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Home/ HIST 390-001 The Digital Past Fall 2013/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Talia Wujtewicz

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Talia Wujtewicz

Talia Wujtewicz

World Data Counter - 0 views

    Ever wonder how big the Internet is? Or how much data is being transferred at any time? This website measures it for you
Talia Wujtewicz

How to download a full backup copy of Wikipedia - 0 views

    Just in case you lose Internet connection while doing research for an essay, here's how you can download all of Wikipedia's content
Talia Wujtewicz

Tumblr Ettiquette - 0 views

    Whether we realize it or not, all social media websites have a certain (usually unwritten) etiquette. This article lists some basic etiquette when using Tumblr.
Talia Wujtewicz

What is the Internet? - 0 views

    People in 1994 discussing what the Internet is
Talia Wujtewicz

How to Laugh Online in Other Languages - 0 views

    We all know the acronyms "lol" and "lmao" and sometimes just use "haha." This article explores how people from other countries express laughter over the Internet.
Talia Wujtewicz

Online Libraries - 25 Places to Read Free Books Online - 0 views

    A collection of online libraries that have books and other materials you can read online for free
Talia Wujtewicz

Fairfax Library throwing away books - 0 views

    Interesting article on how the Fairfax Country Library is throwing away a lot of their books. Makes one think about the future (or lack thereof) of libraries
Talia Wujtewicz

Google has a database of magazines - 1 views

    You can use Google to search for magazines and magazine articles that date all the way back to the 1960's.
Talia Wujtewicz

You can download the entire Wikipedia - 0 views

    You can download Wikipedia and only have it take up about 9 GB of space on your computer. It would definitely come in handy if you need to do research but don't have Internet access.
Talia Wujtewicz

Co-founder of WordPress talks about project's past and future - 0 views

    We often use websites without realizing that they are viewed as projects to their founders and creators. This video gives some information about what going on behind the curtains of a blog-hosting website.
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