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Contents contributed and discussions participated by teresastas


Railroads say they don't need cybersecurity mandates - The Washington Post - 0 views

  • The Biden administration plans to impose new cybersecurity mandates on railroad and rail transit systems.But a leading railroad association insists it's already voluntarily following the practices that are now going to be required by the federal government.
    • teresastas
      Biden administration is planning on imposing new cybersecurity mandates on railroad and rail transit systems. This includes passenger rail systems like Amtrak and large subway systems like those in New York. Homeland Security Secretary announced the new proposed regulations under TSA eelier this week. The new regulations came as a surprise to the rail industy who feel that they are already taking cyber security seriously and don't need the government's heavy hand involved. They have three day's to submit feedback.
  • Our freight rail system is essential not only to our economic well-being, but also to the ability of our military to move equipment from ‘fort to port’ when needed,” the secretary said at the virtual Billington Cybersecurity Summit, where he announced the intended new regulations.
    • teresastas
      We often forget about Rail when we think about Transportation but it is essential for our military and for our major cities like New York. As well as the transport of goods across country.
  • In fall 2020, ransomware hit the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, which operates Philadelphia’s transit network. And in April, a hacker group believed to be linked to the Chinese government breached the computers of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), which operates New York City’s subway system — the country’s largest.
    • teresastas
      We often don't hear about the hacks that aren't successful but how awful would it have been if hackers would have breached into MTA and taken over NYC's subway system!

Skullcandy Promises to Slash 1 Million Pounds of E-Waste - 0 views

  • EPA says recycling, reusing or donating electronics prevents pollution and carbon emissions because fewer materials for items such as plastics or batteries do not have to be produced again. The energy saved from recycling 1 million laptops, for example, is equivalent to powering 3,500 homes in the US for a year, according to the agency.
    • teresastas
      This comparison is really eye opening for me. I know. Sometimes we get lost in all the numbers but when you look at it this way it's crazy to think about.
  • Skullcandy also says it will eliminate the use of plastics entirely by 2023 and shift to using only FSC certified paper products.
    • teresastas
      I think it is very important that companies that contribute to the e waste problem also help to fix the problem like Skullcandy is working towards doing. The idea of eliminating the use of plastics entirely on top of their e-waste pledge is making the right moves.
  • company has a partnership with environmental intelligence platform EcoChain, which helps the company analyze the carbon footprint of its manufacturing. One impact of that program is the development of a smaller battery.
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  • recycling by letting customers send any type or brand of headphones to the company to be properly recycled, giving them discounts for doing so.
  • Skullcandy Promises to Slash 1 Million Pounds of E-Waste
    • teresastas
      Headphone and Speaker company Skullcandy is making moves towards helping the fight against e-waste (short of closing it's doors of course). It recently pledged this month that it would eliminate one million pounds of e-waste by 2025 its new upcycling program. This program includes a few factors including a no plastic packing plan, an upcycling endeavor, and discounts to customers for responsible recycling of any headphone brands.

