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PDA raises concerns over PSNI consultation staffing levels - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has raised concerns over "certain elements" of the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (PSNI)'s consultation on pharmacy staffing levels. PSNI recently consulted on its draft guidance for pharmacy staffing levels which sets out to explain what pharmacy owners and superintendents must do to ensure that each pharmacy has enough skilled and qualified staff. This includes having an appropriate skill mix, to provide safe and effective pharmacy services which comply with the standards. PDA said that the role of the 'responsible pharmacist' has not been "fully acknowledged" and that more clarification is needed. The association has made a few recommendations to PSNI that includes: the guidance must explicitly recognise the statutory role of the responsible pharmacist and their authority in securing the safe operations within the pharmacy. "The guidance should specify that pharmacy owners and superintendents must ensure that they do not set incentives or targets which may compromise the professional judgement of staff." It also recommended that unregistered staff (including unregistered managers) are accountable firstly to the responsible pharmacist for any activity involving the clinical care of patients (for example unregistered managers must not interfere in diary bookings for vaccinations).

PSNI : Pharmacy staffing levels consultation - 0 views

    The Council of Pharmaceutical Society NI (PSNI) has introduced an 8-week public consultation on proposed Guidance on Pharmacy Staffing Levels within registered premises. The principle-based Guidance seeks to assist Pharmacy Owners and Superintendents to ensure that each pharmacy has enough appropriately skilled and qualified staff to provide safe and effective pharmacy services to the public. All registered pharmacies will have to meet the standards set out in the Premises Standards, when commenced. PSNI said: "The proposed Guidance should also help ensure a working environment that will facilitate pharmacists to meet their professional obligations under the Professional Standards of Conduct, Ethics and Performance for Pharmacists in Northern Ireland (2016)." "Whilst other health regulators have primary responsibility for systems regulation outside of regulated premises, we consider that the principles outlined in this Guidance, will be helpful for managers working with pharmacy teams in different settings."

Michaela McAleer : PSNI new chief executive officer - 0 views

    The Pharmaceutical Society NI (PSNI) has announced that Michaela McAleer will be replacing Trevor Patterson as Chief Executive of PSNI. After 15 years at the helm, Patterson announced his intention to retire. Jonathan Patton, Vice President of the Society said, "Joining the Society from the construction sector Trevor brought fresh thinking and vigour to the Society and quickly established his credibility with pharmacists, Council, stakeholders and fellow regulatory bodies." "Trevor has presided over tremendous change and development through his tenure with equal measures of professionalism and passion on creating safer protections for the public and ensuring pharmacists achieved world class standards in their profession. We are saddened to see him depart but on behalf of Council I wish him a long and healthy retirement and wish him well in the next chapter of life. We are indebted to him for his dedication to the Pharmaceutical Society NI." "Losing the constant and continuity of our 15 year serving Chief Executive ushers in a time of change and evolution for us as the Pharmacy Regulator. We are in the midst of a fast moving and changing environment as we implement continuous improvement.

PSNI strikes out 2-yr rqmt as registered pharmacist for IP - 0 views

    The Council of the Pharmaceutical Society NI (PSNI) to remove the two-year requirement as a registered pharmacist to have an Independent Prescriber (IP) annotation on the pharmacy register in Northern Ireland. It has further endorsed that the two-year requirement for entry onto stand-alone pharmacist independent prescribing courses be removed and replaced with an assessment before admission, by course providers, based upon guidance provided by the regulator. In conjunction with the Department of Health, the PSNI will now work towards a further public consultation on the necessary legislative changes. Dr Jim Livingstone, president of the PSNI, said: "The Department of Health has set a clear direction which will see pharmacist independent prescribers becoming increasingly important in the delivery of pharmacy services in Northern Ireland. Our role is to protect the public, but we are clear that our regulatory objective should not be an unnecessary barrier to the development of the profession and enhanced services being provided to the public."

GPhC set power define roles superintendent,chief pharmacists - 0 views

    New legislative orders approved by the Privy Council will give the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) and Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (PSNI) powers to set professional standards for Responsible Pharmacists, Superintendent Pharmacists and Chief Pharmacists. The Pharmacy (Preparation and Dispensing Errors - Hospital (and Other Pharmacy Services) Order 2022 and the Pharmacy (Responsible Pharmacists, Superintendent Pharmacists etc.) Order 2022 have been published and are expected to come into force in December 2022. Trevor Patterson, Chief Executive of the Pharmaceutical Society NI said: "We have been working with our colleagues in the GPhC and Government for some time on these two pieces of important legislation and we are delighted they have now reached the statute books. "Both Orders enable and enhance the powers we, and the GPhC, have to define the roles and responsibilities of Responsible, Superintendent and Chief Pharmacists, respectively. They also create protections against criminal prosecution for hospital pharmacists where an inadvertent error is made either in dispensing or assembly, in certain defined circumstances, similar to the protections available to colleagues working in community/registered pharmacy settings. Provisions that allow the appointment of a Deputy Registrar for our organisation will also be introduced.

