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Face-to-face training now mandatory for all flu vaccinators - 0 views

    The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) has notified that it is now mandatory to attend face-to-face training for both injection technique and basic life support training periodically for pharmacists and other vaccinators providing the annual flu vaccination service. "Community pharmacy contractors are required to demonstrate that all vaccinators, including pharmacists, providing the flu vaccination service in their pharmacy have the skills needed to do so," said PSNC. Prior to this change, pharmacists and other vaccinators needed to undertake a refresher face-to-face training for both injection technique and basic life support, including administration of adrenaline, every three years. Vaccinator needs to evidence competence PSNC said: "Contractors and vaccinators will now need to consider when it would be appropriate to attend refresher training or if ongoing competence of an individual vaccinator can be evidenced, without the need for face-to-face training. "An individual's continued competence may be influenced by their prior experience vaccinating patients, including the overall number of vaccines administered and the regularity with which they administer vaccines."
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Fair Look in Pakistan,Lahore,Islamabad,Karachi,Quetta | Online Shop In All Over Pakista... - 0 views

    PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FAIR LOOK CREAM IN PAKISTAN:OPENTELESHOP Fair look Cream is an ayurvedic miraculous product to give you a fairer, spot less skin. Fair look is an antimark fairness cream that will remove marks, tanning dark spots, acne and pimple marks and provide you with a clean and clear ten tone fairer skin without any marks. Fair look cream can be used in any exposed part like the neck, arms or legs. Now you don't just desire a fair look get a fair look.Fair look fairness lotion is made up of natural herbs like javitri, mustard seed, mulathi, almond nuts, chironji, chandan, saffron, aloe vera, honey, lemon n many more effective ayurvedic herbs that have been known for centuries to improve skin tonne and freshness. . HOW TO USE FAIR LOOK CREAM:OPENTELESHOP First clean up your face as well as skin tone wheresoever you need to implement fairlook lotion having increased water. Up coming routine new tomato as well as peel from the lime the item in addition to mix fairlook lotion product within it in addition to apply it on your own face in addition to open skin tone in addition to get away from the item pertaining to 15 moments in addition to in the future bathe your face having water. Intended for greatest final results do it again the process double each day the next day in addition to just before hitting the hay. FEATURES FAIR LOOK CREAM:OPENTELESHOP ➤ Fair Look Cream - 100% Herbal - No Side Effects. ➤ Fair Look Cream is a revolutionary product to get Fairer Looking Skin. ➤ Get 10 Tones Fairer with Fair Look. ➤ Helps Re-gain your Lost Confidence. ➤ Your Purchase is covered with our 100% Money Back Guarantee. Tags & Keywords:Openteleshop Fair Look,Fair Look Cream,Fair Look whiting cream,Fair Look Online,Fair Look Cream Price In Pakistan Openteleshop, Fair Look Cream In Pakistan, Fair Look Lotion In Pakistan, Fair Look Cream Review, Fair Look Cream For Natural Glow On Face, Original Fair Look Cream Price In Pakistan, Fair Look Cream How To
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Slique Hair Threading in Pakistan,Lahore,Karachi,Islamabad | Online Shop In All Over Pa... - 0 views

    PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SLIQUE HAIR THREADING SYSTEM IN PAKISTAN Using the hottest trend in salon/spa hair removal, "Hair Threading", Slique is a new innovative device that can give women that perfect hair free skin model look easily from the comfort of their own home. Unlike tweezing one hair at a time, Slique efficiently removes an entire straight line of hairs, all at the same time…leaving the skin hair free and smooth.Slique Hair Threading System Opportunity Details Hairdressing salons to get rid of unwanted hair on your face no longer necessary to spend time and money! Threading Facial Hair Removal Slique within minutes at any time with the flaring tool and you can have a smooth skin. Promoskop Slique Threading Facial Hair Removal Device Facial hair removal is now much easier and more practical to Slique … Face down with a rope Slique hair removal kit is very easy to clean, well-groomed women slique preference, have a look in the mirror yourself with confidence. Whereas the second person to face with Slique or beauty specialist in your area do not need feathers. What is Slique facial hair removal? In fact, facial hair a rope-making that has been used since ancient times, and facial hair removal method of hair removal. Compressed in the loop of a rope made of hair removal of the ilmikte. With this method, the root hairs and can face. Looking forward to a quick and clean method of hair removal as well as the network does not irritate the skin. Promoskop From one generation to the old arts of Asia and the Middle East, looking forward to that period of time is always a preferred hair removal method for facial cleansing. What is the rope of hair removal? Rope of hair removal hair removal method that has been used since ancient times. Ilmikte loop of a rope made of hair that can be defined as compressed. Is the root hairs. There are many advantages of getting a feather rope. A way that serves its purpose fully. Quick and clean. Plus, it does not irritate the sk

