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NPA calls for investment to develop community pharmacy teams - 0 views

    In response to a Scottish government consultation, the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) has called for continued investment to develop community pharmacy teams and create additional capacity in existing services. The consultation examines different ways patients access healthcare services in Scotland and focuses on sources of healthcare other than GPs that exist in the community. The inquiry was discussed with NPA policy leads across the UK, NPA Scottish members and other Scottish pharmacy stakeholder organisations. The NPA stated that services delivered during the pandemic has proven the importance of Scotland's 1,258 community pharmacies, and believes additional capacity for existing pharmacy services, and expansion of pharmacy Public Health Services is possible with continued investment from the government.

Pharmacy Automation and Technology:Pushing boundaries - 0 views

    Our Totton branch has an incredibly high volume of original pack dispensing, roughly 45,000 items. As we became busier and busier in the dispensary we were finding that our pharmacists, dispensers and other technicians simply didn't have capacity to deliver the services that we needed them to. We all know there is a real emphasis right now on pharmacies doing more services and we knew we had to change the way we operate to survive. So we decided it was time to look into a sound automation solution for our medication dispensing process, one that would allow us to free up the time of the pharmacists and the rest of the team so they could better support patients. After a lot of research we invested in Centred Solutions FLOWRx Hub and InStore solutions which were installed late last year. It provides us with the whole package and has automated our entire dispensing process from picking to packing and labeling to checking. Our situation was quite unique as we bought the system initially for our existing high-volume pharmacy in Totton so the hub and the spoke are actually on the same site. People wouldn't usually look at a hub and spoke solution for that kind of set up but it has allowed us to significantly free up time in store for more services. What it has also done is allow us to look at other opportunities to grow and expand. The pharmacy landscape is changing and there are lots of opportunities coming up. We have found that having your technology and the right infrastructure in place to support your existing footprint before you expand is the ideal way to grow in a safe and controlled way. We never thought that five years ago we would buy another pharmacy, yet we have already bought one and are now in the process of buying two more. I'm not worried about the increase in volume this expansion will bring because I know our technology is going to be able to support it. The pharmacies we are buying are struggling but having our solution already in place m

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: How Information Technology Help Disability Person - 0 views

    Advanced technology is its flexibility. wheelchair provide some technologies can be used at home like power wheelchair,hearing aids,moped in the workplace, and in school, expanding the ability of the user to participate in various spheres of daily life. Augmentative and alternative communication technology is one such area of IT progress.where we use of hearing aids for communication and It includes inventions such as speech-generating devices, Teletypewriter devices, adaptive pointing devices to replace computer mouse devices, and many others. The following impairments are some of the disabilities that affect communications and technology access, as well as many other life activities: communication disorders: hearing impairments: visual impairments: mobility impairments: a learning disability or impairment in mental functioning. Each kind of disability requires a different kind of accommodation like dumb person use hearing aids and this may require analysis by a medical specialist and in medical,hospital we can see that disable person use health care product, an educational specialist or a job analysis when the impairment requires accommodation. Assistive technology is the creation of a new device that assists a person in completing a task that would otherwise be impossible,we take some example if some one not walk but now days they can do by use of power wheelchair,basic wheelchair,commode wheelchair. Some examples include new computer software programs, and inventions such as assistive listening devices, including hearing aids, and traffic lights with a standard color code that enables colorblind individuals to understand the correct signal,mode also useful for wondering in one way to another way. now we talk about adaptive technology so adaptive technology is the adaptation,modification, of existing devices, methods, or the creation of new uses for existing devices, to enable a person to complete a task. Examples include the use of remote control

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: Special Type Of Wheelchair - 0 views

    Electric wheelchairs are special type of wheelchairs that moved with electric motor and navigational controls. In these wheelchairs a small joystick mounted on the armrest rather than manual power. It also consists of head-switches, chin-operated joysticks and other specialist controls to perform independent operation for those people who cannot manage a manual joystick. Powerchairs are generally four-wheeled or six-wheeled and non-folding, however some folding designs exist and other designs may have some ability to partially dismantle for transit. Four general styles of powerchair drive systems exist: front, centre or rear wheel drive and all-wheel drive. Powered wheels are typically somewhat larger than the trailing/castoring wheels, while castoring wheels are typically larger than the castors on a manual chair. Centre wheel drive powerchairs have castors at both front and rear for a six-wheel layout.

