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Demand for pharmacists in Scotland is outstripping:CCA - 0 views

    The Company Chemists' Association (CCA) says the data from the 'Locate a Locum's annual report' has revealed that the average locum rate rose by 124 per cent in Scotland in 2021 compared to the previous year and that the trend seems to have continued since. According to the report, in Scotland, the average rate has risen from £20.08 to £44.89 which is a massive £24.81 difference. This was in response to the pharmacists Defence Association (PDA)'s statement on 15 times more closure of pharmacy in Scotland by a CCA member. "This clearly demonstrates that demand for pharmacists in Scotland is outstripping supply," said the association. Explaining further, it said: "Our members have been serving Scottish communities and patients without issue for decades. Recent pressures, however, are unprecedented. Workforce challenges are affecting all parts of healthcare across the UK - and community pharmacy is no different. Pharmacists remain on the Home Office's shortage occupation list for this reason."

Marc Donovan:Boots to recruit new superintendent pharmacist - 0 views

    Boots UK is set to start recruiting for a new superintendent pharmacist as Marc Donovan moved into a new role. The company announced the appointment of Anne Higgins as the new pharmacy director for Boots UK. A Boots veteran for 25 years, she has been in the role of director for stores for more than two years since starting her journey as a pre-register pharmacist in July 1997. Marc Donovan will be moving into the new role of director of healthcare development and public affairs for Boots. Earlier this year Donovan was appointed the Order of the British Empire (OBE) "for services to pharmacy" in the Queen's Birthday Honours list. Donovan and Higgins will be reporting to Jamie Kerruish, the director of healthcare at Boots UK. A Boots spokesperson told Pharmacy Business: "We will be recruiting for a new superintendent pharmacist and once this appointment is made, Marc will hand over his superintendent responsibilities"

UK Faces Rising Medicine Shortages: NPA Urges Government Action - 0 views

    The Government has been forced to intervene formally 50 times in the past two years to authorise the use of alternative drugs because of serious medicine shortages hitting patients, new analysis by the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) has found today. 78 per cent of all Serious Shortage Protocols, produced by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) due to medicine shortages, were issued in 2022/24 - more than three times the rate in the previous two years. The NPA, which represents independent community pharmacies in the UK, is warning that shortages are leading to pharmacists having to increasingly turn patients needing vital medication away. Analysis by the NPA of the NHS's Serious Shortage Protocols (SSPs) issued to pharmacies and other providers over the last five years has found that: The number of SSPs issued in the last two years is 3.5 times higher than in the previous two years.

RPS: Prescription rules need to be changed urgently - 0 views

    Cutting the red tape that blocks pharmacists to alter the HRT prescription could 'quickly fix' the problem of women unable to access their HRT medicines, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) told Daily Mail. RPS has suggested that allowing pharmacists to prescribe alternative HRT treatment amid nationwide shortage of HRT medicine could help the women who are struggling to access these medicines. Thorrun Govind, chair of the English Pharmacy Board, told MailOnline 'changes in prescription rules need to be changed urgently.' She added, 'For the pharmacists on the ground, they need the ability to get rid of this bureaucracy. When you think about it - who's best able to offer an alternative - that tends to be the pharmacist.' MailOnline quoted Professor Claire Anderson, president of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, as said, 'We welcome the Health Secretary meeting with key suppliers and manufacturers to find solutions to the current shortages. But cutting the red tape holding pharmacists back could provide a 'quick fix' that would allow 'women to access their HRT medicines more speedily'.

Drug shortages forcing patients to visit multiple pharmacies - 0 views

    There has been extensive national media coverage today (August 11) on how medicine shortages have forced patients to visit multiple pharmacies to get their prescriptions filled or return to their GP to be prescribed alternative drugs. These media reports have been based on a survey involving more than 1,500 pharmacists in the UK, in which over a half of those polled said that their patients' health had been put at risk in the last six months. In response to a query from Pharmacy Business, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) said it monitors the medicines supply chain closely to prevent any shortages and acts swiftly when any issue arises. A DHSC spokesperson told Pharmacy Business: "We take patient safety extremely seriously and we routinely share information about medicine supply issues directly with the NHS so they can put plans in place to reduce the risk of any shortage impacting patients, including offering alternative medication.

