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300% Surge in Inhaler Returns: NHS Lothian Pharmacy Project Reduces Carbon Footprint - 0 views

    To reduce greenhouse gas emissions from improperly disposed inhalers, patients are being encouraged to return their used or expired inhalers to designated community pharmacies. A community pharmacy initiative in NHS Lothian has resulted in an impressive 300 per cent surge in the number of inhalers returned to community pharmacies for sustainable disposal. The initiative involved placing stickers on dispensing bags, encouraging patients to bring back their used inhalers to the pharmacy. Between February and May 2024, five community pharmacies in and around Edinburgh participated in this sustainability project and provided data. The data showed a significant increase in inhaler returns, with 20 inhalers being returned in the two weeks before the stickers were introduced, compared to 80 in the two weeks after the project concluded-a 300 per cent increase over the 10-week period.

Revolutionary Inhaler Recycling Project 2024 Launched in South East London to Combat Cl... - 0 views

    To combat the effects of climate change, the Integrated Care System (ICS) in South East London (SEL) has initiated a pioneering inhaler recycling project. Supported by NHS England and spanning 20 community pharmacies across the region, the project marks the first nationally-funded pilot of its kind in England, targeting the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from improperly disposed inhalers. The project, which commenced at King's College Hospital in February 2024, focuses on the recycling of pressurised metered-dose inhalers. These inhalers, due to their propellant content, contribute significantly to environmental harm, emitting gases equivalent to driving 71.8 miles in a standard petrol car.
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