Net Neutrality: Battle to 'save the Internet' - 0 views

    Net neutrality is one of the biggest issue debated globally by the telecom regulators and it is also in the process of finalising what will be a landmark recommendation for Indian telecom. The important aspects of Net neutrality are: Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source. The Internet service provider from whom buy internet pack, should not under any circumstance be able to control how exactly use it and it's upto how you use the data. All websites can co-exist without hampering others and all websites are accessible at the same speed and no particular website of application is favoured. All web sites and content creators are treated equal, and it don't have to pay extra for faster Internet speed to a particular site/service. The concept of net neutrality doesn't exist legally but most companies have Net Neutrality is simply the Internet Freedom - Free, Fast and Open Internet for all. Net Neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers (ISPs) should give consumers access to all and every contents and application on an equal basis, treating all Internet traffic equally. Today, if there's something that makes everyone across the world "Equal" is nothing but the Internet. Equality over the Internet means, the richest man in the world has the same rights to access the Internet as the poorer. And this is what "Net Neutrality" aims at adhered to it until now. With the Internet taking the world into its folds, Internet Service Providers across the world are trying to encash this potent commodity and trying to control the traffic. Karma Healthcare KP-80 Standing Wheelchair is a compact and fully powered wheelchair designed for budget. The front-wheel drive provides agile control for the chair to negotiate various indoors and out. It comes with the innovative seat and wide range of power backrest angle adjustment (80~120 degree).

Pfizer:Antibiotic combo can treat superbug infections - 0 views

    Pfizer said on Thursday (June 1) data from late-stage trials showed its experimental combination of antibiotics was effective in treating deadly infections caused by drug-resistant bacteria. Deaths from antibiotic-resistant bacteria, also known as superbugs, have been on the rise globally, and health regulators have called for the development of newer treatments as resistance to older antibiotics grows. The late-stage studies compared the experimental combination of the antibiotics aztreonam-avibactam (ATM-AVI) and existing generic drug metronidazole with a combination of two older antibiotics - meropenem and colistin - to treat complicated intra-abdominal infections and types of hospital-acquired pneumonia. Hospital-acquired pneumonia occurs in patients at least two to three days after being admitted, or in those who have life-threatening lung infections with high mortality rates and who are on mechanical breathing machines. Pfizer said the data from the studies shows the antibiotic combination of ATM-AVI is effective and well-tolerated in treating infections caused by gram-negative bacteria. The cure rate in patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections with Pfizer's combination therapy, along with existing generic drug metronidazole, was 76.4%, versus 74% using the other antibiotics.

Double standards:Dangerous for patients and can't acceptable - 0 views

    The recent announcement that Royal Mail will be partnering with distance selling pharmacy (DSP) giant pharmacy2U highlights how standards of regulatory enforcement are being ignored to accommodate the DSP model. The brunt of these double standards hinges around the levelling down of temperature enforcement standards by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) which demands mapping must be audited from the point of dispensing to the patient. The MHRA has a well recognised duty to ensure medicines reach patients in a safe condition. The current anomaly appears to turn a blind eye to this step in the supply chain at the point the wholesaler releases goods to the pharmacy hub. Equally the training on delivering medicines safely and effectively direct to patients should apply fully to all hubs including DSPs. Why is it that DSPs are being treated differently to bricks and mortar pharmacies? It's essentially the same patients receiving the same medicines from the same wholesalers. A further regulatory disparity exists around how parcels must be "tracked and signed for" to be reasonably certain medicines are delivered into the hand of the intended recipient, as per existing regulations. Clearly an untracked, unsigned package cannot be guaranteed to finish in the hands of the intended recipient. There is a very real possibility that such omission could lead to community pharmacy closures which will, in turn, lead to unemployment and a reduction in the care services. At a time when integrated care systems have just gone live, the removal of vital support services leading to further inequalities is the wrong message for both providers and patients alike.

