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Garth Holman

Medieval education in Europe: Schools & Universities - 0 views

  • It is estimated that by 1330, only 5% of the total population of Europe received any sort of education
  • Even then education, as we understand it, was not accessible or even desired by everyone. Schools were mostly only accessible to the sons of high lords of the land.
  • In most kingdoms in Europe, education was overseen by the church.
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • The very fact that the curriculum was structured by the church gave it the ability to mould the students to follow its doctrine
  • Unofficially, education started from a very young age. This sort of early education depended on the feudal class of the child’s parents
  • Even the children of serfs would be taught the skills needed to survive by their parents. The boys would be taken out into the fields to observe and to help their parents with easy tasks, while the girls would work with the animals at home, in the vegetable garden with their mothers, or watch them weave.
  • Children of craftsmen and merchants were educated from a very young age in the trade of their fathers. Trade secrets rarely left a family and they had to be taught and understood by all male (and unusually, female) heirs, in order to continue the family legacy.
  • Young boys of noble birth would learn how to hunt and swing a weapon, while the young ladies of nobility would learn how to cook
  • The main subject of study in those schools was Latin (reading and writing). In addition to this, students were also taught rhetoric – the art of public speaking and persuasion – which was a very useful tool for both men of the cloth and nobles alike.
  • Lessons frequently started at sunrise and finished at sunset
  • University education, across the whole of the continent, was a luxury to which only the wealthiest and brightest could ever aspire
  • Since the creation of the first university in 1088
  • Students attended the Medieval University at different ages, ranging from 14 (if they were attending Oxford or Paris to study the Arts) to their 30s (if they were studying Law in Bologna)
  • The dynamic between students and teachers in a medieval university was significantly different from today. In the University of Bologna students hired and fired teachers by consensus. The students also bargained as a collective regarding fees, and threatened teachers with strikes if their demands were not met
  • A Master of Arts degree in the medieval education system would have taken six years; a Bachelor of Arts degree would be awarded after completing the third or fourth year. By “Arts” the degree was referring to the seven liberal arts – arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music theory, grammar, logic, and rhetoric
  • The sons of the peasants could only be educated if the lord of the manor had given his permission
  • Any family caught having a son educated without permission was heavily fined
  • Historians today believe that this policy was another way in which authority figures attempted to control the peasants, since an educated peasant/villein might prove to question the way things were done and upset the balance of power which kept the nobles strong.
  • Students held the legal status of clerics which, according to the Canon Law, could not be held by women; women were therefore not admitted into universities.
    This explains the importance of education and how each group got an education.
Garth Holman

Medieval Education - 2 views

  • free education to every boy
    • Lily S
      Only boys?
  • using a bone or ivory stylus on wooden tablets coated with green or black wax
  • Knights were also educated and looked down upon if they could not read and write
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Only daughters of the very rich and powerful were allowed to attend select courses.
  • At 14 or 15
  • continue education at a university
  • The cap and gown that college graduates wear today have their roots in medieval academic garments
  • empire needed educated people if it was to survive
  • Girls were virtually ignored when it came to education.
    • Garth Holman
      Yes, girls were not educated
    Has everything in the Middle Ages - Education, Clothing, Entertainment, and more
    Covers all major topics of middle ages: education, clothing, bathing, games, music festivals, village life, etc... Check it out with your diigo on. 
Eric G