Location-Based Marketing: The Ultimate Guide [2023] | GroundTruth - 1 views

  • around 83% of marketers say they can run more successful campaigns when they use location data.
    • teresastas
      This is because they feel like they understand what their customers need and they can deliver that.
  • more than 225 million American consumers, and 94% of all millennials, now own a smartphone. And they’re using them more and more.
    • teresastas
      This is important because location based marketing only works with a smart phone.
  • consumers now spend more time daily on mobile devices (3 hours and 43 minutes) than watching TV (3 hours and 35 minutes).
    • teresastas
      I would say that most people watching TV are still on their smart phones. It's clear that if you can advertise to someone's phone it's more effective than TV in this day.
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  • If you want to grab customers’ eyeballs, you need to market where they’re looking. That’s why using location-based  advertising to target mobile device users is a smart marketing strategy.
  • IP address marketing lets you use that location information to target your marketing.
  • GPS marketing lets you target promotions based on this location information.
  • geofencing marketing involves setting up a virtual location or radius so that you can market to people with in that area. Related to that, proximity marketing lets you target advertising and marketing campaigns to people who are within range of a geofence you have previously setup.
  • Beacon marketing or beacon advertising allows you to use physical devices called beacons within the premises of a business to target marketing to people who are within range of that beacon.
  • Blueprints create geographical boundaries around points of interest and locations.
  • Proximity targeting lets you reach your desired customers in real time in or near locations you have previously geofenced.
  • Weather targeting lets you use prevailing or upcoming weather conditions to target ads and marketing promotions.
  • Geoconquesting is about using location data to win business from your competitors.
  • Audience targeting lets you market to people based on location, online and offline behavior, demographics, interests, and more.
  • Location-Based Marketing Benefits
    • teresastas
      There are 4 major marketing benefits to location based advertising. 1. Location Targeting (target ads to customers within a range of your business or competitor). 2. Data Offerings (marketers can gain deep understanding of customers shopping behaviors). 3. Enhanced Targeting (personalizing ads to the consumer making conversions more likely and improving ROI on ad spends). 4. Cost Per Visit Performance Model (you only pay when the consumer clicks on the ad, visits the store, or hits a certain number of impressions)/
  • 1. Location Targeting
  • 2. Data Offerings
  • 3. Enhanced Targeting
  • 4. Cost Per Visit Performance Model
  • Location-Based Marketing Disadvantages
    • teresastas
      Four disadvantages of Location Based Marketing. 1. Opt-In Requirements (consumers must give permission for apps to access location data). 2. Non-Smartphone Users (although this is becoming increasing irrelevant consumers without smartphones can't be geotargeted). 3. Inappropriate Targeting (It's important to segment your audience properly to get conversions). 4. Ineffective Location Data (the effectiveness of geolocation marketing relies on accurate location data).
  • 1. Opt-In Requirements
  • 2. Non-Smartphone Users
  • 3. Inappropriate Targeting
  • 4. Ineffective Location Data
  • Location-based marketing is an extremely effective tool for getting the word out about your business. It’s had the most success in boosting in-store traffic and increasing brand awareness. It’s also a relatively cost-effective form of advertising compared with other advertising methods.
  • What is Location-Based Marketing?
    • teresastas
      This article covers location-based marketing, explaining that it is when we use location data from a consumers device to display relevant content to them. It also discusses the importance of location0based marketing and why we should be using it, citing that "consumers now spend more time daily on mobile devices than watching TV". We learn that there are many types of location-based marketing but the six key types are IP address marketing, GPS marketing, geofencing marketing, proximity marketing, beacon marketing and blueprints location-based marketing. The article also discusses how to use location-based marketing correctly and the benefits and disadvantages.

