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Contents contributed and discussions participated by cpaez007


Challenges to HRIS Implementation - HR Payroll Systems - 2 views

  • However, many companies make the mistake of getting wrapped up in the potential benefits and failing to properly address the challenges that come with HRIS implementation. Understanding what some of the top challenges to HRIS implementation are and how to address them can ensure greater implementation success.
  • Managing change is different from training, but can be addressed during HRIS training meetings. Additional support should also be available after training to help employees adapt to using the new system on a daily basis. Managers should clearly express how and when employees can reach out to discuss issues with the new changes, as with emails or specific office hours.
    This article discusses the integration of an HRIS system and its potential challenges. When getting the system, employees and management should really dedicate themselves in training with the new system. It is not something that can be learned so easily. In addition, there should be someone familiar assisting with the process, and this process includes the reason for the change. You will need to give the employees the reason why this is being implemented, and all of the new possibilities that can be accomplished. Some possibilities involve the maximization of the ROI. Another challenge includes the formulas within the system, it might be very difficult for users to understand or manage. The last few challenges include legal obligations, and the fact that legal rights are not impeded. The line must be clearly defined. Moreover, you want to ensure that all of the data placed on this system is secure. As long as these challenges are monitored, then the user will be fine.

IBM News room - 2016-06-30 ISS Turns to IBM Watson IoT to Transform Management of 25,00... - 0 views

    ISS facility management company is partnering with IBM's Watson to increase the service aspect of different places. ISS is a group that focuses on different services that include cleaning, catering, property services, etc. IBM is a technological company that has its own form of artificial intelligence called Watson. ISS has a plan to place a multitude of sensors all over the interior of a building. This can mean doors, chairs, desks, etc. These sensors are going to monitor everything in the area around them, and report all of the data it obtains using ambient intelligence, or technology that is able to learn from its surroundings. This data will be logged on a blockchain ledger, and analyzed by Watson. With this data, Watson can text guests about the things they need in a room, turn off unused equipment, and calculate how many utensils or plates that guests in a room may need. The focus is not to only lower costs, but improve service as a whole. ISS has already implemented this into their Copenhagen headquarters, and they plan to spread it to over 20,000 more locations.

Eventbrite: $1 Billion in Tickets and Counting - 0 views

    During the market crash in 2008, the co-founder of Eventbrite Kevin Hartz, was going through the same financial struggle that the rest of the country was suffering. Yet, he stopped receiving funding for his company, and had to rely on using his cash reserves to keep the company alive, simply because he though it would be successful. Thanks to his relentlessness, Kevin has achieved over $1 billion in sales. The company idea was simple, and it was that they thought tickets can be used for more than just sporting events or concerts. Today they have sold over 50 million tickets in over 175 countries. They have made about 2.5% of their total sales and charge a fee of 99 cents per ticket. Beside the fact that they have really made an impact in creating brand names, clients are very impressed with their customer service. They have created a very user friendly service, and adopted different languages to assist in creating a global service. Great trends that they have been recently successful in supporting are purposed marathons or non-profit fundraisers.

Hotel sector faces 'cyber crime wave' - 0 views

  • Hilton Hotels, Starwood Hotels & Resorts, Mandarin Oriental and the Trump Collection have all admitted that their payments systems were compromised this year as hackers hunting for credit card details switch their attention to the leisure industry. This week Hilton and Starwood said guests’ personal details had been taken after hackers gained access via payment systems.
    Hotel industries have been under attack from excessive hacking, as seen with Hilton being targeted for private financial information from guests. In 2014, it was noticed that hackers had been targeting Hilton throughout the course of 17 weeks. They state that the industry itself has not really focused budgeting on cyber security. It seems that the process is done by integrating a virus into these hotels POS system. The virus was actively attacking the Micros program, which was being used in more than 300,000 hotels and resorts. An ultimate treasure chest for information, some of which was not even encrypted. In addition, the virus appears in the system as a legitimate software, and then it obtains over 90 percent of stored information. This hacking is being conducted by organized groups, who moved from the retail industry because it had indeed improved its cyber security. With hotels it seems that the concept has not been taken as seriously. There are many hotels susceptible to such an attack. As long as there is a sales software, then someone is looking to get into it. A person could be sitting inside of your location, and infiltrating a guests' wireless internet, and they would not even know. In order to engage this threat, locations must be proactive in attempting to stop what is occurring. The only question is, how much are they willing to invest in cyber security?

