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Niume | Posts - 0 views

    If you are a pregnant mother waiting to meet your precious bundle, we congratulate you! Pregnancy is an exciting time and also a time for learning, as many moms-to-be in Katy find out, whether or not they have had kids before. Each pregnancy is different, just as every child is different, and you can never be sure exactly what to expect. However, there are some basic things you can do to ensure that your baby is healthy and to ease the delivery process.What is prenatal care?This is an umbrella term for all the services provided to you by an obstetrician in addition to your care routine at home before the baby is born. The first thing to do when you think you are pregnant is to confirm it through an at-home pregnancy test or a blood test (hCG test). Once your pregnancy is confirmed, you will need to call or visit your doctor so that you can get the essential vitamins. Folic acid, for example, has been proven to consistently reduce neural tube defects in newborns when the mother has taken sufficient amounts of it. It is now advised that all women hoping to get pregnant should start on folic acid early (dosage to be prescribed by your family doctor) and not wait until they are pregnant to take it. Prenatal vitamins are also recommended as a part of prenatal care by obstetricians in Katy around the 8th week of pregnancy.How often should you visit your obstetrician?In the first trimester you will only need to visit every four weeks. The doctor will check your weight and measure the stomach to get an idea of the baby's growth inside. The doctor will also check the heartbeat of the baby. During the third trimester, however, you may need to visit every two weeks and then once a week. At least one ultrasound test will be performed along with a few possible blood tests.For more information visit: Prenatal careImage Source:

Pregnancy Tests - Olive Health & Travel Clinic in Ilford, London - 0 views

    We offer pregnancy tests at our Clinic by a choice of blood test and urine test. All pregnancy tests measure the amount of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), the pregnancy hormone, in your body.

Pregnancy Calculator Guide For Pregnant Women | Health Blog - 0 views

    Pregnancy calculator guide or how to use pregnancy calculator? There are some questions which you are curious to find the answer about these. We covered briefly this topic for you. You will get the answer here also, What are pregnancy symptoms and due date calculation procedures?
    After getting married, every couple certainly wants to have a baby. So, when a wife gets pregnant, both she and the husband want to know as soon as possible when she will give birth. Usually, a married couple will go to a hospital and follow USG test to know the predicted birth date. However, you can actually calculate it by your own. You should know when your last period was started so then you are able to find a due date. Today, there is what is called pregnancy calculator. It can be used by everyone. If you are curious about it, let's pay attention to the following discussion.


Thalassemias are a group of inherited blood dyscrasias that were first described in the Mediterranean region.In Greek”Thalassa” means sea and “haema “ means blood. Thalassem...

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started by lifelinelab on 20 Nov 18 no follow-up yet

Retinoblastoma :NHS rolled out test to treat babies - 0 views

    NHS England is set to roll out a new test this week that will help doctors to spot a rare form of eye cancer in babies in the womb. The NHS test developed at Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust, identifies the risk of developing retinoblastoma in babies that can be monitored and treated sooner - increasing the chance of saving their eyesight and potentially their lives. The new non-invasive test can detect changes in the genes in DNA and is likely to identify around 50 infants with retinoblastoma each year, in the latest example of the NHS harnessing the power of genomics to diagnose and treat patients faster and more effectively. Non-Invasive Prenatal Diagnosis (NIPD) also means parents can be informed early in pregnancy if their child is at risk. "The blood sample test is taken from the mother before birth and tested and analysed for mutations, which can determine with almost 100 per cent accuracy if the baby will develop retinoblastoma," the NHS said.
ashley kate

How much does the process of surrogate pregnancy cost? | Surrogate Motherhood - 0 views

