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AI in Pharmacy 2025 : RPS Policy Enhances Safety & Care - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has published a new policy outlining how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to support pharmacy practice and improve patient care. The content has been developed in consultation with RPS members, Expert Advisory Group members, Board members, multi-professional experts in digital technology and AI, and external stakeholders including the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC). The policy highlights the opportunities, challenges and potential applications of AI within pharmacy now and in the future. RPS President, Professor Claire Anderson, acknowledges that AI technologies have the potential to transform pharmacy practice, noting that "there are some great examples where it's already in use." "We must optimise the opportunities that these advancing technologies can bring to enhance patient access to care, improve patient experience, support clinical decision making and improve the safety and efficiency of the medicines supply chain. "Our policy provides a framework to ensure AI is harnessed safely and effectively to support pharmacists and patients," she adds.

PSNI : Pharmacy staffing levels consultation - 0 views

    The Council of Pharmaceutical Society NI (PSNI) has introduced an 8-week public consultation on proposed Guidance on Pharmacy Staffing Levels within registered premises. The principle-based Guidance seeks to assist Pharmacy Owners and Superintendents to ensure that each pharmacy has enough appropriately skilled and qualified staff to provide safe and effective pharmacy services to the public. All registered pharmacies will have to meet the standards set out in the Premises Standards, when commenced. PSNI said: "The proposed Guidance should also help ensure a working environment that will facilitate pharmacists to meet their professional obligations under the Professional Standards of Conduct, Ethics and Performance for Pharmacists in Northern Ireland (2016)." "Whilst other health regulators have primary responsibility for systems regulation outside of regulated premises, we consider that the principles outlined in this Guidance, will be helpful for managers working with pharmacy teams in different settings."
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