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Somerset GPs refer 1k patients to community pharmacists - 0 views

    NHS Somerset is aiming to grow its referral rate through GP Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (GP CPCS) to between 4,000 to 6,000 patients a month. Since June 2021 GPs in Somerset have successfully referred around 1,000 patients a month through the Somerset GP Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (GP CPCS) Currently, 59 of NHS Somerset's 64 GP practices and all of Somerset's 102 community pharmacists are using the Somerset GP CPCS. NHS Somerset found that providing the right training for GPs and for reception staff and practice managers was key to a smooth rollout and uptake of the service. As was making sure the technology worked when making referrals from general practice to community pharmacists. NHS Somerset is using software called Patient Access Connect, which seamlessly integrates with the EMIS Web GP system used in Somerset, to give practices a quick and easy way to capture the patient information needed to deliver a referral.

NHS Online GP Registration: 425k Patients in First Year - 0 views

    The National Health Service said that over 425,000 patients have utilised its new national online service to complete GP registration within its inaugural year. The GP surgery registration service, managed by NHS England, has granted NHS patients efficient and user-friendly access to GP registration since its inception in August 2022. According to the NHS, more than 1,400 GP surgeries, a fifth of the national count, have joined the NHS online registration service as part of a new plan to improve access to primary care. "This aligns with a new strategy to enhance primary care access, with a target of enrolling 2,000 practices in the Register with a GP surgery service by December 2023." Many GP surgeries still use paper forms, requiring patients to visit surgeries to collect paperwork. However, the new online service has been shown to save GP surgery staff up to 15 minutes per registration by helping to reduce paperwork and admin time, the NHS said. The NHS said that this service enables patients to register with a local GP online at any time, eliminating the need for in-person visits and simplifying the process for both patients and GP surgeries.

RCGP Survey Insights | Over 40% of UK GPs May Leave Job Amid Stress - 0 views

    The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) has warned of a potential 'mass exodus' of qualified GPs due to mounting work pressures. A recent RCGP survey found that over 40 per cent of GPs are unlikely to remain in general practice over the next five years, with a quarter stating it is "very unlikely." The situation is particularly concerning in England, with the highest rate of GPs considering leaving the profession reported to be in the East of England and the South East (47 per cent) and the lowest in the North West (36 per cent). Stress was cited as the main factor for leaving the profession, with more than half of respondents indicating that they find the job too stressful. Additionally, 13 per cent of respondents intend to leave the UK and work overseas. Almost 4 out of 10 GPs said they regularly worked more than 40 hours a week despite fewer than 1 in 10 being contracted to do so. The pressures faced by GPs are so severe that 22 per cent report feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope once or twice a week. The College noted that GPs and their teams have delivered an average of 30 million appointments per month in the past year - over 4 million more each month than in 2019 - despite the number of fully qualified, full-time equivalent GPs decreasing by 601 over the same period.

Support the BMA's Fight Against 2024/25 GP Contract Changes - 0 views

    The British Medical Association (BMA) has urged non-GP partners and contractors, including pharmacists, nurses, and physiotherapists, to support their "Protect Your Patients, Protect Your GP Practice" campaign, which was launched to protest changes to the 2024/25 GP contract. GP contractors and partners across England have strongly opposed the modifications to the GMS contract, leading to an ongoing dispute with the NHS. The BMA highlights that general practice in England currently receives just 6 pence of every NHS pound and an average GMS 'global sum' of £107.57 per registered patient annually. Since 2018/19, CPI erosion to the GMS contract has resulted in a loss of £659 million, or 6.6%. This financial strain has contributed to the closure or merger of over 1,300 practices over the past decade. To address these issues, the BMA is urging all GP contractors and partner members to vote YES in the GPC England non-statutory ballot, which will be open until July 29.

'83% of GPs in favour of strikes cite pay and funding concerns', GP polls highlight - 0 views

    General practitioners (GPs) across England have made a resolute stand against proposed alterations in the 2024/25 national GP General Medical Services (GMS) contract put forth by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and NHS England. This firm opposition coincides with the declaration of an extended six-month strike by 33,869 junior doctors within the NHS, advocating for full pay reinstatement and reforms in the pay recommendation process. The latest survey conducted by the British Medical Association (BMA) has revealed that an overwhelming 99.2% of GPs in England are against any changes to the existing contract. The proposed amendments, slated for implementation from April 1st, 2024, encompass a meagre national practice contract baseline funding uplift of just 1.9%, notably falling short of recent inflation rates. This corroborates with GP Online poll that recently unveiled widespread GP dissatisfaction with proposed changes to the national GMS contract. 83% of GPs in favour of strikes cite pay and funding concerns, while burnout, high workloads, and patient safety also fuel discontent.

