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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Aaron Shaw

Aaron Shaw

WWII in Europe - 7 views

Aaron Shaw

Thames Water - Photo gallery - 3 views

    "To open our image slideshow, just click on any of the images below. The selected image will then be shown in full and you can navigate through the slideshow by using the forward and back arrows. To simply download the image, click on image name underneath the photograph."
Aaron Shaw

Industrial Revolution - 21 views

    "The Industrial Revolution had a profound effect on all levels of society in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. How people lived and worked changed significantly during this time."
Aaron Shaw

History of the Forbidden City, Beijing, China - 7 views

    "At the beginning of the fifteenth century, the third Ming emperor, YungLe, created one of the most dazzling architectural masterpieces in the world. The Forbidden City, located in the center of China's capital, Beijing, displays an extraordinarily harmonious balance between buildings and open space within a more or less symmetrical layout."
Aaron Shaw

Ming - 3 views

    "The Ming dynasty began in 1368, and lasted until 1644 A.D. Its founder was a peasant, the third of only three peasants ever to become an emperor in China. He is known as Hongwu Emperor, and led the revolt against the Mongols and the Yuan Dynasty. He was constantly worried about conspiracies against himself, and despite the many moral homilies he gave, favored violence in dealing with any one suspected of plotting against him or associated with the conspirators. "
Aaron Shaw

European Voyages of Exploration - Home Page - 8 views

    "The modern world exists in a state of cultural, political, and economic globalisation. During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries two nations, Portugal and Spain, pioneered the European discovery of sea routes that were the first channels of interaction between all of the world's continents, thus beginning the process of globalisation in which we all live today. "
Aaron Shaw

Confucius [The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy] - 6 views

    • Aaron Shaw
      There is a tremendous amount of information on this page regarding Confucius. Use it wisely!
  • Given his extraordinary impact on Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese thought, it is ironic that so little can be known about Confucius.
Aaron Shaw

Confucius (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) - 4 views

    "Confucius (551-479 BCE), according to Chinese tradition, was a thinker, political figure, educator, and founder of the Ru School of Chinese thought. His teachings, preserved in the Lunyu or Analects, form the foundation of much of subsequent Chinese speculation on the education and comportment of the ideal man, how such an individual should live his live and interact with others, and the forms of society and government in which he should participate. Fung Yu-lan, one of the great 20th century authorities on the history of Chinese thought, compares Confucius' influence in Chinese history with that of Socrates in the West."
Aaron Shaw

Napoleon - 3 views

    "The Fondation Napoléon (founded in 1987) is a registered charity committed to the encouragement of the study of and interest in the history of the First and Second Empires and the preservation of Napoleonic heritage."
Aaron Shaw

Napoleon Bonaparte : Napoleonic : Napoleon : Bonaparte : Wars : Napoleon I : Napoleonic... - 6 views

  • The Napoleonic Guide is the best reference source for everything you need to know about the life and times of Napoleon Bonaparte. It has more than 2000 pages of information covering all aspects of the greatest era in world history.
    • Aaron Shaw
      THe most amazing site ever!
    "The Napoleonic Guide is the best reference source for everything you need to know about the life and times of Napoleon Bonaparte. It has more than 2000 pages of information covering all aspects of the greatest era in world history."
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