Master the 5 Basics of Restaurant Accounting - 0 views

    In this article we discuss the five basic principles of accounting in restaurants. Many people do not like the principle of accounting, and do not know much about it. With these basics, people can have a simplified concept of what they need to know for restaurant management. First you would like to have an accounting chart that discusses inflows and outflows, plus the liabilities and assets that your business has. This is a great way to monitor your finances. Next, is the cost of goods sold. These are the costs for the items that were purchased and then sold. You need to monitor this, in order to calculate the cost you are making per dish in compared to profit. Third, other costs that include fixed costs like operation and occupancy, or labor costs of course. You want to monitor this strictly, in order to see the areas where you might be spending a lot when it comes to employees. Then you want to compare it to the profits you are making. Forth, the prime costs. Prime costs are the total variable costs that you have. Variable costs are those that can be controlled, and you want to keep an eye on these in order to see what needs to be cut to optimize profit. Lastly, you have the cost to sales ratio. Larger restaurants might have higher costs, because they are creating larger sales. You really want to create a ratio of costs to your own sales, to see how well you are doing compared to the competition.

The Future of Retail: 6 Ways the Cloud Will Reinvent the Sales Floor - 0 views

  • New web-based, cloud-hosted software-as-a-service solutions are making data available in real time and are poised to unite the digital and physical retail environments, disrupting the retail landscape.
  • Retail management teams can see sales trends develop as they are developing. They can see traffic patterns in real time and be able to see conversion rates at the product level.
  • Making real-time data available on the store floor can change the game.
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  • Store associates should always know which styles have been selling on instantly consumable dashboards. Armed with this information, they will be empowered to take action to turn lagging styles into leading styles.
  • Making inventory data available across all stores in real time allows associates to create customer orders for items they want but are not in stock in their store. Fillable orders are instantly visible and ship quickly.
  • Suppose a retail chain has one store that historically underperforms based on average units per transaction. Set the goal of reaching parity with other stores, create an attractive reward for reaching the goal, and make the average units per transaction metric available in real time to all store staff.
  • No longer must there be a physical barrier between sales associates and their customers. No longer will customers be frustrated by sales associates that stand behind the counter and never greet or approach them.
    Today we will discuss the 6 ways that a cloud based system could change the impact of retail forever. This update will make specific information available in real time, and make the experience better for the guests and the staff members. 1. The system will be able to track the live data from the actual floor of the store. For example, it would be able to tell the items that are actually being tried on, and the ones that are bought. This will be a great advancement in marketing, because it helps the business to figure out what it is that their demographic is attracted to. Second, the employees will have access to this data while they are working. This will make it easier to market items to guests, instead of wasting time trying to figure out what it is that they might be looking for. Third, have a track record of their inventory. Employees will have in depth information of their inventory and the inventory of other stores, all real time. This will allow for custom orders and greater guest satisfaction. Four, the system will be able to track the sales associates who are creating the best sales. The store can use this to create contests and provide rewards to the winners. This increases employee motivation and will to work. Five, mobile point of sales system. We had discussed the convenience of a mobile system with the cloud PMS, and now we can see it with a POS. This will have associates engaging more with guests on the floor, and the guests might not even have to wait a line to receive their products anymore. Lastly, it works for any sized company or store. Pricing and accessibility adapt to the size of the location, and is indeed less expensive than bulky software and hardware.

Benefits of a new hotel property management system - 0 views

  • Though a new PMS will allow for streamlined operations, improved financial performance and easier delivery of guest hospitality, modifying existing routines and practices will always cause operators to think long and hard before making a switch. 
    What are the benefits of integrating a web based PMS? if you are looking to run a hotel, then you should take into consideration the added pros with adding a PMS. To begin, you will be able to stretch your capabilities substantially. One of the best qualities of a web based PMS is the mobile accessibility it offers. A manager can use their mobile phone to access reservations, or any other feature that the system offers. This can be a great advantage for operations. In addition, it saves time. Rather than having to spend hours and payroll on paperwork, you could simply have paperless reports and documents. Lastly, and one of the most important aspects, it saves costs. You have one system to control everything, rather than independent programs. You eliminate the need to upgrade hardware and software. You eliminate commission based reservations. A mobile PMS is something that a hotel manager should consider, when thinking of ways of improving operations

Recycling Electronic Waste Responsibly: Excuses Dwindle - The New York Times - 0 views