Face Masks Again Mandatory In England - 0 views

    New mask mandates and other measures aimed at curbing the spread of the Omicron coronavirus variant came into England today, as Prime Minister Boris Johnson eyes an expanded booster programme to help increase protection against Covid-19. From Tuesday morning (November 30), face masks are compulsory on transport and in shops, banks and hair salons. All international travellers must take a PCR test by the end of the second day after they arrive, and self-isolate until they get their result. That is in addition to restrictions on arrivals from 10 southern African countries, who have to enter hotel quarantine. Britain has reported 11 cases of the Omicron variant so far, and while the government says this number will rise, it says it is important to slow its spread until more is known about the variant's transmissibility and impact on vaccines.

Cornwall community pharmacies saved 1000s of GP appointments - 0 views

    Community pharmacies in Cornwall have delivered more than 8000 face-to-face consultations over last 12 months. Walk In Consultation Service (WICS) began 12 months ago when pharmacies in Cornwall started offering face-to-face consultations for a wide range of minor ailments, and NHS treatment as required - the first service of its kind in England. Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Scilly Local Pharmaceutical Committee (LPC) Chief Officer Nick Kaye joined Operations Manager Drew Creek in Parliament recently by invite of Steve Double MP, St Austell and Newquay to meet with Minister for Health Neil O'Brien MP to present the service to them and Senior Civil Servants from DHSC and NHSE with a view to rolling this service out nationally. The data from these consultations show that over 6000 GP appointments were averted as a result of the service being available. After each consultation a record was sent to the patient's GP for information.
ashley kate

The Risks of Surrogate Motherhood and How to Deal With Them - 0 views

    A surrogate mother often faces criticism and judgment from others for the choice she have made. However, those are less problematic when compare to the risks that she takes for her own family, friends and spouse. These risks can be daunting and cause challenges she might not have considered before getting involved. These risks can be anything from medical and health concerns to finances and job security and often family and personal risks as well. Medical risk is a huge factor, when a woman becomes a surrogate often times, she and the donors would have to undergo intense examination. These exams range from blood, health tests to the initial process of the implanting of the eggs from the donor. In the beginning the clinic will bring her and the egg donor together to begin a lengthy process of sequencing ovulation cycles. The clinic would put the surrogate mother on birth control and steroids, such as Luprin. These medications are meant to get both the surrogate mother and the donor's cycles on the same schedule. This is crucial because the surrogates' uterus needs to be ready for the embryos. Just having to deal with the pain of insemination and testing can be unbearable, not to mention the unpleasant side effects from all the medication and actual insemination process. However, that is just part of it. The surrogates are also faced with depression, sleep disturbance, guilt and the difficulty to remain unattached. These factors alone cause many surrogates to face the fact that they are walking a long road that not many others might have the strength to do. Many clinics offer support groups and counseling. Aside from medical and emotional risks, there might also be legality issues with the laws of the state they reside in. What kind of laws protect the surrogate, what rights does she have to things such as privacy? And there are also finances to consider. Generally, surrogate mothers are responsible for all insurance costs. As a surrogate you should be financially

Save Internet - 0 views

    The Internet has become an integral part of all of our lives. We use it to do our work, connect with people and gain knowledge about various subjects. As our representatives, many of you use it to gather research about the issues faced by your constituents, the challenges faced by different parts of our country, and the expert knowledge needed to legislate for India's future and shape our national decisions. Today, the Internet in our country is facing the danger of losing its neutrality, which is vital to ensure that it grows to reach many more of our fellow Indians - and the people who use it innovate further. In the interest of furthering this cause, we have launched a campaign with fellow Indians who wish to 'Save the Internet'. This letter is addressed to Parliamentarians who have already taken or are considering taking a position on the recent consultation paper released by the TRAI for Internet licensing and net neutrality. We are grateful for the support we have received and the various public statements made by several of you which cut across party lines. Through this letter we wish to point out the intent and purpose of campaign and also the call for a larger network neutrality law in India.
Satinder Singh

Treatment of Acne in Ayurveda - 0 views

    Your personality assessment always depends upon condition of your face. Whenever you come in touch with another person you first see his face and then you start guessing about his intelligence, confidence, & behaviour. When we have to choose RAVAN for RAMLILA we choose the ugliest face Because he is villain in Ramayana.

Here's How Your Face Can Look Young Again - 0 views

    The face of a person is the most distinguished part of the human body. Naturally, this is the part that everyone first sees in a human being, so every person wants his face to be in good condition.

