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Embracing Self-Care: £1.7B NHS Savings with OTC Medication - 0 views

    Approximately 25 million GP appointments and 5 million A&E visits are utilised each year for self-treatable illnesses. If these individuals chose to self-treat using over-the-counter (OTC) medications, the potential savings for NHS could amount to at least £1.7 billion annually, according to a research commissioned by Proprietary Association of Great Britain. The study, conducted by analysts at Frontier Economics, revealed that embracing self-care could bring an additional economic benefit of £350 million annually, as employees would avoid unnecessary time off from work for medical appointments. Apart from the savings resulting from the increased OTC medicine use, the report emphasises the potential benefits of reclassifying more prescription-only medications (POMs). A mere 5 per cent reduction in NHS prescribing levels and spending could lead to an annual cost-saving of £1.4 billion, encompassing both prescription costs and GP appointments, it said. "This substantial amount could greatly alleviate financial pressures on the NHS and offer essential resources for recruiting and training much-needed healthcare professionals."

PSNC:Community pharmacy workforce survey mandatory - 0 views

    The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) has called for improved workforce planning to be undertaken by the government and NHS. However, for this to happen, it added, "high quality workforce data for community pharmacy needs to be available." For this reason, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), NHS England and PSNC have agreed that it will be a Terms of Service requirement for contractors to complete the annual Health Education England (HEE) community pharmacy workforce survey, which will then provide a full picture of the community pharmacy workforce, including identifying the number of vacancies and regions where these are particularly hard to fill. PSNC said: "It is acutely aware of the challenges that contractors and their teams are currently facing, so in recognition of the workload associated with completing the annual workforce survey, we have negotiated with DHSC and NHS England that the requirement to undertake an annual patient satisfaction survey will be removed from the Terms of Service from 1st October 2022." This means that contractual requirement will no longer apply to contractors in 2022/23 and going forward.

Hawaii Dental Convention 2025 | Dental Forum (Feb 08 - 15, 2025) - 0 views

    The 45th Annual Hawaiian Dental Forum is organized by Dental Seminars & Symposia (DS&S), LLC and will be held from Feb 08 - 15, 2025, in Hawaii, USA. The Annual Hawaiian Dental Forum is a great venue for Continuing Dental Education while enjoying a romantic Hawaiian vacation. Your friends and family are welcome to take advantage of our group rates at the Hyatt hotels.

ECS Emirates Cardiac Society 14th Annual Conference | eMedEvents - 0 views

    The 14th Annual Emirates Cardiac Society Conference 2023 is organized by Lumina Organizers and ECS and will be held from Nov 24 - 26, in Dubai, UAE.This conference is designed to deliver an engaging forum to critically examine evidence-based strategies as well as contemporary best practices and clinical decision-making to reach our common objective of improving the heart health of patients with cardiovascular disease.

Rising VPAS Rates: Impact on NHS UK Budgets - 0 views

    The British Generic Manufacturers Association (BGMA) has warned that England's 42 integrated care boards (ICBs) may need to allocate an extra £37 million from their budgets annually for the next five years due to the spiralling tax rates. The government's Voluntary Scheme for Branded Medicines Pricing and Access (VPAS) rebate rate increased more than five-fold in the past two years, the BGMA said in its white paper released on Monday (October 30). The report, conducted by consultancy firm Conclusio in consultation with local NHS leaders, examined the potential effects of the VPAS on ICB budgets. BGMA said that due to the elevated VPAS rate, each ICB in England will experience significant increases in expenses for branded generics and biosimilars annually - a consequence of reduced competition.

Community pharmacy release 42m GP appointments annually - 0 views

    The Company Chemists Association (CCA)'s 'Prospectus for community pharmacy' has revealed that community pharmacies can release over 42 million appointments from general practice every year. In its prospect, the association calculated that community pharmacies could reduce hospital readmissions by 65,000 and administer an additional 10m routine vaccines annually. The prospectus sets out bold ideas and proposals regarding the future of community pharmacy. The association said: "Community pharmacies already work collaboratively with the NHS to ensure that patients can access care easily and safely. Whilst the sector has evolved considerably in recent years, the CCA proposes that pharmacies could do even more to directly tackle key problems for patients." CCA is concerned that without immediate action pharmacy closures will become increasingly common. "Fewer pharmacies will considerably diminish access to vital medicines and services, with the greatest impact on those in deprived communities."

Sigma invites pharmacists to join online annual conference - 0 views

    Chair of the health and social care committee Steve Brine and England's chief pharmacist David Webb are among a raft of speakers who will be addressing delegates at the 13th Annual Sigma Community Pharmacy Conference to be held in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic from Sunday (March 5). Day I of the conference will also feature a Q&A session with PSNC CEO Janet Morrison and her lead negotiator Mike Dent, which will be presented as a live webinar via YouTube for those unable to attend in person. Sigma Pharmaceuticals has invited all interested community pharmacists and stakeholders in the UK to join the 90 minutes session by clicking this link. Those joining the session will not only be able to listen to the Q&A session - which will run between 6.30PM and 8.00PM in UK on Sunday - but also ask questions to the PSNC executives via a live YouTube chat. Sigma says the operating landscape for community pharmacy has altered dramatically since it last held its 'away conference' in the Philippines in February 2020. The role of the independents - post pandemic - has rapidly evolved and has now been recognised by the health secretary as playing a significant part in the health of the nation.

