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Contents contributed and discussions participated by sbaut010


In Hospitality Facilities, Facility Managers Find Many Ways to Improve Sustainability -... - 0 views

  • "You want to continue to give people a comfortable, acceptable shower without sacrificing using more water,"
  • On the operations side, facility management staff has a large role to play as well. The first thing they have to do is understand that it is a balancing act when it comes to what guests want versus sustainability efforts.
  • Getting to that point of balance sometimes requires breaking some old habits.
    This article talks about the struggle in hotels today to be sustainable. Most resources used by hotels cannot be recycled yet. Waste management is extremely important, but not all hotels are investing in it. Thousands if not millions of dollars could be saved a year with the proper recycling methods and technology.

5 Critical Steps for Your Software Implementation Plan - 0 views

  • You’ve likely just purchased a new software system, which is a great step in the right direction for your business. Now it’s time to get a software implementation plan in place. Proper implementation will maximize the value of your new system.Businesses that fail to define and achieve a software implementation plan have wrecked the long-term value of the new system and wasted what resources were spent on the system.
  • You’ve likely just purchased a new software system, which is a great step in the right direction for your business. Now it’s time to get a software implementation plan in place. Proper implementation will maximize the value of your new system.Businesses that fail to define and achieve a software implementation plan have wrecked the long-term value of the new system and wasted what resources were spent on the system.
    • sbaut010
      This is the true importance of having an implementation plan.
  • Your vendor is a key stakeholder in your software implementation plan. The extent to (and cost at) which your vendor will support your implementation varies—but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t squeeze as much assistance as possible from them.
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  • Our research shows that getting the most from your vendor and new system actually starts during the selection stage.
  • Your needs document defines the capabilities your new system needs so that you can focus on what’s most important during your selection stage.
  • Larger businesses (50+ employees) might look to adopt formal project management systems (but that’s ironic as you’d theoretically need to implement that too). Midsize businesses (11-50 employees) could likely get by with free project management tools (such as Wunderlist) to help manage and assign implementation tasks. Smaller businesses (10 or fewer employees) could always just stay organized using Google Sheets, Calendars, and other manual digital methods.
  • To determine your needs, identify how many business units will be using the new system and estimate of the total number of users. The more business units/users adopting the software, the larger you’ll want your implementation team to be.

What is Hotel PMS? | Oracle - 2 views

  • OPERA Cloud hotel property management system offers hoteliers capabilities to enhance operating efficiency and deliver exceptional guest experiences. The platform integrates emerging technologies with ease, accelerating innovation to meet ever-changing demands. Hotel PMS Defined
    • sbaut010
      Opera, a traditional PMS provider has has invested in cloud computing.

GDS, OTA and Meta: What's the difference? | HotelMinder - 2 views

  • They were first created by airline companies during the 1950’s to broaden hotel and car rental businesses by enabling automated transactions between travel service providers and travel agencies (traditional and online).
  • The three biggest GDS systems are: Amadeus, Sabre and Galileo (now owned by Travelport)
  • real-time availability
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  • Central Reservation Services (CRS), such as Sabre, allow hotels to sell their rooms to all GDS simultaneously. However, it is up to the hotel whether to connect with only one or two GDS directly, without the need for a CRS. The good news is that some channel managers are also able to connect with GDS systems.
  • The most popular example is, although Expedia (for corporate guests) and Hostelworld (for more economical accommodation options) are also well-known.
    • sbaut010
      GDS has become an industry of its own with its own markets.
  • Your hotel can usually be listed on an OTA free of charge by adding your hotel photos, descriptions, rooms, rates, etc. You can then choose how many rooms you’d like to sell through the OTA. The availability you’d like to sell as well as the room rate is your decision, and although appearing on the OTA is free, you will have to pay a commission of approximately 15% to 20% every time you get a booking.
    • sbaut010
      Through this system OTA, the middleman, will always take a form of commission.
  • Although they produce rather time-consuming work as you need to log into each of their extranets to update daily availability and rates, you can very easily connect an OTA to a channel manager to automate, or at least greatly facilitate these tasks.
  • They were created shortly after OTAs and display the current rates of many different hotels in a given destination.
  • Today, OTA’s are a must, and although metasearch engines are slightly more technical to manage, they can also be an attractive selling channel to consider.
  • For small independent hotels, GDS is usually too costly to be considered.