PDA : Scrap Restrictive Clause For Employed Pharmacists - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association has asked Boots UK to waive any restrictive clause that prevents pharmacists working with the multiple from working for other pharmacy employers, even after leaving the company. However, the firm is yet to respond to the formal request, PDA said in an update. This request follows demand from the association members shortly after the company announced it's plans to cut opening hours. On workforce shortages, the PDA stated if there was a genuine shortage, then preventing pharmacists from working for other pharmacy employers to make up for the lost hours would be counterproductive and it would further exacerbate any "shortage".

CCA:Community pharmacy will have 3 fallow years by 2024 - 0 views

    The Company Chemists Association (CCA)'s workforce finding showed that by 2024 eight years' worth of growth of the pharmacist workforce will have been funnelled away from community pharmacies. "In 2019, when NHS leaders realised they were unable to find enough GPs to meet the public's needs, they hastily decided to recruit pharmacists and other healthcare professionals to fill the gaps. This was implemented without any corresponding efforts to increase the supply of pharmacists, creating huge shortages," said CCA. "The bulk of the NHS's recruitment drive was paid for using additional money ringfenced by the NHS - the £2.4bn Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS). We estimate over the life course of ARRS funding (2019-2024), the equivalent of eight years of growth in the number of pharmacists in England will have been funnelled directly into primary care at the expense of other sectors. At the current rate, CCA estimate that community pharmacy will have experienced the equivalent of three fallow years by 2024. To ensure the pharmacy network is protected and able to take pressure off other parts of the NHS, there are several urgent measures which must be implemented. Countering the impact of primary care recruitment: Community pharmacists should be commissioned to provide 'packages of care' on behalf of GPs, rather than taking pharmacists away from accessible high street settings.

World Pharmacy Council:UK pharma discuss workforce shortages - 0 views

    Professional leadership bodies from around the world discussed workforce shortages in community pharmacy and other challenges affecting the sector at a global meeting held in Paris last month. Delegated from Denmark, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, US and the UK updated the conference on how the profession was progressing in practice, technology and workforce development in their respective countries. The UK was represented at World Pharmacy Council meeting by National Pharmacy Association chair Andrew Lane and chief executive at the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee Janet Morrison. Lane said: "It's very useful to be part of a global network of pharmacy bodies who are all going through similar challenges as we are in the UK. Sharing intelligence on other pharmacy systems around the world helps us to prepare the right strategy for engaging with the NHS at home. "Hearing some of the strides in services and digital technology in the profession gives us hope for the future of the sector. It's clear however that key challenges such as workforce shortages are starting to have an effect in other parts of the world too."

Workforce crisis: Stop ignoring community pharmacy - 0 views

    Those of us who work in community pharmacy know there is a workforce crisis created in large measure by PCNs actively recruiting pharmacists and pharmacy technicians from our sector. It is welcome, if long overdue, that this has now been officially acknowledged in a report commissioned by the English Health Secretary. PCN hiring 'exacerbates pharmacist shortage' says DH-commissioned report, which states such recruitment has "on occasion exacerbated the problem of a general shortage of pharmacists" which has compounded "the problem of community pharmacy closures." We have been telling the government this for years only to be told "problem? What problem?"- but now that Steve Barclay has his own official report sitting on his desk, he and NHSE cannot continue in denial mode. The facts are there for all to see. Time to act. No more dithering, delay or indifference. You asked if there was a problem and you have been told there is. In the absence of a holistic workforce strategy and cross-sector career pathways, PCNs poaching from community pharmacy is a zero sum game adding nothing to improving patient care.

Urgent Quetiapine Shortage Response: New SSPs Issued by DHSC 2024 - 0 views

    In response to significant ongoing disruptions in the supply of certain Quetiapine tablet strengths, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) on Tuesday issued nine new Serious Shortage Protocols (SSPs), with immediate effect. These measures aim to ensure the continued availability of quetiapine, an essential medication for managing schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Under the new SSPs, community pharmacists are allowed to consider different options to manage the shortage of the three strengths of quetiapine tablets affected by ongoing supply disruptions: quetiapine 300mg tablets, quetiapine 200mg tablets, and quetiapine 150mg tablets. Depending on the prescribed quantity of the affected quetiapine tablet, pharmacists can either supply a reduced quantity of the same quetiapine tablet or substitute with an alternative strength or provide a reduced quantity of a specific alternative product.

