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3.4 Million Hours of Pharmacy Access Lost Annually in England - CCA Report - 0 views

    Access to pharmacy care has significantly declined over the past two years, particularly in the most deprived communities, due to a rising number of pharmacy closures and reduced opening hours. A new report released by the Company Chemists' Association (CCA) indicates a net loss of almost 64,000 pharmacy weekly opening hours between September 2022 and June 2024, equivalent to 3.4 million hours of pharmacy access per year. Of the total hours lost, nearly two-thirds (62 per cent) were due to pharmacy closures, while 38 per cent resulted from reduced opening hours. According to the CCA report, England has lost over 1,200 pharmacies since 2015, largely attributed to NHS funding cuts. Years of flat funding have also forced many businesses to reduce opening hours to 'balance the books.' Out of the 10,487 pharmacies that were trading in June 2024, over a quarter had reduced their opening hours in the previous 18 months.

England Lost 7 Million Hours Of Pharmacy Time In Two Years - 0 views

    The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) has revealed shocking figures showing that millions of patients across England have lost access to pharmacies due to widespread closures and reduced operating hours. According to NPA analysis of NHS data, around 1,250 pharmacies have permanently closed since 2017, and the majority of these closures have come in the last three years. Given that each pharmacy serves an average of 5,600 people, this decline in pharmacy numbers means that about 7 million people-equivalent to one in eight of England's population-have seen their local pharmacy shut down since 2017. Furthermore, NPA analysis found that pharmacies in England were open for 551,000 hours a week in 2024, down from 620,000 at the same time in 2022, a reduction of around 7 million hours in the last two years. Rural areas were particularly impacted, with Cambridgeshire, Wiltshire, Kent and Devon losing maximum hours of pharmacy care and time.

Regulators reduced notice periods for supplementary hours - 0 views

    The regulators have reduced the notice periods for change to supplementary opening hours for community pharmacy contractors from 1 October 2022. Following the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC)'s discussions with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and NHS England as part of Year 4 negotiations, it has been agreed that the required notice periods for changes to supplementary opening hours will reduce to five weeks. Community pharmacy contractors who want to change their supplementary opening hours are required by their terms of service to notify NHS England. "If a contractor wants to increase supplementary opening hours at the pharmacy, this can be done with no notice - but notification of the change must still be given to NHS England," said PSNC. "To decrease supplementary opening hours at the pharmacy, at least five weeks' notice must be given to NHS England prior to implementing the change."

Pharmacy closures: Rural and deprived areas suffer most - 0 views

    Rural areas have been hit the hardest by a wave of pharmacy closures over the past two years, according to a new analysis by the National Pharmacy Association (NPA). The analysis published today revealed that nearly nine in ten council areas across England have suffered the loss of vital pharmacies and warned that many rural areas risk becoming "pharmacy deserts" if the current closure rates continue. Additionally, the NPA, which represents independent community pharmacies, warned that England faces a significant risk to the availability of essential medicines if "a decade of underfunding and closures" is not addressed. It is calling on the government to reverse the 40 per cent real-terms cuts to community pharmacy budgets over the past decade, which have led to the closure of over 1,500 pharmacies and forced many others to reduce their opening hours. NPA Chief Executive, Paul Rees said: "These shocking statistics show how a growing number of areas are at risk of becoming pharmacy deserts, with people in rural towns and villages having to travel longer and longer distances to get hold of the medication they need.

Over Half of Pharmacy Teams Feel Unsafe Amid Riots - NPA Reports 2024 | Pharmacy Safety... - 0 views

    A snap survey conducted by the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) revealed that over half of community pharmacy teams have felt unsafe in the past week due to ongoing riots across the country. The survey, which included responses from approximately 350 community pharmacies, also found that one in three pharmacies had considered closing because of safety concerns, while 13 per cent of pharmacy teams reported experiencing racist comments during this period. According to the NPA, over 40 per cent of pharmacists are of South Asian, Black, or other ethnic minority backgrounds, with the majority of independent community pharmacy owners believed to be of South Asian heritage. The association reports that businesses had been vandalised during the riots, leading some pharmacies to reduce their opening hours or close entirely, following advice from the police and local authorities. Despite a recent decline in disorder over the last few days, police have been advised to remain on high alert over the weekend.

Community Pharmacies Forced to Cut NHS Services Amid Growing Pressures - 0 views

    Community pharmacies are being forced to halt certain NHS and public health services due to escalating financial and operational pressures, a recent survey by Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has revealed. In the survey conducted ahead of the June Committee Meeting, an overwhelming 96 per cent of pharmacy owners reported having stopped delivering locally commissioned services over the past twelve months. Additionally, nearly one-third of the pharmacies surveyed indicated they had discontinued providing some Advanced services. The survey also revealed that pharmacy opening hours are being reduced, with 81 per cent of respondents stating they had to stop offering extended hours. In 90 per cent of the cases, pharmacy owners had to cease employing locum pharmacists, likely due to cost constraints. Furthermore, over 20 per cent of the more than 2,100 pharmacies surveyed reported having to discontinue the free delivery of prescription medicines to patients.

