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Andrija Novakovic

100 Search Engines For Academic Research - 0 views

  • RefSeek offers authoritative resources in just about any subject, without all of the mess of sponsored links and commercial results.
  • Be sure to check out their research guides for history, health, criminal justice, and more.
  • discoveries, too. Ma
    • Andrija Novakovic
Andrija Novakovic

Best content in HMS1_Novakovic_Palcic_Simac | Diigo - Groups - 0 views

  • discoveries, too. Ma ... Cancel Add Sticky Note | Delete ... Cancel
  • RefSeek offers authoritative resources in just about any subject, without all of the mess of sponsored links and commercial results. ... Cancel Add Sticky Note | Delete
Maja P

Improving Motivation in eLearning - 0 views

  • Competence
  • Autonomy
  • Relatedness
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • However, as educators we should not focus on generating more motivation from our learners but instead focus on creating conditions that facilitate the internalization of motivation from within our learners
    Motivacija je ono što nas vodi k ciljevima u životu. Potrebno je stvoriti uvjete koji navode polaznike da se sami motiviraju. U članku je opisano nekoliko strategija koje se mogu upotrijebiti za zadovoljavanje osnovnih psiholoških potreba polaznika u online 'učionici'.
Andrija Novakovic

Glogster - 0 views

    Učenje putem izrade plakata i edukativnih vizualnih sadržaja putem kreativnog izražavanja
Maja P

E-obrazovanje u Hrvatskoj - 3 views

    Rad govori o stanju e-obrazovanja u sklopu osnovnih i srednjih škola u Republici Hrvatskoj. Određeno je 7 glavnih ciljeva koje je potrebno ostvariti i provedena SWOT analiza za hrvatski obrazovni sustav. Mogućnosti uvođenja e-obrazovanja u hrvatskim školama razrađene su i prikazane u mentalnoj mapi.
Andrija Novakovic

Procjena znanja u e-obrazovanju - 2 views

    CARNET-ov sustav i objašnjenje vrednovanja e-learning sustava
Andrija Novakovic

E-learning evaluation guide - 1 views

    Vodič na engleskom jeziku za kriterije e-learning ocjenjivanje.
Andrija Novakovic

Top 10 Must Read eLearning Blogs - 2 views

    Popis blogova koji govore o e-learning sustavu (bile to dobre ili loše strane)
Andrija Novakovic

Open-source e-learning - 1 views

    Open-source LMS za poslovne organizacije i usavršavanje, na razini moodle-a
Andrija Novakovic

Comparison of e-Learning Management Systems - 1 views

    Usporedba nekih LMS-a (metodologija, brzina, autentifikacija itd...)
Andrija Novakovic

Coggno LMS - 2 views

    LMS koji je moguce prilagoditi za prodaju vlasitih tecajeva, ali također, koristiti i u školama
Ivan Š

E Pedagogy - 1 views

    Članak na engleskom jeziku koji postavlja pitanje zahtjeva li e-učenje neki novi pristup u podučavanju. Daje se pregled tradicionalnih teorija učenja, problemi upravo tih načina podučavanja te prijedlozi novih načina podučavanja.
Ivan Š

▶ Engaging and motivating students - YouTube - 1 views

    Video sa stranice koji govori o tome što e-učenje znači učenicima (studentima), treba li moderator (nastavnik) aktivno sudjelovati u radu, kako se postaviti da studenti dosegnu najveći napredak. Također, govori i na koji način rad učini ugodnim te kako najbolje motivirati studente da aktivno rade na projektima.
Maja P

