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Noor Alkhater

Evaluation Rubric for Educational Apps - 0 views

    A rubric (in progress) designed for educational apps by a doctoral student at John Hopkins University. For those hesitant to make the shift to mobile devices, how would rubrics like this impact policy making, especially in regards to accountability?
Jennifer Bartecchi

Creating Assessment Rubrics online | National Center On Universal Design for Learning - 0 views

    Here are some resources for generating assessment rubrics in UDL fashion...
Roshanak Razavi

Selecting the Best Apps for Teaching and Learning - Use a Rubric! - 1 views

    This post includes a rubric for assessment of various educational apps.
Hannah Williams

Rubric for Assessing Creativity and Innovation - 1 views

    This is a great resource to check out some ideas of how to assess 21st century skills. (This is in reference to our conversation in the section on Monday.) The rubric on the page (you can download it) uses the following categories as: Expertise (in at least one domain), Inquisitiveness (Exhibition of curiosity, inquisitiveness, wonder, openness and excitement), Flexiblity (and adaptability), Ambiguity (toleration of and response to ambiguity), Unique Ideas (original, unique and cogent ideas, phrasing and products)
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