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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Manali Rabari


Steps to Buying a Human Resources Information System - Featured Article - Workforce - 0 views

  • she urges HR professionals to first look for a tool that will integrate with any existing systems, including payroll, then make a list of the features they want to automate, including recruiting, performance management, time entry and compensation.
  • Fewer data errors, more-efficient recruiting, better performance management tracking and shorter time to fill vacancies are also measures that define the business value of an HRIS, Carney says.
  • The actual cost of your HRIS will vary wildly depending on the modules you choose, number of employees, the vendor, the robustness of the offering and whether you go with an installed or software-as-a-service model.
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  • Software-as-a-service products are another option.
  • These systems require no maintenance and come with automatic upgrades, making them a cheaper and easier choice.
  • "Pay close attention to the support features when reviewing HRIS demos," she says. "Otherwise on Day One, you might find out you don't have the technical skills to use it."
    This article discusses the factors that are considered when deciding on selecting a human resources information system. They are extremely useful for streamlining processes and maintaining a database on employees and policies and procedures of a company. They are easy to integrate with other existing systems such as a PMS system of a hotel. Depending on the features and services chosen the costs will vary among systems, it all depends on the customization done on the system. The system can include such features as payroll, recruitment and compensation. It can also cut down costs on keeping a full HR staff.

Online Reservations Streamline Event Planning for Iconic Hotel | News | Hospitality Mag... - 0 views

  • The deployment of GroupMAX optimizes event housing management, communications, booking processes and logistics for planners working with The Red Lion Hotel on the River – activities that would otherwise be extremely manual in nature and complex.
  • equipped with a powerful set of tools that include various templates and themes, libraries, bundles and customized event websites, where guests can make reservations and manage their bookings online.
  • The booking process for each event also includes a dedicated social network, which helps drive attendance and extend the event lifecycle, allowing attendees to connect before, during and after the event. An event-centric social networking option dramatically boosts the perceived value of the event.
    By using an online reservation system to streamline the Red Lion Hotel's event planning needs they have created an online booking and networking system for meeting planners. This system allows them to track their events and managing booking dates/times to avoiding double booking. Planners will have access to online reservations, network of contacts, and tools to set up their events. There is also a mobile component to make reservations that can be accessible from any smartphone at anytime.

Revitalized E-mail Marketing Campaign Boosts Event Biz for Hotel | Case Studies | | Hos... - 0 views

  • Working with Spectrio, The Hutton Hotel utilized a mixture of this video content and still photos combined with music and narration and links to event pages on Hutton’s website for this new e-mail campaign, which would showcase the widest array of possibilities for events from corporate meetings to social gatherings that could be held at the hotel. The blast was sent out this past spring to more than 14,000 email addresses of meeting planners who have either been to the property or were with the hotel through other efforts,  and the results were that 16.88% unique visitors read the message, up from the normal 12% rate that was the norm for the hotel’s e-mail efforts.   The campaign has helped to raise awareness for the hotel, and some current hotel guests have even stated that they had not been cognizant of the event space until seeing the video e-mail. Ultimately the hotel’s management has learned that to use an effective e-mail for marking purposes, video doesn't have to be specially shot footage or even be full-motion video, it could be done with graphic, pre-existing footage. Due to the success of the campaign, The Hutton Hotel plans to create a new video and send another targeted email to its corporate guests
    By creating a video to showcase the hotel's major feature by the use of simple video they were able to create engagement with potential meeting planners that previously weren't aware that such a space existed. The video was not a significant cost since it was footage that already had been used for other purposes. But by using this footage for a new purpose has created a wider audience they previously had not been able to reach. This targeted strategy to meeting planners is much more effective than simply sending out traditional marketing materials. It reached the people the hotel was seeking to target to increase the awareness of the space, to create more potential business. The hotel also plans to send out a targeted email to corporate guests in the hopes of the same success rate.

