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Nicole G

Ancient Rome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Ancient Rome was a thriving civilization that grew on the Italian Peninsula as early as the 8th century BC. Located along the Mediterranean Sea and centered on the city of Rome, it expanded to one of the largest empires in the ancient world.[1]
    • kaley g
      It's interesing that Rome had the largest empire.
    • kaley g
      This is intersting.
  • was a thriving civilization that grew on the Italian Peninsula as early as the 8th century BC. Located along the Mediterranean Sea and centered on the city of Rome , it expanded to one of the largest empires in the ancient world . [1]
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Rome was preponderant throughout  the Mediterranean region, and was the sole superpower of Antiquity
  • government
  • A society highly developed in military and politics, Rome professionalized the military and created a system of government called res publica, the inspiration for most of modern republics like the United States and France.
  • inspiration
  • professionalized the military and created a system of government called res publica, the  inspiration for most of modern republics like the United States and France . By the end of the Republic, Rome had conquered the land
  • of
  • Ancient Rome was a thriving civilization that grew on the Italian Peninsula as early as the 8th century BC. Located along the Mediterranean Sea and centered on the city of Rome, it expanded to one of the largest empires in the ancient world.[1]
  • Rome was preponderant throughout the Mediterranean region, and was the sole superpower of Antiquity.
  • the Mediterranean
Cameron G.

Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France - 1 views

    Notre Dame in France. French Knights, Nobles, and Royalty would make a pilgrimage to this Cathedral. 
Garth Holman

Two million documents at your fingertips - 1 views

    sent by Twitter to me by friend in France. Have to explore soon. 
Lily S

Manor house for sale in Correze - French Chateaux - Manor house, vineyards, mansions, l... - 0 views

    Manor House in Correze, France
Garth Holman

The Exploration and Conquest of the New World | Boundless US History - 0 views

  • In 1492, Christopher Columbus, supported by the Spanish government, undertook a voyage to find a new route to Asia and inadvertently encountered “new” lands in the Americas full of long established communities and cultures.
  • Jacques Cartier undertook a voyage to present-day Canada for the French government, where they began the settlement of New France, developing the fur industry and fostering a more respectful relationship with many of the inhabitants.
  • Spanish conquistadors invaded areas of Central and South America looking for riches, ultimately destroying the powerful Aztec and Inca cultures.
    • Garth Holman
      A conquistador is a Spanish warrior explorer.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • deeply affected by the invaders’ interactions with indigenous groups—interactions that, through a combination of violence and disease, resulted in massive declines in indigenous populations.
    • Garth Holman
      What are the three effects on Natives
  • The Spanish Empire
  • Colonial expansion under the Spanish Empire was initiated by the Spanish conquistadors and developed by the Monarchy of Spain through its administrators and missionaries.
  • motivations for colonial expansion were trade and the spread of the Christian faith through indigenous conversions.
  • The Exploration and Conquest of the New World
    • Garth Holman
      What form of Christianity was being forced on Native?
  • Major French exploration of North America began under the rule of Francis I, King of France. In 1524,
  • A major French settlement lay on the island of Hispaniola, where France established the colony of Saint-Domingue on the western third of the island in 1664.
  • Shortly after Columbus’ first voyage to the New World, the British Empire funded an exploratory mission of its own led by John Cabot. Cabot explored the North American continent,
    • Garth Holman
      What are three causes?
  • Upon the death of Christopher Columbus,
    • Garth Holman
      What are three places the British took over?
Garth Holman

