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Dianne Rees

BioMed Central | Full text | Consumer e-health education in HIV/AIDS: a pilot study of ... - 0 views

  • despite the promise of online health resources, few studies have looked at how they are used by individuals coping with health problems, including HIV." (p. 48). Therefore, this research was designed to investigate how a web-based resource that included CMC, video, and support documents was used by HIV/AIDS community members.
  • Individual learning preference was one theme shared by some participants
  • These comments demonstrate a variety of preferences for learning. Of the four participants who shared comments, one preferred print, another audio, and two liked the integration of multi-media.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • In summary, some participants did not use CMC at all and one did not trust it as a source. The other three shared that they used this form of communication but not usually to learn about HIV/AIDS treatment information.
  • When participants were asked about their views and practices regarding the use of CMC, responses were varied, from having no interest in using the technology to finding it quite useful.
  • Many using the Internet are very savvy about visual media, having already watched copious amounts of television and motion pictures. With few exceptions most have seen countless hours of video in which production quality is very high. Further, many have read large amounts of text-based information, which has been professionally edited and type-set. As a result, some participants in this study may have been negatively impacted components containing imperfections. As one participant (P12) said, "...that's a whole thing about the Internet, it needs a good edit". An interface must be very "clean" before effects or impact of learning on participants can be measured for effect on learning or health improvements [21].
  • Use of the technology appears to be, in some cases, an adjunct to other offline resources.
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