Gamification: upotreba mehanike igara za poboljšanje e-učenja - 2 views

  • gamification is the use of gameplay mechanics for non-game applications
  • Gamification is not the inclusion of stand-alone games in eLearning
  • game mechanics are the construct of rules that encourage users to explore and learn the properties of their possibility space through the use of feedback mechanisms
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • I am defining engagement as simply "occupying the attention or efforts of a person
  • for the purposes of developing engaging eLearning, we need to look at how we are rewarding our learner's brains by giving them compelling reasons to want the material, and to work on developing systems that they will like
  • Games are generally structured so that players have various "layers" of goals
  • the final challenge in a game (sometimes called the "boss battles") will always be harder than the short-term missions
  • when designing eLearning material to minimize cognitive fatigue, instructional designers should break up their products into short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals
  • To support information transference, provide links back to essential information previously referenced in your learning or links to supplemental material that is prerequisite knowledge for the current learning. During assessments, explain why answers are correct or incorrect, or provide links to where the appropriate information can be found. Never just say, "That's wrong. Try again."
  • An important part of providing feedback to users in games or eLearning is to let them know how much progress they've made
  • It's also important to measure progress at multiple levels
  • character upgrade scenario sets up the basis for a system where users are given virtual goods and characters that they want, and they get to change them in the way they like, which as stated at the beginning of this article are the main components of rewards that engage learners
  • A reward schedule is the timeframe and delivery mechanism through which rewards (pop-ups, points, prizes, level-ups, etc.) are delivered
  • There are two primary types of reward schedules, Interval and Ratio.
  • Rewards are given at a fixed amount of time
  • Rewards are given at different times
  • Variable:
  • Fixed:
  • Fixed: Given after a set number of actions
  • Variable: Given randomly, after roughly the same number of actions
  • there are two general types of rewards: momentary and persistent
  • Momentary rewards are given immediately upon completing the prerequisite of the reward, and are not tracked
  • Persistent rewards are tracked over the entire product, or even over many products
  • the most effective motivator known to us is the approval of our fellows
    Članak opisuje kako iskoristiti mehanizme gameplay-a za e-learning sustave. Pojam 'gamification' odnosi se na iskorištavanje mehanizama gameplay-a u ostalim područjima nevezanima za računalne igre. Cilj je održavati osobu zainteresiranom i motiviranom postavljanjem ciljeva i sustavom nagrađivanja kao što je to učinjeno u igrama. Primjer toga bilo bi razdvajanje na razine od kojih svaka ima svoj cilj (kao prelaženje misija u igrama) i nagrađivanje za određena dostignuća (različiti itemi u igrama).
Maja P

Mobilne aplikacije: e-učenje pomoću mobilnih uređaja - 2 views

  • But how can we use mobile devices—in this case iPads and their applications—to help facilitate online learning?
  • This app allows the user to wirelessly project PDF documents (such as exported PowerPoint) and live drawings and images (either from the photo stream or the Web) to a computer on the same local network, and then annotate them in real time
  • By using a stylus you can write on the iPad and explain key points to your class.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • The size of the screen makes it hard to explain large equations or detailed calculations, and knowing your limit is difficult to gauge at times
  • With ShowMe, anyone can create, share a lesson, tutorial, or presentation, and upload onto the LMS or add content to the ShowMe community online
  • The ShowMe online community has thousands of lessons and tutorials created by users and includes categories such as math, science, languages, English, social studies and general (art/sport/music)
  • iTunesU allows you to create a "course" and view it on an iPad though the iTunesU app and iBooks. The course manager allows to you collect materials and collaborate online resources, articles, YouTube clips, apps, Web links, PDFs, documents, and audio together with an overview of the course, posts, and notes created by the user
  • Each course can be private providing a unique URL sent to students to access, or the course can be kept open to iTunesU community users. Both instructors and the students have the freedom to add and make notes on any of the material added within the course.
  • The Adobe Connect Mobile app can be downloaded on any device, making learning more accessible from anywhere, and allows nearly all capabilities from the desktop to your mobile device. The application allows you to host, attend, present, record, and completely drive collaboration in online meetings or trainings
    Skoro sve što možemo raditi na svom računalu danas se može i na prijenosnim uređajima - smartphoneovima ili tablet računalima. Ovaj članak opisuje nekoliko aplikacija za iPad koje su vrlo korisne u procesu obrazovanja. To su airSketch, ShowMe, iTunesU i Adobe Connect Mobile aplikacije.
Maja P