Castles of Germany - 0 views

    List of Castles in France
mukul g

Poe's Life | Edgar Allan Poe Museum - 1 views

    • mukul g
      He is separated from his brothers and sisters!!!!!
  • . Griswold followed the obituary with a memoir in which he portrayed Poe as a drunken, womanizing madman with no morals and no friends.  Griswold’s attacks were meant to cause the public to dismiss Poe and his works, but the biography had exactly the opposite effect and instead drove the sales of Poe’s books higher than they had ever been during the author’s lifetime.
  • Days after Poe’s death, his literary rival Rufus Griswold wrote a libelous obituary of the author in a misguided attempt at revenge for some of the offensive things Poe had said and written about him
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • The real Poe was born to traveling actors in Boston on January 19, 1809
  • Two years later he heard that Frances Allan, the only mother he had ever known, was dying of tuberculosis and wanted to see him before she died. By the time Poe returned to Richmond she had already been buried. Poe and Allan briefly reconciled, and Allan helped Poe gain an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point. 
  • Humiliated by his poverty and furious with Allan for not providing enough funds in the first place, Poe returned to Richmond and visited the home of his fiancée Elmira Royster, only to discover that she had become engaged to another man in Poe’s absence.
  • Before going to West Point, Poe published another volume of poetry
  • . After only eight months at West Point Poe was thrown out, but he soon published yet another book.
  • Within three years of Poe’s birth both of his parents had died, and he was taken in by the wealthy tobacco merchant John Allan and his wife Frances Valentine Allan in Richmond, Virginia while Poe’s siblings went to live with other families.
  • Poe was living in poverty but had started publishing his short stories
  • “Panic of 1837,” Poe struggled to find magazine work and wrote his only novel, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym. 
dana k

Monastery on sale in MONTGARDIN, France - buy Monastery in MONTGARDIN - sale France | R... - 1 views

    my monastery 
Garth Holman

Architecture of the medieval cathedrals of England - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • 5 Famous features of the cathedrals 5.1 Bristol Cathedral 5.2 Canterbury Cathedral 5.3 Carlisle Cathedral 5.4 Chester Cathedral 5.5 Chichester Cathedral 5.6 Durham Cathedral 5.7 Ely Cathedral 5.8 Exeter Cathedral 5.9 Gloucester Cathedral 5.10 Hereford Cathedral 5.11 Lichfield Cathedral 5.12 Lincoln Cathedral 5.13 Manchester Cathedral 5.14 Norwich Cathedral 5.15 Oxford Cathedral 5.16 Peterborough Cathedral 5.17 Ripon Cathedral 5.18 Rochester Cathedral 5.19 St Albans Cathedral 5.20 Salisbury Cathedral 5.21 Southwark Cathedral 5.22 Southwell Minster 5.23 Wells Cathedral 5.24 Winchester Cathedral 5.25 Worcester Cathedral 5.26 York Minster
    List of Cathedral names in England. Search for Cathedrals of France, or your country to find a list to find on Google earth
Garth Holman

