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Toyota Details Recall of 2010 Prius for Brake Problems - - 1 views

  • About 223,000 of the cars recalled are in Japan. Some 155,000 are in the United States and another 53,000 in Europe.

untitled - 1 views

shared by Lillea Prins on 03 Mar 10 - Cached
  • Acute Health Effects: The nervous system is very sensitive to all forms of mercury. Methylmercury and metallic mercury vapors are more harmful than other forms, because more mercury in these forms reaches the brain. Exposure to high levels of metallic, inorganic, or organic mercury can permanently damage the brain, kidneys, and developing fetus.  Short-term exposure to high levels of metallic mercury vapors may cause effects including lung damage, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, increases in blood pressure or heart rate, skin rashes, and eye irritation.  Chronic Health Effects: Long-term mercury exposure effects on brain functioning may result in irritability, shyness, tremors, changes in vision or hearing, and memory problems.    Health Effects During and After Pregnancy: Mercury in the mother’s body passes to the fetus and may accumulate there. While the benefits of breast-feeding may be greater than the possible adverse effects, mercury can pass to a nursing infant through breast milk. Very young children are more sensitive to mercury than adults.  Mercury’s harmful effects that may be passed from the mother to her baby include brain damage, mental retardation, blindness, seizures, muteness, and lack of coordination. Children poisoned by mercury exposure after birth may develop problems of their nervous and digestive systems, and suffer kidney damage.  Carcinogenic Effects: There are insufficient human cancer data available to implicate all forms of mercury as a causal factor. In laboratory testing, however, mercuric chloride has been shown to cause increases in several types of tumors in rats and mice, and methylmercury has caused kidney tumors in male mice. Based on these results, the EPA determined that mercuric chloride and methylmercury are potential human carcinogens. 
    a whole bunch of health effects

Biofuel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

shared by D B on 02 Mar 10 - Cached
  • Biofuels are a wide range of fuels which are in some way derived from biomass. The term covers solid biomass, liquid fuels and various biogases.

Europe's Energy Portal - Prices, Statistics, Supply & Security - 1 views

    European Union energy site.

Recycling a CFL - Why Did my CFL Burn Out So Fast? - 1 views

  • But they also depend on being turned on continuously or at least for 4 hours at a time to meet their rated life. If they are on for only 1 hour you get a 20% to 50% reduction in lamp life. If the CFL is used with 5 to 30 minute use cycles like most incandescents, the life is reduced 70% to 85%. That means your 6,000 hour bulb is now lasting 900 hours, less than many incandescent bulbs.

Flex Your Power - Residential Energy Saving Tips - 1 views

  • Replace standard incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) and save 75% off lighting costs.
  • Taken together, these small items can use as much power as your refrigerator.
  • low-flow shower heads
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • water heating costs by 50%
  • Turn your water heater down to 120° or the "Normal" setting when home, and to the lowest setting when away.
  • Reduce air conditioning costs by using fan
  • Turn off unnecessary lighting
  • A laptop computer uses up to 90% less energy than bigger desktop models.
  • wash clothes in cold water
  • Sealing cracks, gaps, leaks and adding insulation can save up to 20% on home heating and cooling costs.

Where Greenhouse Gases Come From - Energy Explained, Your Guide To Understanding Energy - 0 views

  • Energy-related carbon dioxide emissions, resulting from the combustion of petroleum, coal, and natural gas, represented 81% of total U.S. human-caused (anthropogenic) greenhouse gas emissions in 2008.
  • Another greenhouse gas, methane, comes from landfills, coal mines, oil and natural gas operations, and agriculture; it represented about 11% of total emissions.
  • Coal Is the Dominant Emissions Source Related to Electricity Generation Electricity generation consumed 41% of U.S. primary energy in 2008 and was responsible for 41% of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions. Coal accounted for 83% of carbon emissions resulting from the generation of electric power.

William Kamkwamba: How I harnessed the wind | Video on - 0 views

    Story of an young, African man who harnessed wind power and used electricity-with no formal education and a no budget.

Our view- Siting wind turbines: Yes, in our backyard - Holland, MI - The Holland Sentinel - 0 views

  • Grand Rapids’ proposed turbines would reportedly create a barely audible 35 decibels 1,000 feet away
    This article tells about how many people want wind energy...just Not In My BackYard (NIMBY)

Blogging For Michigan:: Great Lakes Wind Farms - 0 views

  • The three-bill package signed by Granholm at two different events today includes a renewable portfolio standard (RPS) that mandates 10 percent of the state's energy come from renewable sources by 2015
  • 3000 MW of power
  • For 2009 we've added 14 MW.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Last October, according to the Energy Information Agency, renewables generated more American energy than nukes.
    This page tells of how MI lags behind in wind energy production.