Hone the Top 5 Soft Skills Every College Student Needs - US News - 0 views

  • "hard" skills like writing, mathematics and science
  • Soft skills include the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and the willingness to learn through experience, and are applicable across multiple disciplines and careers.
  • five important soft skills college-bound students require.
  • ...26 more annotations...
  • People who succeed only when working alone will struggle in college and beyond
  • majority of careers require collaboration.
  • young people do not know how to effectively carry on a conversation and are unable to do things like ask questions, listen actively and maintain eye contact.
  • The current prevalence of electronic devices has connected young individuals to one another
  • An inability to employ these skills effectively translates poorly in college and job interviews, for instance.
  • solve problems in creative ways and to determine solutions to issues with no prescribed formula.
  • They must be able to
  • Students who are accustomed to learned processes, and who cannot occasionally veer off-course, will struggle to handle unanticipated setbacks
  • Students can improve problem-solving abilities by enrolling in classes that us​e experiential learning
  • Students can improve this skill by assuming responsibility in multiple areas during high school –
  • It is imperative that they be fully self-sufficient in managing their time and prioritizing actions.
  • The ability to track multiple projects in an organized and efficient manner, as well as intelligently prioritize tasks, is also extremely important for students long after graduation​​.
  • The best way for students to develop this skill as they prepare for college is to search for leadership opportunities in high school.
  • Both in college and within the workforce, the ability to assume the lead when the situation calls for it is a necessity for anyone who hopes to draw upon their knowledge and "hard" skills in a position of influence.
  • or gaining professional employment experience
    • Eric G
      The first soft skill is collaboration, which means working with other people appropriately in a group.
  • These skills will again be important not only in college, where students must engage with professors to gain references and recommendations for future endeavors, but beyond as well.
    • Eric G
      The second soft skill is communication, which means to have a conversation with someone.
  • Students should also try new pursuits that place them in unfamiliar and even uncomfortable situations
  • Whatever structure students may have had in high school to organize their work and complete assignments in a timely manner will be largely absent in college.
    • Eric G
      The third soft skill is being able to solve problems with little help.
    • Eric G
      The fourth soft skill is being able to manage your time when it comes to homework and projects.
  • While it is important to be able to function in a group, it is also important to demonstrate leadership skills when necessary.
    • Eric G
      The fifth soft skill is being a leader and having good leadership skills.
  • Soft skills include the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and the willingness to learn through experience, and are applicable across multiple disciplines and careers.
  • It is imperative for college-bound students to function efficiently and appropriately in groups, collaborate on projects and accept constructive criticism when working with others.
Yuke Z

Medieval Education - 3 views

  • All lessons taught in a grammar school were in Latin. Lessons were taught in a way that boys had to learn information off by heart. Whether they understood what they had learned was a separate issue! Books were extremely expensive in Medieval England and no school could hope to kit out their pupils with books.
  • Lessons frequently started at sunrise and finished at sunset.
  • Discipline was very strict. Mistakes in lessons were punished with the birch (or the threat of it) In theory pupils would never make the same mistake again after being birched, as the memory of the pain inflicted was too strong.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • The sons of the peasants could only be educated if the lord of the manor had given his permission. Any family caught having a son educated without permission was heavily fined.
  • Very few girls went to what could be describes as a school. Girls from noble families were taught at home or in the house of another nobleman. Some girls from rich families went abroad to be educated. Regardless of where they went, the basis of their education was the same – how to keep a household going so that their husband was well kept. Girls might learn to play a musical instrument and to sing. But the philosophy of their education remained the same – how to keep a successful household for your husband.
    Peasant Schooling
jwoomer j

Life in Sparta - Sparta - 1 views

  • While women didn’t go through military training, they were required to be educated along similar lines.
  • The Spartans were the only Greeks not only to take seriously the education of women; they instituted it as state policy.
  • his was not, however, an academic education (just as the education of males was not an academic education); it was a physical education which could be grueling.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Infant girls were also exposed to die if they were judged to be weak; they were later subject to physical and gymnastics training.
  • Spartan women, however, were free to move out and had an unusual amount of domestic freedom for their husbands, after all, didn’t live at home.
    A great website to show a view at what your life would be like in Sparta.
Garth Holman