6 Hotel Brands Leading the Way with Robot Technology - 0 views

  • Robots in Hotels: 6 Hotel Brands Leading the Way
    • teresastas
      In this article we learn about 6 different hotels and the way they are using Robots to take on different tasks. In these examples all the Robots are guest facing. They are primarily used to dispense information, do deliveries and act as a bell hop. All of their tasks are some what simple tasks for their human counterparts but their usefulness comes from freeing up valuable staff to do more crucial tasks. I have experienced the robot delivery first hand and it was so much fun to have my food delivered to me by robot. I honestly prefeed it since it relived me of that awkward moment when I'm in my pajamas having food delivered to me by a stranger. The examples here won't be replacing any front line workers anytime soon but they can assist in replacing tasks.
  • To put it simply, hotel robots provide a competitive edge over the competition.Robots can free up the time of human staff and help personalize a guest’s stay.
    • teresastas
      Besides the novelty of being served by a robot the main reason for robots in hotels would be to free up hotel staff to take on other tasks.
  • Aloft Hotels became the first hotel brand to use robot technology, introducing A.L.O — robotic butler or Botlr — in its Cupertino location. The robot can travel the entire hotel to make deliveries. Its primary purpose was to surprise guest with room delivery.
    • teresastas
      I was surprised to learn that the first hotel to use a robot was Aloft hotels in 2014. This simple delivery robot is the most common used robot in hotels.
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  • When you enter, a robot velociraptor greets you at the front desk. It then asks you to check-in on a touchscreen. When you get to your room, you’ll unlock the door with face recognition. A robot in the room (named Churi San) controls the heating and lighting, tells you the weather, and more.
    • teresastas
      I kind of feel like a robot in your room might be asking for trouble! I would be very interested to know how user friendly this "robot" is. Because I really wanted to see how this works I went onto the website for this hotel and there was video showing you how to check in...if you are interested here it is
  • he robot in its New York hotel — fondly called Yobot — automatically collects and elvers guests’ luggage.
    • teresastas
      It looks like Henn Na in Japan has the same luggage robot as Yotel in NY.
  • Cleo and Leo fulfill guests’ needs by delivering whatever they need: an extra towel, a snack, a toothbrush. All in all, they’re a stand-in for when their human counterparts are not available
    • teresastas
      Again this seems to be the most common use of hotel robots.

