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NHS Dental Care: Faster, Fairer Access and £200m Funding - 0 views

    The UK government on Wednesday (7 February) announced a new plan to ensure faster, simpler and fairer access to NHS dental care across England. Supported by £200m of funding, the plan aims to deliver more than 1.5 million additional NHS dentistry treatments or up to 2.5 million NHS dental appointments for patients over the next 12 months NHS dentists will be offered a 'new patient' payment of between £15-£50, depending on treatment need, to treat new patients who have not seen a dentist in two years or more. Additionally, one-off payments of up to £20,000 will be given to around 240 dentists for working in under-served areas for up to three years. This is to "attract new NHS dentists and improve access to dental care in areas with the highest demand," NHS England said in a statement released on Wednesday.

Pharmacy First Payment Thresholds Revised for 2024: New NHS England Announcement - 0 views

    NHS England announced at the Pharmacy Show this morning that Ministers have decided to amend the Pharmacy First thresholds for the remainder of the year. This decision follows concerns raised by Community Pharmacy England (CPE) regarding difficulties faced by pharmacy owners in meeting the required number of clinical pathway consultations for monthly Pharmacy First payments In response to CPE's representations to the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and NHS England, the threshold was earlier reduced from 20 to 15 in August, and from 30 to 20 in October. At the Pharmacy Show on Monday, Ali Sparke from NHS England announced the revised thresholds, setting them at 20 for November and December 2024. Starting in January and February 2025, the number of clinical pathway consultations needed for the monthly Pharmacy First payment will rise to 25, with a further increase to 30 in March.

6,000 Plus Pharmacies Benefit From Advance Payment System - 0 views

    More than 6,000 pharmacy contractors who declared their October 2021 FP34C submission figures by November 5, will have received earlier advance payments on November 11. The contractors had submitted their claims through the Manage Your Service (MYS) portal. All contractors who received payments under the system would have got a letter from the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) regarding these payments,PSNC stated. Approximate 3,000 contractors submitted claims after November 5, and will receive payments as per the normal payment timetable on December 1, it said. The negotiator encouraged contractors to benefit from earlier advance payments by submitting their monthly declaration through the MYS portal by the 5th of the month.

NHS plans to pioneer subscription-style drug contracts - 0 views

    The NHS has launched plans to expand pioneering subscription-style drug contracts to develop lifesaving antibiotics of the future. It is building on its world-first pilot to incentivise the pharmaceutical industry to develop new antibiotics that could be offered to NHS patients when they need them the most. The consultation has launched almost a year to the day that contracts for two superbug-busting drugs were rolled out as part of a world-first pilot. Cefiderocol and ceftazidime-avibactam, new antibiotics manufactured by Shionogi and Pfizer respectively, were awarded world-first subscription contracts which provided the companies with a fixed annual fee based primarily on the availability of the drugs and their value to the NHS, as opposed to the volumes used. By breaking the link between the payments companies receive and the number of their antibiotics prescribed, the NHS is removing any incentive to overuse antibiotics, decreasing the risk of life-threatening infections, such as sepsis and pneumonia, becoming resistant to treatment.

Whithorn Pharmacy joins #SaveOurPharmacies day of action amid NHS funding crisis - 0 views

    "Not improving our funding is not an option, if they want to continue to deliver anything like the level of patient care we have done in recent years," he emphasised as he prepares for the NPA'S Save Our Pharmacies Day of Action (June 20). Over the past two years, McElrea has navigated crises stemming from NHS Scotland policies, particularly concerning medicines price inflation and delayed payments. "The cost of medicines increased rapidly compared to inflation," McElrea stated, noting NHS Scotland's slow response in adjusting tariff prices. "This wiped out £50,000 of cash reserves and forced us into £30,000 of additional borrowings." Delayed payments further strained operations, with McElrea highlighting the impact of payments based on outdated pricing.