  • Recycling electronics is becoming easier by the day.
  • Still, most old gadgets end up in the trash. Americans alone throw away two million to three million tons of electronics yearly, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. With the life span of devices shrinking — the average phone is replaced every 18 months — the problem keeps growing worse.
  • The solution is not just recycling. It’s to be sure that you’re recycling with a responsible processor.
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  • EStewards and S.E.R.I. use a network of auditors to make sure companies like GreenCitizen are doing what they say they’re doing.
  • Organizations around the world have been certified by S.E.R.I. and eStewards. Both groups let you search their websites for local options. In New York, for example, you can take electronics to GreenChip Electronic Waste Solutions, an R2-certified recycler, or have them picked up by 4th Bin, which is certified by eStewards and also has R2 certification.
    The issue of illegal electronic dumping has been a real severity, and mostly because people are unaware of what happens to the products that they used to own. Luckily, our world is advancing to a point where appropriate disposal is being greatly developed. There are different mainstream companies that will take your old products to refurbish them, or handle them accordingly. Most importantly, there are companies like GreenCitizen, who are responsibly recycling products. They gather all of the old technology, and attempt to refurbish it. If not possible, then they use the parts, or just dispose of it in the right way. Certified monitors of the recycling process look over the practices of GreenCitizen to make sure that they are doing their jobs correctly. Actions are being dealt more responsibly, as the EPA and these certified monitors have gotten involved. Recycling used to be claimed, but done wrongly. Now, these groups closely overlook the process, and ensure that things are being done appropriately.

Airline ticket distribution: How airlines might reduce Global Distribution System (GDS)... - 0 views

  • After a quick search I found and booked the same ticket through an online travel agency for a bit more than the price on the airline website, but less when you included the €8 fee. Unfortunately this small change in booking method would have cost the airline a substantial amount of money. Here’s why…
  • Selling costs generally represent around 4% to 8% of overall airline expenses
  • Many airlines sell a large proportion or the majority of their tickets through indirect channels.
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  • A key driver for the high cost of selling tickets through indirect channels is the fees charged by Global Distribution System (GDS) companies for each ticket sold. With airline profit margins under constant pressure airlines need to find ways of reducing distribution costs by selling tickets to customers directly instead of through 3rd parties.
  • The fees to distribute tickets through the GDS are relatively high averages around US$12 per return ticket [2]. In 2012, it was estimated that approximately US$7 billion in GDS fees was paid by airlines which was over twice the industry’s expected net profit for that year [3].
  • Quite simply, the GDS is something that airlines cannot live without. Why? If your competitors are using the GDS and you are not then your tickets will not appear in any searches by 3rd party distributors meaning it is unlikely your tickets will be sold by the 3rd party.
  • Even low-cost carriers such as Air Asia and Ryanair that have avoided the GDS for years have recently started selling tickets through the GDS as they have realised that they are missing out on revenue from not selling tickets through the GDS.  
  • The ‘New Distribution Capability’ (NDC) is a XML-based data transmission standard set by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and provides a set of guidelines for communications between airlines and 3rd party distributors. The NDC will allow for the sale of ancillary products (for example, baggage, meals, special seating etc.), something which the GDS currently cannot handle. However, while the NDC has the potential to help airlines boost revenue, there are still questions as to whether there will be any benefits stemming from reduced distribution costs.
  • How can we make our direct channels so attractive that customers will want to use them over indirect channels?”
  • The simplest solution is to ensure that the user experience on the airlines website is seamless and easy. Users are highly likely to abandon online bookings and use another booking website if they encounter difficulties. Simple actions such as ensuring customers are not diverted to an error page can translate into a significant increase in direct bookings
  • Airlines might also want to re-think the way it provides incentives and commissions for ticket sales.
  • With the trend moving towards airline consolidation (for example, partnerships, equity interests and mergers) airlines might also consider how they can work together to sell each other’s tickets on their websites. This strategy goes well beyond the sale of interline or codeshare tickets and will give customers benefits including the ability to book multi-airline itineraries directly from an airline website. Of course airlines must be wary of how they do this to ensure they are not in breach of any anti-trust regulations.
  • There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach and for an airline to decide on the best distribution strategy it will need to conduct a solid analysis into their customer behaviours, channel usage and also the commercials of their different distribution systems.
    In this article we discuss the issues that airlines are having with the GDS system. They give an example of someone attempting to purchase a ticket through an airline website, and then through a travel agency. The direct airline method was only cheaper, if the guest provided information to a direct bank account. The cost for airlines to sell is a bit less than 10%, and they are sold mostly through indirect channels, like travel agencies. The main reason this can happen, is the integrated GDS system. A GDS system is a data facility that shares inventory information for various airlines to different 3rd party channels. The issue with this, is that the total in fees for the use of the GDS system was around $7billion, which is twice the amount of net profit they are receiving. People state that the airline system cannot survive without the GDS, but is that statement really true? Airlines like Air Asia or Ryanair have really attempted to focus on selling tickets directly, and really expand on their profit. How can this be achieved? Well, airlines are making the booking process easier for guests to manage, which gives them more of a reason to book through there. Also, they are offering greater loyalty rewards for directly booking through the site. Different incentives need to be created to attract guests to book directly. Lastly, they would like to create another distribution system, to put GDS out of business. This new system will work to allow guests to handle meal and baggage fees. Concepts that the GDS cannot handle. With that said, will this new system reduce costs for airlines? I guess they will have to wait and see.

