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PDA warns pharmacists on online prescribing risks - 0 views

    Within the last few weeks, at least six pharmacists have been subjected to interim order applications - either suspended or had significant restrictions placed upon their registration pending a full 'Fitness to Practise' hearing into serious allegations being made about their prescribing practices, the Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has found. It said that there has been a "dramatic increase in action being taken by the pharmacy regulator (GPhC) against pharmacist prescribers associated with certain types of online prescribing services". It has warned pharmacist prescribers who work for online pharmacies about the specific risks associated with remote prescribing using a questionnaire-based model, typically with no direct prescriber/patient interaction. Common features that underpin the allegations include the following: Overreliance on a patient questionnaire to inform clinical decision making; No patient/prescriber interaction; Prescribing high risk medicines without adequate safeguards; Inadequate systems and processes leading to inappropriate prescribing; Very high volumes of prescriptions being authorised in short periods of time; and Prescribers/patient relationship established via an unregulated online portal.

Boots invest £3.5m to train its pharmacists in UK stores - 0 views

    Boots is planning to invest more than £3.5 million to accelerate its capacity to offer prescribing services in its stores across England. The company is inviting 500 of its pharmacists to apply for a bursary which will cover the cost of pharmacist independent prescriber (PIP) courses starting this September. The value of the bursary is up to £7,000 per pharmacist, and it will enable time off work for those who need it to complete the training. The move by Boots will support its current pharmacists to gain this qualification via courses accredited by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC). From 2026, all qualified pharmacists will be able to prescribe as part of new curricula for pharmacy degrees. Under current GPhC guidelines and with an independent prescribing qualification, pharmacists can prescribe autonomously for any condition within their clinical competence. Marc Donovan, the chief pharmacist at Boots, said the ambition of the company was "to have a pharmacist prescriber available at every store".

Empower Pharmacist to Prescribe: Exploring Labour Promising Policy 2024 UK - 0 views

    Healthcare reform emerged as a cornerstone of the Labour Party's manifesto leading up to the recent general election. A standout pledge was the establishment of a Community Pharmacist Prescribing Service, aimed at granting pharmacists independent prescribing rights where clinically suitable. This initiative is seen as a positive step in addressing critical challenges within the National Health Service (NHS). Numark Chairman Harry McQuillan praised Labour's recognition of pharmacists' role in patient care through expanded prescribing rights. "Let's be honest, pharmacists are an underutilised resource within the healthcare system. We possess extensive training and expertise, yet our full potential hasn't always been acknowledged. "By harnessing pharmacists expanded prescribing rights, Labour is acknowledging our significant role in patient care. This initiative aims to recognise our skills and enhance patient care, ensuring quicker access to necessary treatments," he said. However, he pointed out that the concept requires further exploration, as the rights to prescribe are already granted through the recent change to undergraduate training that incorporates prescribing.

HEE:Independent prescribing courses for community pharmacist - 0 views

    Health Education England (HEE) has developed funded training offers for community pharmacists, including locums aiming to become independent prescribers. Almost 3000 independent prescribing training places will be available to pharmacists from March 2023. This training enables pharmacists to support patients from diagnosis to prescribing, and to provide advice and follow-up - while also helping them to feel confident and prepared for the new challenges of their role. Courses will be available between April 2023 and March 2024, with several universities offering multiple dates for cohort intakes. Start dates will depend on the university provider. Training will enable the provision of new models of care: supporting patients from diagnosis to prescribing, providing advice and follow-up, and preparing pharmacists to provide clinical care, as pharmacy services become more widespread within emerging clinical pathways.

RPS publishes new guidance for prescribing practice - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has published a new professional guidance for prescribing practice on Monday (June 6) which it says will be "for the benefit of all independent prescribers across the UK". Based on collaboration with multi-professional stakeholders, the document is a guidance tool for prescribers wanting to expand their prescribing scope of practice. Commissioned by the Welsh government, the document was developed through an expert group with representatives from many healthcare professions, including from Higher Education institutions, professional bodies, regulatory bodies, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, NHS Education for Scotland, Health Education and Improvement Wales, and representatives from hospital, community and GP practice. RPS president Claire Anderson said: "It's fantastic to see the growth in prescribing, both across the profession and more widely, to improve patient care.

