Because it can not only help tap potential customers, but also help develop new markets. This system brings more profits to hotels and travel agencies, but it also has the disadvantage of high initial costs. There are three main types of global distribution systems: Amadues GDS, Sabre GDS and Travelport GDS. The effective operation of GDS also requires intermediaries. As reservations are made, it shows that the inventory has reduced across all channels along with the official website of the hotel itself.

Hotel PMS Cloud vs. On-Premise | protel - 0 views

  • Modern PMS solutions act as your hotel’s command center for distribution, availability, pricing, reservations, guest interactions, housekeeping, reporting, billing, communication
  • Cloud-based PMS have new, modern, intuitive interfaces, easy to learn for team members, designed for workflows focusing on putting the guest at the forefront of the business.
  • the product of the needs and requirements of the hospitality industry over multiple years.
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  • Demand for on-the-go services is on the rise,
  • On-Premise PMS is a system in your premises
  • the added cost
  • because cloud-based PMS systems receive frequent updates, deployed and managed centrally at the same time on a bi-weekly basis with minimal downtime and at no extra cost to your monthly fees.
  • All clients receive the same version at the same time. 
  • This allows the hotel to reduce setup or renewal costs (no expensive hardware) especially at a time when expenditure has to be managed carefully.
  • it is seamlessly integrated into the Cloud technology stack.
    This article mainly describes the differences between local and cloud PMS. This paper mainly puts forward six different directions: improving hotel efficiency, improving staff productivity, automatic software upgrade, security, cost reduction, free service market (SMP) application. Through a brief introduction and comparison, it shows that cloud PMS is the future development trend. Cloud PMS provides flexibility, simplifies workflow, custom options, new ideas for mobile front desk and mobile access, while eliminating management hassles and maintaining your local solutions.

Why the Future of Data Storage is (Still) Magnetic Tape - IEEE Spectrum - 1 views

  • 实际上,世界上的许多数据仍然保存在磁带上,包括基础科学的数据,例如粒子物理学和射电天文学,人类遗产和国家档案,主要电影,银行业务,保险,石油勘探等。甚至还有一群人(包括我在内,接受过材料科学,工程学或物理方面的培训),他们的工作是不断改善磁带存储。
  • 首先,磁带存储具有更高的能源效率
  • 。磁带也非常可靠,错误率比硬盘驱动器低四到五个数量级。
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • 在2015年,在信息存储产业联盟,包括惠普企业,IBM,甲骨文和Quantum,与学术研究团体的摆沿着一个组织,发布了它所谓的“国际磁带存储路线图。” 该预测预测,到2025年,磁带存储的单位面积密度将达到91 Gb /平方英寸。推算趋势表明,到2028年,它将超过200 Gb /平方英寸。
  • 它应该以每年约33%的历史速度继续运行很多年,这意味着您可以预期容量大约每两到三年翻一番。可以将其视为磁带的摩尔定律。
  • 尽管有所有这些优点,但公司使用磁带的主要原因通常是简单的经济学。磁带存储的成本是将相同数量的数据保留在磁盘上所需要支付的费用的六分之一,这就是为什么在几乎所有存储大量数据的地方都可以找到磁带系统的原因。
  • Disk drives are reaching their limits, but magnetic tape just gets better and better
  • Indeed, much of the world’s data is still kept on tape, including data for basic science, such as particle physics and radio astronomy, human heritage and national archives, major motion pictures, banking, insurance, oil exploration, and more. There is even a cadre of people (including me, trained in materials science, engineering, or physics) whose job it is to keep improving tape storage.
  • Tape has survived for as long as it has for one fundamental reason: It’s cheap. And it’s getting cheaper all the time. But will that always be the case?
  • Indeed, it should continue for many more years at its historical rate of about 33 percent per year, meaning that you can expect a doubling in capacity roughly every two to three years. Think of it as a Moore’s Law for magnetic tape.
  • But the rate at which data can be written to tape is, surprisingly enough, more than twice the rate of writing to disk.
  • To enable this degree of scaling, we had to make a bunch of technical advances. For one, we improved the ability of the read and write heads to follow the slender tracks on the tape, which were just 100 or so nanometers wide in our latest demo.
  • For example, in 2011, a flaw in a software update caused Google to accidentally delete the saved email messages in about 40,000 Gmail accounts. That loss occurred despite there being several copies of the data stored on hard drives across multiple data centers. Fortunately, the data was also recorded on tape, and Google could eventually restore all the lost data from that backup.
    Recent advances in big data analysis and artificial intelligence create powerful incentives for companies to accumulate information about every measurable aspect of their business. Due to the huge amount of information, the company's demand for cost reduction is higher and higher. Research shows that the amount of data recorded is growing at an annual rate of 30% to 40%. At the same time, the capacity of modern hard disks used to store most hard disks is growing at less than half the rate. Most of this information does not need immediate access. For things like this, tape is the perfect solution. In fact, most of the world's data are still stored on magnetic tapes, including data from basic sciences, such as particle physics and radio astronomy, human heritage and national archives, major films, banking, insurance, oil exploration, etc. There is even a group of people (including me, trained in materials science, engineering or Physics) whose job is to constantly improve tape storage.
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