Maximize ARRS Funding: Recruit Skilled GPs for Better Care - 0 views

    NHS England has reassured that GP Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme funding will continue in 2025/26, encouraging primary care networks (PCNs) to use it for recruiting recently qualified GPs. In October 2024, updates to the Network Contract DES specification enabled PCNs to claim reimbursement for hiring recently qualified GPs through the ARRS for the remainder of 2024/25. An additional £82 million in funding was also announced to allow PCNs to employ over 1,000 additional GPs. This action is part of the government's strategy to boost long-term GP employment, helping practices offer more appointments for patients and addressing the issue of unemployment among newly qualified GPs. However, NHS England recognised that uncertainty about the continuation of ARRS funding beyond 2024/25 has been a barrier for some PCNs in undertaking recruitment of recently qualified GPs. To address this, Dr. Amanda Doyle, national director for primary care and community services at NHSE, issued an official statement reaffirming the continuation of this funding into 2025/26.

RCGP calls for £2bn to revamp outdated infrastructure - 0 views

    The Royal College of GPs (RCGP) has urged the government to allocate at least £2 billion in funding to enhance the 'outdated' GP infrastructure, including IT systems and practice buildings. The College, representing over 54,000 family doctors in the UK - has warned that GP practice buildings are "falling apart" and this can have a serious impact on patients' experience and access to care and services. In a recent poll of RCGP members, a third of the GPs (30 per cent) reported that their work PC or laptop software is "not fit for purpose", while 33 per cent indicated that their practice building is inadequate for providing care for patients. Additionally, 56 per cent of GPs reported that they could not effectively exchange information with NHS trusts due to fundamental inadequacies in their digital infrastructure. RCGP stated: "If GPs are unable to easily share information with hospitals and other secondary care hubs this can lead to disjointed care and a poorer patient experience.

GPs in Deprived Areas Face Mounting Workload: 2,450 Patients Per Doctor - RCGP Study - 0 views

    The Royal College of GPs (RCGP) has called on the government to increase investment in general practice, stating that they are now "seriously struggling" due to years of underfunding and neglect. As evidence of the mounting workload pressures faced by GPs, new research published by the RCGP has revealed that GPs are now responsible for an average of 2,300 patients each. Concerningly, the ratio has become even worse in areas of higher deprivation, where the need is greatest. The RCGP research found that over the past six years, the average number of patients per GP in areas with the highest level of income deprivation has risen by 260, marking a 12 per cent increase-nearly double the rate observed in the least deprived areas. In these areas, one GP is responsible for 2,450 patients, which is over 300 more patients than their counterparts in the least deprived regions. Addressing the RCGP's annual conference 2024 in Liverpool on Thursday, College Chair Professor Kamila Hawthorne said: "When I became a GP, it was normal to have a list size between 1,600-1,800 patients. The role was busy and challenging, but it was manageable. Our latest figures reveal that the average is now 2,300.

Community Pharmacy England Urges Service Safety Amid GP Collective Action - August 1, 2024 - 0 views

    Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has urged pharmacy owners to maintain the safety of their services while managing the additional workload brought on by the collective action of GP services, starting today (Thursday, 1 August). General practices across England have begun implementing a work-to-rule strategy indefinitely, following a ballot of GP partners conducted by the British Medical Association (BMA). Under this approach, GP practices will strictly adhere to contracted hours and duties, performing only the tasks specified in their NHS contract. With fewer GP appointments available, it is anticipated that more patients will turn to their community pharmacies for help and advice. Therefore, CPE has stressed the importance of pharmacy owners maintaining the safety of their services, with a focus on the safe supply of medicines, during this period of GP collective action.

RCGP Urges Protection for GP Practices Amid National Insurance Hike - 0 views

    The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) has raised 'serious concerns' about the impact of the increase in National Insurance on GP practices, and is calling for adequate funding to cover these additional costs. In the 2024 Budget of the new Labour government, the rate of employer National Insurance Contributions (NICs) was raised by 1.2 percentage points to 15%, effective from 6 April 2025. The per-employee threshold at which employers start paying NICs was also reduced from £9,100 per year to £5,000 per year. RCGP Chair Professor Kamila Hawthorne has warned that this extra financial burden could lead to the closure of some GP practices. "We have very serious concerns about the impact of the increase in National Insurance employer contributions on GP practices right across the country, many of whom are already struggling to keep their doors open and make ends meet due to historic chronic underfunding.