PSNC:CPCF Annual Review Ends Without Funding Boost - 0 views

    The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) has expressed disappointment as the government continued to refuse to "a much-needed broader funding uplift" for the community pharmacies in England. This follows conclusion of the first Annual Review of the progress of the five-year Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) deal by PSNC, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and NHS England & NHS Improvement (NHSE&I). "We remain deeply frustrated by government's refusal to agree a much-needed broader funding uplift for the sector, but we are determined to continue to look for better ways forward for the sector throughout 2022 and beyond," said Bharat Patel, PSNC vice-chair, negotiating team member and an independent contractor. Patel noted that despite some important wins such as recognition of key challenges faced by pharmacies, the commitment to consider these as part of our Year 4 negotiations, and agreement to take forward work on service fee and other regulatory changes, the PSNC is disappointed that the review did not lead to "immediate and tangible outcomes and improvements for contractors." The negotiator had put forward data and analysis showing the capacity and cost constraints faced by pharmacies.

PDA Pharmacies Survey reveals decline in working conditions - 0 views

    Working conditions in pharmacies have worsened in 2021, the annual Safer Pharmacies Survey conducted by the Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) revealed, highlighting the challenging and unsafe environments that some pharmacists are working in. The survey asks pharmacists across all areas of practice about their experiences of key safety measures in the workplace. Since the launch of the Safer Pharmacies Charter in 2017, PDA's annual surveys have monitored their feedback against the Charter's commitments, which covers seven basic areas as standard practice for pharmacy work. The commitments are No Self-Checking, Safe Staffing, Access to a Pharmacist, Adequate Rest, Respect for Professional Judgment, Raising Concerns and Physical Safety. The survey revealed that eight out of 10 feel unsafe at work as violence and abuse still remain areas of concerns in pharmacy.

GPhC Consultation on quality assurance of pharmacy education - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has launched a consultation on changes to the quality assurance processes of pharmacy education and training. In its consultation published on 4 April 2024, the pharmacy regulator has proposed four key changes to the procedures, including annual monitoring of all pharmacy education providers, including pharmacy schools offering MPharm courses. The annual audit will enable the GPhC "to identify and address concerns together with providers in a more timely, proportionate and systematic manner". It is considering collecting yearly data, including feedback from students, trainees, supervisors and patients, from educational organisations. The GPhC has also proposed defining clear lines of responsibility and criteria for determining whether to re-approve a course or qualification.

Transforming Diabetes Care: Community Pharmacy Screening Could Save NHS £50M ... - 0 views

    A new report from the Company Chemists' Association (CCA) is calling on NHS England to commission a community pharmacy-based national Type 2 diabetes screening service, which could save the NHS £50m each year. The CCA report, titled 'Increasing Access to Diabetes Screening and Prevention Through Community Pharmacy', highlights the urgent need for a national patient pathway for diabetes detection and management. It outlines how NHS-commissioned diabetes screening in community pharmacies across England could deliver numerous health benefits each year, including: Screening 1.5 million adults and identifying 180,000 prediabetics; Detecting 45,000 undiagnosed cases of diabetes and preventing them from developing serious complications Preventing nearly 7,000 heart attacks and strokes, and thus improving patients' quality of life Avoiding severe sight loss in around 15,000 people over their lifetime Saving the NHS £50 million annually by reducing diabetes-related costs. Type 2 diabetes and its complications are currently estimated to account for 10 per cent of the NHS annual budget, and this figure is projected to rise to 17 per cent by 2035/36.

NIHR increases domestic research spending by 4.2% in 2023/24 - 0 views

    The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has published the NIHR's annual report and accounts for 2023/24, highlighting a 4.2 per cent increase in total domestic research spending from the previous year. This increase has allowed the NIHR to improve investments in research funding, infrastructure, and training and career development initiatives. Additionally, the report showcases various research projects that are having a significant impact on people's lives now and in the future. Professor Lucy Chappell, Chief Scientific Advisor at DHSC and Chief Executive of the NIHR, expressed gratitude to all who have contributed to NIHR research over the past year. She stated: "This annual report spotlights where NIHR research has made a tangible difference to people's health outcomes and has contributed to tackling health inequalities. "Through our partnership working, in 2024/25 and beyond, we will continue to ensure that research will be playing its part in driving the Government's Health and Growth Mission to build a health and care system fit for the future."

Emergency Medicine & Acute Care Course 2023 New York | eMedEvents - 0 views

    38th Annual Series Emergency Medicine & Acute Care Course is organized by The Center for Medical Education, Inc. from Jun 14 - 17, 2023 in New York City, USA.