chrome-extension://pnhplgjpclknigjpccbcnmicgcieojbh/reader.html - 0 views

  • Divestiture (the birth of the need for PBXs) was as far before the year 2000 as we are now past it and still hoteliers install dial tone as the main staple to their communication plan. Hotel telephony needs to become a communication platform addressing multiple service and marketing touch points on various devices – hotel provided and guest owned.
  • Divestiture (the birth of the need for PBXs) was as far before the year 2000 as we are now past it and still hoteliers install dial tone as the main staple to their communication plan. Hotel telephony needs to become a communication platform addressing multiple service and marketing touch points on various devices – hotel provided and guest owned.
    • sbaut010
      I had not thought of PBX as outdated until I read this. PBX systems and operators have been so iconic within the hospitality industry, for the last few decades, that it is kind of hard to think about the industry as a whole without them... That being said, I think we can all agree that hotels are ready to ditch this antiquated telecommunications tool, and customer service would be better for it. As great as it is to listen to smooth jazz while you wait for a representative or leave your voicemail after the tone, it would be even better to use any other platform as means of contact with the company. Automated responses and announcements could be sent immediately to the guest and employees throughout an internet based system; no more pesky phone lines.
  • Spoiler alert: As an industry we’ve waited so long to get out of PBXs that a single hotel communication platform, is really no longer feasible.
    • sbaut010
      Ain't that the truth.
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  • It will communicate with the guest at the moment of their need just like a friend would.
    • sbaut010
      Too cool!
  • Can you imagine your sales staff calling guests in their rooms to inform them of a discounted room rate on their next visit, or to tell them that the special in the restaurant tonight is lasagna? Hoteliers use the guestroom phone less than guests do. If, arguably, 98 percent of all SMS messages received are read, and 90 percent of them are read within the first three minutes of receipt, why are we still spending money on an antiquated, dial tone-generating device in the guestroom?
    • sbaut010
      So true
  • We need to move straight on to having hotel companies plug into enterprisewide, preferably global, telecom platforms which have hotel feature sets included. Today’s headlines all center on personalization, guest life cycles and guest experience. None of the stories include hotel phone systems. Why not? Because a premise-based phone system is about as capable as a first grader in college, and hosted systems today aren’t much more mature.
    • sbaut010
      Unfortunately hosted telecom systems are not quite there yet when it comes to the technology, but we are not so far away from systems like these from working either. AI has made significant leaps in the past few years and I believe that in the next five years or so this could be an industry norm.
    • sbaut010
      This article talks about the struggles of old PBX systems with a hint of comical relief. It also emphasizes how old PBX systems are not going to be present in the future of the industy. Phone lines are limiting our power to interact with guests through other media.

Top 10 Technology Trends for 2020 - Towards Data Science - 0 views

  • Hyper-automation elevates task automation to the next level. It is the application of advanced technologies like Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine learning (ML) to automate processes (not just tasks) in ways that are significantly more impactful than that of traditional automation capabilities. It’s the combination of multiple machine learning, packaged software and automation tools to deliver work. Hyper-automation requires a combination of tools to help support replicating pieces of where the human is involved in a task. This trend kicked off with robotic process automation (RPA) but will see growth with the combination of process intelligence, content intelligence, AI, OCR and other innovative technology.
    • sbaut010
      Great for integration into MIS and customer service. AI is going to be BIG!
  • Multi-experience deals with the massive shift from a two-dimensional screen and keyboard interface to a much more dynamic, multi-modal kind of interface world where we’re immersed in the interactive technology and it surrounds us. Multi-experience currently focuses on immersive experiences that use augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality, multi-channel human-machine interfaces and sensing technologies.
    • sbaut010
      AR and VR have not been adopted in the hospitality industry, but it would be exiting to see these being implemented.
  • More legislation similar to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is likely to be enacted around the world in the coming years.
    • sbaut010
      Safer technology will help build trust among its users
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  • According to Brian Burke, from Gartner, “edge computing will become a dominant factor across virtually all industries and use cases as the edge is empowered with increasingly more sophisticated and specialized compute resources and more data storage. Complex edge devices, including robots, drones, autonomous vehicles, and operational systems will accelerate this shift”.
  • Autonomous Things are the physical devices that use artificial intelligence to automate functions previously performed by humans.
  • The most recognizable current forms of autonomous things are robots, drones, autonomous vehicles, and appliances. The automation of these things goes beyond the automation provided by rigid programming models, and they exploit AI to deliver advanced behaviors that interact more naturally with their environments and with people.
    • sbaut010
      It will be interesting to see the effect of so much automation in society and the Hospitality industry
  • Recognizing “practical blockchain” is important here: while blockchain has been around for a few years, it’s been slow to be commercially deployed because of some of the technical and management issues in the technology. Blockchain has the potential to reshape industries by enabling trust, providing transparency and enabling value exchange across business ecosystems, potentially lowering costs, reducing transaction settlement times and improving cash flow and the movement of materials.
    • sbaut010
      From an economical standpoint Cryptocurrency and blockchain might affect every industry if it keeps growing.
  • Evolving technologies like hyper-automation already show how true digital transformation is changing in the business world.
    • sbaut010
      MIS would be better reacting and effective if AI is implemented to it.
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