COVID-19 Inquiry : RPS urges greater recognition for pharmacists - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) presented key evidence to the UK COVID-19 Inquiry on 10 September, underscoring the vital role of pharmacists and pharmacy teams during the pandemic. Deirdre Domingo, legal representative for the RPS, delivered the statement during the Module 3 public hearings, which focus on the impact of COVID-19 on healthcare systems across the UK. As the professional body representing pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists in Great Britain, the RPS urged the Inquiry to consider several critical issues: Recognition of pharmacists as key workers The RPS highlighted the crucial role pharmacy teams played in ensuring continued access to essential medicines and their integral involvement in the roll-out of COVID-19 and flu vaccinations. However, the Society also raised concerns over significant failures and challenges, such as inadequate safety measures to protect pharmacists at work, confusing national guidance, increased hostility towards healthcare professionals, and a disparity in the treatment of community pharmacy compared to NHS staff.

Strep A:Pharmacists to supply alternative medicines-DHSC - 0 views

    The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has allowed pharmacists to supply alternative penicillin to treat Strep A. It has issued Serious Shortage Protocols (SSPs) for three penicillin medicines. "The SSPs will help mitigate local supply issues of oral penicillin and allow pharmacists to supply alternative forms of the medicine if they do not have the specific formulation stated on the prescription," said DHSC. SSPs have been issued across the UK for 3 penicillin medicines on Thursday (December 15. "Issuing an SSP allows pharmacists to legally supply a specified alternative medicine, removing the need for the patient to return to the prescriber - which saves time in GP practices and inconvenience for patients." "Demand for penicillin has risen recently as it is used to treat strep A and scarlet fever, and the increased demand means that some pharmacists are experiencing temporary and localised supply issues and may not have the specific formulation listed on the prescription."

RPS calls for national strategy to prevent medicines shortages 2024 - 0 views

    A new report from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has called on the government to create a national strategy to manage medicine shortages and to change legislation to empower community pharmacists to amend prescriptions when medicines are in short supply. Currently, patients are required to return to their GP to get their prescriptions amended, leading to delayed access to medication, increased bureaucracy, and additional strain on an already overburdened system. The RPS report, backed by charities and patient groups, proposes allowing pharmacists to make minor amendments, such as adjusting the quantity, strength, or form of prescribed medicines to ensure timely access for patients. Additionally, the report highlighted key factors causing medicine shortages, including manufacturing and supply chain issues, exacerbated by cost pressures and consolidation of manufacturing outlets. This along with unplanned spikes in demand, such as shifts in prescribing practice or increased diagnosis of some conditions, have created "a perfect storm of unstable supply"

Delays and shortages of prescription medicines - 0 views

    People who use pharmacies in parts of Pendle have suffered shortages or delays in buying prescription medicines such as insulin, councillors have been told. In the Barnoldswick area, a number of pharmacies have been impacted and some councillors hope a new regional NHS organisation might look into the problems. However, pharmacies in the neighbouring town of Nelson are facing shortages with other medicines. A pharmacists in Nelson Pharmacy told Pharmacy Business that he was struggling to meet local demand for children's paracetamol due to ongoing shortages. Pendle Council's West Craven Area Committee heard about the issues at its latest local meeting, held in Earby. An agenda for the committee stated: "Pharmacy provision in West Craven. It is reported that there is an acute problem with people being unable to get prescriptions filled, with Whitworth chemists suffering a breakdown in service. Previously, Well chemists has suffered similar problems." Speaking at the meeting, Lib-Dem Coun David Whipp said: "It's quite an appalling situation where people are queuing 30 minutes to get a prescription filled but when they get to the counter they are told it's not ready. They have to go home and come back at 5pm. It's an ongoing problem. "It includes insulin, which is critical for people with diabetes. I know several people who have failed to get insulin, It's a very serious problem." He added: "I think the committee should contact the local integrated care service. I think they are responsible for primary care which includes pharmacies. We need to find out what's happening and improve things in future. "

RPS:Government to allow pharmacists to amend prescriptions - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has urged the government to amend medicines legislation to allow pharmacists to make minor amendments to a prescription without any protocol being needed. RPS wants to see a change in the law that makes the whole process of supply of medicines easier and quicker, enabling pharmacists to use their knowledge and expertise in medicines to better support patients. "At present a prescription can only be changed by a prescriber, which causes unnecessary workload for GPs and delays for patients," said RPS. RPS President Professor Claire Anderson said: "We want to see all pharmacists across the UK able to supply a different quantity, strength or formulation of a medicine (for example changing capsules to tablets) when required, to avoid unnecessary bureaucracy and the need for an SSP to be developed, signed and authorised by a Minister. In effect it would mean that pharmacists can help patients straight away - it would future proof the problem to some degree.