5 Reasons Why You Need A Travel Agent - More Than Ever - 0 views

  • The major search sites routinely leave out flights (lots of them) and even entire airlines. A lot of the flights they do show are ones you don’t want, starting with “basic economy” fares that hit you with tons of restrictions and fees, so the price you see isn’t the one you end up paying, along with connections way too short or way too long, ones that no responsible travel agent would let you book.
    • teresastas
      This is a very good point that is often overlooked. Southwest Airlines is one of those who do not publish their fairs on most of these OTA searches.
  • The reality is that while it was widely predicted that the internet was going to kill off travel agents when digital tools were placed at every traveler’s disposal, that just hasn’t happened, for several good reasons.
  • “They can find crazy deals”; “They will be your advocate”; “They’ll take care of the little things”; “They’re true experts” and “They don’t usually cost extra.”
    • teresastas
      I think that the general public believe that TA's cost extra to use. For the most part that isn't true...unless it's a cooperate travel.
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  • Travel agents are a thing of the past - they primarily booked tickets and beds. Travel advisors have taken on a much more complex role - part psychologist, life coach, executive producer, concierge, fixer, dream maker, and ‘Blink Blink’ genie, with the multitude of services that they provide.
  • Anything that causes cancelled flights (or cruises, etc.) means hassles, but the people who get through this process the most smoothly and the ones who get rebooked first and get the few available seats out of Dodge are usually the ones who used a travel agent. It’s that simple. First off, you actually have someone to call, versus long lines at banks of airport phones masquerading as “help desks.” But good agencies are constantly monitoring their clients’ flights and they usually know about your problem before you do - and often have a resolution before you even call them.
    • teresastas
      They make a good point about having someone to call.
  • Expertise: No one knows everything about travel, no matter how deeply they are involved in the industry.
    • teresastas
      Reason #2: Expertise
  • Emergencies: This is the one most applicable to the average occasional travel.
    • teresastas
      Reason #2: Expertise
  • It is important to remember that these advantages are not just for luxury travelers. Good travel advisors do not just know what the best hotel is, they know what the best hotel is for you and your budget and can help you find the right fit.
  • Connections: Whether you are trying to book space at a coveted 8-villa safari lodge in Africa or get a room in a top Paris hotel during Fashion Week, most hoteliers keep emergency inventory and guess who gets it? The travel advisors they have known for years who book a lot of guests and send them a lot of business.
    • teresastas
      Reason #3: Connections
  • “Travel advisors provide our clients with access: access to people, places, and experiences that could never be replicated, much less imagined. A great travel advisor has invested time and relationships in creating their ‘black book’ of contacts and relationships, so that when their clients travel, they are treated as a VIPs, not just a credit card number.” In my experience, everyone likes being treated like a VIP.
    • teresastas
      I think this lends itself to who your travel agent is and what they are most experienced in. I couldn't agree that all travel agents are going to give their clients VIP experiences.
  • “Information overload, thousands of new hotels on the scene, all sorts of new cruise ships, passport and visa issues, weather, transit strikes, political unrest, natural disasters, travel insurance, travel providers going out of business, it’s never ending. How does one navigate all of this? To avoid the travel landmines that lay in front of you, you need to get a great travel advisor!
  • Extras: When you get more than you expected for the same price, that’s a great deal, and with travel advisors this happens all the time.
    • teresastas
      Reason #4: Extras
  • “The millennial generation specifically may have seen their parents use a travel advisor, but don’t feel like they need one - until they are deep in the spiral of research. By shifting gears to planning with an expert, they feel liberated from the immense pressure of choosing the ‘best’ resort - because we’re cutting through the noise of all the conflicting opinions they’re seeing online.
    • teresastas
      This is a great point. I know first hand that when booking an actual vacation it can be so much easier to have an expert weed out the options they know won't work for you.
  • Air: If you are trying to buy the cheapest round-trip economy ticket from New York to Dallas, even the best advisors probably can’t get it for less than you can buy it online, though you still have to deal with all the pitfalls of the online travel sites and you will lose the safety net advisors provide when things go wrong. But in a couple of other cases, buying your air through an agent can actually save you money, or miles, or both.
    • teresastas
      Reason 5: Air Fare You will usually be able to find the cheapest economy online but there are times when a travel agent might be able to save you fees on airlines.
  • It just doesn’t seem possible, but it is, real tickets, same airline, better seats, less money. I don’t know how they do it, and frankly I don’t care, but if you know who to call this happens all the time (if you are not a client of SmartFlyer booking your vacation or business trip, they will charge you a fee to do the legwork and find you great deals on premium and mileage tickets, but in almost every case I’ve seen, it still saves you money).
    • teresastas
      This is a great travel tip!
  • Better Trips! At the end of the day this is the bottom line, the big win you get with a good travel advisor. They know more than you do, they are better connected, they have access to benefits you can’t get yourself, and they can match and often beat any prices you find. They plan a better trip and then provide a safety net.
    • teresastas
      Reason number 6: Better Trips Your trip is better all around when you use a good travel advisor!
  • Travel advisors take the overwhelming amount of information out there and distill it into the key points that apply to you - the best hotel/destination/tour for your interests, your budget, and your time frame.
  • 5 Reasons Why You Need A Travel Agent - More Than Ever
    • teresastas
      We have been discussing a lot about the role of GDS's and OTA's it has become clear that the role of the traditional travel agent has evolved. The question of what is the role of a travel agent and why should we still use them has come up a lot and this article breaks down the answer giving 5 reasons why we still need travel agents. The reasons are listed as emergencies, expertise, connections, airfare and extras. All of these reason collectively make a better trip all around. After reading this it makes me want to book my next vacation through a travel agent!

Understanding The Cloud: Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing for Hotels * Shiji Insights - 1 views