Pharmacy contractors to receive advance payments next week - 0 views

    More than 10,000 pharmacy contractors those have declared their March FP34C submission figures through the Manage Your Service (MYS) portal by 5 April will receive earlier advance payments on Monday 11 April, the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) announced. Around 10,700 pharmacy contractors have made their submissions through MYS portal. They will receive their advance payments some 20 days earlier than the normal payment timetable. However, due to late submission (after April 5), over 500 contractors will not receive any earlier advance payments in April. These contractors will receive their advance payments on 1 May, in accordance with the normal payment timetable. From this month, MYS is the only route available to contractors for all monthly FP34C submissions. The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) reminded contractors that from this month (for prescriptions dispensed in March), the NHSBSA may apply an administrative deduction of £25 if a prescription bundle is submitted late.

Revised PhAS: Contractors Receive First New Monthly Payment - 0 views

    Community pharmacy contractors eligible under the revised Pharmacy Access Scheme (PhAS) will receive their first of the new monthly payments with the January reconciliation payment due on April 1, 2022. Details of the revised version of the PhAS that commenced from January 1, was published in August 2021, with contractors receiving letters from the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) indicating their eligibility in the Autumn, PSNC said in an update. Payments under the scheme are dependent on registration on NHSBSA's Manage Your Service (MYS) portal to provide the Community Pharmacist Consultation Service(CPCS). Meanwhile, the review application window is now open for contractors, which would enable the NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE&I) to correct inaccuracies related to a pharmacy's distance criteria/calculation.

Scottish Pharmacies in Financial Distress Due to Payment System Flaws 2024 | Urgent Cal... - 0 views

    The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) has called for immediate intervention by Health Secretary Neil Gray to compensate pharmacies left in financial chaos due to flaws in Scotland's new pharmacy payment system. Introduced last year, the system was designed to streamline payments to pharmacies, dispensing doctors, and medical appliance suppliers. However, the NPA, which represents independent pharmacies across the UK, reported that many pharmacies were facing repeated shortfalls in expected funding under the system. Some pharmacies have encountered discrepancies of tens of thousands pounds due to errors in the Data Capture Validation & Pricing process introduced by NHS National Services Scotland. In other cases, NHS Boards have clawed back money from pharmacies at short notice, following processing errors that had initially resulted in an overpayment.

ABPI Report Urges NHS to Prepare for Future Advanced Therapies | Transforming Patient C... - 0 views

    A new report from the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) has highlighted that while the NHS has made significant progress in the introduction of cell and gene therapies, the health service must "do more to get ready for the arrival of the advanced therapies of the future." The ABPI noted that advanced therapies, also known as Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs), offer hope for diseases previously deemed "untreatable." ATMPs have already been introduced for treating some rarer conditions, including haemophilia, spinal muscular atrophy, and a rare disease that causes blindness. "In some cases, these therapies can transform people's lives with just a single treatment," the Association said. The ABPI's report, titled Unlocking Access to Future ATMPs in the UK: Comparing International Approaches, emphasises the need for the NHS to revise its payment strategies for upcoming therapies.

2 new medications to fight superbugs soon available NHS - 0 views

    Two new medications which fight drug-resistant superbugs could soon become available to NHS patients in England after the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) said they offered value for money. NICE said Cefiderocol and ceftazidime-avibactam will be the first antimicrobial drugs to be made available as part of a subscription-style payment model that incentivises research and development of antimicrobials by testing new approaches to evaluating and paying for them. As part of part of a project with the NHS and the Department of Health and Social Care, the new payment model is designed to address the growing threat posed by antimicrobial resistance - a serious global problem - which develops when the pathogens that cause infection evolve to make antibiotics and other antimicrobial drugs less effective or stop them from working altogether.

Earn £2.50 Extra per COVID Jab with NHS Spring Campaign - 0 views

    NHS England has agreed to offer an additional payment of £2.50 per jab if pharmacies would be willing to extend the duration of their COVID-19 vaccination contract until 31st August 2024. Pharmacies currently providing the autumn vaccination are asked to let their local commissioner know, by 22nd February 2024, if they can provide cover for a potential Spring booster programme, if the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advises in their guidance expected to be published soon. NHS figures showed that more than 3,500 community pharmacies signed the contract to deliver COVID-19 vaccinations between 1 September 2023 and 31 March 2024, as part of the autumn booster programme. The health service is hoping that most of these pharmacies will be able to continue to support the Spring campaign, which will run from 1 April 2024 to 31st August 2024, to help protect the nation's most vulnerable populations. For the Spring campaign only, pharmacies would be offered an extra £2.50 per jab in addition to the existing item of service fee of £7.54, NHS England said.