BGMA Issues Urgent Warning on Doubling Medicine Shortages - 0 views

    The British Generic Manufacturers Association (BGMA) on Monday alerted the Health and Social Care Committee that medicines shortages have increased and are "around double what they were a year ago." BGMA chief executive Mark Samuels told the committee that they have been highlighting the medicine shortage risk to ministers since July 2021 and the association is "very concerned" about the current situation. "We've been monitoring it for several years now, and as you saw in the written evidence, shortages have increased. They're around double what they were a year ago. We have them at 101 shortages in February this year," said Samuels. Dr Rick Greville, director of distribution and supply at the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), highlighted that the problem of drug shortages in the UK is a "long-standing issue" and the scarcity of certain medications "continues to be challenging".

BGMA Urges Pharmacy Reimbursement Review 2024 Amid UK Medicine Shortages - 0 views

    The British Generic Manufacturers Association (BGMA), the trade body for off-patent medicines, has made several recommendations to alleviate medicine shortages, which not only have serious consequences for patients but also increase workloads for pharmacists. England is currently experiencing twice as many medicine shortages as it did two years ago, with some products remaining out of stock for many months, the BGMA reveals in a report, noting that "the vast majority are commonly used generic medicines." "We have witnessed the number of products facing supply challenges double in the past two years and remain at a high level since September 2023," says BGMA chief executive Mark Samuels. In its report titled 'Solutions to UK medicines shortages' published on 1 October 2024, the BGMA proposes policy changes to tackle medicine shortages, including incorporating supply chain resilience and past performance in hospital medicines tenders. "Tender scoring should include whether supply issues were reported with adequate notice. Suppliers should be informed of changes in prescribing more quickly," the report says.

Swiss pharmacy body says country experiencing medicine shortages due to supply chain is... - 0 views

    Switzerland is experiencing medicine shortages due to supply chain issues linked to COVID lockdowns in China and war in Europe, the country's pharmacists association said. "We have the biggest problems with children's medications, especially fever-reducing syrup," Enea Martinelli from pharmaSuisse told Swiss broadcaster SRF. "There are also shortages of blood pressure medications, psychiatric medications and Parkinson's medications," he said.

Community Pharmacy Workforce Is In Fragile Condition - 0 views

    Community pharmacy workforce is in a fragile condition and faced a shortfall of 3,000 pharmacists in England over a period of five years, a recent research conducted by the Company Chemists' Association (CCA) has revealed. It noted that over the last five years, the net growth of community pharmacists in England a year stood at 733. This is much lower than the required average growth of 1,025, based on data reported by the Health Education England workforce survey from 2021. Acknowledging the discrepancies in the data calculation, the paper published by the association has used "the best available data" to highlight recent changes to the community pharmacy workforce in England. The report noted that despite an increase in the number of pharmacists, many contractors reported an increase in pharmacist vacancies. They also reported a significant increase in locum hourly pay rates, indicating demand exceeds supply.

Exclusive: UK Locum Pharmacists Under Pressure Amid Falling Rates & Rising Workload - 0 views

    "Locums are a vital part of pharmacy to ensure branches can remain open and provide vital services to communities and patients across the country," said Jonathon Clarke, CEO and founder of Locate a Locum. In an exclusive email interaction with Pharmacy Business, Jonathon noted that while the demand for locums remains high, there has been a dip from the post-COVID peak, which is also reflected in their rates. Due to the shortage of registered pharmacists, employers are actively seeking locums to cover gaps in their rotas. "Legally, there needs to be a registered pharmacist on site or else a pharmacy is unable to open resulting in an NHS fine," he highlighted. Whether employed or working as self-employed locums, pharmacists face many issues on a day-to-day basis, such as insufficient staffing or commercial pressure to hit "targets". However, locums also face several unique issues on top of these. According to Jonathon, a significant challenge locums face due to the changing market environment in the UK is the "rising workload" associated with offering advanced services such as Pharmacy First.
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