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Record Low Smoking Rates in the UK - Pharmacies Call for Funding Boost to Continue Fight - 0 views

    The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released new data revealing that adult smoking rates in the UK have fallen to their lowest levels on record. In 2023, only 11.9 per cent of adults aged 18 and over-approximately 6 million people-reported smoking cigarettes, marking the lowest proportion of smokers since the Annual Population Survey (APS) began in 2011. Since 2011, the proportion of smokers has decreased by 8.3 percentage points from 20.2 per cent. However, this change was not statistically significant when compared to the previous year's rates, which was 12.9 per cent in 2022. Among age groups, those aged 25 to 34 years had the highest smoking prevalence at 14.0 per cent in 2023. Notably, the 18 to 24 age group experienced the largest reduction in smoking rates, dropping by 15.9 percentage points from 25.7 per cent in 2011 to 9.8per cent in 2023. Commenting on the new ONS statistics, Paul Rees, CEO of the National Pharmacy Association (NPA), highlighted the importance of community pharmacies in combating smoking.

Helping Smokers To Quit Smoking - Pharmacy Business - 0 views

    Smoking is the most significant cause of preventable deaths in England, and the health risks associated with smoking well documented. This not only puts a heavy burden on the healthcare system but also has a substantial social impact. Its link to health inequalities is more evident because it is more prevalent amongst the most vulnerable in our society, with low educational attainment and poor socioeconomic status. Even as smoking rates progressively reduced, these patients remained the most difficultto reach with cessation services. Recent years have also seen many local authorities stop providing locally commissionedNHS stop smoking service, citing funding constraints. The postpandemic financial reckoning may yet see more strain on what is left in the coffers. The Healthy Living pharmacy ethos community pharmacy teams, proactively supporting patients to quit and advising on the best evidence-shaped approach, deliver successful outcomes.

Government policy still lags behind public opinion - 0 views

    New data released on Friday (July 1) shows how public support has continued to grow despite a lack of progress on the policy front, 15 years since a smokefree legislation in Britain prohibited smoking inside public spaces such as offices, shops and pubs. This was demonstrated by a new report 'Fifteen Smokefree Years' summarising results from the annual survey carried out since 2007 by YouGov for the public health charity Action on Smoking and Health. Around three quarters (74 per cent) of those who participated in survey supported the government's Smokefree 2030 ambition. The report said: "The public are way ahead of the government, and right behind recommendations made to the Health and Social Care Secretary for the forthcoming Tobacco Control Plan by Javed Khan's independent review." Three quarters (76 per cent) support making tobacco manufacturers pay a levy to fund tobacco control and smoking cessation, 83 per cent support requiring retailers to be licensed to sell tobacco, 70 per cent support increased investment in public education campaigns, 67 per cent support warnings on cigarettes, and 62 per cent support making seating areas outside restaurants, pubs and cafes smokefree.

CCA Urges Action on Pharmacy Funding Crisis & Workforce Barriers | 10-Year Plan Insights - 0 views

    Community pharmacy is integral to accelerating the three shifts envisaged by the government, but concrete action is needed to address the current funding crisis - the Company Chemists' Association (CCA) has stated in its response to the 10-year plan consultation. The CCA highlighted a wide range of pharmacy services that could contribute to achieving the government's vision shifting care from hospitals to community, from analogue to digital, and from treating sickness to prevention. To strengthen the sector's role in prevention, it proposes expanding the pharmacy's role in vaccination, screening, emergency hormonal contraception (EHC), and smoking cessation services. Furthermore, the CCA's submission noted that the expansion of Pharmacy First as "key to moving more care into the community."
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