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Breaking: NHS Satisfaction Hits Record Low - 0 views

    A recent survey conducted by the British Society Attitudes (BSA) and published by the King's Fund and the Nuffield Trust highlighted people's satisfaction with the National Health Services (NHS) to be a new record low since the survey's inception in 1983. The latest findings that are based on the public satisfaction and opinion with the NHS and social care, and funding in the context of prominent national debate about taxation and healthcare spending reveal the satisfaction with the NHS to have dwindled across all services and demographics in 2023. Public contentment has sharply declined, with only 24 per cent expressing satisfaction in 2023, a significant drop from 2020. Factors contributing to this dissatisfaction include prolonged waiting times for GP and hospital appointments, staffing shortages, and perceived inadequate government spending.

STADA Health Report 2024: UK Healthcare Satisfaction Drops Sharply - 0 views

    The STADA Health Report 2024, published today, has revealed a significant decline in satisfaction with national healthcare systems across Europe, with a notable drop seen in the UK, Germany, and Kazakhstan. According to the report, satisfaction with the UK's healthcare system dropped sharply by 11 percentage points in just one year, falling from 67 percent in 2023 to 56 percent in 2024, likely fuelled by "post-pandemic pressure on the National Health Service (NHS)." In 2020, satisfaction stood at 85 percent before declining to its current level. In terms of discontentment over healthcare, Britain is followed closely by Kazakhstan and Germany, where satisfaction fell by 10 and 8 percent respectively in one year. The 10th annual health report released by global healthcare leader STADA Arzneimittel AG, the parent company of Thornton & Ross, is based on a survey of over 46,000 respondents aged 18 to 99 across 32 countries, with around 2,000 respondents in each country. A continuous decline in satisfaction levels has been observed since 2021. Overall satisfaction with healthcare systems in Europe was recorded at 74 percent in 2020, just before the pandemic. This figure dropped to 71 percent in 2021, 64 percent in 2022, and 61 percent in 2023.

PSNC:Community pharmacy workforce survey mandatory - 0 views

    The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) has called for improved workforce planning to be undertaken by the government and NHS. However, for this to happen, it added, "high quality workforce data for community pharmacy needs to be available." For this reason, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), NHS England and PSNC have agreed that it will be a Terms of Service requirement for contractors to complete the annual Health Education England (HEE) community pharmacy workforce survey, which will then provide a full picture of the community pharmacy workforce, including identifying the number of vacancies and regions where these are particularly hard to fill. PSNC said: "It is acutely aware of the challenges that contractors and their teams are currently facing, so in recognition of the workload associated with completing the annual workforce survey, we have negotiated with DHSC and NHS England that the requirement to undertake an annual patient satisfaction survey will be removed from the Terms of Service from 1st October 2022." This means that contractual requirement will no longer apply to contractors in 2022/23 and going forward.

NHS GP Patient survey2024 highlights positive pharmacy service experiences - Latest Pha... - 0 views

    The latest GP Patient Survey 2024 by the National Health Services (NHS) involving 2.56 million patients has revealed encouraging insights into patient experiences with pharmacy services across England. Along with pharmacies, GPs, and dentistry services were also surveyed highlighting the vital role these services provide in healthcare delivery. Among the key findings, 89.3 per cent of respondents reported utilising at least one pharmacy service in the past year, highlighting the widespread reliance on these facilities. Of those who used pharmacy services, an overwhelming majority of 86.8 per cent expressed satisfaction with their experience. The survey identified 'picking up prescriptions' as the most commonly accessed service, with 75.8 per cent of patients utilising this facility.

Medicine shortages in England: 20% of patients face delays in obtaining prescriptions -... - 0 views

    The growing issue of medicine shortages is posing significant challenges for both patients and pharmacy teams across the UK. According to new data from the Office for National Statistics, 20 per cent of adults who used pharmacy prescription services in the last 28 days experienced delays in receiving their medications. The survey, Experiences of NHS healthcare services in England, revealed that over 13 per cent of patients had to return to the same pharmacy at a later time to obtain their prescriptions. Many patients were forced to visit multiple pharmacies or seek alternative services such as a GP or urgent care due to medicine shortages. Pharmacy teams were added with extra burden to manage and resolve these issues. Despite these challenges, 85 per cent of patients expressed satisfaction with pharmacy services, reflecting the dedication and value of pharmacists and pharmacy teams in the community.
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