Baricitinib found effective to treat Covid patients - 0 views

    The NHS on Thursday (May 5) said it has rolled out the arthritis drug baricitinib for seriously ill Covid patients. The Recovery trial, conducted by the NHS and University of Oxford, found that 13 per cent fewer severely ill patients died of Covid when treated with the drug compared to existing treatment options. Typically used to treat arthritis to reduce pain and inflammation, baricitinib can now be given to hospitalised Covid patients in addition to current treatments, and clinical studies show that this can provide benefits on top of existing treatment. The NHS has led the rollout of Covid medicines, from the discovery of dexamethasone as the world's first effective treatment, to the first vaccination outside of a clinical trial in December 2020. The NHS said baricitinib works by reducing inflammation caused by Covid-19 by blocking signals to the immune system that are causing it to attack the body.
AMVital Nutrition

Benefits of Elderberry: Everything You Need to Know-AMVital - 0 views

    Many advertised the elderberry due to its immune-boosting effects during the pandemic. Elderberry has been sold to benefit colds and flu. Some exponents even asserted they benefit against COVID-19. You also may have heard that they can help with other ailments, like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Still, no one-size-fits-all remedy for sickness like turmeric exists. Exponents of the elderberry say it is a versatile fruit of nature and is a solution to what ails you. About 30 types of elderberry plants exist worldwide. In the European version, it is Sambucus nigra, which means closely affixed to your health and healing. It dates back to 400 BC. Hippocrates (Father of Medicine) called the elderberry his "medicine chest." Now elderberry is viewed as one of the world's most healing plants in folk medicine. So what's the deal? Is the elderberry plant a godsend fruit that can give you super immunity? What are Elderberries? You're probably familiar with elderberries, which look like any other dark blueberry. But there are many plant species, and they all have unique characteristics that might surprise you. Sambucus contains over 30 species of shrubs in the Adoxaceae family, including honeysuckle and snowberry (Symphoricarpos). The elderberry grows throughout Europe, Asia, and North America-and even as far north as Alaska! It thrives in moist areas such as river banks, fields, and forest margins, where it can grow up to 8 feet tall (2.4 meters). Elderberry flowers from May through July, depending on region; clusters of white flowers grow on cymes at the ends of branches before turning into red berries by late summer or early fall. Historical and Regional Uses People have used Elderberries for decades since the fifth century AD. Still, if you see the plant's name, you'll notice that the Elder shrub was so revered that its very name shows the respect it was given. Being grown by Native American and European herbalists throughout history,
umar111 - 0 views

    Creed aventus perfume has developed to turn into the smash hit scent throughout the entire existence of the brand. Aventus commends quality, vision and achievement, motivated by the emotional existence of war, harmony and sentiment lived by Emperor Napoleon.

Superdrug Expands UK: 25 New Stores and Major Upgrades in 2024 - 0 views

    Superdrug is bolstering its physical presence by launching 25 new stores this year as it celebrates its 60th year on the British high street. Additionally, the health and beauty retailer has announced plans to extend seven of its existing branches and refit another 60 throughout 2024. However, the retailer has confirmed the locations for only four upcoming stores - Wheatley Centre Shopping Parkin Doncaster, St David's Centre in Cardiff, Bluewater Shopping Centre and Westfield Stratford City. As reported by Mirror, the Donacaster site is expected to open by the end of this month, followed by the relocation of its existing Cardiff store to a new 11,3000 sq. ft space shortly thereafter. Superdrug is also shifting its Westfield Stratford City store, doubling its size to 9,892 sq. ft. Likely to be opened in the summer, it will be one of the retailer's biggest stores.

7 UK Universities Seek MPharm Accreditation Amid Staffing Concerns - 0 views

    The Pharmacy Schools Council (PhSC) has issued a statement urging a cautious approach to the significant expansion of additional UK universities seeking accreditation for new Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) programmes. At least seven more UK universities are seeking accreditation for new Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) programmes, but existing pharmacy school heads are warning that severe staffing shortages could threaten the quality of education. While the council welcomes the increasing interest in the pharmacy profession, it has warned that the "growth is managed not only in the workplace but within the education sector." In a meeting held in April 2024, the council members expressed that while this expansion would increase the number of undergraduate places available for pharmacy students, heads of existing pharmacy schools raised serious concerns about the challenges in recruiting suitably qualified staff to run these programmes. The PhSC highlighted the difficulties in attracting candidates for academic positions, particularly those requiring clinical expertise.

