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Angela Manzi

Dig It! The Secrets of Soil - 3 views

shared by Angela Manzi on 11 Nov 10 - Cached
    smithsonian institutes secrets of soil resources from the museum's exhibit on soil
    ang - this is a great website - so many resources and i dare say they make soil interesting :)
    i also requested the cd rom from the can request one on the website under the educator tab
Angela Manzi

the dirt on soil - 4 views

    web activity to learn all about soil components and biological life forms in the soil
Angela Manzi

Soil Conservation District - 0 views

    soil conservation poster contest
Angela Manzi

Hortiscope - 0 views

    quick general info on: fertilizer lawn grass trees flowers pests vegetables fruits herbs shrubs hedges weeds houseplants soil
Angela Manzi

YouTube - Turf-Tec Mascaro Profile Sampler - 1 views

    video of taking a soil profile
Angela Manzi

Poster Contest - National Association of Conservation Districts - 0 views

    Poster Contest - National Association of Conservation Districts includes general poster contest information and ppt to download on how to make a good poster using current year's theme (2010)
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