10 Best E-commerce Practices for Hotels - Blog - 1 views

  • With 57% of all hotel bookings made online and 97% of all travelers searching for a place to stay using the Internet, the importance for hotels to adapt best ecommerce practices is more important today more than ever.
  • 1. Use High Res Photos
  • No guest in his or her right mind would book a hotel without seeing photos of the property first. Beautiful photos is a deal breaker when it comes to almost all hotel bookings. Make sure that you use high res photos on your hotel website and make sure that you upload new ones regularly.
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  • 2. Build Your Credibility
  • Let’s face it – there are unscrupulous hotels who don’t care an iota about their guests. They trick their guests, overpromising in terms of their facilities and amenities and delivering sub-par service. This is why a lot of travelers have developed a healthy level of skepticism toward hotels and this is why it is important that you convey credibility on your website.
  • 3. Make It Extremely Easy To Book a Room in Your Hotel
  • 4. Display Customer Service Channels Prominently
  • 7. Ensure That Your Website is Mobile Friendly
  • 5. Make Your Website Easy to Navigate
  • 6. Have a Single Call to Action Per Page
  • Best e-commerce practice dictates that you should always be reachable to answer questions from those who want to book a room with your hotel, but need their questions answered first. Not having this information prominently displayed on your site can spell a difference between a non-booking and a successful booking.
  • 8. Ensure That Your Website is Secure for Financial Transactions
  • The Internet is always under attacked by various security threats and one of the issues that always make people wary is the security of their financial information online. This is why it is important for you to demonstrate that your website can handle financial transactions safely.
  • 9. Always Have an Email Collection Mechanism in Place
  • 10. Use Persuasion Elements
    With the majority of bookings done through the internet, hotels need to find the best ways to make their websites attractive and engaging for a guest. Here are the ten e-commerce ideas that a hotel should strongly focus on. Number one, high quality images. A guest wants to see your property, and see the amenities that are offered. Provide a clear image of these items to them, so that they are aware of what makes the location great. Two, focus on the location's credibility. and build a reputation of trust for your location. Guests do not like to be fooled, so you must prove that you have integrity to gain business. Three, simplify the booking process. For many people it might not be an issue to navigate through the internet and book a room, but for some people it is. Make sure that the process of booking a room at your sight is very easy, and is comfortable for any guest. Four, integrate customer service channels. If your guests have questions before booking, then try to answer them as fast as possible. This works with the second step of improving credibility. Five, not only should you make the booking process simple, but the navigation process as well. Your layout should be clear, and guests should easily be able to figure out where it is that specific information is found. Six, have only one call to action per page. A call to action is a phrase that when clicked on, creates a certain thing to happen. Like clicking on a button that says "Reserve now", and then being led to a reservation page. It is important to only put one on a page, because several can seem cluttered and confusing. Seven, make the site friendly to cellular devices. Many of the reservations are done last minute, and on a cellular device. Make sure this is easy for your guests to do. Eight, the importance of PCI. There are many threats out there to our finances, and as a place of business it is up to you to secure the financial information of the guests, to avoid any fraud or theft. Nine, optimize o

New technology coming to cruise ships in the next few years | Miami Herald - 2 views