    When a couple cannot have children, they may look into the cost of using a surrogate mother. The details for this are very extensive. There are so many scenarios that can play out that it is impossible to give a solid figure. We can, however, look at the general costs of surrogate pregnancy and some possible extra costs.The fee paid to the surrogate mother can vary. The average rate however is a flat fee of $18,000. Some woman will do it for less and some experienced surrogate mothers will ask for more. This does not include any medical bills or food and vitamins. If at 13 weeks the ultra sound shows that the surrogate mother is having multiple children, there will be an extra fee of $5,000 dollars. There will be contracts drawn up for both parties to sign which means there will be lawyers to pay. Legal fees come to about $5,000. The surrogate mother will need to have a psychological evaluation which costs around $500. With pregnancy comes a bigger body and maternity clothes. Maternity clothes usually run you $750. The surrogate mother will have to drive herself or take a bus to the doctor's appointments. She is typically reimbursed 50.5 cents a mile. Any extra, invasive procedures, like Cerclage, DNC, Amniocentesis or FUC can be another $500. If you are going with the gestational surrogating, transfer will run you $750. Insemination for traditional surrogating costs $500 IN a case where a surrogate mother becomes pregnant with more then one fetus inside her, there is something called selective reduction. This operation removes the extra fetuses, leaving only one. The operation fee is $2,000. If at some point both the surrogate mother and couple decide to abort the child, the fee is $2,000. If a C-Section is involved, this will be another $1,500. If there is a canceled cycle fee then you will pay $350. Often times a Mock cycle will be given. This is to test the surrogate's eggs to see if all will go well. The fee is $350. When the surrogate mother gets

Yellow Fever Treatment - 0 views

    Our clinic offers a number of health checks such as regular annual check-ups to ensure you are fit and healthy, pregnancy checks, yellow fever, discrete STI testing, etc.
shell jams

Very Common Early Pregnancy Symptoms - 1 views

    Genetically abnormal embryos are scientifically proven to be the primary cause of failed in vitro fertilization, rather than an individual uterine problem, according to RaipurIVF. Egg donor transfer is typically a preferred treatment option when repeated implantation failure occurs, however, surrogacy is another alternative. Finding a surrogate mother is a seemingly difficult task that requires extensive screening and in-depth profiling. However, the experts at the Pahlajani Test Tube Baby Centre offer cost effective rates that competitively rival the typical costs associated surrogacy. In addition, Dr. Neeraj Pahlajani boasts a very high surrogacy success rate, thus granting couples an advanced method of achieving contraception, in spite of the seeming difficulties associated with finding a surrogate.

Free Pregnancy Test - STD Testing | Urgent Care in Lombard, Elmhurst - 0 views

    Lombard Immediate Care provide you an absolute medical reference to plan accordingly for your visit to our Lombard Immediate Care medical clinic
    Lombard Immediate Care provide you an absolute medical reference to plan accordingly for your visit to our Lombard Immediate Care medical clinic
Christi Zwiebel

Health Testing Kits - 1 views

I started up my own company ( in the hopes of helping others with testing themselves at home instead of going to the doctor's office! Please take a look at all the products w...

dna testing drug alcohol test HIV cholesterol cancer screening diabetes hormone fertility pregnancy ovulation steroid

started by Christi Zwiebel on 09 Oct 13 no follow-up yet
shell jams

Can PCOS be treated through surgery - 1 views

    Surrogacy is an alternative method of achieving pregnancy that doesn't require you to become reliant upon donor eggs. The donor process requires extensive medical testing, however, pregnancy is never guaranteed. Women who possess poor quality eggs are statistically proven to have a lesser chance of achieving pregnancy.

Can you get Pregnant with PCOS Treatment? - 0 views

    PCOS treatment for pregnancy According to studies, losing 5 to 10 percent of weight if you are overweight can increase your chances of getting pregnant. It is essential to maintain a healthy diet, including nutrients, vitamins, and minerals in PCOS and pregnancy simultaneously.
ashley kate