Pharmacy & Prescribing Clinic Partnerships: Risks, Rewards, and GPhC Compliance 2024 | ... - 0 views

    Prescribing in pharmacies is an emerging opportunity, and I'm passionate about supporting proper governance arrangements for businesses. But does the governance and administrative burden reduce if your business is not doing the prescribing? Recently, I've come across several independent pharmacy businesses across the UK who have been approached by prescribing clinics to dispense medicines for their patients. While these partnerships can present lucrative opportunities, they also come with significant responsibilities and potential risks. Pharmacy owners and superintendent pharmacists must be fully aware of the guidance set by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) and ensure that all requisite checks are performed to maintain compliance and safeguard patient safety. The growing trend of prescribing clinic collaborations For one reason or another, private prescribing clinics are sprouting up all over the place, offering specialised services such as weight management, hormone therapy, or dermatological treatments. These are quickly becoming a prominent feature in our healthcare landscape. Many of these clinics lack in-house dispensing capabilities, leading them to seek partnerships with pharmacies to satisfy a growing number of consumers. In the current economic climate, these collaborations can offer a new revenue stream and an expanded patient base. However, with these opportunities come responsibilities that must not be overlooked.

GPhC : Scrap 2 year register requirement prescribing course - 0 views

    Pharmacists with 'relevant experience in a pharmacy setting' can enroll for accredited independent prescribing course, as the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has decided to scrap the requirement of spending at least two years on the register and having previous experience in a specified clinical or therapeutic area before enrolling for the course. The GPhC Council meeting held on Thursday instead proposed that applicants must have "relevant experience in a pharmacy setting and be able to recognise, understand and articulate the skills and attributes required by a prescriber." This experience and awareness will act as the basis of their prescribing practice whilst training. The regulator noted that the majority of stakeholder organisations, including the Chief Pharmaceutical Officers, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and the statutory education bodies, were in favour of removing the requirement in a consultation on the topic. They highlighted that a specific two-year period was not in itself a robust indication of whether an individual was ready to become a prescriber. They also highlighted that the rapidly developing roles in the profession meant more pharmacists were likely to gain the necessary experience more quickly than in the past. A smaller number of organisations and a larger minority of individuals were opposed, citing that a specific two-year period gave pharmacists the time they needed to develop experience and confidence before being ready to enrol on a course.

Future of Community Pharmacy: Numark shares their vision - 0 views

    As part of its commitment to enhancing business performance and ensuring safe, effective pharmaceutical care, Numark has developed 12 guiding principles to help its members in adapting to evolving skill sets and shaping their future. Numark's future model for community pharmacy practice presents an ambitious vision for the sector, focusing on delivering a range of clinical services, enhancing the health of local populations, and becoming an integrated part of primary care. Harry McQuillan, Chairman of Numark, reveals that these principles were derived from changes in pharmacy education, such as the integration of prescribing into undergraduate courses. He views these principles as a formal recognition of the skills that pharmacists and pharmacy teams have developed over time, particularly in the area of independent prescribing. "These principles formalize those evolving capabilities of pharmacists, especially in independent prescribing," McQuillan tells Pharmacy Business.

GPhC:Regulatory standard to curb risks of online services - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has raised concerns over the rising risks related to online pharmacy services. It revealed over 30 per cent of its open Fitness to Practise (FtP) cases were related to online pharmacy, which is disproportionate to the sector of the market that online services occupy. The regulator has advised pharmacists and pharmacy owners providing online services that they should "not work with online providers who try to circumvent the regulatory oversight put in place within the UK to ensure patient safety". In the past five months, the Council has imposed seven interim orders on the registration of pharmacists who have worked for or with online prescribing services - after identifying serious concerns with their practice. It said: "These pharmacists were working as pharmacist independent prescribers for online services or were dispensing medicines prescribed online. Some of these pharmacists were the Responsible Pharmacist (RP) or the Superintendent Pharmacist (SP)."