  • Wristbands, which open doors, come for an additional price but are free for children.
  • The app will also have facial recognition to allow crew to identify passengers. Other features include way-finding navigation — like Google Maps for ships, — the ability to make purchases, request services, book excursions and plan daily activities in-app. The MSC for Me app will also offer suggestions based on guest preferences.
  • The Miami-based cruise line announced earlier this month a new Cruise Norwegian app that will allow passengers to check in ahead of their vacation, book excursions, make dinner and show reservations, and purchase drink packages or other amenities. Unlike the Carnival or Royal Caribbean versions, the app doesn’t change the physical embarkation process, but it does offer the option to go paperless with the documentation needed to go aboard.
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  • Like Norwegian, it will rely heavily on an app component, that, like Carnival, will also be available on interactive screens around the ship, in addition to mobile devices and stateroom TVs. And, like Royal, MSC will have a smart watch with geo-location that is also connected to the app.
  • In January, Carnival revealed the result of an 18-month project aimed at making the cruise experience more intuitive. Instead of largely relying on a smart phone, the company chose to build a “medallion.” The quarter-sized, two-ounce disc contains passenger information, incorporates geo-location services and is personalized with each cruiser’s name and sail date. It can be carried in pockets or worn on wristbands or pendants for an additional cost.The medallion interacts with the whole of the ship, which will be retrofitted with thousands of sensors and interactive screens, and miles of cable.
  • In the short-term, those innovations will looks like this: Guests will check-in through facial recognition technology — not check-in counters, thus eliminating lines. On board, passengers will be able to sign up for excursions, order drinks and make dinner reservations from a new Royal Caribbean app that also will enable crew to find passengers based on facial recognition. The app will partner with Royal’s WOW Bands, similar to Disney’s MagicBands, to open stateroom doors. And, thanks to RFID tags on luggage, guests will also be able to track the progress of their bags to their rooms. As with Carnival, the more passengers interact with the technology, the better equipped the app will be to offer meaningful recommendations.
  • For example, as guests approach their stateroom doors, the door senses the medallion and unlocks it for them. A digital photo wall senses a passenger’s approach — thanks to the medallion — and adjusts to show the cruiser his or her vacation pictures. After a guest requests a drink, either on an interactive screen, a smart phone or other device, crew can find that passenger wherever he or she is on the vessel because of the geo-location in the medallion.The operating system behind the medallion is Ocean Compass, an online vacation profile that passengers create before sailing, where they input their preferences; during the trip, they can add information via onboard screens and personal devices. Crew can also access passenger profiles in Ocean Compass, allowing them to offer relevant suggestions and address passengers by name.
  • Beyond that, Royal Caribbean plans to add virtual reality and augmented reality into the passenger experience. These concepts might transform cabin interiors with images of a starry night or a peaceful sunset displayed on screens on the walls, ceiling and floors. It could also transform dining by introducing virtual reality glasses that can transform the venue into a new landscape based on the cuisine passengers are eating.
  • But with the new technology will likely come privacy concerns. Much of the software cruise lines are introducing also involves capturing passenger information and using it to curate suggestions about what to do.
  • It’s already happening. In 2014, Starwood Hotels announced plans to start using smart phones as hotel keys, with the help of an app and Bluetooth connection. Hilton this year discussed plans to build a “Connected Room” in 2018, which will allow guests to control features of the room through an app, including lighting, entertainment and temperature.
  • It elevates the experience for everyone, not just the highest paying passengers, and not just on its best and newest units. I think it will become the norm...eventually the cruise industry and, not just the cruise industry, but other places, other tourism [entities].
  • The technology aims to ease irritations: the long lines to embark or disembark, crowded bars, the impersonal feeling of a mass congregation of people.
  • Carnival Corporation, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings and MSC Cruises — have all come out with tech that promises to make cruising a less cumbersome experience. Most of it incorporates facial recognition and geo-location.
  • In the next five years, the new normal in cruising is going to be a better-connected voyage that will largely do away with lines and waiting — some of the factors that deter travelers from cruising to begin with.
    The article revolves around new technological concepts that the main cruise lines are adding to the cruising experience. While they have heavily focused on the ships hardware, they want to implement new software that will make the experience more enjoyable and simpler for guests to enjoy. Carnival, would like to implement a "medallion" called the Ocean Compass, that is crossover between the Disney Magic Band, and the band seen at the Universal Volcano Bay water park. It fits the Disney aspect, because it holds information,can open doors, and links guest pictures to the technology. It is similar to Universal, because it informs guests of when to attend something, so that they do not have to wait in a line. Royal Caribbean, likes the band idea that Disney presented, and wants to make bands of their own, that have similar functions that the Ocean Compass from Carnival has. In addition, Royal Caribbean wants to expose their guests to Virtual Reality. They hope to create an immersive experience for their guests, from the comfort of their rooms. Norwegian and MSC are mostly developing smart phone applications, that allow guests to check-in, book excursions, and open rooms. It is obvious that Disney developed a great idea with combining a "magical" band and phone application. The concept is so successful, that other players want to utilize the same formula. Let us see how well it works in the cruising industry.
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