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PDA:Pharmacy Employers Donate £1 Per Pharmacist to Charity - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has called on pharmacy employers and pharmacists organisations to make donations towards the Pharmacist Support charity in the new year. The association has urged them to donate £1 per pharmacist employee or member to the charity group to increase its funding from 2022 onwards. Pharmacist Support, an independent charity, provides a variety of support services to pharmacists and their families, former pharmacists and pharmacy students in Great Britain. It provides support through twelve sessions of fully funded counselling topharmacists, students, or trainees. Since 2018, the association has donated more than £150,000 to the charity, in turn supporting its members who additionally seek assistance from Pharmacist Support.

PDA:Seeking members view on pharmacy leadership - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has urged its member - employed pharmacists and locum pharmacists to share their view on UK Commission on Pharmacy Professional Leadership report. The four government Chief Pharmacists have published their commission's proposal for how pharmacy leadership may develop in the UK. The association 'strongly' believes that just as it was the members of the profession that established their previous pharmacist professional leadership bodies, so it is for pharmacists to determine if they agree with these proposals and to decide what arrangements they want in future. "As an organisation that has exclusively in its membership the employed and locum pharmacists in the UK, the PDA wants to ensure that it can reflect the views of frontline pharmacists in any future discussions and decisions that could impact upon their careers. Pharmacists are encouraged to read the report, to consider its content and then ensure they respond to the forthcoming communication from the PDA." The commission report says that existing leadership bodies have "relatively low levels of membership" but does not provide details. It has also stated that it has received submissions to its consultation from many pharmacy organisations.

PDA BAME pharmacists group elects 3 women pharmacists - 0 views

    The BAME Pharmacists Network of the Pharmacists' Defence Association has elected three women pharmacists as it's new officials. Following the network's second set of elections since its launch in April 2020, Sima Hassan has been elected as president, Wai Chan Lau her deputy and Osariemen Egharevba-Buckman as honorary secretary. A community pharmacist for over 18 years and an academic, Ms Hassan will take over from outgoing president Elsy Gomez Campos who saw through the work of the network during a very difficult period in the midst of a global pandemic. Ms Hassan has been a prominent member of the BAME pharmacist community. She recognises and appreciates the complexities of issues that BAME pharmacists face and the scope for work that needs to done for wider recognition.

Boots UK Grants 5% Pay hike to Pharmacists: A Win-Win Deal - 0 views

    Boots UK has agreed to grant a five per cent pay increase to its pharmacists following a collaborative agreement with the Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA). This raise acknowledges the unique market conditions faced by pharmacists in the community pharmacy sector, Boots UK and PDA said in a joint statement on Oct. 9. According to the statement, the pay increase applies to all pharmacists within the PDA Union's bargaining unit, except for those who joined or received a pay raise after August 2023. Moreover, trainee pharmacists or those not meeting performance standards are not eligible for the raise. Additionally, pharmacists and store managers will receive a pro-rata, one-time non-consolidated payment of £750 in August 2024. This payment serves as recognition for their dedication to establishing and providing new core and advanced NHS services, particularly in light of the substantial changes anticipated in the upcoming year, the joint statement said. The services include new medicines, hypertension, contraception, and common conditions services in England, the clinical community pharmacy service in Wales, and the Pharmacy First services in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Pharmacist Wins £58,000 Compensation in Racial Harassment Case Against Boots - 0 views

    A tribunal has ordered Boots to pay over £58,000 in compensation and costs to a pharmacist who was racially profiled at work. S.Famojuro, a black pharmacist of Nigerian national origin, experienced racial harassment from pharmacy team members during a shift on 18 July 2020. The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA), the independent trade union for pharmacists, represented the pharmacist throughout the internal grievance processes and at the Employment Tribunal hearing. In a detailed written judgment, the pharmacy team members and company managers were heavily criticised by the Tribunal, after finding that a pre-registration pharmacy technician and a pharmacy advisor had undermined Famojuro in his professional role as the Responsible Pharmacist (RP) and insulted him. The pharmacist lodged a grievance with Boots regarding his treatment, but it took the company over four months to initiate the investigation and set a meeting date, and this was only done after the PDA intervened to address the unacceptable delays.

