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RCGP Survey Insights | Over 40% of UK GPs May Leave Job Amid Stress - 0 views

    The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) has warned of a potential 'mass exodus' of qualified GPs due to mounting work pressures. A recent RCGP survey found that over 40 per cent of GPs are unlikely to remain in general practice over the next five years, with a quarter stating it is "very unlikely." The situation is particularly concerning in England, with the highest rate of GPs considering leaving the profession reported to be in the East of England and the South East (47 per cent) and the lowest in the North West (36 per cent). Stress was cited as the main factor for leaving the profession, with more than half of respondents indicating that they find the job too stressful. Additionally, 13 per cent of respondents intend to leave the UK and work overseas. Almost 4 out of 10 GPs said they regularly worked more than 40 hours a week despite fewer than 1 in 10 being contracted to do so. The pressures faced by GPs are so severe that 22 per cent report feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope once or twice a week. The College noted that GPs and their teams have delivered an average of 30 million appointments per month in the past year - over 4 million more each month than in 2019 - despite the number of fully qualified, full-time equivalent GPs decreasing by 601 over the same period.

Fuller 'blueprint' backs community pharmacy - 0 views

    NHS England and NHS Improvement published on May 26 the findings of the Fuller 'stocktake' - setting out how primary care can work with partners across health and care to best meet the needs of their local communities. Dr Claire Fuller's report lays emphasis on the essential role of primary care and the potential of integrated neighbourhood teams in reducing the burden of ill health and tackling health inequities. It commends community pharmacy for keeping "its doors open to the public throughout" the pandemic whilst being "among the most recognisable of a multitude of dedicated staff delivering care around the clock in every neighbourhood in the country". The report highlights "recruitment and retention challenges across the wider primary care workforce" including in community pharmacy. Stressing the importance of community pharmacy teams in urgent care and prevention, including early diagnosis of cancers, the report points out that pharmacists could play "a more active role in signposting eligible people to screening and supporting early diagnosis, building on a number of successful pilots such as those from the Accelerate, Coordinate, Evaluate (ACE) programme".

Recruitment of pharmacists:CCA raised concern - 0 views

    The Company Chemist Association (CCA) highlighted its concerns around the recruitment of pharmacists into Primary Care Networks as well as the need for additional investment. Commenting on the Ipsos survey findings, the Malcolm Harrison, the Chief executive of the CCA said: "We welcome the findings of the Ipsos survey, confirming that patients value the quality of service and advice community pharmacies routinely provide. "We are very concerned however that this cancer detection pilot, and all other pharmacy services, are at risk if the NHS is not prepared to inject urgently needed funding into the sector." He stated that without substantial investment, "we will see the continued erosion of the service pharmacies can provide." In addition to the need for critical additional funding the association is also calling on the NHS to pause the recruitment of pharmacists into GP surgeries. He said: "Patients are suffering because the demand for pharmacists in England is now significantly greater than that which the existing workforce can deliver."
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