Thomas Becket - 0 views

  • In Medieval England the Church was all powerful.
  • The fear of going to Hell was very real and people were told that only the Catholic Church could save your soul so that you could go to Heaven.
  • in the church in Medieval England was the Archbishop of Canterbury and both he and the king usually worked together. 
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • No-one was surprised by Henry’s choice as both he and Thomas were very good friends. They enjoyed hunting, playing jokes and socialising together. Becket was known to be a lover of wine and a good horse rider. Henry II loved to ride as well but his personality was troubled by his fearsome temper. He tried to keep his temper under control by working very hard as it distracted him from things that might sparked off his temper.
  • excommunicating him
  • For people in England , there was always the real problem - do you obey the king or the pope
  • Henry II also controlled a lot of France at this time. William the Conqueror had been his great-grandfather and he had inherited his French territories as a result of this. When Henry was in France sorting out problems there, he left Becket in charge of England - such was his trust in him. Becket became Henry’s chancellor - the most important position in England after the king.
  • Henry saw the chance to give his close friend even more power by appointing him Archbishop of Canterbury - the most important church position in England.
  • Henry hoped that by appointing his good friend Becket, he might have more of a say in how the Church punished offenders. He hoped that Becket would do as he wished and toughen up the sentences passed out by Church courts.
  • The post of Archbishop changed Becket. He dropped his luxurious lifestyle; he ate bread and drank water, he had a luxury bed but preferred to sleep on the floor; he wore the rich clothes of an archbishop, but underneath the fine tunics he wore a horse hair shirt - very itchy and unpleasant to wear. He gave his expensive food to the poor.
  • Becket asked the pope to excommunicate the Archbishop of York who had taken sides with the king.
  • He is said to have shouted out "will no-one rid me of this troublesome priest ?" Four knights heard what Henry had shouted and took it to mean that the king wanted Becket dead. They rode to Canterbury to carry out the deed. The knights were Reginald FitzUrse, William de Tracey, Hugh de Morville and Richard le Breton. On December 29th 1170 they killed Becket in Canterbury Cathedral. After killing him, one of the knights said "Let us away. He will rise no more."
  • Becket’s body was still on the cathedral floor when people from Canterbury came in and tore off pieces of his clothes and then dipped these pieces in his blood. They believed that they would bring them luck and keep evil away.
  • Where Becket died quickly became a place of pilgrimage.
  • Henry II asked the pope for forgiveness and he walked bare foot to Canterbury to pray at the spot where Becket was killed. Monks whipped him while he prayed.
  • It took 21 carts to remove the valuables from Becket’s shrine at Canterbury Cathedral.
    • Garth Holman
      What does excommunicating him mean? 
    • Garth Holman
      Yes, why would he do this?  Why would he pick a friend to the second most powerful position in England? 
Garth Holman

BnF - Carolingian books, manuscripts from Charlemagne to Charles the Bald - 0 views

    All Primary Renaissance, Illuminated Manuscripts and more.  
zach m

Castle for sale, French real estate property - 0 views

    This castle is a great example of a knights castle. This website shows the outside and the inside of the castle.
Asha G

History of Feudalism - 1 views

  • Spread
  • Feudalism spread from France to Spain, Italy, and later Germany and Eastern Europe.
  • Feudalism continued in all parts of Europe until the end of the 14th cent.
Garth Holman

Medieval Art and Art History - 0 views

  • The medieval period of art history spans from the fall of the Roman Empire in 300 AD to the beginning of the Renaissance in 1400 AD
  • he Catholic Church financed many projects, and the oldest examples of Christian art survive in the Roman catacombs, or burial crypts beneath the city.
  • Medieval artists decorated churches and works for public appreciation using classical themes. For example, Roman mosaics made of small stone cubes called tesserae offered Christian scenery.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Early Christian mosaics used muted colors like classical mosaics, but in the fourth century, mosaicists moved to brighter colors and patterns.
  • Romanesque architecture symbolized the growing wealth of European cities and the power of Church monasteries.
  • The Gothic style developed in the middle of the twelfth century and is named after the Goths who ruled France.
  • Human forms such as the Madonna and Baby Jesus evolve from large heads on small bodies in Early Christianity to abstract forms in the Romanesque era. In the Gothic era, the Madonna and Child are more naturalistic with tall, bony figures.
Garth Holman

Pope recognizes Knights Templar - This Day in History - 1/13/1128 - 0 views

  • On this day in 1128, Pope Honorius II grants a papal sanction to the military order known as the Knights Templar, declaring it to be an army of God. 
  • the Knights Templar organization was founded in 1118. Its self-imposed mission was to protect Christian pilgrims on their way to the Holy Land during the Crusades, the series of military expeditions aimed at defeating Muslims in Palestine. The Templars took their name from the location of their headquarters, at Jerusalem's Temple Mount. For a while, the Templars had only nine members, mostly due to their rigid rules. In addition to having noble birth, the knights were required to take strict vows of poverty, obedience and chastity. In 1127, new promotional efforts convinced many more noblemen to join the order, gradually increasing its size and influence.
  • While the individual knights were not allowed to own property, there was no such restriction on the organization as a whole, and over the years many rich Christians gave gifts of land and other valuables to support the Knights Templar. By the time the Crusades ended unsuccessfully in the early 14th century, the order had grown extremely wealthy, provoking the jealousy of both religious and secular powers. In 1307, King Philip IV of France and Pope Clement V combined to take down the Knights Templar, arresting the grand master, Jacques de Molay, on charges of heresy, sacrilege and Satanism. Under torture, Molay and other leading Templars confessed and were eventually burned at the stake. Clement dissolved the Templars in 1312, assigning their property and monetary assets to a rival order, the Knights Hospitalers. In fact, though, Philip and his English counterpart, King Edward II, claimed most of the wealth after banning the organization from their respective countries.          
Garth Holman