Boots :£42k FTE base salary to newly-qualified pharmacists - 0 views

    Boots UK will offer a staring salary of £42,000 per annum to newly qualified pharmacists joining the pharmacy chain. The company also revealed that "in addition, any existing pharmacists in the bargaining unit currently receiving less than £43k." The newly announced hike in the salary - following an agreement reached between the multiple and and the Pharmacist Defence Association - will be effective from 1 August 2022. "This enhanced offer for Newly Qualified Pharmacists and further investment in those in the early stages of their careers at Boots is a key part of our commitments to pharmacists," the company said. Boots and PDA Union also announced in a joint statement that they will conduct a further formal review of all pharmacists' pay in accordance with the collective agreement, effective from 1 November 2022.

NHS Contract Breach Reporting: PDA Form Unveiled for Locum Pharmacists - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has created a form to help locum and other pharmacists to report about breach of NHS contract by community pharmacy. According to the association, they have been told by increasing number of pharmacists about contractors closing pharmacies, despite a locum readily available to cover the shift. The PDA said this is an issue of NHS contractual breach and creates difficulties for patients, and so they have created the form to assist members to report unnecessary closures to the relevant NHS England & Improvement pharmacy contract team. A locum pharmacist, who does not wish to be named, has alleged that a community pharmacy declined their offer to cover an extra shift for £5 more per hour, and decided to close the store, denying the public access to services. The pharmacist recalled the occasion while writing in the PDA's latest member voice article.

NHS Fit Note Evolution: Pharmacists Taking Charge - 0 views

    Recent NHS data sheds light on the evolving landscape of fit note certification, indicating a gradual expansion of roles beyond traditional medical practitioners to pharmacists and nurses. This uptake in numbers coincides with the Department of Work and Pensions's (DWP) call for evidence in relation to fit note reform which will remain open till 8 July 2024. According to figures published by NHS Digital, during the nine-month period from April 2023 to December 2023, pharmacists certified a significant number of fit notes. Approximately 1.4 per cent of fit notes of the 8 million were issued by pharmacists while the rest were issued by the GP surgeries reflecting the impact following legislative amendments in July 2022, which extended certification authority to pharmacists, nurses, occupational therapists, and physiotherapists. In June 2022, the Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) advised pharmacists not to sign fit notes where the required therapeutic, diagnostic, or examination skills lie outside their scope of competence. The association remarked that healthcare professionals needed mandatory training under the Health Education England before they are fit to issue fitness notes to the public.

PDA :Boots Pharmacists Raise Employment Concerns - 0 views

    Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) members working for Boots have raised concerns over possible reduction in their pay following the multiple's proposed changes to some pharmacies' opening hours. Member pharmacists have expressed concerns as "despite verbal assurances that the company aim to minimise pharmacist job losses, they are being told that proposed changes will reduce their income if they remain with the company," PDA has stated. PDA added that several pharmacists have been told that the proposed reduction to their hours will be more than 10 per cent, which could result in reduction in pay every month. Salary cuts could render future employment unsuitable and might force pharmacists to leave the company with redundancy, the association said.

PDA warns pharmacists on online prescribing risks - 0 views

    Within the last few weeks, at least six pharmacists have been subjected to interim order applications - either suspended or had significant restrictions placed upon their registration pending a full 'Fitness to Practise' hearing into serious allegations being made about their prescribing practices, the Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has found. It said that there has been a "dramatic increase in action being taken by the pharmacy regulator (GPhC) against pharmacist prescribers associated with certain types of online prescribing services". It has warned pharmacist prescribers who work for online pharmacies about the specific risks associated with remote prescribing using a questionnaire-based model, typically with no direct prescriber/patient interaction. Common features that underpin the allegations include the following: Overreliance on a patient questionnaire to inform clinical decision making; No patient/prescriber interaction; Prescribing high risk medicines without adequate safeguards; Inadequate systems and processes leading to inappropriate prescribing; Very high volumes of prescriptions being authorised in short periods of time; and Prescribers/patient relationship established via an unregulated online portal.