Dgh - Scientific Revolution - 0 views

  • came up with the heliocentric universe theory
  • Polish astronomer and mathematician
  • was also a translator, artist, physician, and scholar.
  • ...24 more annotations...
  • invented the telescope using two lenses and a lead pipe.
  • realized that the solar system was heliocentric, and was promptly persecuted for it by the Church.
  • found that the milky way was not a light in the sky but a cloud made of many nebulas and stars
  • first person to create laws about inertia and gravity
  • first to discover sunspots and he also discovered many stars
  • study other sciences, like math, medicine, and poetry.
  • British mathematician and physician
  • invented calculus
  • three laws of motion, and the law of gravity
  • came up with the Binomial Theorem
  • His achievements helped other scientists like Einstein be able to discover the Theory of Relativity and Nuclear Fission.
  • After Rome fell, however, during the Middle Ages, people forgot all these things.
  • that led to the birth of modern science
  • for themselves instead of accepting how things were
  • Muslims in Asia and Africa, though, were able to preserve the ideas of these great Greek and Roman thinkers. They translated them and then added their own ideas to them--to learn more about muslim thinkers, see this link. As the Europeans came out of their Dark Age, they began to learn from the muslims when trade and conflict brought Europeans and Arabs together. As they read and learned, their own view of the world became more rational and expanded their view of the world.
  • Rome and Greece the idea of humanism was passed on to the Arabs. When the Europeans started to make contact with the Arabs, these ideas were brought back. Education, government, technology, and science made it possible for this time of major change, discovery and exploration. Many discoveries and inventions were made in this time period by great thinkers still impact the world today.
  • It sparked their curiosity, and started the Scientific Revolution.
  • began to explore the world around them.
  • Together, education, government, technology, and science created the perfect mix for the Scientific Revolution and exploration.
  • read and write by themselves and the printing press made books much cheaper and available to a wider audience. When the time came, the government provided money, supplies and education for explorers.
    • Garth Holman
      Self Paced:  Copy this question into your document and then answer it.  How did the Muslims aid the Renaissance and the scientific revolution?  
    • Garth Holman
      Self Paced:  Explain the concept of the Perfect MIX?
    • bw_htian
      When people began to explore the world around them and learned to read and write by themselves. Education, government, technology, and science created the perfect mix for the Scientific Revolution.
    • Garth Holman
      Self Paced:  Explain the importance of at least 2 of these key figures of the Scientific Revolution?  Explain how the Catholic Church reacted to these ideas? 
    • Garth Holman
      Self Paced:  From the list of inventions, how could these inventions help in exploration? 
hmcphillips h

Renaissance -- Out of the Middle Ages - 2 views

  • more than enough money to meet their basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.
  • leisure time to spend on education and entertainment.
  • As the fortunes of merchants, bankers, and tradespeople improved, they had more than enough money to meet their basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter. They began to desire larger, more luxurious homes, fine art for these residences, sumptuous clothing to show off their wealth in public, and exotic delicacies to eat. These desires of the middle class stimulated the economy.
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • leisure time to spend on education and entertainment.
  • Bankers and accountants needed to understand arithmetic
  • knowledge of foreign currencies and languages
  • Reading was essential for anyone who needed to understand a contract.
  • reading for pleasure, learning to play musical instruments, and studying a variety of topics unrelated to their businesses.
  • Bankers and accountants needed to understand arithmetic. Those trading with other countries needed a knowledge of foreign currencies and languages. Reading was essential for anyone who needed to understand a contract.
  • Many Italian coastal cities became centers for trade and commerce, and for the wealth and education that ensued.
  • the Medici family, made their wealth as business people
  • Many Italian coastal cities became centers for trade and commerce, and for the wealth and education that ensued.
  • Florence.
  • made their wealth as business people
  • Medicis had the appearance of nobility.
    • Garth Holman
      So, what did the creation of a middle class do to society? How did it change society?  And how did their spending impact others?  Why is a strong middle class important today? 
    • jashapiro j
      The creation of the middle class stimulated society by having the new wealthier middle class buy expensive things. This impacted others because it made jobs for bankers (which led to learning math,) and made people around them want to buy more too. It is important to have a middle class today so we can have a balance.
    • Garth Holman
      What do banks do today?   How do banks help people today?  They want do you think banks did to make peoples lives better in the 1450's? 
    • jwoomer j
      Banks help people today by holding peoples money for them so they don't lose it or so that it doesn't get stolen as easily. Also, banks help you balance out your budget so you don't over spend. 
    • cglosser c
      Compared to banks today, banks earned people money, not hold on to it.
  • They lived in beautiful homes, employed great artists, and engaged in intellectual pursuits for both business and pleasure.
  • One of the cities that exemplified these new trends was Florence.
Garth Holman