Medieval Castle History - 0 views

  • there was an explosion of castle construction as feudal lords sought to consolidate their power and provide fortresses for the inhabitants of their kingdoms.
  • Research shows that castles served a very utilitarian role in feudal society. It was protector, visible landmark, and source of pride among many communities.
  • William the Conqueror, from Normandy, France, invaded England in 1066 and changed the medieval landscape forever. Medieval societies soon witnessed the erection of stone towers and walls in every country. Simple Norman donjons evolved into more elaborate strongholds with towering walls, defensive systems and could house sometimes thousands of people.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Military tactics centered on the taking of castles, and weapon technology improved over the centuries to exploit any weakness that could be found in castle architecture. It wasn't until the late 1600s, when gunpowder and artillery became more effective, that the castle became obsolete.
    Great site for History, defenses, architecture and castle life.  
Garth Holman

The Third Crusade - 2 views

  • Saladin a leader
  • ery devout in prayers and fasting, fiercely hostile toward unbelievers, and full of the pride of race.
  • kindliness and humanity not surpassed,
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • Third Crusade was caused by the capture of Jerusalem in 1187 by Saladin, the sultan of Egypt.
  • Saladin united the Moslems of Syria under his sway and then advanced against the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem
  • rout of their army and the capture of their king.
  • Even the Holy Cross, which they had carried in the midst of the fight, became the spoil of the conqueror.
  • The cry for another crusade arose on all sides. Once more thousands of men sewed the cross in gold, or silk, or cloth upon their garments and set out for the Holy Land.
  • King Philip Augustus of France, King Richard I of England, and the German emperor, Frederick Barbarossa assumed the cross,
  • King Richard I of England
  • Lion-hearted," in memory of his heroic exploits in Palestine
  • He raised money for the enterprise bythe persecution and robbery of the Jewsthe imposition of an unusual tax upon all classesthe sale of offices, dignities, and the royal lands
  • he would sell the city of London, if he could find a purchaser."
  • English and French kings finally mustered their forces beneath the walls of Acre, which city the Christians were then besieging.
  • knightly virtues
  • knightly adventures and chivalrous exploits
  • Richard was sick with a fever, Saladin, knowing that he was poorly supplied with delicacies, sent him a gift of the choicest fruits of the land. And on another occasion, Richard's horse having been killed in battle, the sultan caused a fine Arabian steed to be led to the Christian camp as a present for his rival.
  • , but could not capture Jerusalem.
  • King Richard and Saladin finally concluded a truce by the terms of which Christians were permitted to visit Jerusalem without paying tribute, that they should have free access to the holy places,
  • The king regained his liberty only by paying a ransom equivalent to more than twice the annual revenues of England.
Garth Holman

