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Ritu Bhalla

Diet, Food Habits & Lifestyle tips from Ayurveda Doctors - 0 views

    Professional ayuvedic doctors in dallas, texas. happy to share tips of diet and lifestyle by using home remedies
Camilla Ilves

Achieve Full Relaxation Through Abhyanga Massage - 0 views

    Abhyanga is an extravagantly relaxing, wonderfully comforting whole body oil massage involving head, face and body.
Ritu Bhalla

Home Remedies for weight loss - 0 views

    Ayurvedic treatment and home remedies execptionally help for weight loss naturally, Easy ayurvedic therapies for your health care.
Meena Kiri

Ayurvedic Ashoka Herb for Menstrual Disorders | Tonic for Female Health - 1 views

    Ashoka is known to be very effective in treating uterus related problems. Ashoka is an excellent tonic for women. Ashoka is very helpful for women as it treats the problem of vaginal discharge. It also cures bleeding problems in women.
Meena Kiri

Divya Madhukalp Vati for Natural Diabetes Relief - 0 views

    Swami Ramdev Medicine Divya Madhukalp Vati and Herbal Products to control blood sugar and diabetes. For more information please visit .

Do and Don'ts of Dengue fever - 0 views

    Dengue fever is a viral infection that is caused by the bite of an infected mosquito. This fever is not contagious, so it can't spread from person to person. In most cases, symptoms manifest a week...

How to cure common cold in childrens | Indian Express - 0 views

    According to ayurvedic experts, turmeric is an excellent herb that can help treat common cold in children and can be taken on a regular basis without any adverse effects.

Acne Scars Treatment - 0 views

    Are you suffering from acne scars on your face, neck? Homeveda provides 100% natural and ayurvedic treatment. Get acne scars home remedies from ayurveda experts at
    Are you suffering from acne scars on your face, neck? Homeveda provides 100% natural and ayurvedic treatment. Get acne scars home remedies from ayurveda experts at

How to Treat Acne Scars Naturally? - 0 views

    Acne scars are very disappointing, they look very bad on face. It becomes difficult to get rid of these scars but by applying these home remedies you can easily clear the acne scars at home.

Ayurvedic Treatment to Boost Female fertility - 0 views

    Ashwagandha enhances the endocrine system and thus helps regulating the thyroid and adrenal glands.

Ayurvedic Remedy for Common Cold - 0 views

    Common cold is very frustrating but taking medicine every time is not a solution. Here we have few ayurvedic home remedy that helps you recover from common cold instantly.

Ayurvedic Menstrual Cramps Treatment - 0 views

    Menstrual cramps is a big problem for most women during their menstrual period. But with ayurvedic natural treatment this pain can be management effectively.

High Blood Pressure treatment at Home - 0 views

    The increase in pressure to pump the blood to heart arteries is known as High blood pressure. The symptom of High BP includes headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, etc.

Home Remedy for Blackheads - 0 views

    Blackheads are one of the common forms of acne. It is really frustrating to have blackheads as it destroys the look of face. But with Homeveda's ayurvedic home remedies on can easily get rid of these blackheads.
Integrat Body

Take your Yoga and Pilates practice to a new level - 0 views

    Pamela's yoga training began with her first class at age fifteen and includes studies in Iyengar, Anusara, Kundalini, Jivamukti, Andre Lappa, and Ana Forrest styles as well as traditional classical hatha yoga.

5 foods to fight fatigue | All it takes to be Healthy - 0 views

    If you feel very tired and lazy all the time, it might be that you are eating the wrong foods. To feel energetic during the day one should consume foods that release energy slowly and give you ener...

Apple Cider in Treatment of Gout | Healthmad - 0 views

    Gout is a kind of arthritis which occurs when the uric levels in the blood increase & excess acid crystallizes in the joints. Eat one apple after every meal to recover from gout.

Watermelons and their Health Boosting Properties | Healthy Mantra - Your Health Guide - 0 views

    Watermelons and their Health Boosting Properties Watermelons are a part of the Cucurbitaceae family, which also includes cantaloupes and honeydew. Watermelon is actually both a vegetable and a fruit....

The food way to sleep - Fitness Mantra - Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedy Tip - 0 views

    We all live in a very busy world and are always on our toes to complete some work or the other. In our daily rush of work, one of the things we compromise on is our good 8 to 9 hours of sleep.

Natural Home remedies for Dandruff | Ayurvedic Treatment at home - 0 views

    Natural Home remedies for Dandruff, Ayurvedic Treatment at home based on the principles of Ayurveda for itching, reddening and dead skin cells on Scalp.
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