Becoming a Surrogate Mother - 0 views

    Surrogacy is a path that many couples who are unable to have children of their own have chosen due to the intimacy and experiences involved in the process. There are many things that should be taken into consideration before you make the choice of becoming a surrogate mother. You should first speak with an attorney and/or an adoption agency specializing in surrogacy. They can provide you with a list of things to consider and agencies available to start you on your way, educate you on your rights as well as those of the adoptive couple and what you can expect and what is expected out of you. When you consider on becoming a surrogate mother, you also need to decide whether you will be an independent surrogate or agency surrogate. As an independent surrogate, you need to be responsible for your own arrangements, finding the right couple, working out a contract and, if anything goes awry with the arrangements, you will be responsible for finding another couple. As an agency surrogate, all of these arrangements and legalities are managed for you by your agent. Either route you choose, make sure that you have consulted an attorney who specializes in surrogacy and adoption to serve your best interests. The next step in becoming a surrogate involves the physical aspects or extent of the measures you are willing to take to become pregnant. You need to decide if you are willing to undergo artificial insemination, hormone therapy and/or in vitro fertilization. Each of these measures are time consuming and not fail proof, so it is always best to have an alternate plan, if possible, in case your first choice for conception does not work. Finally, once an agency or attorney is employed in your journey to becoming a surrogate mother, psychological and physical tests need to be done to make sure that you are healthy enough to carry a child to term and that there are not any past medical or family histories that may cause pregnancy or genetic issues. Extensive counseling will be

Boots expands ties with Deliveroo to deliver health products - 0 views

    Boots has expanded its partnership with Deliveroo to cover 125 stores in the UK, offering delivery of a wide range of health and beauty products up and down the country. The company announced last year that it had entered into an exclusive partnership with Deliveroo to provide 400 plus health and beauty products to consumers at their doorsteps. The pharmacy multiple has been delivering over-the-counter cough, cold and flu symptom relief products, paracetamol, vitamins and digital thermometers through Deliveroo. The partnership has been part of the business' continued investment in digital technology to provide customers with a more convenient and personal shopping experience. Popular and new products available on Deliveroo include cough, cold and flu symptom relief products, paracetamol, vitamins, digital thermometers, period and sexual wellbeing products including sanitary towels, condoms and pregnancy tests among other health and beauty products. Boots is now available via Deliveroo for the first time to customers in major cities including Manchester, Glasgow, Belfast, Bristol, Sheffield, Coventry, Plymouth, Exeter, Middlesbrough, York, Aberdeen and Inverness.
Rita Nagy

A vaccine for preventing premature birth is being developed - 0 views

    Some optimistic news has arrived in this connection, vaccines which will prevent premature birth and complications during pregnancy are being developed and are at their final stages of being tested and introduced.
shell jams

In Vitro Fertilization Failure Reason - 1 views

    The various treatment options for IVF failure ultimately help physicians understand the proper course of action in maximizing your chance for achieving fertilization, although it's highly unlikely for certain tests to decipher the specific reason for failure.
shell jams

A third party in pregnancy - 1 views

    Surrogacy is a private matter that should only be discussed in medical terms without invading personal privacy. To be more precise, surrogate mothers are in great demand, mostly in India, where fertility is a delicate, common matter. In recent times, this scientific process has gained more popularity than the test-tube baby concept.

Down Syndrome: Symptoms, Types & Treatment | Health Blog - 0 views

    Down syndrome is also known as DS or DNS. This is a genetic disorder. Our human body is made of millions of cells.
Tom Fields

AIDS and HIV Health Care - 0 views

    Large collection of healthcare innovations focused on AIDS and HIV.
shell jams

How to Treat IVF Failure - 1 views

    In vitro fertilization failure isn't treatable like a disease, however, there are certain medication precautions that can be taken to increase your chance of achieving contraception. The best fertility specialists in medicine cannot guarantee effective treatment options that result in pregnancy, although certain physicians are better able to pinpoint the cause of in vitro fertilization failure, which increases the likelihood of finding a solution. Dr. Neeraj Pahlajani at the Test Tube Baby Centre in India, for example, showcases an impressive reputation for treatment solutions that stem from extensive experience in the field of infertility.
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