Weldricks Pharmacy branches in Rotherham to merge into one - 0 views

    Two pharmacies in Rotherham are set to merge into one, if plans are approved by NHS England. Weldricks Pharmacy has applied to merge its two Swinton branches, on Church Street and the Crown Street Surgery. If approved, the branch on Church Street will be modernised, and additional consulting rooms will be added, while the Crown Street site will be closed. Rotherham Met Borough Council's health and wellbeing board are set to make a representation supporting the plans, and say that analysis by public health "outlines the very minimal impact that this change will have in terms of pharmacy access in the borough based on the service offer, opening hours and walking times to this branch and the main pharmacy." They say the current opening hours will remain the same, and there will be no disruption to services during the consolidation. A statement from Weldricks adds that the decision to merge is down to funding cuts, and the company could go out of business if operating costs are not reduced - 'despite having been a local, family-owned business for almost 100 years'.

NPA Ballot Result | Community Pharmacies Threaten Service Cuts Over Funding Crisis - 0 views

    Community pharmacies are bracing themselves to withdraw services from patients after an industry ballot supported plans for major action unless the government provided a significant increase in funding for the sector. The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) on Tuesday (12) announced the results of an unprecedented collective action ballot in which nearly all pharmacy owners, who participated in the ballot, voted to limit their services, insisting that a lack of additional funding is jeopardising patients health and safety. Over 63 per cent of NPA members in England, Wales and Northern Ireland took part in the ballot- representing 3,049 independent community pharmacies in England alone, or 3,399 with Wales and Northern Ireland included. Nearly 98 per cent of pharmacy owners in England voted to reduce their opening hours to the minimum required by their contract. This could result in fewer pharmacies remaining open during evenings and weekends. More than 93 per cent voted to stop offering "unfunded" free home deliveries of medicines, and over 96 per cent voted to withdraw from locally commissioned services, including certain addiction support, emergency contraception, and stop smoking services.

Emergency provisions for pharmacy contractors end - 0 views

    The NHS England and Improvement has announced the emergency provisions introduced during pandemic to provide flexible opening hours for pharmacy contractors end today. The flexibilities were enacted in March 2020 when changes to the Pharmaceutical Services (Advanced and Enhanced Services and Emergency Declaration) Directions 2020 were made following a declaration of emergency at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. Since March 2020, the flexibilities have permitted temporary opening hours and closures during a specified period due to a genuine Covid-19 related emergency. NHS England and Improvement has advised pharmacy contractors that the emergency declaration will not be extended further and will expire on 31 March 2022. Pharmacy contractors will therefore no longer have the option to close pharmacies within their agreed contracted hours with the NHS.

Urgent Plea to Save Local Pharmacies: MPs Call for Govt Support - 0 views

    A group of 20 MPs from the different political parties, including Dame Priti Patel and Judith Cummins, have written a joint letter to health minister Andrea Leadsom, calling for urgent action to address the pressures faced by community pharmacies. Taking note of rising pharmacy closures, they have highlighted the need for more investment and support from the government. Recent NHS figures showed that around 1,400 pharmacies have closed permanently since October 2016, and many more are withdrawing services or reducing their opening hours, particularly in deprived areas. The MPs have urged the pharmacy minister to commit to making essential changes including a fair and sustainable core funding model, an effective implementation of the Pharmacy First service and an expansion into other clinical service areas.

PDA :Boots Pharmacists Raise Employment Concerns - 0 views

    Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) members working for Boots have raised concerns over possible reduction in their pay following the multiple's proposed changes to some pharmacies' opening hours. Member pharmacists have expressed concerns as "despite verbal assurances that the company aim to minimise pharmacist job losses, they are being told that proposed changes will reduce their income if they remain with the company," PDA has stated. PDA added that several pharmacists have been told that the proposed reduction to their hours will be more than 10 per cent, which could result in reduction in pay every month. Salary cuts could render future employment unsuitable and might force pharmacists to leave the company with redundancy, the association said.

Easter Medication Planning for Islanders - 0 views

    The States of Guernsey have urged Islanders to plan ahead for their medication needs ahead of the upcoming Easter weekend. With a reduced number of pharmacies expected to be open during the holiday, residents are being asked to arrange for their repeat prescriptions well in advance. Alternatively, the government body announced that residents can opt to wait until after the Easter period if they already have an ample supply of medication at home. This proactive measure aims to provide support to pharmacies and their staff, particularly during a period where demand for healthcare services may be heightened.

Ketamine Therapy Can Reduce Depression, Suicidal Thoughts - 1 views

    Ketamine therapy has a swift short-term effect on reducing symptoms of depression and suicidal thoughts, a recent study has revealed. The research has been published in the 'British Journal of Psychiatry Open'. A systematic review led by the University of Exeter and funded by the Medical Research Council analysed evidence from 83 published research papers. The strongest evidence emerged around the use of ketamine to treat both major depression and bipolar depression. Symptoms were reduced as swiftly as one to four hours after a single treatment and lasted up to two weeks. Some evidence suggested that repeated treatment may prolong the effects, however more high-quality research is needed to determine by how long. Similarly, single or multiple doses of ketamine resulted in moderate to large reductions in suicidal thoughts. This improvement was seen as early as four hours following ketamine treatment and lasted on average three days, and up to a week.
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