Hallo Healthcare Exits Hospital Pharmacy Sites 2024 - PDA Offers Crucial Support to Pha... - 0 views

    Hallo Healthcare has announced its decision to exit from its hospital pharmacy sites, currently operated by LloydsPharmacy Healthcare Services (LP HCS Limited), which primarily provides outpatient services. Pharmacists and their teams at its 64 pharmacy sites were informed on Monday, 19 August 2024, about the company's plans to withdraw from this sector. The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA), the recognised trade union representing pharmacists at these sites, was also notified. The association has assured its support for members impacted by the decision, although it noted that the process of branch transfers could take several months. "It is expected to be several months before all such branch transfers are agreed and undertaken," the PDA said. The association noted that contracts to provide such services "do change hands periodically with some hospital outpatient departments (OPDs) operated by pharmacy multiples and others operated by hospital-owned subsidiaries" and highlighted its experience in supporting pharmacists when employers change in this way. PDA Union Director Paul Day is hopeful that there will be no job losses in outpatient services and that all pharmacists will be able to continue in their current roles.

Boots Trainee Pharmacists Pay Rise in England and NI - 0 views

    Trainee pharmacists at Boots in England and Northern Ireland will get a pay increase from 1st August. The new pay rates agreed between the Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) Union and Boots was announced on Tuesday (4 July). The joint statement released by Boots and PDA Union said: "Following discussions, we are pleased to announce that there will be a pay increase for Trainee Pharmacists, in England and Northern Ireland, commencing in role this summer." Trainee Pharmacists working in Boots Pharmacies in Wales are employed directly by the NHS and are therefore outside the scope of the pay negotiations between Boots and the PDA Union. Funding for each Boots Trainee Pharmacist in Scotland is at a higher level and Boots continues to pass on the fully funded amount as salary to those team members

PDA Union Reaches Pay Agreement With Boots For Members - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) Union has reached a deal for its members working at Boots, covering 6,000 pharmacists employed by the British retailer and pharmacy chain. As per the agreement, union members working at the multiple will receive a 2 per cent pay rise effective from November 1, 2021, the two entities said in a joint statement. The settlement, reached under the guidance of Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS), covers provisionally registered pharmacists, pharmacists and pharmacist store managers in the bargaining unit for which the PDAU is recognised. There will be improved benefits for those at the beginning of their careers as "all pharmacists qualifying in 2021 will be paid at least £38k gross FTE, including those who would otherwise be ineligible due to the 1st August cut-off."

PDA:2 year post qualification eligibility criteria IP course - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) says the pharmacy regulator should maintain a two-year post qualification eligibility criteria, in addition to the qualitative measures being introduced which would be in the best interest of patient safety, before a pharmacist is allowed to commence an IP course. The association was responding to an announcement by the GPhC's move to scrap the two year requirement for Independent Prescribing (IP) course. "The PDA accepts that the qualitative approach could mean greater individual consideration of potential IP course candidates and the two-year measure could have sometimes been a blunt tool. However, the PDA is already seeing cases of patient harm and allegations around fitness to practice arising from IP," the association said. The association also said that it supports individual pharmacists with near misses, as well as actual incidents, giving the organisation possibly the most comprehensive understanding of risk. Frontline pharmacists also recognise these issues and in a survey of over 1,000 pharmacists undertaken by the PDA in late 2021, of those who had 2+ years' experience of practice and who were already independent prescribers, 90 per cent said the qualifying period should be two years or more.

PDA Reiterates Calls For Boots Pharmacists To Join Union - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has reiterated its call for all pharmacists working at Boots to join the PDA Union to support the collective voice of the profession within the company. It said this would enable PDA to send direct communications to pharmacists working at Boots and keep them up to date with key matters impacting their work life. Currently, the association uses the company communication channels to cascade key information to the non-member pharmacists, however, it fears such measures can be disrupted by management. Besides, having more member pharmacists at Boots would strengthen their "negotiating power", PDA said.