PDA:pharmacy schools to communicate in-person exams - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has raised the issue faced by the pharmacy students on returning to in-person assessments while urging the universities to take an empathetic approach in transition of online to in-person exams. It was highlighted by the association that many student members were apprehensive about the return to in-person assessments. This is due to their continuing worry of Covid-19 transmissions and anxiety caused by changing exam formats and procedures. However, with the ease of Covid restrictions, now pharmacy schools are able to decide how exams are conducted but the PDA believes that they should communicate the process to students in advance. "A return to normal university life is considered to be beneficial to student health and well-being. In-person exams are an important part of preparing for students' future trainee assessment examinations, GPhC accreditation for pharmacy schools, and ensuring the integrity of exam results. As future healthcare professionals, face-to-face interaction is also an integral part of the role," said the PDA.

Mental ill-health : Reducing rising levels - 0 views

    Whether it's the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and those suffering with long Covid, or the financial pressures of rising living costs, these hard times can affect absolutely anyone's mental health. Mental health problems have worsened across all age-groups in the last few years, from lack of social interaction, unexpected bereavements or the significant impact of a physical injury or long-term illness taking its toll on mental wellbeing - these challenging experiences and situations that we face throughout life leave a big strain on the population. Ultimately, there is an urgent need to reduce rising levels of mental ill-health in our society. As a pharmacist with 25 years' experience in healthcare, I feel I have an obligation to my patients to support them with their healthcare needs, and mental health should be treated just the same as physical health. Despite efforts to improve NHS mental health services, patients may still not be receiving the appropriate immediate care as they are often provided with online counselling or an App for long-term support (online support introduced since the pandemic). Community pharmacists are in a unique position to be advocates for patients with mental illness as they are the healthcare professionals' patients see most often. This is a good opportunity for pharmacists to speak to patients face-to-face and give them advice in a more practical way rather than potentially waiting weeks for an GP appointment.

Fresh funding:PSNC faces criticism as deal shows no funds - 0 views

    Pharmacy bodies are "bitterly disappointed" that the latest deal on the national contract makes no commitment to "fresh funding", with one organisation calling it "the biggest dis-service ever done" to community pharmacy. The only commitment made in monetary terms was one in which NHS England agreed to write off a sum of £100m in excess margin earned by contractors in previous years. This allowance, which can't be seen as new cash injection, was said to have been made in recognition of the pressures facing the sector. The figure - reached after what the the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee called "a tense period of negotiations" with the Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England - will cover the final two years of the current five-year Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework. The deal was announced by PSNC chief executive Janet Morrison at an annual LPC Conference in Manchester on Thursday (22 September). Welcoming the attendees, she assured everyone that the committee was well aware of the pressures the sector was facing. "I heard how contractors are feeling and their frustrations over growing pressure and lack of financial support from the government. They confirmed that many now are unable to deliver the full range of services, and others are struggling to maintain core levels of services. And the ongoing impact of capacity and workforce crisis is critical, leading to temporary closures.

PSNC asked extra funds to ease pressure on pharmacy business - 0 views

    The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) chief executive Janet Morrison has assured contractors that PSNC will continue to raise with the new prime minister all concerning issues that are bothering pharmacy businesses. She felt the "fixed five-year funding settlement that is declining in real terms" was one of the serious factors that is putting a lots of pressure on contractors. PSNC has provided a compelling portfolio of evidence on the impact that pressures are having on the sector, and requested urgent additional funding, she said. Morrison, in her video message shared yesterday (August 24), urged contractors to keep sharing and sending evidences to act on their behalf. She said she is aware "this one of the toughest periods for the businesses" and "I believe that it demands more action from the government." Morrison assured the sector she was aware that contractors were also facing difficulties in "dealing with global medicines market and the challenges on been able to procure medicines within the drug tariff." "I know how hard it is to see the future sustainability of your businesses. I can see you are facing serious workforce pressure, rising cost, shortage of pharmacists, inflation pressure. I know your using facing increase in demand from the patients who has given up on their GPs and turning to you for support and advice."

Hearing Loss:How To Handle Certain Issues - 0 views

    If you have recently been diagnosed with hearing loss, you may be feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. You are not alone - millions of people around the world are living with hearing loss. The good news is that there are many resources available to help you learn how to manage your condition and live a full life. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common issues that people with hearing loss face and provide tips on how to handle them. HANDLING ISSUES FROM HEARING LOSS - HOW TO DO IT PROPERLY Hearing loss is certainly a difficult obstacle to face in life, but it doesn't have to stop you from living a full and rich life. Of course, hearing loss comes with its own set of unique challenges, but there are ways to manage them. From learning what hearing aids are the best for you to communicate with loved ones, to the different types of therapies available, we're here to help you find the answers you need. Generally speaking, there are four main issues that people with hearing loss face; Isolation, communication difficulties, feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, and depression. Unfortunately, each of these "consequences" will likely get worse if hearing loss is not managed early on. Here are some tips on how to handle each one:

PDA welcomes government defeat on their 'anti-strike' Bill - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has welcomed the government's defeat in the House of Lords on the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill. It believes that the proposed Bill, if enacted, would allow the government to dictate minimum levels of service during times of industrial action, enabling employers to name specific employees that they require in work. Those employees could then face losing their jobs if they failed to turn up to work on that day. Trade unions could also be fined if they did not force those named individuals to go to work. PDA director, Paul Day said, "This Bill should be of real concern to pharmacists and other health professionals. The idea of their employer being able to effectively conscript them to work or face the sack does not feel like a positive employment relations environment." The House of Lords has voted for key amendments to the Bill to prevent unions from being required to force workers to comply. This also prevents workers from being forced to work or face the sack and allows for greater consultation and Parliamentary scrutiny on the proposals which the Westminster government is trying to implement. The House of Commons will now be required to vote on the amendments over the next few weeks. Whilst the House of Lords amendments are likely to be defeated, it shows the degree of opposition there is to this Bill.

Covid positive community pharmacy staff in Scotland will not attend work for five days - 0 views

    The community pharmacy staff in Scotland will not be required to work for a minimum of five full days if they test positive for Covid-19. The Scottish health secretary Humza Yousaf has clarified that health and social care employees, including community pharmacists, will have to follow the guidance on managing staff with symptoms of a respiratory infection, or a positive Covid-19 test. While responding to Jackie Baillie (Dumbarton) (Scottish Labour Party) written parliamentary question, Humza said, "If they work with patients or service users in face-to-face settings, they can return to work if they have had two consecutive negative LFD test results (taken at least 24 hours apart)." Jackie asked the Scottish government, "what its position is on the actions of Well Pharmacy, in light of reports that the company is insisting that staff who test positive for COVID-19 continue to work when they are in patient-facing roles and dealing with clinically vulnerable people?" The Pharmacists' Defence Association said: "This means that Well pharmacy will have to change their policy in Scotland and no longer allow Covid positive staff to work in their pharmacies."

Community Pharmacy Crisis: CPE's Urgent Call for Action in Lord Darzi Review 2024 - 0 views

    Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has submitted evidence to Lord Darzi's investigation into NHS performance, highlighting the sector's value, challenges, and potential opportunities. Professor Ara Darzi, Baron Darzi of Denham, is leading the investigation, which has been commissioned by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to examine the challenges facing the healthcare system ahead of the development of a new 10-year plan for health. The investigation's findings are expected to be published in September 2024. As the sector's representative body, CPE has provided evidence to ensure that the performance and challenges faced by community pharmacies are considered as part of his review. Their submission, based on internal analysis and independent reports, highlighted the severe funding crisis facing the sector, which is significantly impairing access to care for those most in need.

Exclusive: UK Locum Pharmacists Under Pressure Amid Falling Rates & Rising Workload - 0 views

    "Locums are a vital part of pharmacy to ensure branches can remain open and provide vital services to communities and patients across the country," said Jonathon Clarke, CEO and founder of Locate a Locum. In an exclusive email interaction with Pharmacy Business, Jonathon noted that while the demand for locums remains high, there has been a dip from the post-COVID peak, which is also reflected in their rates. Due to the shortage of registered pharmacists, employers are actively seeking locums to cover gaps in their rotas. "Legally, there needs to be a registered pharmacist on site or else a pharmacy is unable to open resulting in an NHS fine," he highlighted. Whether employed or working as self-employed locums, pharmacists face many issues on a day-to-day basis, such as insufficient staffing or commercial pressure to hit "targets". However, locums also face several unique issues on top of these. According to Jonathon, a significant challenge locums face due to the changing market environment in the UK is the "rising workload" associated with offering advanced services such as Pharmacy First.

BGMA: More than 50% of UK generics face shortages without licensed alternatives - 0 views

    A recent report by the British Generic Manufacturers Association (BGMA) has shed light on ongoing supply challenges in England's generic medicines market, revealing significant issues impacting patient care. The report highlights significant challenges faced in supply of medicines as currently, 51.72 per cent of generics in short supply lack licensed alternatives, posing substantial hurdles to ensuring continuous patient care. Additionally, 39.08 per cent of affected generics are branded, indicating widespread disruptions across the market. A notable 26.44 per cent of generics experiencing shortages have been affected for over six months, highlighting persistent difficulties in supply chain management. The report indicates that 0.15 per cent of generic medicine presentations listed in the Drug Tariff are currently facing supply issues, impacting accessibility nationwide.
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