  • The most immediate positive of cloud computing is If you implement a cloud-based software for your hotel, it can be accessed from any computer you’d like– your software and data is no longer limited to one back office computer.
    • teresastas
      For me this is the most biggest reason why cloud computing is a positive move for the Hospitality industry.
  • One of the most immediate, positive aspects of cloud computing is that the actual computing, or processing, is much faster.
    • teresastas
      2nd reason that could computing is good for the industry. Processing is much faster and makes real-time tracking much easier.
  • when you have something sitting in the cloud, there is usually a respective API that will allow for different software to communicate and exchange date as needed. This lowers the I.T. requirements exponentially, not to mention makes it easier for future expansion upon the software. 
    • teresastas
      While I somewhat agree that it's becoming easier to integrate different API's but it still can be a struggle to have different apps work together. Especially the newer ones.
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  • If your software is in the cloud, you won’t have to worry about it being compatible with your computer.
    • teresastas
      Although there isn't any compatibility issues for the most part I do know that there are times that old tablets can't support certain apps so I wouldn't say this is an entirely true statement.
  • Hardware fails are easy to remedy
  • Cloud-based tech just takes up less space on computers.
  • If not safeguarded properly, cloud-based tech can be vulnerable to external infiltration.
  • Your cloud-based tech can only go as fast as your internet speed.
  • We recommend this trick we’ve seen some hotels employ: Purchase an external data card or dongle from your local cellular carrier and keep it handy as a backup. Yes, it may have a monthly fee, but that’s
    • teresastas
      This may not work for every need but it is something that could at least keep a couple of areas up and running. It's also what I have for my company.
  • If fails centrally, all users are down
    • teresastas
      I would say this is probably one of the biggest issues with Cloud computing because it's entirely out of your hands when it happens.
  • Cloud computing isn’t a slam dunk solution for hoteliers. There are some technical hurdles or at least some things to consider when deciding to use cloud-based technology for your hotel.
  • But for most hoteliers, cloud-based technology is a major win.
  • Understanding The Cloud: Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing for Hotels • Shiji Insights
    • teresastas
      This article breaks down the pros and cons of cloud computing for Hotels. Pros are that devices can be used anywhere with internet connection, that the processing power is faster, that it makes it easier to connect with other systems, that there are limited compatibility issues on hardware and hardware fails are easier to remedy. The con's are listed as security issues (although I'm not sure I totally agree with this), relying on internet connections, the need for backup connectivity, and if it centrally fails then you have downtime that is out of your hands.

What Is Planned Obsolescence? Major Tech Companies Rely On It - 1 views

  • A new regulation in France called the French repairability index requires a variety of tech products to publicize repairability scores, meaning the planned obsolescence behind major tech companies is finally coming to light.
  • This planned obsolescence business model is the foundation of many consumer industries, from fashion (especially in fast fashion) to shaving (ever hear of the razor and blades business model?). But one of its most interesting applications is in technology.
  • France launched the French repairability index. As part of this new program, France is now requiring manufacturers to clearly disclose repairability scores next to prices for five types of products: laptops, lawnmowers, smartphones, TVs, and washing machines.
    • teresastas
      I think this is a mandate that will help consumer's make better choices when it comes to purchasing tech. If something like this were to come to the US it would help consumers make more informed decisions.
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  • According to Apple’s French website, the company gave all varieties of its iPhone 12 a 6 out of 10; its iPhone 11 models all scored either 4.5 or 4.6; and its MacBook Pro computers scored between 5.6 and 7, meaning Apple’s scores top out around a C-. 
    • teresastas
      I am not surprised by these scores at all for Apple their business model is based off of Planned Obsolescence.
  • Microsoft’s website shows its scores for a variety of Surface laptops, which range from 3.7 to 4.1.
  • Samsung products’ scores range from 5.6 to 8.2, as reported by Le Monde. As part of the French repairability index, Samsung actually published a free repair manual for its Samsung Galaxy phone, which should help customers avoid having to pay for a repair or replaceme
  • The new French repairability index forces tech companies to be more transparent about how easy it is to repair their products. With mounting piles of e-waste polluting the Earth, rampant injustice in the cobalt mining industry, and labor law violations in overseas tech factories, forcing tech companies to make products easier to repair (and therefore create less of a demand for more new products to be made) could do a lot of good. 
    • teresastas
      This is an important step in trying to eliminate e-waste but with technology moving and changing the way that it is I don't know if being able to do repairs or updates will make too much of a difference.
    This article addresses the French reparability index which is a relatively new implementation that started in January of 2021, It requires that reparability scores are posted on some major tech products in France in hopes of slowing down planned obsolescence and eliminating tech waste. France is the first country to implement such as mandate and it bringing to light the notion of planned obsolescence to the general public. This article shares some of the major tech brands scores and how they are fairing against their competition.
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