Pharmacy Quality Scheme 2022/23 begins from 10th October'22 - 0 views

    The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) has reminded community pharmacy contractors to start working on the quality criteria if they intend to meet the Respiratory domain of the Pharmacy Quality Scheme (PQS) 2022/23. For respiratory domain, community pharmacy contractors  must start working towards inhaler waste management; use of a spacer in patients aged 5-15 years; and personalised asthma action plans, from today (10 October). Resources are also available to support contractors with meeting the above criteria on the PQS hub page. PSNC also informed that contractors are also now able to make a claim for an Aspiration payment for the PQS 2022/23 on the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA)  Manage Your Service (MYS) portal. "The Aspiration payment is optional; if contractors do not want to claim it, it will not impact on the contractor's ability to claim a PQS payment during the declaration period. There is also no requirement to have claimed for a previous PQS to claim an Aspiration payment for PQS 2022/23.

Pharmacy First October threshold reduced to 20 - 0 views

    In response to concerns raised by Community Pharmacy England (CPE), ministers have decided to lower the October threshold for the Pharmacy First service to 20. This decision addresses a major worry for pharmacy owners who have struggled to meet the required number of clinical pathways for monthly Pharmacy First payments, especially as the October increase to 30 pathways approached. CPE has been actively engaged in discussions with the Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England over the past few weeks to address this issue. Commenting on the decision, Janet Morrison, CEO of Community Pharmacy England, said: "It is great that ministers have responded to our concerns about another increase to the Pharmacy First payment threshold: this decision will save many community pharmacies from missing out on a vital payment this month." Morrison added that CPE will continue to monitor service data and, if needed, make further representations to ministers about future months. She also emphasised the need to find a long-term solution, which involves "NHS England marketing Pharmacy First effectively and ensuring that GPs are actively referring people to the service."

UK Nursing Pay Standoff: RCN's Plea Ignored by DHSC - 0 views

    Following the UK government's new pay offer to NHS consultants, the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) wrote to the Health Secretary Victoria Atkins calling for fresh negotiations about nursing pay in England last week. However, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has rejected their demand, stating that there is no basis to reopen talks as the pay deal was accepted by the NHS Staff Council. In the previous pay deal, nurses were given a one-off payment between £1,655 and £3,789 for 2022/23, and a 5 per cent consolidated pay increase for the 2023/24 financial year. Nursingnotes quoted a DHSC spokesperson as saying: "We hugely value the hard work of NHS nurses and that is why we provided a 5 per cent pay rise. "We also provided two significant non-consolidated awards, which for nurses at the top of Band 5 was over £2,000, equivalent to an extra 6.1 per cent of their basic pay.

Contaminated blood victims £100K govt compensation in UK - 0 views

    Thousands of people in Britain infected with HIV and hepatitis C through contaminated blood transfusions will receive a compensation payment decades after the scandal, the government announced on Wednesday (August 17). The payment of £100,000 ($121,000) to each victim is an interim one after Brian Langstaff, the chairman of a public inquiry into the long-running scandal, last month recommended making immediate payouts before waiting for an ongoing inquiry to conclude. The former High Court judge said that the "moral case for compensation is beyond doubt". The government said the tax-free payments, to survivors of the scandal and bereaved partners of the thousands estimated to have died from the contaminated blood, would be made by the end of October. Thousands of people with haemophilia contracted hepatitis C and HIV after receiving blood transfusions, mainly from the United States, through the NHS in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. Due to a shortage of blood products in Britain, the NHS bought much of its stock from US suppliers whose donors, including prisoners and other groups at high risk of infection, had been paid for their blood.