History: Middle Ages Monasteries for Kids - 6 views

  • A monastery was a building, or buildings, where people lived and worshiped, devoting their time and life to God.
  • The people who lived in the monastery were called monks. The monastery was self contained, meaning everything the monks needed was provided by the monastery community. They made their own clothes and grew their own food. They had no need for the outside world. This way they could be somewhat isolated and could focus on God. There were monasteries spread throughout Europe during the Middle Ages.
  • only people in the Middle Ages who knew how to read and write. They provided education to the rest of the world.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • place where travelers could stay during
  • helped to feed the poor, take care of the sick, and provided education to boys in the local community.
  • day in the Middle Ages was spent praying, worshiping in church, reading the Bible, and meditating.
  • different jobs depending on their talents and interests.
  • Abbot - The Abbot was the head of the monastery or abbey.
  • A part of this vow was that they were dedicating their life to the monastery and the order of monks they were entering.
  • They were to give up worldly goods and devote their lives to God and discipline. They also took vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
  • Monks and nuns were generally the most educated people during the Middle Ages. They spent much of their day in silence.
  • A scribe may spend over a year copying a long book like the Bible.
Daniel M.

Roman Education - 0 views

  • Boys were beaten for the slightest offence as a belief existed that a boy would learn correctly and accurately if he feared being caned if he got something wrong
    • Daniel M.
      This would be illegal today.
Lakala S

Ancient Greece Schools - 1 views

    • Lakala S
      School systems in Greece seem very interesting.
  •  facts about ancient egypt for kids Facts about Egypt today ... information on ancient egypt for children  
  • The way children were educated was different in each city state. In Sparta, reading and writing was unimportant. Boys learned to be good fighters. In Athens citizens had to be educated to take part in voting in the Assembly. Athenian boys also went to 'wrestling school' each day, to learn many sports, not just wrestling. They had to be fit, to fight in the army.
maria p

21st Century Skills In Education - YouTube - 0 views

    Found this
Garth Holman

EDU - YouTube - 0 views

    Youtube for schools. Filters many things out. 
Garth Holman

SeventhGrade - 0 views

    Educational Service Center website that lists Ohio History Standards with links to websites and activities that meet the Standards.
Garth Holman

Creative Commons: What every Educator needs to know - 3 views

    What images can we use in the ONLINE book we are creating. See this slideshow to find out.
bridget l

Ways in Which Geography Impacted Rome's Development | Education - Seattle PI - 4 views

  • Rome atop seven different hills
  • Building the city on high ground forced any attacking army to fight its way uphill, giving the defending forces a major advantage.
  • The Romans understood this advantage and built fortresses on top of several of the hills.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Rome's naturally defenses made the city almost immune to attack,
  • The soil and the mild climate helped the Romans grow surplus olives and grain. Reliable food production allowed the population to grow, and the trade in olives and olive oil helped the Roman economy expand.
  • the republic had virtually no naval forces. To facilitate their invasion of Carthage, the Romans had to build 150 ships from scratch
  • lack of viable ports.
  • Rome's geography forced the Romans to rely on overland transportation much more than other empires. The absence of ports and small number of major rivers lead the Romans to build a massive network of roads.
  • 80,000 kilometers of roadways,
  • transportation system made the city of Rome the critical trade hub
    The seven hills.
spencer s