THE SOURCE OF TROUBLE - Awesome Stories - 0 views

  • he was ineligible to inherit land (hence
  • he was ineligible to inherit land (hence his nickname "Lackland"). Because he inherited no land, he was always conniving to gain land by other means.
  • he increased taxes on the landed barons.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • But John was no winner. He continued to lose ground to the French.
  • the English barons revolted against the high taxes and captured London in May of 1215.
  • The monarch would be forced to sign a charter giving legal rights to the barons and creating obligations on the part of the crown.
Harsajan Gill > Fall of the Roman Empire, decline of ancient Rome - 5 views

shared by Harsajan Gill on 13 Dec 11 - Cached
    • Josh B
      This shows many more reasons and ideas then the website link from 7aworldhistory, it also is very helpful
    • Garth Holman
      Maybe you should add to the online is time for you to leave a legacy?
    • Garth Holman
      I see Josh, you joined the wiki. I will wait to see what you add and change.
    • Jamie F
      There was probably one event that led to all these events.
    • Jack S
      People spent money on Churches instead of the keep up of the Roman Empire.  When there is no keep up.  Roads, Buildings, ect fall apart and then the vikings came and made Rome even worse
  • ...33 more annotations...
    • Jack S
      They had no money to keeps up the aqueducts that lead to dirty water.  They also built with lead pipes which made people sick.  This could be a huge reason why people died.
    • Jack S
      they also had to raise taxes to keep up an army and protect the borders.  There were also less people to pay those taxes.  (Final Blows Article)
    • Jack S
      In the end there is going to be chaos! People are going to want a leader who is strong and holy to lead them.  They are going to want there country to be the best.
    • Garth Holman
      You are so right Jack, From an organized soicety with a centeral government to a place of CHAOS. Well said.
  • Fall of the Roman Empire
    • Garth Holman
      Do these sound like anything you see in the world today?  
    • Swathi S
      Yes. It is like how technology will most likely take over the world.
    • Alexander R.
      It sounds a lot like today. With the technology advancing we get smarter, but when we don't advance our technology we suffer.
    • Garth Holman
      What about the Unemployment? Moral Decay and values? Urban Decay? Inflation? Are these part of our world?
    • mukul g
      Well most of them are, but not all of these. Unemployment is happening right now in the world. But Moral decay and values are not used today.
    • Garth Holman
      Really: google the term Moral Decay in America and see if people think this is happening.
  • Public Health
  • Decline in Morals and Values
  • Political Corruption
  • Unemployment
  • Inflation
  • Urban decay
  • THE FINAL BLOWS For years, the well-disciplined Roman army held the barbarians of Germany back. Then in the third century A. D. the Roman soldiers were pulled back from the Rhine-Danube frontier to fight civil war in Italy. This left the Roman border open to attack. Gradually Germanic hunters and herders from the north began to overtake Roman lands in Greece and Gaul (later France). Then in 476 A. D. the Germanic general Odacer or Odovacar overthrew the last of the Roman Emperors, Augustulus Romulus. From then on the western part of the Empire was ruled by Germanic chieftain. Roads and bridges were left in disrepair and fields left untilled. Pirates and bandits made travel unsafe. Cities could not be maintained without goods from the farms, trade and business began to disappear. And Rome was no more in the West. The total fall of the Roman empire.
  • Inferior Technology
  • Military Spending
    • Margo L
      How come nobody went after the attackers?
    • Harsajan Gill
      Empire had trouble picking the new throne so they DO NOT have efficient way, so they sell it to ANYBODY who has the highest bid. Before even that they would pick a RANDOM guard to become it if he wins.
    • Harsajan Gill
      This led to the other events because instead op picking a system to get it done faster instead of wasting months of choosing who randomly they could still be advancing in government and there organized military.
    • Margo L
      I bet the romans were terrified when the people attacked. It must be scary to the Romans because they made a lot of accomplishments.
    • kyle s
      It was difficult for choosing an emporer. during the next 100 years they had 37 DIFFERENT emporer and 27 of the 35 were assasinated.
  • most difficult problems
  • choosing
  • new emperor
  • new emperor
  • empero
  • never
  • created
  • effective system
  • determine
  • new emperors
  • began
  • selling
  • throne to
  • highest bidder
  • 37 different emperors
  • assinatio
  • 25 of whom
    This site explains these ideas in more detail. 
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