File Your Company Accounts on Time:Personal liability - 0 views

    All companies must send their accounts to Companies House each year. Recent evidence suggests that UK companies are increasingly struggling to file their accounts on time, with around 213,000 private companies reportedly missing their deadline in 2019-2020, resulting in over £93 million of penalties being issued. Over a fifth of companies that filed their accounts late that year had also filed late in the previous year. Under the Companies Act 2006 ("the Act"), the deadline for private companies to file their annual accounts is nine months from the end of the accounting reference period. There are slightly different rules for filing your first set of annual accounts and if these cover a period of more than 12 months, you must deliver them to Companies House within 21 months of the date of incorporation or 3 months from the accounting reference date, whichever is longer. Not filing your accounts at Companies House in a timely manner is also a criminal offence (under section 451 of the Act) and directors can be personally fined in the criminal courts. It is likely to come as a shock to most company directors who receive a summons to attend the Magistrates' Court in Cardiff for a criminal prosecution, particularly directors in larger pharmacy companies where directors are often detached from the preparation of accounts and senior financial staff and accountants are instructed to take care of such matters.

PSNI freezes pharmacist registration and retention fees - 0 views

    The Pharmaceutical Society NI (PSNI)'s Council has decided to freeze the annual registration fee for the current financial year 2023/24. The annual registration fee is considered each year by the PSNI's council. At its meeting in November 2022, Council members in recognition of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the personal and professional impact of the cost of living crisis on pharmacists, and the overall cost of regulation agreed to maintain registration fees at their current level for the next financial year. Pharmaceutical Society NI's Chief Executive Michaela McAleer said: "I am pleased with Council's decision to continue the freeze on registration fees for the 7th successive year. We are acutely aware of the pressures facing the pharmacy profession and hope this can provide some reassurance to the profession as we deal with these financially difficult times.

Community Pharmacies Dispense Over 99% of Items in 2022/23 - 0 views

    Community pharmacies were responsible for dispensing over 99 per cent of items in 2022/23, revealed General Pharmaceutical Services for Northern Ireland, Annual Statistics 2022/23 published on Thursday (29 June). While the remaining one per cent dispensed by appliance contractors and dispensing doctors. According to the statistics, on average, each community pharmacy dispensed over 84,000 items in 2022/23, witnessing a growth of over 3 per cent on the previous year to 44.6 million in 2022/23, which is the highest level of dispensing recorded. This equated to BSO processing 2.1 million prescription forms per month, on average, throughout the year, representing a 4 per cent increase on the just over 2.0m processed each month last year. The total ingredient cost over the year was £486.9 million. This was an increase of approaching 7 per cent on the previous year, which was around double the percentage increase in the number of items dispensed. The annual ingredient cost total has fluctuated since the beginning of the series but was over 18 per cent higher in 2022/23 than in 2013/14.

Age to buy cigarettes should rise annually - 0 views

    The age at which people can buy tobacco in England should rise by one each year until it becomes a "smoke-free" society, a government-commissioned review recommended on Thursday (June 9). The minimum age today is 18. But the review by Javed Khan, former head of children's charity Barnardo's, advised raising it annually until eventually no one can buy tobacco products. His review recommends 15 interventions to help the government meet its national target to be smoke-free by 2030, including the promotion of vaping to help smokers quit. "Without immediate and sustained action, England will miss the smoke-free target by many years and most likely decades," said Khan. "A smoke-free society should be a social norm -- but to achieve this, we must do more to stop people taking up smoking, help those who already smoke and support those who are disproportionately impacted by smoking."

9th Annual MarketsandMarkets High Potent Medicines Conference | eMedEvents - 0 views

    MarketsandMarkets Conferences is Organizing the 9th Annual High Potent Medicines Conference - EU Edition which will be held from May 22 - 24, 2024 in Milan, Italy.

IACH Hematology 7th Annual Meeting, France | eMedEvents - 0 views

    International Academy for Clinical Hematology 7th Annual Meeting is organized by CME Congresses Ltd and will be held from Sep 19 - 21, 2024 in Paris. The program will provide a platform to interact and discuss with leading experts many key and developing issues in clinical hematology and within these specialized fields.

BSI Kitemark Mandate for NHS Antibiotic Subscription Model 2024 | Fight Against AMR - 0 views

    According to the National Health Services (NHS)'s new mandate, pharmaceutical companies seeking to participatign its Antimicrobial Product subscription model must certify to the BSI Kitemark for minimised risk of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) This move is part of the NHS's strategy to tackle the growing global threat of AMR by ensuring that antibiotic manufacturers adhere to stringent environmental controls. The NHS antibiotic subscription model is the first of its kind globally, offering pharmaceutical companies a fixed annual fee based on the value and availability of their antimicrobials to the NHS, rather than the quantity consumed. The innovative approach aims to stimulate the development of new antibiotics while addressing the environmental impact of their production. The NHS antibiotic subscription model is a ground-breaking incentive program as the first in the world to pay companies a fixed annual fee for antimicrobials based on the value of the drugs to the NHS, and their availability, instead of the volumes used.
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