Post-Registration Practice Of Pharmacists, Technicians :GPhC - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) will launch a new group focusing on improvement of the post-registration practice of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. The announcement follows GPhC and Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (PSNI) bringing together key stakeholders from across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on Thursday (January 27) to discuss establishment of the group. The GPhC considered recommendations from a short-life working group chaired by Council member Aamer Safdar on the potential leadership and quality assurance role of the GPhC in post-registration education and training for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. Nigel Clarke, chair of the GPhC noted that there is a wide range of activity in the post-registration sphere with government and statutory education providers taking steps to make improvement.

Urgent Call for Sickle Cell Awareness: PDA Report 2024 Highlights Pharmacists' Knowledg... - 0 views

    Despite being the most common genetic disorder in the UK, sickle cell disease (SCD) remains significantly underfunded and underserved compared to other genetic disorders, according to a new report published by the PDA BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) Pharmacists' Network. The report also reveals that the disease is poorly understood within the healthcare system, including amongst pharmacists, pharmacy students, and foundation pharmacists in the UK. It emphasises the urgent need for increased awareness, funding, and improved healthcare access for SCD amongst these healthcare professionals. "A lack of education about SCD within the wider healthcare community, including pharmacy, greatly contributes to disparities in care. "Though the importance of SCD education for pharmacists and allied healthcare professionals is acknowledged, it remains unclear whether this topic is adequately addressed within the MPharm curriculum," the report said. The report further noted that in the absence of explicit guidance from the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) or the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (PSNI) and without more comprehensive education surrounding SCD embedded within the pharmacy curriculum, pharmacists and future pharmacists may remain "ill-prepared to manage patients with this complex condition." As per the report, sickle cell disease is the most prevalent genetic disorder globally, impacting millions, including around 17,000 people in England.

Common Registration Assessment : GPhC Appoints BTL Group - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has appointed a new provider, BTL Group Ltd, to conduct its common registration assessment sittings, which it holds jointly with the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (PSNI). GPhC chief executive, Duncan Rudkin, said: "I'm pleased to confirm that we have appointed BTL as the supplier for the common registration assessment for the next 3 years after a thorough tender process. "The information provided by BTL during the tender process has given us the necessary assurance that they can support us in continuing to deliver a fair and robust assessment that tests candidates' ability to register as a pharmacist. We will now work closely with BTL on arrangements for the sittings in 2022, to make sure we can provide a positive experience for candidates." BTL has extensive experience of delivering services to a range of clients, including the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and the Royal College of Ophthalmology. Before BTL, GPhC had a contract with Pearson Vue to conduct online assessment in 2021.

PDA education revision programme:Ahead of Nov'22 assessment - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has made the its 'Education revision programme' accessible for new registrations who are preparing for the GPhC/PSNI November 2022 assessment. The programme offers a wide range of practice calculations questions, some mock exams, practical tips on revision, and an opportunity to chat to other PDA members who are preparing to sit the assessment. PDA's charity partners, Pharmacist Support also offer a range of options including- Counselling and peer support; Financial support; A listening friend service and Addiction support. Candidates can also access the Wardley Wellbeing Service here. This is a resource to help candidates to prioritise their mental, physical and emotional health through individual and group training. The PDA has also reminded all candidates that there have been some changes made by the GPhC to address problems that occurred in the June 2022 sitting.

GPhC Releases Nov 2023 Pharmacist Registration Results - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has published the results of the common registration assessment for aspiring pharmacists held on 2 November, 2023. An overall pass rate of 66 per cent was recorded this year, as compared to 56 per cent in 2022 and 61 per cent in 2021. A total of 1,067 candidates took the registration assessment, held jointly by the GPhC and Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (PSNI), of which 700 candidates cleared the assessment In 2022, 937 candidates sat the registration assessment of which 525 passed the assessment. Commenting on the results, GPhC Director of Education and Standards, Mark Voce, said: "I would like to congratulate all those who passed the November registration assessment and I look forward to them joining our register to continue to the next stage of their career. "There will be candidates who unfortunately did not pass the assessment. If this is the case, the information on our website outlines all the possible options of what to do next.

Pharmacy Supervision Practice Group held fourth workshop - 0 views

    The Pharmacy Supervision Practice Group consisting of members from AIMp, APTUK, CCA, NPA, PDA, PFNI and RPS held its fourth workshop to continue discussions on the future modelling of pharmacy practice. The ideas around 'supervision' shared by the organisation earlier formed the basis of the discussion during the workshop and helped to expand understanding of where there was consensus and disagreement. Examples of ideas explored during the workshop include: the extent to which a pharmacist should supervise the medicines assembly process, the purpose and extent to which a pharmacist might be absent from the pharmacy and how this might affect patient safety as well as the nature of whether fixed rules versus a broad framework were preferable for future practice. Chair of the group, Dr Michael Twigg, Associate Professor of Primary Care Pharmacy, University of East Anglia, said "Once again the sector bodies have come together in a collaborative and positive manner to explore the concept of 'supervision' in the context of current and future community pharmacy practice. This session provided an opportunity to constructively challenge assumptions and viewpoints within the group with the aim of moving the discussion forward." As part of the session, the DHSC, GPhC and PSNI gave an overview of the difference between legislation, regulation and guidance which was helpful to inform the group's thinking. Each of the organisations have been asked to use the conversation to refine the ideas presented in advance of the next workshop.
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