Some key training initiatives in cyber security, big data, analytics, mobile, etc.
IBM's recent report "found that only 1 in 10 organizations has the skills needed to effectively apply advanced technologies such as business analytics, mobile computing, cloud computing and social business."
Dr. Saxberg's blog on an interesting research finding about teachers' misconceptions about how learning works. He also mentions (towards the end) his upcoming book.
As you would recall Professor Dede had mentioned Dr. Saxberg in the context of EdX a few weeks ago.
Good read to get a pulse on an online course at Coursera. Students registered online 11,800; students registered in in-person class 20. Only three weeks into the course and student feedback has been very positive.
Interesting Forbes article about Sal Khan's journey. Mentions his recently published book "The One World Schoolhouse".
Highlights of his views reported in the article: "Khan would like to re-create the once common mixed-age classrooms that he believes encourage older kids to take responsibility for younger ones. He wants multiteacher classrooms to provide students with different perspectives. He would abolish summer vacation.... And he would eliminate letter grades altogether, preferring a more qualitative approach to assessment..."
Discusses specific areas (embedded data, peer learning, and simulations) where technology can be applied in classroom to empower students. Also provides links to area-specific tools.
Just came across this interesting Learning site, so sharing it with the group. Please scroll down a little and checkout the comprehensive list of items in the Categories section.
Definitely worthwhile to keep a pulse on Dr. Bror Saxberg's work, esp. if you are interested in learning science. He is the Chief Learning Office at Kaplan and has a unique academic background (a Rhodes Scholar with MD from Harvard, PhD from MIT, Masters from Oxford, etc.) Professor Dede had also mentioned him in one of our previous lectures. Your's truly had the honor of having breakfast, one-on-one, with Dr. Bror Saxberg at his office in DC. :-)
This posting talks about a beta course at Kaplan to train "learning architects" on how to build learning environments.
I have found Zaid's blog postings to be very appealing visually (with good use of colors) and to the point (with higher signal to noise ratio). Here is an example of a "1, 2, 3" style posting on the important topic of Autism with Dr. Martha Hebert (a prominent Harvard Medical School researcher and clinician).