Number of GP practices in England falls by 20% over a decade - 0 views

    A new study published in BMJ Open journal has revealed a significant decline in the number of general practices in England over the past decade, alongside shifts in workforce dynamics and organisational structures. Conducted by researchers from University College London (UCL) and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), the study analysed data from NHS England, the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, and the Care Quality Commission (CQC). They found that, between April 2013 and April 2023, the total number of general practices fell by 20 per cent, dropping from 8,044 to 6,419-an average loss of 178 practices per year. The decline coincided with an 11 per cent increase in the total population registered with a GP practice, which saw average practice list sizes swell by 40 per cent from 6,967 to 9,724 patients. Additionally, the number of unique practice postcodes decreased from 7163 to 5849, representing the loss of 18 per cent practice locations over this period.

GP CPCS delivers unexpected insights Greater Manchester - 0 views

    The GP Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (GP CPCS) is also delivering 'unexpected' insights to help transform patient care and facilitate integrated working between pharmacists and GPs across Greater Manchester. Since April 2021, almost 14,000 appointments have been referred using the GP CPCS across the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership - a figure that is growing as its success gathers pace and they continue to support practices to increase referral activity. Joshua Nolan, a pharmacist at Internet Pharmacy in Heywood, one of the first in the area to join the referral service, said: "The number of patients we're seeing from GP CPCS has been building consistently month-on-month. On average we see around 50 patients, but recently we recorded 53 in just one week." The pharmacist, who has been practising for six years and is also an independent prescriber, believes the GP CPCS has helped bring about more awareness to the clinical services community pharmacy can offer.

Pharmacy First service: Making GP referrals work seamlessly - 0 views

    As an Alphega pharmacy mentor, Sue Dobson has worked with pharmacists across the country, helping them adapt to the growing responsibilities and challenges they face in their profession. One of the most exciting developments in recent years has been the Pharmacy First initiative, which positions community pharmacists as key players in patient care, especially through GP referrals. However, Sue has seen firsthand that the success of this initiative depends largely on the strength of the relationships we build with GPs and how we integrate these referrals into our day-to-day operations. Some pharmacists have thrived by establishing strong, collaborative relationships, while others have struggled to break down initial barriers of trust. In this conversation, she speaks with Anil Chauhan, a Preston pharmacist who, along with his partner Yasar Hussain, has made GP referrals a seamless part of their practice. Their success story is a great example of how perseverance, trust-building, and a proactive approach can truly make a difference in the Pharmacy First model. Sue Dobson: Anil, you and Yasar have done a great job with the Pharmacy First initiative and GP referrals. Can you start by sharing how you first got involved with GP referrals and what made it successful in your practice?

NHS England Surpasses Targets, Delivers 358M GP Appointments - 0 views

    NHS England delivered 358 million general practice (GP) appointments, including Covid-19 vaccinations, in the 12 months to October 2023, an increase of 50.9 million compared to October 2019. This equals to 44 more appointments per practice per working day, with over 70 per cent of these taking place within two weeks of booking, data published by NHSE on Thursday (30 November) showed. Health Minister, Andrea Leadsom, thanked GPs and primary care teams across the country for making it possible to deliver around 32,500 more appointments every day, which clearly demonstrate that "more people are getting the care they need, when they need it." "While this is positive news, we know that there is more to do to make it easier and quicker for patients to contact their general practice and continue to focus on delivering the Primary Care Recovery Plan," she added. The Primary Care Recovery Plan published earlier this year is focused on improving access to primary care. It provided GPs in England with £240 million to support them to embrace the latest technology to tackle the 8am rush, and handle more appointments. As of August 2023, more than 1,000 general practices had signed up to digital upgrades to make booking GP appointments easier.

Strengthening GP Referrals for Pharmacy First - 0 views

    To maximise the benefits of the Pharmacy First service for patients, the NHS, and community pharmacies, Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has advised the community pharmacists to to establish a robust relationship between community pharmacies and local general practices. The news comes after several reports highlighted issues regarding GP referrals for the seven minor ailment conditions under the Pharmacy First services. According to the reports, many pharmacists claimed that "many GPs in England are not sending patients to them to be treated - and that some are refusing to participate at all in the "groundbreaking" Pharmacy First scheme". In response to foster better relationship with the GPs, CPE has said that strong local collaborations will enable general practice teams to confidently refer patients to the Pharmacy First and other community pharmacy services where appropriate. Moreover, the organisation emphasised implementation of long-term changes in practice will take time. The current focus on integrating GP referrals to Pharmacy First will likely require sustained effort over several months or longer.