Factsheet - 0 views

  • When power plants burn coal, mercury is released into the atmosphere. This mercury then returns to the earth via rain or snow where it ends up in our lakes and streams. Mercury primarily affects humans through the consumption of contaminated fish. Mercury interferes with the central nervous system of humans and can cause permanent damage to the brain. Children and fetuses are at greatest risk of harm and may suffer from a variety of developmental disabilities. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that eight percent of women of childbearing age have high enough levels of mercury in their blood to endanger a developing fetus. This statistic puts 5,000 babies in Minnesota at risk each year!
    this is about how power plants release mercury into the atmosphere and how it affects humans
    great information for Matt O's presentation!

Climate Change - Building a Green Economy - - 0 views

  • If there’s a single central insight in economics, it’s this: There are mutual gains from transactions between consenting adults. If the going price of widgets is $10 and I buy a widget, it must be because that widget is worth more than $10 to me. If you sell a widget at that price, it must be because it costs you less than $10 to make it. So buying and selling in the widget market works to the benefit of both buyers and sellers. More than that, some careful analysis shows that if there is effective competition in the widget market, so that the price ends up matching the number of widgets people want to buy to the number of widgets other people want to sell, the outcome is to maximize the total gains to producers and consumers. Free markets are “efficient” — which, in economics-speak as opposed to plain English, means that nobody can be made better off without making someone else worse off. Now, efficiency isn’t everything. In particular, there is no reason to assume that free markets will deliver an outcome that we consider fair or just. So the case for market efficiency says nothing about whether we should have, say, some form of guaranteed health insurance, aid to the poor and so forth. But the logic of basic economics says that we should try to achieve social goals through “aftermarket” interventions. That is, we should let markets do their job, making efficient use of the nation’s resources, then utilize taxes and transfers to help those whom the market passes by.
  • But what if a deal between consenting adults imposes costs on people who are not part of the exchange? What if you manufacture a widget and I buy it, to our mutual benefit, but the process of producing that widget involves dumping toxic sludge into other people’s drinking water? When there are “negative externalities” — costs that economic actors impose on others without paying a price for their actions — any presumption that the market economy, left to its own devices, will do the right thing goes out the window. So what should we do? Environmental economics is all about answering that question.
    This is a must read for anyone who cares about energy.
4More - National Science Foundation (NSF) News - Iron 'Fertilization' Causes Plankton... - 0 views

shared by D B on 04 Mar 10 - Cached
  • Press Release 96-055 Iron 'Fertilization' Causes Plankton Bloom Scientists link iron to climate change October 9, 1996 This material is available primarily for archival purposes. Telephone numbers or other contact information may be out of date; please see current contact information at media contacts. For farmers and gardeners it would be revolutionary: a novel fertilizer with a cheap and widely available ingredient, iron, that produces more than two thousand times its weight of plant growth--within a week. Iron has that effect on parts of the ocean.
  • For farmers and gardeners it would be revolutionary: a novel fertilizer with a cheap and widely available ingredient, iron, that produces more than two thousand times its weight of plant growth--within a week. Iron has that effect on parts of the ocean.
  • Could we slow future climate change resulting from human activities by adding iron to under-productive oceans? Calculations for the equatorial Pacific, reported in the Nature papers, indicate that iron fertilization there would not significantly counteract the projected future increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
    Iron added to oceans could decrease CO2 and increase plant growth.

Nuclear Energy Institute - Costs: Fuel, Operation and Waste Disposal - 0 views

shared by Liz Westing on 04 Mar 10 - Cached
    This site has a lot of different information about nuclear energy. Just browsing through the different sections - this is a rich site with lots of information about nuclear energy.

The Straight Dope: Do "green" vehicles really save energy? Is a Prius worse for the env... - 0 views

    in this article it talks all about electric cars and how good they are for the environment. but i think we can look past all of this and work on the batteries to be better for the environment and a way to make cars that are hybrids or all electric safe and less energy to make then we will have something going on. holland depends on the use of batteries in the nest ten years.

Zeeland turns to wind for renewable energy - Holland, MI - The Holland Sentinel - 0 views

  • $450,000
  • energy each year to power 20 to 22 households.
  • The turbine towers are 125-feet tall and each of the turbines’ three blades are 25-feet long.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • 50 kilowatt turbines
    News article about Zeeland's two 125' tall turbines.

Geothermal Heating and Cooling - 0 views

    The ground absorbs heat from the sun, using this heat and a water solution homes can be heated and cooled.

Videos of Geothermal System Benefits in Commercial Buildings and Private Housing - 0 views

    Scroll through some of the videos on the side to see a wider range of videos on geothermal systems at work.

Flex Your Power - California Energy Efficiency and Conservation - 0 views

    A good site with lots of tips about how to save energy around the home and other ideas

Winter Time Energy-Saving Tips - 0 views

    "For every degree you lower your heat in the 60-degree to 70-degree range, you'll save up to 5 percent on heating costs."
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