How Did Geography Help Rome Rise to Power? | Education - Seattle PI - 3 views

  • the Alps and the Apennines, helped to protect Rome from invasion.
  • Any army attempting to attack Rome would be at risk of attack from the other side of the mountains.
  • seal off the peninsula from the rest of Europe during winter. This natural roadblock protected Rome from outside invasions by forcing attackers to move slowly through narrow passes, giving the Romans time to respond.
    • Phillip M
      these mountains helped Romans greatly while others come to attack. It would usually end up as Rome winning because they have time to prepare for the attack 
    • spencer s
      Yeah i agree completely
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • suited for agriculture
  • volcanic ash made the soil near Rome some of the best in all of Europe. Rome attracted new settlers during its rise to power due to its agricultural potentia
  • The Roman population grew quickly, thanks to surplus production of grains, olives and other crops. The extra population later helped Rome's military expansion by providing a large supply of troops.
  • establish trade ties with other Mediterranean powers, enhancing the city's economic might.
    • Garth Holman
      How did the Tiber River help to make Rome and economic Powerhouse in the Ancient World. 
  • position at the center of the Mediterranean Sea. As Smith notes, the Italian Peninsula is only 50 miles from Greece, while Sicily is less than 100 miles from Africa. Rome is also a short voyage by boat from Spain and only a few days' journey to France on horseback. Its central location made Rome a desirable trading post even before the city's rise to power. This centrality later helped the Romans administer their empire effectively by reducing communication times.
  • Several geographic advantages helped Rome to grow and ultimately dominate the known world.

Peasant Life In The Middle Ages - The Finer Times - 1 views

  • Peasant life in the Middle Ages was noticeably difficult. Families and entire villages were exposed to disease, war and generally a life of poverty.
  • most people across Europe were peasants or “velleins”
  • worked in the vast stretches of lands owned by the local lords
  • ...28 more annotations...
  • very little known about the detailed life of peasants in Europe because the lords and the clergy did not keep records of the peasants
  • only
  • early records were concerning
  • duties
  • peasants owed their masters
  • slaves and serfs.
  • Majority of the peasants worked three days a week in their lord’s land but they would work longer during the harvest and plantation periods
  • Those who were full time servants would work every day of the week and would get a break to attend Mass on Sundays. Peasants were forbidden from leaving the lord’s manor without seeking permission. The condition of serfdom was hereditary and one would be tied to his master unless he saved enough to purchase some land or if he married a free person.  At the end of the twelfth century, the ties that bound peasants to their masters began to loosen.
  • Peasant life in the Middle Ages was confined to the manors,
  • The lords had great influence over the lives of the peasants;
  • manors were divided into two:
  • was where the peasants worked, tilled the land, planted and harvested on
  • one part of the land, the “demense”
  • behalf of the lord
  • he peasants would receive a larger piece of land as long as they adhered to the condition that they work on the lord’s land before working on their own.
  • The plows and horses were so few and the peasants themselves spent the entire day working in the “demense”.
  • peasant also tended to the horses and cattle in meadows
  • Most peasants did not do much other than working, going to church and the occasional celebration.
  • hardly travelled outside their villages but they did have a sense of community amongst themselves
  • Peasant life was generally marked by having few possessions in the home
  • houses were basic shacks with benches, stools, wooden cups, bowls and spoons. Most households had a chest of drawers where the family would keep their valuable items. Peasants hardly slept on beds; they slept on straw mattresses on the floor. Given that they had few possessions even in terms of personal attires, they typically slept with their work apparels and covered themselves with animal skin.
  • Women
  • a small garden behind their house.
  • he Church offered help to the neediest peasants in the form of food and necessities.
  • Church was also a source of education mainly for the peasant’s children who attended the local school that was part of the church. The peasants looked to the priests for baptism, marriage, and performance of last rites for the dying.  Christianity guided the moral decisions that peasant men and women made in their day-to-day life.
  • Education was meager and only available to a select group of boys.
  • young girls helped with chores in the house and they were married off as soon as they attained maturity; this was usually at the young age of thirteen or sixteen years.
  • Societal and economic development saw the rapid rise of cities and towns. As the ties between serfs and their masters became lose, the peasants were able to rent land and some even migrated to the towns. Catastrophes such as the Black Death, a plague that killed thousands of peasants made it difficult for lords to find peasants to work in their farms.
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