Pharmacy minister acknowledges sector's urgent need for sustainable funding - 0 views

    Pharmacy minister Stephen Kinnock has pledged to enhance the role of community pharmacies, particularly in deprived areas, by making better use of the skills of pharmacy teams. In a video message at the SIGMA UK Community Pharmacy Conference 2024 on Sunday, Kinnock also announced plans to expand the Pharmacy First initiative and introduce an independent prescribing service, making prescribing an integral part of the service delivered by community pharmacies. He said: "Since taking on the role of minister of state for care in government, my message has been very clear: we must get our fantastic primary care sector back on its feet to be able to deliver for our patients. "This government is committed to shifting care from hospital to community, from analogue to digital, and from sickness to prevention, and pharmacies will play a vital role in that." Kinnock acknowledged the pressures faced by the sector and expressed concerns that so many community pharmacies have exited the market over the past decade.

Pharmacy bodies respond to Labour Party manifesto promises on community pharmacy - Late... - 0 views

    The Labour Party's election manifesto, unveiled with a focus on bolstering community pharmacy services and enhancing localised healthcare, has sparked responses from key pharmacy bodies across England. A standout pledge within the manifesto is the commitment to establish a Community Pharmacist Prescribing Service, aimed at granting more pharmacists independent prescribing rights. This initiative is viewed as pivotal in recognising the clinical capabilities of pharmacists and their potential to alleviate pressures within primary care. Additionally, Labour's plan advocates for broader healthcare access improvements, including enabling opticians to directly refer patients to specialist services and expanding self-referral options where suitable. The manifesto also introduces proposals to trial Neighbourhood Health Centres, designed to consolidate various healthcare services under one roof, such as family doctors, district nurses, and mental health specialists.

MHRA UK reviews into safe use of valproate - 0 views

    The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has advised 'no one should stop taking valproate without advice from their healthcare professional.' The latest data on the use of valproate in England revealed that in the last 6 months the number of pregnant women prescribed valproate in a 6-month period has fallen from 68 women in April to September 2018, to 17 women in October 2021 to March 2022. In light of concerns that the current regulatory requirements for safe use are not being consistently followed, the MHRA conducted a review of the available data and asked for advice from the independent Commission on Human Medicines (CHM). "The CHM has advised that no one under the age of 55 should be initiated on valproate unless two specialists independently consider and document that there is no other effective or tolerated treatment," said MHRA. "Where possible, existing patients should be switched to another treatment unless two specialists independently consider and document that there is no other effective or tolerated treatment or the risks do not apply."

HEE invites contractors to discuss training of pharmacists - 0 views

    Health Education England (HEE) has invited community pharmacy contractors to a meeting to discuss training of pharmacists to become Independent Prescribers (IP). Earlier, HEE together with NHS England and NHS Improvement has supported a first phase of IP training for community pharmacists from January to March 2022, and is now working to secure a further rounded of funded training from Autumn 2022. The upcoming virtual meeting is aimed to help inform future independent prescribertraining offers by ensuring it is aligned with the needs of the pharmacy workforce.

Independent pharmacists appointment Pharmacy commission - 0 views

    Two more independent community pharmacists have been appointed to the UK Commission on Pharmacy Professional Leadership. NPA board member Reena Barai and Sheelin McKeagney from Lurgan in Northern Ireland will join 25 other commission members, including Ash Soni who was the only practising community pharmacist on the initial list published in June. Welcoming the announcement, the National Pharmacy Association chief executive, Mark Lyonette, said: "To their great credit, the co-chairs of the commission and the UK's chief pharmaceutical officers have listened to our request for more community pharmacy presence on the commission. They have acted swiftly to achieve a better balance in its membership and we thank them for responding to our representations. "Around 70 per cent of pharmacists practice in the community. With more voices from community pharmacy within the leadership commission, there is a greater sense that the profession as a whole will be able to own the final recommendations when they are ultimately made."

Wes Streeting :UK New Health Secretary 2024 - Vision for NHS Reform - 0 views

    Wes Streeting MP has been appointed Secretary of State for Health and Social Care in the new Labour Government. The Ilford North MP will now take on the critical role of overseeing the National Health Service (NHS) and implementing Labour's ambitious health agenda. At the core of the Labour Party's healthcare reform manifesto is enhancing accessibility to primary and community healthcare. This involves implementing a 'Community Pharmacist Prescribing Service,' to empower pharmacists with independent prescribing rights where clinically suitable. This initiative aims to alleviate the strain on GP practices and enhance service accessibility. Additionally, the manifesto proposes piloting Neighbourhood Health Centres, to integrate various healthcare services -such as family doctors, district nurses, and mental health specialists under one roof.

