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GPhC : Managing concerns about pharmacy professionals - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has initiated the evaluation of its five-year strategy for changing the way it manage concerns about pharmacy professionals. It has urged people to share their experience of fitness to practice. The evaluation will look at how the strategy has improved the experience of people involved in fitness to practice (those who raise concerns, professionals, witnesses etc.); impacted the culture amongst pharmacy professionals and their attitudes to openness and honesty; improved the process and made it fairer and changed perceptions of fitness to practice. The first phase of the evaluation process will take place from July to September 2023. The council said: "We are committed to making our ambitions a reality for the benefit of everyone involved and your contribution will help us to make sure patients and the public continue to be protected while being fair to pharmacy professionals." In June 2021, GPhC published its five-year strategy- Managing concerns about pharmacy professionals: Guided by its 2030 vision and commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, the strategy outlines a programme for change.

Racism in pharmacy: GPhC Launches Anti-Racism Champions - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has taken a significant step towards advancing its anti-racism agenda by forming a new working group of "Anti-Racism Champions." Comprising existing GPhC Council and Executive members, the group is committed to providing visible and vocal leadership, internally and externally, to combat racism and promote inclusivity across the pharmacy sector. The formation of this working group follows the GPhC's recent Governing Council discussion in July, which focused on the next steps in its 'Racism in Pharmacy' work. This initiative is an important part of the GPhC's wider Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) strategy, aimed at proactively addressing discrimination and reducing health inequalities through the Council's regulatory influence. The Anti-Racism Champions group includes people with lived experience of racism and allies who will help shape future action.
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