NPA Chair to COVID-19 Inquiry: 'A resilient pharmacy network' crucial for future pandem... - 0 views

    Nick Kaye, chair of the National Pharmacy Association (NPA), gave evidence to the UK's official COVID-19 Inquiry on Monday (4 November), highlighting the importance of building a "sustainable and resilient community pharmacy network" to enhance preparedness for future pandemics. Kaye also recommended utilising the existing community pharmacy infrastructure for public health initiatives, such as vaccination programmes, and stressed the need to recognise community pharmacists and their teams as integral members of primary care. "Seven pharmacies a week are closing across the four nations, and that is tragic for any future response. So, a resilient community pharmacy network that exists is going to be key," he told the Inquiry. He noted that 90 per cent of most NPA members' income comes from providing NHS services, underscoring the critical role pharmacies play in healthcare delivery. However, Kaye highlighted that pharmacies were often overlooked and underappreciated during the pandemic.
jad guru

Strength Training - 0 views

    A fitness program should always include strength training. Making your body stronger provides a number of benefits including resistance to injury and faster rehabilitation or healing of existing health problems. For an effective resistance or strength training program, you will have to invest in the right strength training equipment to suit your goals.
Bharatbookbureau MarketReport

Stem Cell Banking - 0 views

    Stem Cell Banking has emerged as new opportunity of healthcare services provider in Indian market. The market is still in nascent stage of development and valued at more than INR 400 Crore (US$ 70 Million) in 2013. The current stem cell preservation level for new born baby is below 1% and hence there exists immense opportunity for stem cell preservation service providers to grow exponentially in coming years. With more than 20 million births every year there exist ample market opportunity for large number of stem cells banks to enter Indian stem cell preservation market and expand their services portfolio. The market potential of stem cell banking in India is valued at more than US$ 350 Million at preservation level of 1% which can increase to more than US$ 1 Billion at stem cell preservation level of 3% for new born babies.
levinson AJ

Anxiety and Depression Prevalent Among Arthritis Sufferers - 0 views

    It additionally said in a research that within the arthritis sufferers anxiety is nearly twice the depression. But, these temper disorders are nonetheless under diagnosed and under treated in arthritis sufferers regardless of information that depression and anxiety affect necessary outcomes similar to useful ability, ache, and high quality of existence.
Angelina Princess

Relationship Of HGH And Insomnia - 0 views

    It is scientifically proven that a certain relationship exists between sleep, pulse rate, heart beat and respiration; it allows the muscles to relax as well. Getting proper six hours of sleep each day results in a much better physical condition. On the other hand, loss of sleep results in various psychological and other chronic problems in the long run. Some short term problems are loss of memory, irritability, decrease in alertness and the attention span.
achraf mejgou

Depression Treatments Pick Yoga Over Medications For Anti Depression - 0 views

    I have been practicing Yoga for close to 5 years now. Prior to this time, my life had been a day-to-day existence erected by symptoms of depression and low self-esteem. Aggravated by marring acne and burdensome Asthma symptoms, not feeling depressed was usually a rare occurrence. A rare occurrence that is; until I discovered Yoga and how it could help with depression treatment.
achraf mejgou

Golf Exercises For The Woman - 0 views

    It is well known in professional golf how integral golf fitness exercises are for success at the highest level of golf. Men on the PGA Tour and women on the LPGA Tour understand the benefits of golf fitness exercises in achieving success. Outside the circles of professional golf many questions exist about golf fitness exercises. Questions such as; what are the best exercises to improve golffitness levels, are flexibility exercises and stretches better than other forms of golf fitness exercises, and what are the benefits of golffitness exercises for the woman golfer?

3 Naturopathy Treatments for Obesity That Works Best - 0 views

    3 Naturopathy Treatments for Obesity That Works Best #Obesity, in recent times, has become a part and parcel of modern day existence-blame it on our erratic food habits and lifestyle. But now you can cure obesity too without gulping down capsules after.. website:
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