Rise in violence against pharmacists is forcing them to look for work elsewhere - 0 views

    Violent and abusive behaviour against pharmacists is impacting on recruitment and retention of staff in the sector, according to the Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA). The trade union for pharmacists told BBC Breakfast TV on Wednesday (May 8) that its members have continuously raised workplace safety concerns due to an alarming rise in the incidents of abuse and violence against pharmacy staff. The PDA union has been calling for adequate risk assessments and preventative safety measures to be put in place in pharmacies whist adopting a zero-tolerance approach to violence and abuse. With several significant and worrying incidents involving PDA members, including a pharmacist being threatened with a knife recently, further research was conducted in April 2022 to establish the extent and impact of such behaviour on pharmacists. Forty-four per cent of the respondents in the survey reported that they or someone that they worked with had experienced physical or violent abuse in the last month.

PDA awareness factsheet:How to deal with stress at workplace - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) is playing a vital role in helping pharmacists who are dealing with stress at the workplace. It launched its new awareness factsheet 'It's Time to Address Stress' last week. The factsheet looks at the causes and symptoms of stress in the workplace and provides advice on ways pharmacists can access support and improve working conditions. The association said that it recognises the well-being services offered by employers and specialist charities such as the PDA's charity partner Pharmacist Support play an important part in helping pharmacists who may be experiencing stress. However, the PDA is also committed to working with members to challenge employers to provide well workplaces and to help them to make real impact changes. This can be done by addressing the causes of stress and fulfilling their responsibilities to their employees. It added: "Under the management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, employers are required by law to protect employees from harm. Their legal obligations include identifying hazards and risks and implementing ways to reduce or eliminate them. The PDA's new factsheet highlights the importance of employers recognising the hazards causing stress as the health and safety issues they are."

Boots Pharmacists: Champions of Mental Health Awareness - 0 views

    Pharmacists, who are working on the frontline of healthcare, can play an important role in raising awareness about mental health and helping those experiencing poor mental health. With this belief, the Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) is encouraging its representatives at Boots to participate in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training offered by the company. Nicola Rees, PDA Rep and Boots pharmacist from Solihull, who has recently undertaken training as a Mental Health First Aider, said that trained pharmacists can help in reducing the stigma associated with mental health and identifying the early warning signs that someone may be experiencing poor mental health. Mental Health First Aid training enables pharmacists to "support individuals and signpost to sources of advice and support." Rees expressed that becoming a mental health first aider has empowered her and greatly increased her confidence in being able to support someone dealing with a mental health issue, such as having thoughts of suicide or self-harm.

Demand for pharmacists in Scotland is outstripping:CCA - 0 views

    The Company Chemists' Association (CCA) says the data from the 'Locate a Locum's annual report' has revealed that the average locum rate rose by 124 per cent in Scotland in 2021 compared to the previous year and that the trend seems to have continued since. According to the report, in Scotland, the average rate has risen from £20.08 to £44.89 which is a massive £24.81 difference. This was in response to the pharmacists Defence Association (PDA)'s statement on 15 times more closure of pharmacy in Scotland by a CCA member. "This clearly demonstrates that demand for pharmacists in Scotland is outstripping supply," said the association. Explaining further, it said: "Our members have been serving Scottish communities and patients without issue for decades. Recent pressures, however, are unprecedented. Workforce challenges are affecting all parts of healthcare across the UK - and community pharmacy is no different. Pharmacists remain on the Home Office's shortage occupation list for this reason."

Locum pharmacists:Accept lower rates or get shifts cancelled - 0 views

    Tesco, one of the leading pharmacy chains in the UK, has been allegedly accused of forcing some locum pharmacists to accept lower rates or it will cancel their booking. The issue has been brought to the notice of the Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) by some of its locum pharmacists members. "Some locum pharmacists who had existing confirmed bookings at Tesco stores have reported to the PDA that the company has contacted them to say that if they do not agree to accept lower rates than have already agreed, the company will cancel their booking," said PDA. "The reported messages follow a communication from Tesco setting self-imposed so-called "wage rates" for locums. This is confusing as locums are self-employed and therefore should be able to negotiate rates with their clients just as any other independent supplier can do. Using terminology such as "wage rates" is more indicative of an employer-employee relationship and could undermine the status of the locum market in community pharmacy. Employees are also entitled to various extra benefits and have greater employment rights."
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