ABPI:Voluntary Scheme for Pricing, Access and Growth - 0 views

    The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) has proposed a Voluntary Scheme for Pricing, Access and Growth (VPAG) that aims to deliver a sustainable approach to medicines provision and maximise the growth potential of the UK life sciences industry. It has published the industry's vision for a new agreement with the government which will deliver for patients, the NHS and the economy. VPAG also includes measures to ensure rapid patient access and adoption of new medicines, as well as opportunities to improve health outcomes and productivity for the whole country. The association's proposals consist of four key areas: restoring an internationally competitive commercial environment for life sciences; supporting UK clinical research and R&D; ensuring rapid patient access and uptake of new medicines; and improving population health and productivity through health innovation. The proposal would deliver over £1bn a year to the NHS - around £300m more than the average delivered under the old scheme before 2023, and comfortably more than the highest contributions ever made before the pandemic.

NHS prescription charges frozen for first time in 12 years - 0 views

    The government has announced a freeze to the NHS prescription charges, first time in 12 years, to help people ease with the cost of living and ensure prescription medication remains accessible. Charges for prescriptions will remain at £9.35 for a single charge or £30.25 for a 3-month prescription prepayment certificate (PPC), the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) said, adding that the measure will help save £17 million. The 12-month PPCs will remain at £108.10 and can be paid for in instalments, meaning people can get all the medicines they need for just over £2 a week, it added. The NHS low income scheme will also help with prescription payments, with free prescriptions for eligible people in certain groups such as pensioners, students, and those who receive state benefits or live in care homes. "The rise in the cost of living has been unavoidable as we face global challenges and the repercussions of Putin's illegal war in Ukraine. While we cannot completely prevent these rises, where we can help, we absolutely will," Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid said. "This is why I am freezing prescription charges to help ease some of these pressures and put money back in people's pockets."

RCGP Urges NHS To Secure TERS Funding For 2025-26 | Pharmacy Biz - 0 views

    The Royal College of GPs (RCGP) has warned that patients in deprived areas could face even greater difficulty accessing GP services if funding for the Targeted Enhanced Recruitment Scheme (TERS) is withdrawn. In a letter to NHS England, the College is calling for confirmation that TERS will be extended for 2025/26 and beyond. The scheme, launched in 2016, was designed to attract GP trainees to economically disadvantaged areas, where healthcare provision has historically been inadequate. TERS offers a one-off payment of £20,000 to GP trainees who commit to working in hard-to-recruit-to locations. Over the years, the scheme has successfully recruited over 2,000 GPs. However, with funding for 2025/26 yet to be confirmed, the RCGP is worried that it could be cut from April. The College has expressed concern that discontinuing the scheme could "make it even more difficult to recruit GPs to work in deprived and under-doctored areas where patients are already significantly disadvantaged compared to those in more affluent areas of the country."

High VPAS tax for 2023 risks more medicines shortages - 0 views

    The British Generic Manufacturers Association (BGMA) has raised concerns over the rise in the VPAS rate for 2023 to 26.5 per cent. The Department of Health Social Care (DHSC) today announced that the 2019 voluntary scheme payment percentage for 2023 will be 26.5%. The 2019 voluntary scheme for branded medicines pricing and access is an agreement between the Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England and the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry. BGMA believes that the high VPAS tax for 2023 risks more medicines shortages, rising prices for the NHS via reduced competition, and new medicine launches to the UK being deferred. Mark Samuels, Chief Executive of BGMA, said: "Raising the VPAS tax to 26.5% will damage the UK's medicines supply because it will make some products lossmaking. It is more than a five-fold tax increase from 2021, and no industry can cope with this unpredictable and exceptional tax volatility.

NHS IT System Failures Threaten Pharmacy First Payouts - 0 views

    The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) has urged the NHS to take urgent action to prevent faults in the IT system underpinning the government's flagship programme. The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) recently confirmed that the issue in the Manage Your Service (MYS) portal had been resolved, and consequently, the deadline for submission of claims for February Pharmacy First consultations was extended until 15 March 2024. However, NPA members said that they are still facing problems, with the portal recording fewer consultations than entered by pharmacies, potentially leaving them out of pocket by thousands of pounds. Paul Rees, chief executive of the NPA, highlighted the significant achievement of pharmacies in delivering tens of thousands of consultations in the first month of the Pharmacy First programme, stating that this accomplishment is "a testament to their skill and dedication."
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