DAUK's 10-Point Plan to Enhance UK GP Services and Patient Care - 0 views

    At their recent online briefing, DAUK's GP committee outlined a comprehensive 10-point plan designed to relieve pressure on GPs, improve access, reduce mortality rates, lower hospital admissions, and enhance patient satisfaction. DAUK's manifesto advocates reallocating resources, including the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS), currently directed towards Pharmacy First and acute care hub pilots, amounting to £2 billion. This strategic reallocation aims to enhance primary care capacity and reduce reliance on acute services. Dr Lizzie Toberty, DAUK's GP lead, emphasised the critical need for patients to have timely access to GPs who understand their needs, stating, "We need patients to be able to see a GP who knows them and understands their needs in a timely way wherever possible." She highlighted DAUK's vision to restore general practice as the cornerstone of the NHS through practical, achievable solutions.

NHS Primary Care Plan Empowers 23 Million! - 0 views

    Thanks to the NHS primary care access recovery plan, more than 23 million people can now view test results and check their consultation notes online without needing to contact their GP practice. NHS England on Monday (4 December) announced that over 81 GP practices in England (more than four in five) are now giving patients access to their new health records online through the NHS App. In May, the NHS announced the primary care access recovery plan setting a target of 9 in 10 GP practices offering patients access to their records through the NHS App by March 2024. By making access to healthcare easier and quicker, the NHSE also aims to free up to 10 million GP appointments a year by next winter.

CCA Unveils Best Practice Report to Boost Pharmacy First Service Success - 0 views

    The Company Chemists Association (CCA) has published a report highlighting the key findings of a roundtable it hosted earlier this month. The CCA convened the virtual roundtable to examine the best practice undertaken by a cross-section of LPCs to promote the delivery of the Pharmacy First service. Key recommendations for how LPCs can help support pharmacy contractors to deliver the Pharmacy First service include: Direct engagement with NHS regions who can supply funding to drive Pharmacy First engagement and promotional activity. Engagement with a variety of staff within GP surgeries, ranging from reception staff to GP partners, to drive referrals, as well as build understanding and awareness of the benefits to General Practice. Harnessing data to inform GP surgeries how they are performing locally Using data to ensure pharmacies close any open referrals promptly. Using multiple channels to promote the service, including the sharing of best practice, myth busting, use of data and creating tools which can be readily used by pharmacies and GPs. Encouraging pharmacy staff to highlight the Pharmacy First service to customers - with specific emphasis on the provision of NHS-funded care, timely access and convenience the service provides. The CCA said the report is intended to support all LPCs and pharmacy contractors as they work together to care for patients requiring urgent NHS care in their community.

Pharmacy First reality: Many pharmacists awaiting GP referrals - Latest Pharmacy News |... - 0 views

    Ensuring comprehensive healthcare services for the community necessitates collaboration between pharmacies and GP surgeries. However, several pharmacists have voiced concerns about a lack of cooperation from their local GPs in implementing the Pharmacy First (PF) service. In a survey conducted by the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) covering 470 pharmacies across England, three-quarters of pharmacists (77 per cent) indicated that local GP practices are not appropriately referring patients to the new service. The survey highlighted instances of patients either not being referred or being referred but found ineligible for support through Pharmacy First. Additionally, one in five NPA members (19 per cent) felt that their local GP practices were not engaging with the initiative at all. Commenting on the issue, NPA chair Nick Kaye said: "Feedback from across our network suggests that the rollout of Pharmacy First varies considerably from area to area.

CCA analysis: Net loss of 670 community pharmacies in UK - 0 views

    The Company Chemists' Association (CCA)'s analysis on permanent closures of community pharmacies in England showed that there has been a net loss of 670 pharmacies between 2015 and 2022. The analysis highlighted that 37 per cent of permanent closures of pharmacies and GP practices have occurred in the 20 per cent most deprived parts of England. Current trends indicate that primary care 'cold spots' could soon emerge - areas where there is significantly reduced or inadequate access to a pharmacy or a GP. The CCA's analysis shows that some of the most deprived neighbourhoods concentrated in the North West, the West Midlands and Yorkshire have faced the highest losses of local pharmacies and GP practices since 2015. It demonstrates that the trend of permanent closures amongst pharmacies and GP practices is worsening. Moreover, this burden is likely to be felt unevenly with permanent closures occurring disproportionately in areas of high deprivation. Without action, deprived communities, where need is typically greater, may no longer be able to access the GP and pharmacy services they require.
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