Hotel Lock Security Breach Affecting Four Millions Rooms: White Paper Now Available - 0 views

  • In a new White Paper, the world leader in mobile-based access management solutions identifies problems with electronic locks installed in more than four million hotel room doors, and offers an independently security audited "LOCKFIX" solution. Hotels vulnerable to potential security threats are invited to register to receive a copy of the report and be armed against such attacks with the power of smartphones.
  • Anyone can learn how to build a device quickly and inexpensively that triggers the lock's open mechanism in the fraction of a second. Last week, new hackers posted a video on YouTube showing how circuitry hidden inside a dry erase marker can unlock a hotel room door.
  • With a collective team representing more than 100 years in electronic locking and security systems expertise for hotels and other facilities, OpenWays offers innovative and state of the art mobile-device based access management solutions allowing guests to bypass the front desk, proceed directly to their room and securely open their lock with their cell phone. OpenWays already offers upgrade kits compatible with the major electronic lock brands including the locks in question
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  • "Therefore, we have added LOCKFIX to our Mobile Key front-desk bypass solution available in a freeware mode (free of any license fees)."
    The latest security breach on hotel locks has paved the way for companies like OpenWays to provide mobile device solutions to allow guests to securely open locks with their cell phone. This LOCKFIX has been added to 4 million hotel rooms. The latest threat involved the use of a dry erase marker can open a hotel room. Hackers are posting "how to's" on social networking sites to share this information.

Hersha Hospitality Expands and Thrives with a Multi-Faceted and Flexible Tech Plan | To... - 0 views

  • “The beauty of harnessing all of this data is it’s more of a conversation that we are getting back from guests now,” Murray insists. “It’s an instantaneous check about what they feel about a product. Get into any customer’s head or heart at the moment they are feeling it and you can move that customer much faster and certainly turn them around much quicker. If they get the feeling that you found out about a problem and reacted to it before they even thought to tell you about it because they put it on some Twitter feed, and they come back to their room and it’s already been fixed — that’s real serious stuff.”  
  • The newBrandAnalytics solution not only aggregates reviews online, but it also reads and processes all the unstructured feedback to derive actionable opportunities on a per-property basis
  • Falling solidly into the must-have bucket, HHM focuses significant investment in providing guests with the bandwidth and connectivity they need for work and play. “Where I believe our industry is struggling, is trying to identify where we are allowing complimentary Internet or having basic usage be free, but other services have a fee attached,” Kakarla
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  • By increasing wireless bandwidth throughout hotels’ public spaces, Murray sees the potential to offer guests comfortable, welcoming — and most importantly functional — spaces where they can perform work-related activities. HHM hotels have been able to create public spaces that resemble living rooms. “It’s a more civilized environment as opposed to being stuck in a faraway corner with bad lighting,” Murray enthuses. “Now public spaces can be used for what hoteliers had always intended them to be — a social business place where people can live, work, play and feel like they are at home in their own den.”
    A property management company is investing in diversifying their technology portfolio to tailor specific brands and to it's market, while maintaining standards. One of their main focuses is on guest feedback on hotel stays, and ways to improve in real time solutions. By collecting data from social sites properties are able to provide actionable responses to guests concerns. For instance taking care of a problem after reading a posting on Twitter and the issue being resolved by the time the guest returns to their room. Instantaneous info and reacting to that info creates a satisfied guest and a well a maintained brand and image of the property.

Has Debit Fee Reform Helped or Hindered Hospitality? | Top Stories | | Hospitality Maga... - 0 views