Jonathan Burton:RPS Charter Award for interests of pharmacy - 0 views

    Jonathan Burton will receive the 2022 RPS Charter Award for his outstanding work for the Society and the wider profession in promoting the interests of pharmacy. The award will be presented by the President at a future meeting of Fellows and Members to take place at the Society's Edinburgh office on 22nd March 2023. Jonathan's main role is as a practising, patient-facing pharmacist within the community in NHS Forth Valley where he uses his advanced practice skills and independent prescribing qualification to assess and treat acute ENT, dermatology, and respiratory conditions. He was one of the first community pharmacist prescribers in Scotland and has always been at the forefront of innovation and service development. Jonathan has demonstrated outstanding commitment and passion for the pharmacy profession throughout his career. He has excelled as a pharmacist in the Right Medicine Pharmacy group, on local and national committees, in advocacy for the pharmacy profession and as a local and national leader who is highly regarded as an exceptional role model for the profession.

CCA:Bold approach in Pharmacist Independent Prescribing - 0 views

    A Company Chemists' Association (CCA) analysis has shown that 'Pharmacy First' service in England could free up 30m+ GP appointments each year. It has urged the Government and NHS to be even 'bolder in their ambition and go further and faster'. The recent 'Delivery plan for recovering access to primary care' announced a 'Pharmacy First' service for England, mirroring similar approaches in Scotland and Wales. The association has estimated that with the added capability to supply non-prescription medicines and prescribe additional prescription-only medicines, an ambitious 'Pharmacy First' service could free up 30m+ GP appointments annually. Harnessing community pharmacies to deliver care for minor health conditions will effectively create 11,000 urgent care centres in England.

Pharmacy workforce:Health committee report for urgent plan - 0 views

    The Health Committee's new report has reminded the government of a much-needed pharmacy workforce plan to support recruitment, training, and retention of staff. The report makes a number of recommendations to optimise workloads across primary care, reduce pressure on general practice and hospitals, and support the integrated care systems. It also recognises the potential of pharmacist independent prescribers to support patient care, backed by appropriate supervision, training, and opportunities for professional development. RPS England gave evidence to MPs on the Committee at a public hearing in May, highlighting key issues to support the pharmacy workforce. RPS director for England, Ravi Sharma, said: "Today's report underlines the urgent need for the Government to set out a comprehensive workforce plan for health and care. "It rightly recognises that boosting recruitment and retention, supporting staff wellbeing, fostering inclusion and diversity, and investing in education and training will be crucial to the future of the NHS.

Gina 10 mg:MHRA reclassifies from POM to over-the-counter - 0 views

    Women in the UK will be able to purchase Gina 10 mg vaginal tablets without prescription from September from their local pharmacies, announced the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). The Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) product, Gina 10 microgram vaginal tablets (containing estradiol) are used for the treatment of vaginal symptoms such as dryness, soreness, itching, burning and uncomfortable sex caused by oestrogen deficiency in postmenopausal women aged 50 years and above who have not had a period for at least one year. The decision to reclassify these vaginal tablets follows a safety review by the MHRA, independent advice from the Commission on Human Medicines (CHM), and a public consultation. The UK regulator sought views from patients, pharmacists, prescribers and a wide range of stakeholders including the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, the Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, the British Pharmacopoeia Commission and the British Menopause Society.

David Webb:Wholehearted support for community pharmacy - 0 views

    England's chief pharmaceutical officer (CPhO) David Webb has promised his "wholehearted support" for the community pharmacy sector at the board meeting of the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) on 28 June in St Albans. After hearing the CPhO at the meeting, NPA chair, Andrew Lane, later declared: "David is someone we can do business with." Webb thus listed his priorities as head of profession: integration of independent prescribing as part of pharmacy practice by 2026; promotion of inclusive pharmacy practice for all pharmacy professionals; assurance of post-registration practice; developing the role of pharmacy technicians; support for Integrated Care Systems and Primary Care Network pharmacy teams (including community pharmacy); medicines optimisation; and strengthening of professional leadership for community pharmacy. He also reported that NHS England had recently increased its team of regional pharmacy integration leads from seven to 14, creating seven new senior posts. Webb told NPA board members: "I want sincerely to thank community pharmacy teams for everything they are doing and to say that you have my wholehearted support. I believe in the importance of community pharmacy and will listen and engage as I've already demonstrated.
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