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Home/ HIST 390-001 The Digital Past Fall 2013/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Xiaotong Liu

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Xiaotong Liu

Xiaotong Liu

WordPress 3.8 update comes with a new admin and default theme - 0 views

    The new version of WordPress has been released. Here is the article introduced some new information of the new version.
Xiaotong Liu

A comparison of the top media databases - 0 views

    For all the journalists, there are some top media databases for you can choose.
Xiaotong Liu

Google offers hands-free voice search for computers running Chrome - 0 views

    if you had Google Chrome, now you can use the voice search on it.
Xiaotong Liu

Open-source software projects need to improve - 0 views

    researchers says that 0pen-source software projects need to improve vulnerability-handling practices,
Xiaotong Liu

Understanding MARC - 0 views

    a good website help you understand all the details about MARC.
Xiaotong Liu

Scholarly Journals vs. Magazines - 0 views

    the difference between scholarly journals and magazines in different ways.
Xiaotong Liu

Today I Learned, 6 Most Interesting Facts About Wikipedia - 0 views

    some interesting facts about WIkipedia and it will help us to learn more about it.
Xiaotong Liu

PostgresSQL: The Other big open-source database has a new release - 0 views

    This is an article about the PostgreSQL development team has announced the release of PostgreSQL 9.3, the latest version of the world's leading open source relational database system.
Xiaotong Liu

The Internet vs. the Web - 0 views

    just repost this because last time posted wrong. this article talks about some basic differences between Internet and Web.
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