  • Since it went into effect in October of 2011, the Durbin Amendment changed the architecture of swipe fees for debit card transactions. Its impact on the hospitality industry is mostly felt by restaurants where debit cards are most commonly used, and its subsequent effect on the supply chain of payment transactions within the industry is difficult to ascertain.
  • “While the Federal Reserve’s rule significantly brought down debit swipe fees for many merchants, some small businesses will pay higher fees on smaller ticket transactions — evidence that the Fed provided card networks like Visa and MasterCard too much latitude to increase rates well above a reasonable and proportional level,” said Scott DeFife, executive vice president of policy and government affairs for the NRA in an earlier statement.
  • “The hospitality industry has not, as yet, presented a unified front on the Durbin Amendment and similar actions,” says business attorney Robert Braun, partner, Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP, ( Los Angeles, California. “We also have to consider whether there will be significant federal legislation in an election year, when attention is being drawn elsewhere. We might be looking, however, to the impact of implementing regulation and to legislation adopted by states, which could have an impact on credit card transactions.”
    This article discusses the unknown impact on the structure of the fees of debit card transactions that is more commonly used in restaurants as a form of payment. The impact of the Durbin Amendment has not made an significant role in whether restaurants or hotels will feel the need to invest in anti-fraud technology. Even though most restaurants are in need of this type of technology. I wonder what the impact this would make on the restaurants if they were to invest in such a technology would it make it easier to track fraudulent charges made, and combat them. What do restaurants do in cases when fraudulent activity has taken place? How do they account for it on their inventory side? On the sales end the transaction will be decline by the vendor of the card but the options left for restaurants are to "eat the cost". How is this handled?

POS Hackers Sentenced for Multi-Million Dollar Payment Card Data Theft | News | Hospita... - 0 views

  • Two Romanian nationals have plead guilty for participating in an international, multimillion-dollar scheme to remotely hack into and steal payment card data from hundreds of U.S. merchants’ computers, including a great number of Subway restaurants. Federal prosecutors noted that the conspiracies involved more than 146,000 compromised cards and more than $10 million in losses.
  • Bosnian continues, “The reality is that anyone with an Internet connection can search for, identify and target  remote applications that businesses rely on – the problem facing the industry is that there is not sufficient security and protection around the entry points to these applications. Once inside, attackers have free reign on the network. If you examine the list of the recent, high-profile data breaches that have plagued organizations, including Global Payments, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Utah healthcare breach, etc…, the common denominator is that the attackers focused on gaining access to the privileged or administrative accounts.” 
    This article discusses the security issues with restaurants using remote desktop applications that are easily accessed by hackers trying to steal stored credit card information. The relative simplicity in which these hackers were able to steal the numbers should pose a real concern for restaurant owners in making sure their systems are properly secure from theft. They were able to crack simple password protected applications to gain access to private information. These remote applications used by restaurants are a not provided with enough security and therefore are easy targets for hackers.

Hotels are failing to invest in training for Property Management Systems (PMS) | By Hil... - 0 views

  • About 150 mid-scale and up-scale hotels around the world answered a questionnaire investigating the training on the PMS (measured by number of days, budget, and training provider) and performance (measured by occupancy, ADR, GOR). Most hotels (65%) stated that they had no budget for training on the PMS in 2011 and 32% of hotels offered no training at all to their employees on the PMS. 40% of the hotels surveyed provided up to 3 training days per year (Chart 2). Most of the training is conducted internally, rather than using the PMS providers. In cases where there is no training, the new employees are simply "shown the ropes" by their supervisors (Chart 3). As can be seen in chart 1 below, there is little/ no budget allocated to training.
  • Revenues of hotels are much higher as the PMS training budget went above 5000 Euros per year
  • Early indications from this ongoing research project show that effective management of the PMS training resources (e.g. training days, budget) may result in increased revenues for the hotels.
    This research study shows that 65% of hotels don't spend money in adequately training employees with PMS training. If training is conducted it takes as little as three days and usually done internally and not with the PMS supplier. Hotels that invest the time and money in properly training its staff benefit with having higher revenues. Employees will be able to operate more efficiently at their jobs if they are properly trained. Minimal training will only result in a snowball effect of future staff hired within the hotel, therefore leading to inefficiency in the entire staff. Hotels need to see their employees as assets in order to build a successful business.