E-learning 2.0 - 2 views

  • And now, e-learning is evolving with the World Wide Web as a whole and it's changing to a degree significant enough to warrant a new name: E-learning 2.0.
  • Today, e-learning mainly takes the form of online courses
  • the dominant learning technology employed today is a type of system that organizes and delivers online courses---the learning management system (LMS)
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • The learning management system takes learning content and organizes it in a standard way, as a course divided into modules and lessons, supported with quizzes, tests and discussions, and in many systems today, integrated into the college or university's student information system.
  • One trend that has captured the attention of numerous pundits is the changing nature of Internet users themselves. Sometimes called "digital natives" and sometimes called "n-gen," these new users approach work, learning and play in new ways
  • In learning, these trends are manifest in what is sometimes called "learner-centered" or "student-centered" design
  • it is the placing of the control of learning itself into the hands of the learner
  • knowledge-working is no longer thought of as the gathering and accumulation of facts, but rather, the riding of waves in a dynamic environment
  • Sharing content is not considered unethical; indeed, the hoarding of content is viewed as antisocial [9]. And open content is viewed not merely as nice to have but essential for the creation of the sort of learning network
  • The new Internet user may not vote, but that is only because the vote is irrelevant when you govern yourself.
  • And that the Web itself was being transformed from what was called "the Read Web" to the "Read-Write Web
  • In a nutshell, what was happening was that the Web was shifting from being a medium, in which information was transmitted and consumed, into being a platform, in which content was created, shared, remixed, repurposed, and passed along
  • For all this technology, what is important to recognize is that the emergence of the Web 2.0 is not a technological revolution, it is a social revolution
  • What happens when online learning ceases to be like a medium, and becomes more like a platform? What happens when online learning software ceases to be a type of content-consumption tool, where learning is "delivered," and becomes more like a content-authoring tool, where learning is created?
  • The e-learning application, therefore, begins to look very much like a blogging tool. It represents one node in a web of content, connected to other nodes and content creation services used by other students
  • It becomes, not an institutional or corporate application, but a personal learning center, where content is reused and remixed according to the student's own needs and interests. It becomes, indeed, not a single application, but a collection of interoperating applications---an environment rather than a system.
  • It also begins to look like a personal portfolio tool [18]. The idea here is that students will have their own personal place to create and showcase their own work
  • More formally, instead of using enterprise learning-management systems, educational institutions expect to use an interlocking set of open-source applications
  • there is also an increasing recognition that learning is becoming a creative activity and that the appropriate venue is a platform rather than an application
  • In the world of learning, what this means is having learning available no matter what you are doing
  • Learning integrates into every aspect of our lives, from daily household chores to arts and culture
  • Learning and living, it could be said, will eventually merge
  • . The challenge will not be in how to learn, but in how to use learning to create something more, to communicate.
    E-učenje razvija se usporedo sa razvojem weba 2.0 i u skladu s time dobiva naziv e-učenje 2.0. Pod tehnologije e-učenja još se uvijek podrazumijevaju razni sustavi koji sadržaj za učenje organiziraju u standardni oblik - npr. sadržaje nekog kolegija u lekcije popraćene provjerama znanja. Sama priroda Internet korisnika danas se mijenja. Korisnici više ne koriste sadržaj u tradicionalnom smislu već ga sami stvaraju i dijele međusobno. Učenje je kreativna aktivnost i prikladna tehnologija za učenje postaje platforma, a ne aplikacija.
Ivan Š

Tips for Students Learning Online - 2 views

    Stranica na engleskom jeziku koja govori na koji se način studenti trebaju pripremiti za ulogu e-studenta. Navodi koje osobine student mora imati kako bi uspješno mogao savladati e-gradivo.
Ivan Š

Top Ten Moderator Skills - 2 views

    Stranica na engleskom jeziku vezana uz (dobre) osobine moderatora e-aktivnosti. Na stranici možemo pronaći 10 osobina moderatora s pojašnjenjem kako te osobine dovesti do više razine.
Ivan Š

E-portfolio - 2 views

    Stranica sa člancima o e-portfoliju. Pristupnom stranici možemo odabrati nekoliko dokumenata koji se spremaju na lokalno računalo. Na stranici možemo dobiti upute i pojašnjenja što je to e-portfolio, koje su njegove prednosti te kako ga koristiti bilo da smo u ulozi nastavnika ili u ulozi studenta.
Ivan Š

E-učenje - Wikipedija - 2 views

    Članak sa Wikipedije u kojem je ukratko dano objašnjenje što je to e-učenje, klasificira ga te daje uvid u neke njegove pozitivne i negativne aspekte. Može poslužiti uglavnom kako početno mjesto za daljnje istraživanje i učenje o principu e-učenja.
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