Hotel Room Rates Undergo Closer Inspection by Corporate Buyers - 4 views

  • Corporate buyers will be able to gain greater control over hotel room rate negotiations and compliance with the inclusion of intelligent rate parameter data in their benchmarking reports. RateTiger’s introduction of rate filtering technology to its award winning rate data product, RTCorp, will provide direct hotel pricing comparisons in line with hotel product type.
  • Corporate buyers will be able to gain greater control over hotel room rate negotiations and compliance with the inclusion of intelligent rate parameter data in their benchmarking reports. RateTiger’s introduction of rate filtering technology to its award winning rate data product, RTCorp, will provide direct hotel pricing comparisons in line with hotel product type.
  • orporate buyers will have the business intelligence to match travel expenditure to their budgets and give travelers greater flexibility of hotel choice based on Best Available Rates (BAR).
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  • “Corporate travelers are noticing fluctuations in Best Available Rates (BAR) online and need to compare these public prices to their negotiated contracts to ensure they are getting the best deal
  • Corporate buyers will have the business intelligence to match travel expenditure to their budgets and give travelers greater flexibility of hotel choice based on Best Available Rates (BAR)
  • “Buyers need to shop rates that are comparable to their purchases, by setting simple filters that identify room types and meal plans, etc therefore making more accurate price comparisons. Crucially all filters are shopped regardless of the specific view defined. This allows the user to change the parameters after the shop without the need to shop again, making more detailed data available faster.”
    This technology will provide business travelers the ability to compare hotel prices based on the type of rooms. This will help the customer in customizing their own needs during travel, while being price savvy. The traveler also has the ability to have default settings that will meet their own room specifications.

hetras and Vectron raise the bar in POS-PMS integration - 0 views

  • hetras, the developer of cloud-based hotel management software, and Vectron, a leading provider of point of sale systems for hospitality and retail, announced today the certified integration of their products. The new seamless interface between the hetras hotel management system and Vectron's POS provides, in addition to the standard features one has come to expect, a host of highly advanced capabilities long desired, but before today never achieved, in a hotel environment. hetras, which targets international hotel chains, and Vectron have natural synergies through their centralized concept. Hotel chains can manage rates, availability, profiles and all other data throughout the group using hetras. With the Vector Commander, a hotel chain can manage every POS transaction and POS terminal across the group and can enforce standardized pricing and configuration in real time.
  • As the hetras and Vectron solutions can be connected via the "cloud", no site visit is required to implement the integration. The project highlights how vital web-based, cloud computing platforms are for forward-thinking hotel businesses in today's globalised business environment. The project involved developers in Germany and Ukraine as well as project managers in UK and The Netherlands working in synch to finalize, certify and roll-out the integration. Cloud infrastructure enables a global and virtual "fast-to-market" development environment.
    • Manali Rabari
      The article discusses the integration of the hotel management system and their POS, which are connected through the "cloud" system. This system is used by multiple European hotel chains, and continue to grow. This web based system shows how more hotels are competing in the business arena via cloud system. This integration will a hotel to manage all POS transactions at all terminals to maintain standard pricing in real time. With the use of the cloud system these hotel chains are able to operate at a faster pace and provide current data to it's customers and within the hotel chains themselves.

Infor Delivers Specialized Asset Management for the Hospitality Industry | hospitalityu... - 1 views

    Infor a provider for application software has created a special edition of its software to help multiple departments within hotels operate from one application. With this specialized hospitality edition hotels now reduce costs with through this management system, streamline functions in multiple departments. and tools for timely customer service. In addition this system will help in tracking their use of natural resources and use that information to help better manage costs. This system will provide hotel management with the necessary and real time information to help operate on a more efficient basis such as issues with maintenance alerts, guests services, notices on equipment reliability. Although the use of this technology promises to help with efficiency and cut costs to help management the cost of maintaining and updating such an application could be costly. In addition with all of the functions being operated on through the use of one application what are the fail-safe tools in place if such an application were to be compromised or go down. The entire hotel's business can be affected.
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